552 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. March 24, 1916. COKE OVENS WITH DIRECT RECOVERY OF BY-PRODUCTS. SIMPLE AND EFFICIENT. NO NOXIOUS EFFLUENT. COAL WASHERS SIMON-CARVES LTD MANCHESTER LATCH & RATCHELOR LD. Wire Drawers, Manufacturers of all classes of Wire Ropes. Patentees and Manufacturers of LOCKED COIL AND FLATTENED STRAND WIRE ROPES. HAY MILLS, near BIRMINGHAM. Pig. a. HAULING. Pig. ■. HAULING. Pig. 13a. SINKING. Lang’s Lay Ropes. Patent Flattened Strand Ropen. Advantages of Patent Flattened Strand Ropes. 1. Greater wearing surface, therefore longer life of rope and less wear upon pulleys. 2. Greater strength, thereby admitting of smaller ropes being used for existing loads, or of increased loads without increase in size of rope. 3. Spliced easily and more effectively. 4. Less tendency to twist and stretch in working. Fig. 13a for Sinking and Fig. 11b for Cranes, &c., are non-twisting. Pig. 15a. WINDING. Locked Coil Ropes. Indispensable for deep shafts. Stronger than any other rope of same size. Entirely free from twist. Smooth surface reduces wear to a minimum. Duration far ahead of any other construction. Pig. 16. WINDING. Pig. 4. WINDING. Pig. lib. CRANE, Ac Pig. 30. GUIDE. BITUMEN, PAPER INSULATED, LEAD COVERED, ARMOURED AND V.I.R. CABLES, FOR ALL ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. We shall be pleased to quote KEEN PRICES for all classes of Insulated Cable. Prompt delivery can be given- most sizes of V.I.R. Cable from STOCK. May we also have your enquiries for Elec- trical Accessories, Conduit, Lamps, Half- watt and Watertight Fittings, Portable Electric Drills. Large STOCKS held. VULCAN ELECTRIC AND MECHANICAL CO. LTD., Imperial House, KINGSWAY, W.G. Telephone—Regent 2959. Telegrams—“Vulcaltric, Estrand, London.” SPENCER & QO. LD Engineers, Melksham WILTS BRANCH OFFICES. HULL— Burnett Avenue. CARDIFF- 92, Claude Road. LONDON 32, Queen Victoria Street, E.C LIVERPOOL 34, Castle Street- IT WILL PAY to overhaul your Elect- rical Plant periodically, laying out Armature and Field Coils- and, after cleaning off dirt and grease with a cloth wet with benzine, to give them a Fresh Coat of Varnish. This will Strengthen. Weak Spots which may be de- veloping in the insulation, and thus ward off a Possible Breakdown. The Varnish essentially suitable for this is “INSULAC INSULATING COMPOUND.” FOR PRICES, WRITE: CHAS. H. BLUME, Western Rd., Mitcham, Surrey. TME HOPPERS’ PATENT BYE-PRODUCT COKE OVENS AND NEW SYSTEM OF RECOVERING THE BYE-PRODUCTS GIVE RESULTS WHICH HAVE NEVER BEEN EQUALLED BY ANY OTHER SYSTEM. See large advertisement appearing in alternate issues of this Journal. Al! communications to be addressed to— THE KOPPERS’ COKE OVEN & BY-PRODUCT CO., 301, Glossop Road, Sheffield. Tel. No. 1935. Tel. Address—“ Kochs, Sheflield.” WIRE ROPES OF ALL KINDS. Agents for Yorks, Notts. Derby & Leicester— YEADON, SON & CO., Albion Place, LEEDS. W. B. BROWN & CO. (BANKHALL) LTD., Globe Works, Liverpool