472 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. March 10, 1916. EXPORTS OF COAL, COKE, AMD MANUFACTURED FUEL FROM THE OUTED KINGDOM During February and the First Two Completed Months of 1914, 1915 and 1916. To February, 1916. February. Coal—Small. Coal—Through- and-through (unscreened). Coal—Large. All coal. Quantity (tons). All coal. Value (.£). Tons. £ Tons. £ Tons. £ 1914. 1915. 1916. 1914. 1915 1916. Russia . — — ! — 138,417 92,585 ■ Sweden 12,560 9,164 10,858 9,850 95,015 ! 105,188 220,389 237,303 118,433 147,250 151,498 124,202 Norway. 44,147 32,934 5,884 5,952 109,618 I 112,437 244,198 185,702 159,649 147,466 112,542 151,323 Denmark 31,363 29,178 42,311 35,392 123,140 119,233 202,057 238,343 196,814 129,250 149,524 183,803 Germany — — — 584,564 .— — 353,166 — -— Netherlands -. 15,966 12,666 44,230 34,836 35,151 ; 35,142 139,634 137,234 95,347 84,300 83,000 82,624 Belgium — — — 1 — 172,828 — — 101,633 — — Frn.n pp 528,494 447,606 438,474 378,621 360,411 416,249 1,320,767 1,260,077 1,327,379 845,019 850.074 1,242,476 Portugal, Azores, and Madeira 19324 17,995 11,758 ~ 8,313 53,176 69,360 98,217 112,162 84,758 71,777 84,629 95,668 Spain and Canaries 54,565 52,119 82,494 79,304 82,543 98,061 293,684 223,305 219,602 209,486 170,008 229,484 Ttn.lv .... 38,412 31,607 156,065 138,542 275,531 316,457 865,145 575,144 470,008 629,311 420,390 486,606 Austria-Hungary — 81,904 57,718 2,447 1,780 7,315 7,432 8,211 8,944 80,171 40,456 17,793 57,029 28,618 18,156 Koumania Turkey . — — — — — — 63,075 — — 47,037 — — Algeria 11,023 9,195 42,517 44,070 17,667 : 19 939 85,052 77,427 71,207 57,231 52,508 73,204 Portuguese West Africa 447 401 4,609 5,180 15,842 1 19,189 23,1.38 31,470 20,898 20,406 26,108 24,770 Chile .... 562 1,361 — — — 46,638 4,065 562 36,896 3,760 1,361 Brazil . 2,407 2,101 2,132 2,362 26,599 36,318 162,795 46,404 31,138 144,358 41,712 40,781 Uruguay 391 859 — — 19,211 20,740 64,302 35,613 19,602 58,356 30,246 21,599 Argentine Republic 12,292 14,783 14,613 16,323 77,681 1 90,891 326,176 190,704 104.586 288,790 166,318 122,000 Channel Islands 296 282 1,297 1,456 5,111 1 5,258 12,759 9,761 6,704 ; 9,329 7,394 6,996 G-ihraltar 13,313 11,833 4,531 5,485 34,346 1 40,255 19,868 40,019 52,190 13,723 28,288 57,573 Malta. —- I 4,085 4,665 2,302 1 2,238 44,135 11,353 6,387 31,904 8.847 6,903 Egypt (including Anglo-Egyptian Sudan) 6,661 4,147 i 7,588 8,059 22,978 24,769 265,097 121,065 37,227 199,421 99,726 36,975 A den and Dependencies 131 129 — — 5,205 5,846 11,481 11,841 5,336 9,759 10,108 5,975 British India 110 125 l — — 527 617 19,845 365 637 17,093 278 742 Ceylon .. 299 294 1 — — 6,807 8,209 26,206 9,022 7,106 23,153 9,022 8,503 Other countries 6,854 5,297 | 6,335 6,340 19,963 23,244 113,335 30,655 33,152 95,443 24,427 34,881 f Anthracite 78,040 87,612 __ 57,727 74,339 250,217 163,991 135,767 210,044 161,702 161,951 Steam 674,416 553,028 282.843 276,081 1,291,218 1,451,091 4,186.768 2,654.723 2,248,477 2,953,498 1,906,846 2.280,200 Total-! ' Gas 4,669 4,543 504,959 428,290 9,947 10,382 883,070 592,930 519,575 559,934 355,849 443,215 | Household 3,883 3,315 — 37,297 41,810 125,648 91,077 41,180 84,463 65,690 45.125 L Other sorts 41,556 37,338 99,294 87,811 846 965 280,174 126,769 141,696 170,950 71,938 126,114 Total 802,564 685,836 887,096 792,182 1,397,035 1,578,587 5,725,877 3,629,490 3,086,695 3,978,889 2,562,025 3,056,605 Total (February 1915) 963,882 576,012 836,290 498,976 1,829,318 1,487,037 Total (February 1914) 1,339,154 723,876 1,195,996 743,600 3,190,727 2,511,413 — — — — — — Coke — 94,595 74,296 115.978 79,757 57,795 183,069 Manufactured fuel — — — — — — 154,136 81,108 107,711 135,162 67,025 128,475 Total of coal, coke & manufactured fuel - — — — - — 5,974,608 3,784,894 3,310,394 4,193,808 2,696,845 3,368,149 First two months of 1916 First two months. Anthracite 174,661 206,814 405 304 152,159 199,407 520,088 360,994 327,228 428,577 339,742 406,525 Steam 1,387,810 1,108,414 567,590 533,145 2,545,722 2,730,324 8,418.149 5,308,410 4,501,122 5,942.762 3,728,713 4,371,883 To tab Gas 13,071 12,138 1,000,610 830,711 19,330 19,966 1,768,783 1,183,007 1,033,011 1,133,695 . 