THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN ________________________________________________________________________________ March 17, 1916. 527 COAL, IROli AND ENGINEERING COMPANIES. REPORTS AND DIVIDENDS. Barrow Haematite Steel Company Limited.—The directors, in their report for 1915, state that the profit is T119,377. After transferring T25,000 to reserve, and providing for divi- dend on first preference shares, it is proposed to pay two years’ dividend on second preference (thus clearing off arrears), carrying forward .4-17,155. Bede Metal and Chemical Company Limited.—The report for the past year reveals a loss of £8,527 16s. 3d. (against an available balance a year ago of £19,447), though this is reduced to £1,536 4s. by £6,991 12s. 3d. brought forward from 1914. This result the directors attribute, in a very large measure, to the high freights and increased price of materials. COAL AMD COKE EXPORTED FROM PORTS IM ENGLAND, SCOTLAND AND WALES. During the month of February 1916 compared with the corresponding month of 1915. Bell Brothers Limited.—The directors recommend a final dividend of 5s. per share on the ordinary shares for the half- year ending December 31 last, making, with the interim dividend, a total of 10 per cent, for the year. Beyer, Peacock and Company Limited.—The report states that the profit on the trading in 1915 was £54,177. After allowing for interest on the debenture stock and reserve for depreciation, the net profit was £34,136, and the amount brought forward £1,945, making £36,081 for disposal. The directors recommend a dividend of 7| per cent, for the year on the ordinary shares, leaving to be carried forward £6,581. County of Durham Electrical Power Distribution Limited. —Dividend of 3 per cent., less tax, on the ordinary shares for the year, payable March 23; £6,000 to depreciation account; £2,688 forward. Glover (W. T.) and Company Limited. — The directors recommend the payment of dividends for the year 1915 at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum on both the preference shares and ordinary shares. The dividends will absorb about T9,310, and, after allocating £6,500 to the debenture redemp- tion funds, and transferring £20,000 to the reserve fund, and writing down certain quoted investments, about Til,700 remains to carry forward, subject to any excess profit duty. Hadfields Limited.—The directors recommend, in addition to the interim payment of Is. per share on the ordinary shares, a further dividend of 2s. per share, together with a bonus of 2s. per share, both tax free. Monk Bridge Iron and Steel Company Limited. — The report for the year 1915 shows a balance of profit, including £3,185 brought in, of £46,871. After transferring T12,500 to reserve, the directors propose a dividend of 21 per cent, on ordinary, carrying forward £3,535. . Penrikyber Navigation Colliery Limited.—The report for 1915 states that the profit, after writing off T8,897 for new works, and paying debenture interest, amounts to T58,837, which, with £22,855 brought in, makes T81,692. The directors have placed £25,000 and Tl,537 to reserve accounts No. 1 and No. 2 respectively, and now recommend a dividend of 7| per cent, on ordinary shares, less tax, making, with the interim dividend, 12J per cent, for year; carrying for- ward £21,405. San Salvador Spanish Iron Ore Company Limited.—The report for 1915 shows a profit on ore shipped of T4,350. After adding sundry receipts, and deducting interest on debentures, providing for depreciation, debenture redemption, and income- tax, etc., the net loss is £2,382, which, deducted from T3,493 brought forward, leaves a credit of Tl,110 to carry forward. Stewarts and Lloyds Limited.—The directors, after setting aside T100,000 for depreciation, and making provision for estimated contingencies under the Munitions of War and Finance Acts, recommend a dividend of 2s. and a bonus of 6d. per share on'the deferred shares for the past year, placing T60,000 to general reserve, and £20,000 to employees’ benefit reserve, and carrying forward about T100,000. Yulcan Foundry Company Limited.—The directors recom- mend that T33,714 be distributed in shares out of the reserve among the ordinary shareholders, being equivalent to a bonus of 10 per cent. United National Collieries Limited.—The profit for the year ending December 31, 1915, including income from invest- ments, and after making provision for income-tax, excess profits duty, and placing an amount to reserve account to meet the cost of the additional properties acquired, amounts to £199,520 15s. 8d., which, with £10,317 Ils. 4d. brought forward from last year, and less Tl,033 16s. final dividend paid on shares issued since date of last report, leaves a balance of T208,804 Ils. After deducting one year’s divi- dend paid on preference shares, T13,305 18s., and interim divi- dends paid on ordinary shares, T101,409 15s., the directors recommend a final dividend of 2s. per share, free of income- tax, on the whole of the ordinary shares issued, carrying forward T26,482 8s. In consequence of urgent Government requirements and the scarcity of labour, due to the war, the completion of the coking and by-product plant at Bisca has not yet been effected. In May last the Bute Merthyr Collieries, Treherbert, Rhondda Valley, were acquired. Wankie Colliery Company Limited.