March 31, 1916. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 621 Carbo.ii Dioxide in Extinguishing Mine Fires. E. C. Evans. “ Colliery Guard.,” Mar. 17, p. 508; Mar. 24, p. 558; fig. 1. (From paper read before the Manchester Geol. and Min. Soc.) XIX. —Rescue and Ambulance. Lehigh Valley Coal Company’s Mine Rescue Depart- ment. C. M. Young. “ Coal Age,” Feb. 12, p. 299; 4 fig. XX. —Drainage, Pumping, etc. Practical Experience with Centrifugal Pumps (Betriebs- erfahrungen an Kreiselpumpen). —. Koneczny. “ Fordertechn.,” Feb. 15, p. 25; ill us. (Necessity for research on electrolysis in pumps, in order to ascer- tain the durability of the materials.) XXI. —Preparation. New Feature at Packer No. 5 Colliery. David Coyle. “Lehigh Employes’ Mag.,” Jan., p. 19; 1 fig. (Description of a new breaker.) Shaker Screen Drive. W. H. McGann. “ Coal Age,” Feb. 26, p. 368; 5 fig. The Design for Shaker Screens. C. C. Wright. “ Coal Age,” Feb. 12, p. 284; 7 fig. Coal Washery Plant at Normanby Park Steel Works. “Colliery Guard.,” Alar. 24, p. 553; 3 fig. (From “ Ferro-Concrete.”) Use of Reinforced Concrete in Screening Plant. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” Alar. 24, p. 335; 3 fig. The Jeffrey Crushers. “ Colliery Guard.,” Alar. 3, p. 408; 6 fig. XXII. —Briquettes. Risks in Briquette Works of the Halle District, and their Prevention (Darlegung der dem Braunkohlenbrikett- fabrikbetriebe des Oberbergamtsbezirks Halle eigen- tumlichen Betriebsgefahren und kritische Beleuch- tung der Mittel zu deren Beseitigung oder Ein- schrankung). —. Ebeling. “ Z. B. H. S.,” vol. 63, pt. 4, p. 338; ihus. XXIII.—Coke Ovens. Coal Handling and Carbonisation. J. Dickson. “Gas Wld.,” Feb. 26, p. 200. (Paper read before Scot]. Jun. Gas. Assoc.) Lilleshall Coke Ram and Leveller. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” Mar. 10, p. 273; 2 fig. Notes on Purification. W. Bennet. “ Gas Wld.,” Feb. 26, p. 201. (Paper read before Scott. Jun. Gas. Assoc.) Notes on the Uses and Afarkets of By-Products Obtained from Coke Ovens. C. C. Ellison. “ Trans. Inst. Alin. Engin.,” v. 50, 3, p. 509. Recovery of Benzol from Coal Gas (La Ricuperazione del Benzole dal Gas Illuminante). A. Pacchioni. “ Riv. Scient. Teen. Comm.,” Feb. 25, p. 54; Mar. 10, p. 85; 12 fig. in all. Semet-Solvay By-Product Ovens at Newcastle, N.S.W. “ Gas Wld.” (suppl.), Alar. 4, p. 15; 4 fig. A Bibliography of the Chemistry of Gas Manufacture. W. F. Rittmann and Al. C. Whitaker. “ U.S. Bur. Alines, Techn. Paper 120,” 27 pp. Washington, 1915. Analysis of Natural Gas and Illuminating Gas by Frac- tional Distillation at Low Temperatures and Pres- sures. G. A. Burrell, F. M. Seibert, and J. W. Robertson. “ U.S. Bur. Min. Techn. Paper 104,” 41pp.; 7 fig. Washington, 1915. The Manufacture of Coke in 1914. C. E. Lesher. “ U.S. Geol. Survey,” II.-25. Determination of Naphthalene in Gas (Zur Naphthalin- bestimmung im Gase). —. von Eyndhoven. “ J. Gasbel.,” Feb. 12, p. 107. Some Difficulties Due to the War; and Possibilities of Future Development. G. S. Cooper. “ Colliery Guard.,” Mar. 3, p. 409. (Paper read before the Coke Oven Managers’ Assocn.) A New Refractory Brick for High Temperatures. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” Feb. 25, p. 213. XXIV.—Fuels, Testing, etc. A Suction Gas Producer Using Bituminous Coal. R. V. Farnham. “ Trans. Inst. Engin. Shipb. Scotland,” Feb., p. 1; fig. 21. Coal and Coke Efficiency in Blast Furnace Operations. B. F. Burman. “ Alet. and Chem. Eng.,” Feb. 1, p. 137. Formulae for the Indirect Analysis of Producer Gas (Die Formein zuir indirekten Analyse von Generatorgas). F. Hoffmann. “ Chem. Zeit.,” Jan. 22, p. 82. Fuel Oil from Shale. A. Selwyn-Brown. “ Eng. Mag.,” Alar., p. 913. Pulverised Coal in Industrial Furnaces. S. H. Harrison. “ Eng. Alag.,” Feb., p. 742; fig. 11. Saving Fuel in Heating a House. L. P. Breckenridge and S. B. Flagg. “ Tech. Paper 97, U.S. Bur. Mines,” 33 pp.; 