707,850 862,815 Household 11,403 10,313 — — 89,526 95,697 257,362 169,733 100,929 173,480 120,333 106.010 Other sorts 88,482 76,808 204,875 178,072 2,248 2,371 556,265 220,309 295,605 340,426 123,313 257,251 Total 1,675,430 1,414,487 1,773,480 1,542,232 2,808,985 3,047,765 11,520,647 7,242,453 6,257,895 8,018,940 5,019,951 6,004,484 Total for two months of 1915 1,914,571 1,103,635 1,610,835 957,464 3,717,947 2,958,852 — — — — — — Total for two months of 1914 2,707,413 1,464,106 2,390,702 1,504,259 6,422,532 5,050,575 — — — — — — : Coke — — — — — — 218,851 166,893 228,787 187,191 126,350 350,711 Manufactured fuel _ I ! — — — — 324,081 145,146 206,801 283,370 120,806 235,204 Total of coal, coke & manufactured fuel - i — — — ' — — 12,063,579 7,554,492 6,693,483 8,489,501 5,267,107 6,590,399 Note.—The figures in the above tables do not include Admiralty and certain other shipments. THE FREIGHT MARKET. The .position on all the outward freight markets during the past week has .been very strained, and marked by a continuance of the heavy pressure for tonnage. This demand, however, cannot be satiated, for steamer supplies are far from 'adequate to meet the enquiry. British bottoms are very little in evidence, and neutrals are getting most of the benefit derived from the present exorbitant freights. At most English ports, a chaotic state of affairs exists-. Loading turns have been completely disorganised by irregular arrivals of boats, and coal cargoes are offering in abundance. The resulting increased demand for tonnage has given a further fillip to rates, such that further records have been established both at the Tyne and the Bristol Channel. At the former centre, owners have held for higher rates for nearly all destinations. Coastwise, London is weak at 14s. Chartering for North French ports is still held up by the closing of Bouen and Dunkirk harbours, but rates are firmer, Bouen having paid 34s., with a further advance impending. The Bay showed considerable weakness early in the week, but has recovered to a great extent, and 50s. has been conceded several times, for Bordeaux,, with 52s.. 6d. afterwards quoted. The Mediterranean has shown great strength, and, at the time of writing, the unprecedented rate of 95s. has been paid for two boats for Genoa, whilst small boats have easily secured Is. less. Neutral tonnage has also dominated the market at South Wales and, with shippers pressing for boats, rates have again bounded up. Little business has been effected with North France, but quotations are firm and Bouen is from Is. to Is. 6d. advanced, with Havre fully 6d. up. The Bay is a turn stiffer, Bordeaux being from 1} to 2 fr. increased, Nantes from } to 2 fr more, and St. Nazaire from 2 to 2J fr. higher. New records have, been set up in prices for Mediterranean tonnage, 97}, 100, and 105 fr. having been paid for Marseilles in rapid succession, and fully 90s. having been conceded for Genoa, advances of from 7} to 12} fr. and from 2s. 6d. to 5s. respectively on the week. Leghorn and Savona are similarly increased. The Biver Plate is also markedly dearer, with 55s. done, and further advances asked. The Islands are 3s. higher to Las Palmas. In the homeward section, rates have advanced strongly, and 162s. 6d. has been paid for a Greek steamer from up-river or Bahia Blanca to United Kingdom for April-May loading, with the option of Buenos Ayres-La Plata loading at 160s. For similar charters, the wheat committee is quoted 137s. 6d., with 10s. less a May-June cancelling. At tne