April 28, /1916. f THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 819 XXVII.—Electricity. Replacing Oil by Benzinoform in High-Tension Switches (Leber den Ersatz des Oeles durch Benzinoform bei Hochspannungsschaltern). —. Vogelsang. “E. T. Z.,”' Mar. 23, p. 153. (Benzinoform, though uninflam- mable, is readily volatile.) The Electricity Supply of Great Britain. E. T. Williams. “El. Eng.” (From a paper read before the Instil. of Electr. Engin.) XAi/III.—Surface Transport and Storage. Industrial War Economy—II. The Economical Hand- ling of Material by Mechanical Means. F. George. “ Gassier’s Eng. Mthly.,” Apr., p. 210; 27 fig. Belt Conveyors. A. Robertson and A. M. Johnston. “ Journ. S. Afric. Inst. Engin.,” Alar., p. 170; 26 fig. “ Colliery Guard.,” Apr. 20, p. 749; 17 fig. The Pooling of Railway Wagons. “ Engineer,” Apr. 14, p. 307. A New Portable Loader. J. T. Hale. “ Coal Age,” Apr. 1, p. 574; 2 fig. (Manierre loader.) Conveying and Lifting Appliances in Gas Works (Trans- port- und Hebeeinrichtungen in Gaswerken). —. Hermanns. Feuerungsteohn.,” Alar. 15, p. 139; illus. (Troyes and St. Gall gas works.) The Lothians Railways. “ Railway Gaz.,” Apr. 21, p. 449; 7 fig. XXIX.—Sanitation, Diseases, etc. Smoke as a Source of Atmospheric Pollution. W. F. Al. Goss. “ Journ. Franklin Inst.,” Alar., p. 305; 5 fig. Recent Investigations on Dust in Aline Air and the Causation of Miners’ Phthisis. J. Moir. “ JI. Chem. Metallurg, and Alining Soc. of South Africa,” Feb., p. 142. (Reply to- discussion.) Mining and Humanitarianism. “ Sc. and Art of Alin.,” Apr. 22, p. 440. (From Rcpt. of the Pennsyl. Dept, of Alines.) COAL, IRON AHD ENGINEERING COMPANIES. REPORTS AND DIVIDENDS. Alabama Coal, Iron, Land and Colonisation Company Limited.—The land realisation account shows a credit balance of £10,685, which, with £1,970 brought in, makes £12,655. The board recommends' a distribution of Is. 3d. per share, free of tax, payable May 1, leaving £1,117 to be carried forward. Canadian Mining Corporation.—The report for the year ended March 31 last states that dividends and bonus amount- ing to Is. 3d. per share, less tax, have been paid. The sum of £12,014 is now carried forward, after writing off another third of the preliminary expenses, namely, £1,698, and the balance of the office furniture account. The accounts of the Canadian Company will show that the balance carried for- ward by that company on December 31, 1915, amounted to £243,711. Johnson and Phillips Limited.—The report for 1915 shows a profit of £69,084, and an available balance of £84,629, less £1,958 for fees and £9,290 for interest. The directors pro- pose to pay 5 per cent., free of tax, on the ordinary shares, absorbing £8,750, put £20,000 to reserve in order to meet war contingencies, devote £7,182 to the debenture sinking fund, and increase the balance forward by nearly £10,000, making it £25,300. Locket’s Merthyr Collieries Limited.—The report for the year ended February states that the profit was £45,635, which, with £1,229 brought forward, makes £46,864. A dividend of 5 per cent, on the ordinary shares is recommended, making 10 per cent, for the year, carrying forward £26,814. The profit in the previous year was £6,229. To this £8,000 from the reserve fund was added, and a dividend of 10 per cent, was paid. The profit in 1913-14 was £22,238. New Hucknall Colliery Company Limited.—The directors have declared a first interim dividend of 5 per cent, on the ordinary shares, less tax, payable on May 1. Newton, Chambers and Company Limited.—The report for the year ended December 31 states that debentures to the amount of £64,400 (being the whole of the company’s liability under this head) fall due on July 1 next, and it has been decided to pay them off. After allowing for depre- ciation, and making provision for excess profits duty and income-tax, the profit and loss account shows a .profit of £60,669, making, with £23,201 brought forward, a total of £83,871. The directors recommend a dividend of 10 per cent., tax free, on the preference shares, 10 per cent., tax free, on the ordinary shares, transfer to reserve £25,000, and carry forward £25,162. North-Eastern Steel Company Limited.