3 fig. Fuel Economy. Prof. W. A. Bone. “ Colliery Guard.,” Mar. 10., p. 457. (From paper read before the Soc. Chem. Industry.) Field Apparatus for Determining Ash in Coal. C. E. Lesher. “Bull. 621A, U.S. Geol. Survey,” 12pp.; 4 fig. Peat as Boiler Fuel (Die Wirtschaftlichkeit des Torf- Dampfkesselbetriebes). —. Hellemans. “ Feuerungs- techn.,” Feb. 15, p. 113; illus. Modification of the Strache Method of Coal Analysis (Eine neue Form der Koh]enuntensuchung nach Strache). —. Hiller. “ J. Gasbel.,” Feb. 26, p. 129; illus. The Utilisation of Fuel. H. E. Armstrong. “ Colliery Guard.,” Feb. 25, p. 362. (Paper read before the Soc. Chem. Industry, Newcastle.) Fuel Oils from Coal. H. Moore. “ Colliery Guard.,” Afar. 3, p. 408. (Paper read before the Manchester Assoc. Engin.) Tar Oil as Fuel for Diesel Engines. “ Page’s Eng. Wkly.,” Mar. 10, p. 151. Tensile Strength of Driving Belt Materials. (Festigkeits- eigenschaften einiger Treibriemenmaterialien). —. Stephan. “ Dingl. J.,” Feb. 5, p. 43. The Combustion and Gasification of Coal on the Grate (Die Verbrennung und die Vergasung der Kohle auf dem Ro'&te). —Nusselt. “ Z. d. Ing.,” Feb. 5, p. 102; illus. The Economical Use of Coal. “ Engineer,” Afar. 17, p. 230. XXV.—Steam Engines and Boilers : Gas Engines. Steam Plant Efficiency. V. Smith. “ Proc. S. AVales. Inst. Engin.,” v. 32, 1, p. 45; 13 fig. Alechanical Stokers in Steel Works. “ Colliery Guard.,” Alar. 10, p. 457; 3 fig. New Boiler Firing Plants, with Electric Winchways, Grabways, and Bucket Elevators (Neuere Kessel- bekohlungs Anlagen, unter Verwendung von Elek- trowindenbahnen, Elektrogreiferbahnen und Becher- werken). ■—. Dietrich. “ Z. Dampfk. Betr.,” Mar. 3, p. 65; illus. XXVI.—Compressed Air. Calculating the Cooler for High-Pressure Compressors Zur Berechnung der Ktihler von Hochdruck-kom- pressoren). —. Balog. “ Fordertechn.,” Feb. 1, p. 17; illus. (Formula; division of stages in multi- stage compressors with incomplete cooling.) Underground Compressor Installations in Alines. C. C. Phelps. “ Alin. Engin. Wld.,” Feb. 12, p. 358; 6 fig. High-Speed Air-Compressons for Alining Work. J. AL Walshe. “ Trans. Inst. Alin. Engin.,” v. 51, 1, p. 2; 30 fig. XXVII.—Electricity. New Electric Sub-station at Westmoreland Colliery. E. B. Wagner. “ Lehigh Employes Alag.,” Jan., p. 11; 2 fig. The Rotary in Mine Work. C. Al. Afeans. “Colliery Guard.,” Afar. 24, p. 569; 1 fig. (From “ Coal Age.”) XXVIII.—Surface Transport and Storage. Conveying and Lifting Appliances in Gas Works (Trans- port und Hebeeinrichtungen in Gaswerken). —. Hermanns. “ Feuerungstechn.,” Feb. 1, p. 105 Leopoldau and Budapest); Feb. 15, p. 116 (Bremer- haven and Strassburg); illus. Handling Materials in Manufacturing Plants. R. L. Streetes. “ Eng. Alag.,” Afar., p. 869; 33 fig. (Deals with vertical and inclined elevators, and piling machines.) Overhead Coaling Plant, Edgehill, Liverpool. “Ferro- Concrete,” Jan., p. 267; 9 fig. Distribution of Distance-Control Appliances for Electric Runway Carriers (Die Einteilung der Fernsteuerungen fur Elektrohangebahnkatzen). —. AVintermeyer. “ E. T. Z.,” Feb. 10, p. 73; illus. Mann’s Steam Tractor. “ Colliery Guard.,” Afar. 17, p. 509; 1 fig. Hauling Coal in Street Subways. “ Colliery Guard.,” Afar. 17, p. 508; 2 fig. (From “ Black Diamond.”) XXIX. —Sanitation, Diseases, etc. Pulmonary Disease Among Miners in the Joplin Dis- trict, Missouri. “ Techn. Paper 105,” U.S. Bur. Alines, 47 pp.; 9 fig. Prophylactics Against Ankylostomiasis (Profilassi contro 1 ’An.chilostom.iasi). “ Rass. Alin. Aletail. Chim.,” Mar. 16, p. 49. XXX. —Mining Laws, Royalties. The Alining Law of the Orient (Das Bergrecht des Orients). —. Voekel. “ Techn. Bl.,” Feb. 5, p. 17; Feb. 19, p. 25. (Alining laws of Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, and Roumania.) United States Alining Statutes Annotated. J. AV. Thompson. Part I. : Sections and Statutes Relating to Metalliferous and Coal Alining. Part II. : Alis- cellaneous Alining Subjects. 