798 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. April 28, 1916. Oxygen Resuscitating Apparatus. The Safest and Most Reliable Means of reviving persons apparently asphyxiated is to administer Oxygen by a simple form of apparatus, as shown, and at the same time use the Schafer method of resuscitation which is known to all St. John Ambulance and Red Cross Students. BEWARE of Automatic Suction Appliances. — Vide Eminent Physiologists’ REPORTS. _________________ ALSO MAKERS OF ‘' Proto ” (Fleuss-Davis Patent) Rescue Apparatus. SMOKE HELMETS. RESPIRATORS. GAS ANALYSIS APPARATUS. SIEBE, GORMAN & CO. LTD., “Neptune” Works, LONDON, S.E. Telegrams—’*Siebe, Lamb, London." Telephone No -Hop 3401 (2 lines). Agent for North America and Mexico-H. N. ELMER, 1140. Monadnock Block, Chicago. ____ “FIRE KING” SPRINKLING SHOVEL. FOR BOILER FIRING (Patented) Similar, but better effect than with Mechanical Stoking. Spreads the Fuel. No Caking. LESS SMOKE. Great number of REPEAT ORDERS. Increased Efficiency. Saving in Fuel. MORE STEAM GENERATED. G. A. FELL, Dronfield, nr. Sheffield. RAILS, WAGONS, POINTS AND CROSSINGS, SLEEPERS, TIMBERS. Telegrams ; Ferric, Sheffield MARPLE&GILLOTT General Colliery and Railway Plant. Telephones : Metals Department ... No. 1242. „ „ ... No. 1241. Machinery „ ... No. 307 2. Rail „ ... No. 1991. Coal „ ... No. 381. ELECTRIC LIGHTING CABLE OF ALL SIZES AND GRADES. We shall be glad to have your enquiries for Cable to any specifi- cation, and can offer good defivery and keen prices. Likewise for all Lighting Accessories, Fittings, Lamps, etc., of which Large Stocks are held. VULCAN Electric and Mechanical Co. Ltd., ***^£2^ w.c. D. Liewellin Evans PROPRIETOR OF THE Cardiff Brattice Cloth Company, 120, BUTE ST. CARDIFF. AGENT FOR ITobel’s Explosives. AIR COMPRESSORS. REAVELL & CO. LTD., ™ IPSWICH. Illustrated Catalogue Cl 3 post free. Established 1818 Telegraphic Address—"Glovers.” STONE DUST FOR EITHER BUOYANT, MIXED OR COARSE DUST. Coal or Coke Briquette Plant. BRICK MAKING PLANT. Write— WM. JOHNSON & SONS (LEEDS) LTD Castleton Foundry, Armley, LEED5. Telephone No. 39. Wm Jas GLOVER & C° Original and Sole Matters of “ Glover's Best" Steel Wire Ropes. Works—ST. HELENS, LANCS. section « A.” NON-TWISTING LOCKED COIL WINDING, SINKING, CAPSTAN ROPES, etc. “ GLOVER’S BEST.” DEAD LANG’S LAY WIRE ROPES. Locked Coil and Lang’s Lay Ropes of Greatest Length without Joints in Component Wires. Do not Kink or Curl. All Injurious Stresses eliminated. Greatest ease and safety in Splicing and Handling. REPRESENTATIVES—CARDIFF—F. WYNDHAM LEWIS, 1 & 2, Western Mail Chambers, St. Mary’s Street. SHEFFIELD—W. WALTON PITT, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. T. W. ANNS. Ward’s Buildings, High Bridge.