—The year’s trading profit was £85,058, but an adverse balance of £2,755 was brought forward. Debenture interest absorbs £16,946, directors’ fees £1,000, and workmen’s compensation insurance £634. A dividend of 5 per cent., free of income-tax, is pro- posed, adding £7,500 to the redemption fund, and £600 to the reserve, writing £30,000 off plant, and carrying forward £5,722. Rand Collieries.—The revenue for 1915 was £1,480, while expenses were £2,093, and interest charges £13,738. Steel Company of Canada Limited.—The report for 1915 shows that the profit was 3,230,452 dols. The results of .business during the first four months of the year were not satisfactory, but towards the end of April a heavy demand set in, due to changed business conditions, and the requirements for war purposes, and for the balance of the year the plant was very fully employed at better prices than have been received for a number of years. Swan Hunter and Wigham Richardson Limited. — The report for 1915 states that, after providing for depreciation, etc., there remains a net profit of £321,676, which, with the balance brought forward, £32,426, makes £354,103. A divi- dend at 10 per cent, on the ordinary shares is recommended, making 12]- per cent, for the year, transferring to reserve £100,000, insurance reserve £25,000, income-tax account £25,000, carrying forward £43,576. United States Steel Corporation Limited.—The earnings for the quarter ended March amounted to 60,714,000 dols., against 51,233,000 dols. for the December quarter, and 12,458,000 dols. for the March quarter in 1915. The net income was 51,219,000 dols., and the balance available for dividends is 45,513,000 dols., against 35,165,000 dols. and 915,000 dols. respectively. The directors declared quarterly dividends of If per cent, on the preferred stock, and If per cent, on the common stock. Willans and Robinson Limited.—The report for 1915 states that the net profit is £16,726, after payment of debenture interest, provision for depreciation of plant and machinery, and re-valuation of stocks, allowances to employees on active service, as well ‘as special provision on account of outlays and commitments. A dividend for the year of 10 per cent, on ordinary shares is recommended, and it is proposed to carry £7,099 to reserve, distributing the balance of £1,677 among holders ofB ” stock and ordinary shares. Yorkshire Iron and Coal Company Limited.—The report for 1915 shows a profit of £23,605, and after providing £8,808 for repairs and renewals, the net trading profit is £14,797. NEW COMPANIES. Barrons (Leicester) Limited.—Private company. Regis- tered office, Rowton-buildings, 11, Bowling Green-street, Leicester. Registered April 19. To carry on business of iron founders, engineers, and makers of machinery and tools, etc. Nominal capital, £20,000 in 5,000 £1 preference shares, and 15,000 £1 ordinary shares. First directors and sub- scribers (one share each) : A. Barron, J. K. Pearson, P. H. Smith, and F. B. Warner. Qualification of directors, 200 shares. Blake (E. W.) and Company Limited.—Private company. Registered April 20. To acquire and carry on business of consulting and general engineers carried on as E. W. Blake and Company, at 5, Fenchurch-street, E.C., contractors, iron and steel converters, founders, etc. Nominal capital, £1,000 in 1,000 £1 shares. First permanent directors and subscribers (one share each) : E. W. Blake and W. J. Davy. Dexter Engineering Company Limited.