March 3, 1916. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 397 JEFFREY COAL CUTTERS Have again and again throughout the country proved themselves to be the best. a here are three good reasons why you should try a Jeffrey Coal Cutter. We supply you with a machine on a thirty days FREE working trial. SECONDLY,—We pay carriage both ways if unsatisfactory. THtRDL We make no charge for training men to run our machine during trial. HUGH WOOD & Co. LD Newcastle-on-Tyne. ■nt ’ wily ~ ’ More Light means Cleaner Coal, Less Roof Accidents, and Freedom from Nystagmus. . . . ---- HAILWOOD’S = Combustion Tube Lamp is cheaper, more reliable, and has greater candle power than electric lamps. ACKROYD & BEST Ltd., Morley, nr, Leeds,