States tonnage for wheat is in demand, and 17s. has secured a boat for prompt despatch to the Bristol Channel. For the French Mediterranean, shippers are offering 25s. without, however, attracting tonnage. Government terms are represented by about 14s. 6d'. for United Kingdom for May-June, and 18s. for West Italy for May. There is a steady enquiry from Montreal at about 17s. 3d. for the Bristol Channel for loading up to June. Little interest is displayed in coal tonnage. The Eastern markets are very quiet and easy. The rice ports are based on Saigon at 185s., and Burmah at 170s. India is steady on the basis of1 132s. 6d. on d.w. from Bombay one port, and 2s. 6d. more for two ports, and 125s. from Kurrachee on scale terms. Business in other districts remains quiet. Tyne to Boulogne, 2,000, 31s.; Barcelona, 2,500, 62s. 6d.; Buenos Ayres, 1,900, 49s.; 51s. 3d. ; Bordeaux, 2,500, 50s. ; 1,200, 50s.; Calais, 500, 45s., coke; Dakar, 2,000, 45s.; 1,230, 42s. 6d.; 2,800, 45s.; Dunkirk, 1,700, 33s.; 500, 45s., coke; Genoa, 3,600, 88s. 9d.; 2,000, 87s. 6d.; 3,800, 90s.; 1,800, 94s.; Havre, 3,500, 31s.; 1,500, 31s.; 1,600, 31s. 6d.; Las Palmas, 5,000, 42s. 6d.; 2,000, 42s. 6d.; London, 2,000, 14s.; Marseilles, 2,600, 80s.; 1,500, 80s.; 1,800, 81s. 6d.; 2,600, 82s. 6d.; 80s., 1,000; Monte video, 1,900, 49s.; Oran, 1,500, 55s.; Bouen, 1,500, .33s.; 2,000, 33s.; 2,000, 34s. ; Biver Plate, 2,000, 49s.; Spezzia, 3,600, 88s. 9d.; Savona, 3,600, 88s. 9d. ; 94s. ; St. Vincent, 4,000, 45s.; Treport, 600, 33s. Cardiff to Algiers, 3,000, 80s.; Bordeaux, 3,000, 52} fr.; 1,700, 52i fr.; 1/7o0, 53 fr.; 2,000, 54 fr.; Brest, 750, 31s., coke; Caen, 1,400, 25s. 6d.; Calais, 1,600, 35s.; Dunkirk, 1,500,33s.; 1,600,35s.; Genoa, 4,000, 82s. 6d. • 2,400, 82s. 6d.; 4,000, 85s.; 2,400, 89s.; 2,000, 85s., fixed abroad; 3.400, 90s.; 2,300, 90s.; Gibraltar, 2,000, 40s., 500; Havre, 2,300, 25s. 6d.; Las Palmas, 1,800, 43s.; Leghorn, 4,000, 82s. 6d.; 2,400, 82s. 6d.; 5,000, 86s., 500; 6,000, 86s • 2.400, 89s.; 2,900, 86s.; 3,400, 80s.; 2,900, 86s.; Lisbon, 3,000, 40s., 500; 2,000, 42s. 6d., 500; 2,200, 42s. 6d.; 1,700, 47s. 6d., 500; 3,200, 47s. 6d., 500; 1,500, 50s., 400; 1,800, •50s., 500; 3,800, 47s. 6d., 500; 2,000, 47s. 6d., 500; Malta, 1,700, 47s.; Monte Video, 4,500, 50s.; Marseilles, 97} fr., reported; 2,000, 85 fr., fixed abroad; 2,500, 100 fr., reported; 1.900, 105 fr. ; Nantes, 2,000, 47 fr.; Naples, 3,000, 82s. 6d.; 2.900, 86s.; Oporto, 2,000, 50s., 300; Biver Plate, 3,800, 50s.; 55s., 500; Bouen, 750, 31s., coke; 1,500, 26s. 6d. ; 3,600, 26s.; Spezzia, 4,000, 82s. 6d.; 2,400, 89s.; 3,400, 90s.; Savona, 4,000, 82s. 6d.; 2,400, 82s. 6d.; 2,400, 89s.; 2,000, 85s., fixed abroad; 3,400, 90s.; St. Malo, 750, 31s., coke; St. Nazaire, 1,900, 46} fr. ; 1,400, 46} fr. ; 2,400, 46} fr.; 2,300, 47 fr.; 2,000, 47} fr.; Teneriffe, 1,800, 43s. Swansea to Barcelona, 800, 57s. 6d.; 1,500, 57s. 6d. ; Calais, 2,000, 28s.; Nantes, 1,400, 47 fr. ; Bouen, l,95o’ 26s. 3d.; 2,600, 26s. 3d.; Honfleur, 950, 26s. 3d.; St. Malo, 750, 24s.; Caen, 1,000, 27s. 6d.; Dunkirk, 3,300, 33s.; Treport, 750, 30s.; Boulogne, 750, 39s., tin-plates, free in and out; St. Brieux, 650, 24s. 6d. ; Genoa, 2,500, 91s. Newport to Marseilles, 2,000, 85 fr., fixed abroad; 1,900, 105 fr.; Naples, 300, 82s. 6d. ; 2,900,86s.; Genoa, 4,900, 85s.; Gibraltar, 1,200, 45s.; 2,000, 50s., 500; Leghorn, 2,900, 86s.; Genoa, Savona, Spezzia, 2,300, 90s. Port Talbot to Bouen, 2,100, 26s.; 780, 27s. 6d.; Bor- deaux, 2,000, 54 fr. Blyth to Havre, 1,000, 32s. ; 700, 33s. Wear to Bayonne, 1,450, 51s.; Havre, 1,600, 30s. Clyde to Marseilles, 2,500, 80s. Hull to Genoa, 2,500, 90s.; Savona, 2,500, 90s.; Gothen- burg, 1,800, 25s. West Hartlepool to Fredrikshald, 1,000, 26 kr., 300. Glasgow to Genoa, 90s.; Marseilles, 2,300, 80s.; 82s. 6d.; Genoa, Savona, or Leghorn, 92s. 6d.