1,772 pp. “U.S. Bur. Alines Bull. 94 (Law Serial 4).” Washington, 1915. Rules and Regulations for Metal Alines. AV. R. Ingalls, J. Douglas, J. R. Finlay, J. P. Channing, and J. H. Hammond. “ Bull. 75, U.S. Bur. Alines.” 296 pp. (Report of committee appointed by American Alining Congress.) CONTRACTS OPEN FOR COAL AND COKE. For Contracts Advertised tn this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White pages. Liverpool, April 7.—The directors of the Liverpool Gas Company are prepared to receive tenders for the supply of 250,000 tons cf coal, to be delivered at the various works of the company during the period of 12 months commencing July 1, 1916. Tenders will be received for the whole or any portion of the above quantity. The directors reserve. the right to accept tenders for the whole or any portion of the quantity offered, and do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. Full particulars and printed forms of tender can be obtained on application to the undersigned, at the Gas Office, Duke-street, Liverpool. Sealed tenders (on the printed form only), addressed to the Chairman of the company, must be delivered at or before 10 a.m. on Friday, April 7, 1916, endorsed “ Tender for coal.” R. E. Gibson, engineer. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Abertillery, April 7.—8,000 tons of gas coal, for the Urban District Council. Tenders to Mr. William Gait, clerk, Council Offices. Bury (Lancashire), April 5.—Coal and coke, for the Bury and District Joint Hospital Board. Forms from Mr. F. Wild, clerk to the Joint Board, Cross-street, Bury. Dronfield, April 10.—1,000 tons of screened gas poal and 1,000 tons of washed nuts, for the Dronfield Gas Light and Coke Company. Tenders to the chairman, Company’s Offices. Falkirk, April 8.—Coal, for the Corporation. Forms from Air. T. McKee, Inspectors’ Office, Burgh Stables, Falkirk. Forfar, April 7.—Gas coal and nuts, for the Corporation. Forms from the engineer and manager. Kingston, April 3.—500 tons of Pooley Hall nuts, | in. to ljin., or other nuts of similar quality and of same size, for the Guardians of the Kingston Union. Tenders to Chas. W. Dash, clerk to the Guardians, Union Offices, Kingston-on- Thames. Larne, April 5.—100 tons Broughton Moor, St. Helens, North Wales house, Whitehaven house, Wigan house, or Oughterside coal, best quality (screened), for the Guardians. Tenders to Mr. T. Nelson, clerk, Union Office, Larne. Liverpool, April 7.—250,000 tons of coal, for the Liver- pool Gas Company. Forms from Air. R. E. Gibson, engineer, Gas Office, Duke-street, Liverpool. London, S.E., April 3.—Steam coal, for the Bermondsey Guardians. Forms from Mr. E. Pitts Fenton, clerk to the Guardians, 283, Tooley-street. Macclesfield, April 15.—15,000 tons of screened gas coal and gas nuts, for the Gas Committee. Particulars from Mr. J. E. Blundell, engineer and manager. Northwich, April 8.—About 9,000 tons of screened gas coal, for the Northwich Gas Company. Forms from Mr. P. S. Wel'bourn, secretary. Rosslynlee, April 3.—Coal and dross, for the Midlothian and Peebles District Asylum, Rosslynlee. Forms from the clerk, 19, Heriot Row, Edinburgh. Sheffield.—Coal for the Guardians. Forms from Mr. Albert E. Booker, clerk, Union Offices, Westbar, Sheffield. Swansea, April 6.—Approximately 1,500, 3,000, 5,000, or 7,000 tons of steam coal, for the Corporation. Forms from the borough electrical engineer. Teddington, April 3.—Household coal and coke, for the Urban District Council. Forms from M. Hainsworth, surveyor, Council Offices, Teddington. York, April 7.—Best steam screened coal, for the Com- mittee of Visitors of the York City Asylum. Forms from the Asylum, Fulford. The date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR ENGINEERING, IRON AND STEEL WORK, 4c. Halifax, April 3.—Stoking Machinery.—For the Halifax Corporation (Gas Department). Particulars from W. B. McLusky, manager. London, April 5.