—Private company. Registered April 17. Nature of business indicated by title. Nominal capital, £5,000 in 4,000 £1 preference shares, and 1,000 £1 ordinary shares. First director, D. Hazel. Quali- fication of directors, £100. Engineering Equipment Company (Swansea) Limited.— Private company. Registered office, Salubrious-chambers, Wind-street, Swansea. Registered April 20. Nature of business indicated by title. Nominal capital, £500 in 500 £1 shares. First directors and subscribers (one share each) : T. W. Ellis and J. C. Hastie. Premier Patent Fuel Company Limited.—Private company. Registered April 18. Nature of business indicated by title. Nominal capital, £5,000 in 5,000 £1 ordinary shares. First permanent directors : G. W. Burgess, A. E. Craig, J. W. From 1 Total cargo. Total 1 bunker. 1915. 1916. 1915. 1916. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Bristol Channel ports 193,283 117,555 19,414 11,852 North-western ports 252,704 217,540 58,898 47,047 North-eastern ports 710,640 475,548 44,296 50,630 Humber ports • 150,571 62,013 14,063 8,373 Other ports on east coast 5,240 3,374 10,692 9,166 Other English ports 3,000 3,307 4,190 4,550 Total from England and Wales 1,315,438 879,337 151,553 131,618 Ports on east coast of Scotland 40,311 42,351 13,981 16,667 Ports on west coast of Scotland 146,213 114,572 24,830 29,319 Total from Scotland 186,524 156,923 38,811 45,986 Irish ports — — 2,206 2,236 Total from United Kingdom 1,501,962 1,036,260 192,570 179,840 The destination of shipment cargoes was as follows :— Rowe, and J. Stephenson. Qualification of directors, one share. Standard Shipbuilding and Engineering Company Limited. —Private company. Registered April 20. Nature of busi- ness indicated by title. Nominal capital, £300,000 in 300,000 £1 shares. First directors to be appointed by subscribers. Qualification of directors, £5,000. Subscribers (one share each) : J. Caird and J. H. Lilley. This list of new companies is taken from the Daily Register specially compiled by Messrs. Jordan and Sone Limited company registration agents, Chancery-lane, E.C CONTRACTS OPEN FOR COAL AND COKE. For Contracts Advertised tn this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White pages. Bath, May 3.—Tenders are invited for the supply of about 60,000 tons, in 1,000 ton lots, of gas coal for delivery over the next 12 months, in such weekly quantities as may be required by the Bath Gas Light and Coke Company. Tenders to state the price delivered at the Gas Company's siding, Midland Railway, Bath, and also the name of pit and class of coal. Further particulars and forms of tender may be obtained from Mr. J. Wesley Whimster, engineer and manager, to whom tenders endorsed “ Tenders for gas coal,” must be sent not later than May 3. Kensington, May 9.—The Council of the Borough of Kensington are prepared to receive tenders for the supply of from 700 to 900 tons (more or less) at the option of the Council, of Welsh smokeless coal (Aberdare), to be delivered at the Public Baths and Washhouses, Lane aster-road, North Kensington, during the 12 months commencing June 25, 1916, and also for the supply and delivery of such quantities of coal and coke as may be required by the Council at the Town Hall, depots, public libraries, etc., during the same period. Particulars and forms of tender may be had on application at the Town Hall, Kensington. No sub-con- tracting will be allowed either for the delivery of the coal or coke or for any other purpose. Tenders, sealed and endorsed “ Tender for coal,” or “ Tender for coke,” must be delivered at the town clerk’s office not later than 12 noon on Tuesday, May 9. Thornton, May 9.—Tenders are invited by the Thornton Urban District Council for the supply of coal, nuts and ■slack, for the year ending June 30, 1917, for the various departments as follows :—Gas works, 1,600 tons; pumping station, 200 tons; road roller, 30 tons; office coal, 30 tons. For further particulars apply to the Clerk. Tenders to be endorsed “ Coal,” and addressed to the chairman of the Council, and delivered at the Council Offices, Thornton, not later than May 9. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Bridgenorth, May 11.—Fine, screened, and rough slack, for the Council waterworks (about 10 or 12 tons per week). Tenders to the town clerk. Dublin, May 3.—60,000 or 120,000 tons of locomotive coal (2,250 tons weekly), for the Great Northern Railway Company, Ireland. Forms from the secretary, Amiens- street Terminus, Dublin. Inverness, May 11.—Coal and dross (per ton), for the Inverness District Asylum, for 3, 6, 9, and 12 months. Forms from the house steward. Milton Regis, AIay 8.—1,600 tons of gas coal, for the Urban District Council. Forms from the engineer, Gas Works, Milton R’egis. Newton-on-Ayr.—9,000 tons of coking coal or treble coking nuts, for the Gas Company. Tenders to the secre- tary, Clydesdale Bank Limited, Ayr. Rawmarsh, May 1.—7,000 tons gas coal, or washed nuts, for tiie Urban District Council Gas Works. Tenders to the clerk, Council Offices, Parkgate, Yorks. Sheffield, May 4.—500,000 tons gas coal, nuts and slack, for the Sheffield United Gaslight Company. Forms from the managing director. The date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR ENGINEERING, IRON AND STEEL WORK, 4c. Madrid, May 30.—Electric Tramway.—Constructing and working an electric tramway in Melilla, North Africa. Tenders to Direccion General de Obras Publicas, Ministerio de Fomento. Salford, May 8.—Steam Pipes, etc.—High pressure steel steam pipes and separator, cast iron pipes and valves, for the Corporation electricity departments. Forms from the borough electrical engineer, Frederick-road, Salford. COASTWISE SHIPMENTS IN MARCH. According to the returns issued by the Commissioners of H.M. Customs and Excise, the following quantities of coal were shipped coastwise from the United Kingdom during March :— March 1915. Tons. To ports in England and Wales....... 992,571 Scotland.................. 84,265 Ireland ................... 425,126 March 1916. Tons. . 632,218 . 57,208 . 346,834 NEW PATENTS CONNECTED WITH THE COAL AND IRON TRADES. Applications for Patents. [Note.—Applications arranged alphabetically under the names of the applicants (communicators given in italics). A new number will be given on acceptance, which will replace the application number.] Angold, H. E., Duddell, W., Dykes, A. H., Handcock, H. W., and Oliver, C. (5807). Distance operated mechanisms and -signals connected to electric supply systems. Appleton, F. (5827). Means for heating water used in cooling internal combustion engines, for preventing freezing and warming engine. Arundel, H. (5819). Liquid fuel supply apparatus for internal combustion engines. Ashdown, H. H. (5802). Ingot moulds and bottom plates, and steel cast therein. Automatic Telephone Manufacturing Company (5769). Mine, etc., signalling.- Barnett, W. (5597). Internal combustion engines. Berry, A. F. (5858). Electric fuses. Binks, C, and Binks, H. (5690). Internal combustion engines. Booth, R. (5696). Internal combustion engines. Borchers, H. (5851). Internal combustion engines. Bove, L. da. (5619). Fire bridge for furnaces, etc. British Thomson-Houston Company (5842). Dynamo electric machines. British Thomson-Houston Company (General Electric Com- pany) (5613). Dynamo electric machines. Campbell, L. S. and Grant, J. (5601). Combination bit and rotary under-reamers. Champeney, C. C. and Marillier, F. W. (5644). Valves for high-pressure gas tanks. Chorlton, A. E. L. (5831). Internal combustion engines. Chryst, W. A. (5840). Engine starting systems. Chryst, W. A. (5841). Electrical systems for engines. Cole, W. J. (5662). Links for chain grate stokers, etc. Daniell, H. E. B. (5636). Miners’ dials, etc. Deutsche Waffen- und Munitionsfabriken (5852). Ball grinding machines,