—Interim dividend of 5 per cent., less income-tax, on account of the year ending August 31 next. Wath Main Colliery Company Limited.—Dividend of 15 per cent., free of tax, declared, making 25 per cent, for the year. Wells (J. and G.) Limited.—A net profit of £20,658 was made on the year. To this has to be added T2,673 brought forward. The available balance is £20,331, and this will be disposed of in paying a 6 per cent, dividend on the ordinary shares, and carrying £6,831 forward. NEW COMPANIES. Casper (E. A.), Edgar and Company Limited.—Registered March 4. Begistered office, Royal-chambers, West Hartle- pool. To carry on business of steamship owners and coal exporters now carried on as E. A. Casper and Company, West Hartlepool. Nominal capital, TWO,000 in 40,000 £1 ordinary shares, and 60,000 T1 preference shares. First directors : H. W. Casper, A. Casper, W. Edgar, A. P. Aarvold, and E. H. Casper. Comely and Morton Limited.—Begistered March 6. Begis- tered office, The Midland Garage, Belgrave-road, Torquay. To carry on business of mechanical engineers, manufacturers, designers) and dealers in oil, gas, and steam engines, motors, prime movers, iron and brass founders, boiler makers, sup- pliers of electricity, and dealers in all classes of machinery, etc., ammunition manufacturers, and dealers in all explo- sives, etc. Nominal capital, T2,000 in 2,000 T1 shares. First permanent directors and subscribers (one share each) : C. Comely and T. K. Morton. Port. February 1916. February 1915. Coals. Coke. Coals. Cole. Coals. Coke, Increase. Decrease. Increase. Decrease. Newcastle Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. 328,246 32,223 315,197 28,234 13,019 — 3,989 — North Shields 18,228 604 18,623 649 — 395 — 45 South Shields 303,918 25,091 256,090 2,772 47,828 — 22,319 — Sunderland 166,248 1,208 135,735 3,360 30,513 — — 2,152 West Hartlepool 83,912 — 80,070 250 3,842 — — 250 Goole 41,347 1,786 31,994 1,996 9,353 — — 210 Bly th 171,175 552 167,995 50 3,180 — 502 — Newport..... 269,157 2,069 289,293 1,169 — 20,136 900 Liverpool 15,648 932 22,177 10 — 6,529 922 — Methil 111,596 1,655 116,699 2,626 — 5,103 — 971 Glasgow 158,360 4,970 215,237 1,891 — 56,877 3,079 — Kirkcaldy 4,646 — 3,617 — 1,029 — — — Burntisland 52,750 1,007 47,961 855 4,789 — 152 — Cardiff 770,362 9,990 1,125,944 6,271 — 355,582 3,719 — Borrowstoness — — —- — — — . — — Llanelly 5,025 — 8,005 — — 2,980 — — Middlesbrough — 2,496 6,392 1,188 — 6,392 1,308 Seaham 41,875 — 57,041 428 — 15,166 — 428 Swansea 180,384 743 241,393 412 — , 61,C09 331 — Granton 4,708 646 5,633 1,758 — 925 — 1,112 Port Talbot 152,766 2,050 127,015 250 25,751 — 1,800 — Alloa , — — — — • — — — Grangemouth — — — — — — — — Neath — — — — — — — Hull 77,904 5,665 135,931 2,367 — 58,027 3,298 Immingham 3,538 — 38,428 — — 34,890 — — Amble ; 12,312 — 29,306 — — 16,994 — Troon 9,879 — 9,006 — 873 — — Grimsby 22,375 328 41,816 1,978 — 19,441 1,650 Ayr 10,577 — 8,581 — 1,996 — — Greenock — — 14,574 — — 14,574 — Leith 70,001 1,065 56,625 1,434 13,376 — — 369 Ardrossan 3,916 3,471 2,697 — 1,219 3,471 Irvine 263 — — — 263 — — COAL AND COKE SHIPPED FOR LONDON AND OTHER PORTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM/ Port. February 1915. February 1916. Port. February 1915. February 1916. Coals. | Coke. Coals. | Coke. Coals. Coke. Coals. Coke. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Newcastle 123,605 40 112,899 70 Ayr 64,782 555 49,462 25 North Shields ... 25,796 2,603 ■ — Irvine 4,682 420 2,912 — South Shields ... 146,180 — 153,170 — Alloa — — — — Blyth 48,827 — 29,420 — Whitehaven 15,112 — 15,539 20 Amble — — 2,020 — Liverpool 115,116 381 92,674 1,282 Sunderland 92,990 1 58,465 .. — Grimsby 1,493 .— 4,845 — Seaham 82,863 63,420 ' Granton 9,420 — 190 Hartlepool 30,140 5 30,110 — Borrowstoness .. — — Stockton — — — — Burntisland 5,700 — 12,100 — Middlesbrough... — — — 20 Kirkcaldy 1,390 — 819 — Hull 46,112 — 23,310 — Methil 15,192 — 19,105 — Goole 75,662 — 34,966 — Port Talbot 7,601 — 529 — Swansea 17,620 — 13,502 — Glasgow 33,063 809 18,704 401 Cardiff 50,680 70 31,862 — Grangemouth ... — — — — Llanelly 2,060 — 1,250 — Greenock 3,966 — 845 — • Newport 64,214 — 41,304 — Immingham 2,190 — — — Troon 8,540 — 11,284 Leith 940 5,304 Ardrossan 23,995 — 17,511 13 c 4 pf Note.—The figures in the above tables do not include Admiralty and certain other shipments. * From Browne's Export List. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Holly Bush Colliery Company Limited. — Begistered March 6. Begistered office, Heaze, near Pepley. Derbyshire. Nature of business indicated by title. Nominal capital, T2,000 in 2,000 T1 ordinary shares. First directors : M. Norton, B. Bell, and W. Hamilton. Qualification of directors, T100. James, Talbot and Davison (1916) Limited. — Begistered March 9. To acquire, take over, and carry on business of engineers, engine fitters, motor manufacturers, carried on as above at Horn-hill, Lowestoft, and carry on business of mechanical engineers and manufacturers of machinery of all kinds, water supply engineers, and gas makers, etc. Nominal capital, £12,000 in 6,000 T1 cumulative preference shares, and 6,000 T1 ordinary shares. Directors : J. M. Jans, E. Talbot, E. G. Davison, and A. E. Hughes. Lancashire Coal Company Limited.—Registered March 8. Nature of business indicated by title. Nominal capital, £1,000 in 1,000 T1 shares. Directors to be appointed by subscribers. Qualification of directors, one share. Sub- scribers (one share each) : J. J. Tims and H. J. Burch. National Tar Products Limited.—Private company. Nature of business indicated by title. Nominal capital, T20,000 in 17,000 ordinary shares, and 3,000 deferred ordinary shares of Tl. Subscribers : J. C. Montgomerie and J. K. Trench. Page (Edward) and Sons Limited. — Begistered March 3. Registered office, Roway Iron Works, West Bromwich, Staffs. To carry on business of iron masters, steel makers and converters, rope makers, colliery proprietors, miners, smelters, engineers, founders, makers of all description of goods made from iron, steel, etc. Nominal capital, £30,000 in 30,000 Tl shares. Director, W. Marsh. Till and Kennedy Limited. — Registered March 6. To carry on business of tin-plate workers, ironmongers, engineers, founders, smiths, and construct, etc., public works, railways, tramways, and buildings, etc., of every description. Nominal capital, T5,000 in 2,100 Tl 6 per cent, cumulative preference shares, and 2,900 Tl ordinary shares. First directors and subscribers (one share each) : T. S. Till and W. Kennedy. Tims (John J.) Limited.—Private company. Registered March 8. To carry on business of coal merchants and factors, dealers in coke and fuel of every description, colliery owners, coal miners, iron masters, and founders. Nominal capital, T6,000 in 6,000 Tl shares. Qualification of directors, one share. Subscribers (one share each) : J. J. Tims and H. J. Burch. New Caucasian Coal Bed. — According to the Pri Krai, deposits of coal have been discovered three versts from the village of Georgie Ossetinski, near Batalpashinsky. Practical tests have shown that this coal has many good properties, yielding little smoke, giving a long flame, and being a good coking coal. It can be used for metal smelting and steam raising. Working has begun, and the coal is being delivered to Kislovodsk, Armavir, and Stavropol. A railway to the coal field is projected. Hull Coal Exports.—The official return of the exports of coal from Hull to foreign countries for the week ending Tuesday, March 7, is as follows:—Amsterdam, 208 tons; Alexandria, 4,376; Boulogne, 3,001; Congo, 600; Dunkirk, 1,225; Gothenburg, 2,648; Harlingen, 783; Rotterdam, 1,335; Rouen, 7,909; total, 22,085 tons. Corresponding period March 1915, total 38,614 tons. These figures do not include bunker coal, shipments for the British Admiralty, or the Allies’ Governments. Coal Shipments from Ports in the United Kingdom during February.—The following figures, which have been extracted from the returns issued by the Commissioners of H.M. Customs and Excise, show the quantity of coal shipped from each group of ports during February, as compared with the corresponding month last year :— Cargo. Feb. 1915. Tons. Bristol Channel ports ......... 1,762,784 ........... North-western ports ............. 32,292 North-eastern ports __......... 1,122,311 Humber ports __.................. 244,235 Other east coast ports ......... 7,594 Other English ports ....................... 20 Ports on east coast of Scotland 214,560 Ports on west coast of Scotland 245,694 Feb. 1916. Tons. ... 1,372,465 20,534 ... 1,075,865 ... 177,658 1,336 6 ... 258,841 ... 179,990 Total .......................... 3,629,490 ... 3,086,695 Bunker. Feb. 1915. Feb. 1916. ______ This list of new companies is taken from the Daily Register specially compiled by Messrs. Jordan and Sons Limited company registration agents, Chancery-lane, E.C Bristol Channel ports ......... North-western ports........... North-eastern ports ........... Humber ports ................ Other east coast ports ......... Other English ports ........... Ports on east coast of Scotland... Ports on west coast of Scotland... Irish ports_______............. Tons. 400,536 ... 336,718 ... 210,717 ... 119,641 ... 77,865 ... 13,931 ... 48,617 ... 92,373 ... 685 ... Tons. 366,479 253,758 203,056 94,594 102,374 12,421 34,743 96,877 2,294 Total ........................................ 1,301,083 ... 1,166,596