—Steelwork.—Galvanised steelwork, pig iron, steel material and wrought iron, for the East Indian Railway. Particulars from C. W. Young, secretary, Nichol as-lane, London, E.C. Madrid, April 15.—Locomotives.—Four railway loco- motives. Particulars from the Negociado de Concession y Construction de Ferrocarriles, Ministerio de Fomento, Madrid. Scunthorpe, April 10.—Retort settings.—For material and resetting eight gas retorts. Particulars from J. W. Turner, manager, Gasworks. COAL, IRON AND ENGINEERING COMPANIES. REPORTS AND DIVIDENDS. Alley and MacLellan Limited.—The directors announce a dividend on the ordinary shares of 6 per cent, for the year. After writing off £10,010 for depreciation, .£9,105 was carried forward, subject to payment of excess profits for 1915. Cleveland and Durham Electric Power Company Limited. The net profit for the year of £10,972, which, together with the sum of £8,276 brought forward from the last account, gives an available balance of £19,248, which the directors propose to deal with as follows :—Dividend of 2 per cent, on preference shares, in transferring to depreciation and renewals account £3,000, in reduction of expenses of issue of deben- tures £1,000, and carrying forward the balance of £8,574. Edinburgh Collieries Companies Limited. — The annual report states that the new washing plant has been working for some months. The year’s trading, after providing for interest on debentures and bond, resulted in a balance of £64,807, to which is added £16,532 brought forward. Deducting £25,000 for depreciation, the directors recom- mend final dividends of 2J per cent, on the preference shares, making 5 per cent, for the year, less income-tax, and 71 per cent, on the ordinary shares, making 10 per cent, for the year, free of income-tax, leaving £17,050 to be carried forward. Hatfield Main Colliery Company Limited. — The annual report shows that £195,241 has been expended on capital account, of which £58,050 has been expended during 1915. The amount which has been expended upon preliminary and formation expenses is £4,532. Howard and Bullough Limited.—Usual interim dividend of 10 per cent, per annum on the ordinary shares for the quarter. Lackawanna Steel Company Limited.—According to the annual report of the Lackawanna Steel Company and its subsidiaries, the year closed with the greatest volume of orders on hand, and at the highest prices in the company’s history. The gross sales and earnings totalled 27,792,935 dots., the net income from manufacturing and operating 6,731,203 dols., and the net earnings 5,977,469 dots. Interest on bonds, debentures, and notes absorbed 1,943,183 dols., and rentals and royalties 101,536 dols. The appropriations for depreciation, extinguishment, etc., amounted to 1,523,642 dols. The actual surplus shown on December 31 was 8,082,272 dols. Nantyglo and Blaina Iron Works Company Limited.—Divi- dend of £3 per share on the preference shares (£62 10s.) on account of arrears. Rivet, Bolt and Nut Company Limited.—Dividend at the rate of 6 per cent, on the ordinary shares, with a 2 per cent, bonus. Steel Company of Canada Limited. — The directors have declared the usual dividend of If dols. on preferred shares for quarter to March 31, 1916, and a further dividend of 3| dols. for half-year to June 30, 1915, thus paying off in full the balance of arrears of preference dividends. Transvaal Coal Trust Company Limited.—In their report for 1915, the directors state that the output was 456,659 tons, against 38,803 tons the previous year. A considerable por- tion of the buildings and plant were sold. Profit from coal mining, £15,807; dividends on shareholdings, £101,400; receipts from Brakpan township, £5,664; interest, commis- sion, sundry revenue, etc.-, £8,377; total, £131,248. After deducting from this, for depreciation and war donations, £9,348, the net balance to credit of profit and loss account