February 25, 1916. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 377 No. 58. TH E COLLI ERY GUARDIAN MONTHLY LIST OF RECENT GOAL LITERATURE I.—General. Relation of Mine Officers to the Consumer. R. Z. Virgin. “ Coal Tr. Bull.,” Jan. 15, p. 57. (Paper read before the West Virginia Coal Mining Institute.) Coal Mining in British Columbia in 1915. “ Can. Min. JI.,” Jan. 15, p. 39. Coal Mining in'Alberta during 1915. . J. T. Stirling. •“ Bull. Can. Min. Inst.,” Jan., p. 20. Nova Scotia Coal Production during 1915. F. W. Gray. “ Bull. Can. Min. Inst.,” Jan. p. 10. Reviews of Coal Mining in 1915. “ Coal Age,” Jan.-8, p. 38. (Various United States coal fields.) The Efficiency Records at Collieries. J. H. Cunningham. “ BulE Can. Min. Inst.,” Jan., p. 80. The Use of Welding Outfits at Mines, Mills, and Smelters. “ Min. Eng. World,” Jan. 22, p. 151; .10 fig. .. . The Coal Trade of Nova' Scotia in 1915. F. W. Gray. “Canad. Min. Journ.,” Jan. 1, p. 6. Relation of Governments to Mining. H. V. Winchell. “ Canad. Min. Journ.,” Jan. 1, p. 14. (Paper read before Intern. Eng. Cong.) Evaluating Coal Properties in Western Canada. R. W. Coulthard.. “ Canad. Min. Journ.,” Jan. 1, p. 21. Conservation and Economic Theory. R. T. Ely. “ Trans. Amer. Inst. Min. Eng.,” Feb., p. 211. Conservation of Iron Ore. C. K. Leith. “Trans. Amer. Inst. Min. Eng.,” Feb., p. 225. Chief Sources of Accidents in the Witwatersrand Mines. C. E. Hutton. “ Journ. Chem. Metall. Min. Soc. S. Africa,” Nov., p. 95. The Utilisation of Energy from Coal. W. A. Bone. “ Colliery Guard.,” Jan. 28, p. 170; Feb. 4, p. 220. (From lectures at the Royal Instn. of Gt. Britain.) Mine Accidents and Uniform Records. A. H. Fay. . “ Colliery Guard.,” Feb. 4, p. 217; Feb. 11, p. 267; Feb. 18, p. 323. (From a paper read beofre the Second Pan-Amer. Scient. Congress.) Mining Extension Work of the University of Pittsburg. H. B. Meller. “ Coal Tr. Bull.,’ Jan.1, p. 40. ( Paper read before Coal Min. Inst. Amer.) III.—Geology. Geological Map of Prussia and Adjacent Federal States, Scale 1 : 25,000 (Geologische Karte von Preussen und benachbarten Bundesstaaten im Massstab 1 :z25,000). No. 191. Publ. by Kgl. Preussischen Geologischen Landesanstalt. (Sheets : Hermannsburg, Siilze, and Eschede.) Classification of the Lower Keuper in Thuringia (Zur .Gliederung des untern Keupers in Thuringen). —. Naumann. . “ Jahrb. Geol. Berlin,” vol. 35, pt. 1, No. 2, p. 292; illus. On the Modifications of the Muschelkalk. and Keuper in the West of the Treves-Luxemburg Basin on the Southern Border of the Ardennes (Ueber die Veran- derungen des Muschelkalkes und Keupers im Trier- 'Luxemburger Beckens nach Westen am Siidrande der Ardennen). —. Goetz. “Jahrb. Geol. Berlin,” vol. 35, pt. 1, No. 2, p. 336; illus. * The Age of the Halle Brown Coal Deposits (Das Alter der Halleschen Braunkohlen). —. Scupin. “ Jahrb. Geol. Berlin,” vol., 35, pt. 1, No. 2, p. 282; illus. The. German Culm Formation (Beitrage zur Kenntniss des deutschen Kulms). —. Hiiffner. “ Jahrb. Geol. Berlin,” vol. 35, pt. 1, No. .3, p. 448; illus. (Fauna in the Hessian. Hinterland and Hartz.) Geological Conditions and Mining Activity in Poland (Die geologische-montanistischen Verhaltnisse und fiber die Bergbautatigkeit in Polen). Feb.. 1, p. 57; illus. The Christnacht Deep Boring near Kattowitz and New Marine Fauna in the Upper Silesian Carboniferous (Die Tiefbohrung Christnacht bei Kattowitz, ein neuer Aufschluss mariner Fauna im oberschlesischen Karbon). —. Quitzow. “ Jahrb. Geol. Berlin,” vol. 35.,’pt. 1’, No: 3, p. 575. Browm Coal Deposits in the Territories Occupied by Germany and her Allies in West, South, and East (Die Braunkohlen vorkommen der von den Deutschen und ihren Verbiindeten besetzten Gebiete im Westen, Osten, und Sfiden. —. Berg. “ Braunk.,” Jan. 28, p. 509; illus. (Deposits in Belgium and the occupied ^portions of Russia and Serbia.1 Classification of Mineral Coals from the Technical and Mining Law Standpoint (Unterscheidung der Mineral- kohlen vom technischen und bergrechtlichen Stand- punkte). —. Donath. “Mont. Rdsch.,” Jan. 1, p. 1; Jan. 16, p. 32. . The Connection Between the North-Western European Coal Fields. X. Stainier. “Colliery Guard.,” Feb. 11, p. 263; Feb. 18, p. 325. (From a paper read before the Manchester Geol. and Min. Soc.) Pennsylvania Fireclay. L. C. Morganroth. “ Trans. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin;,” Feb., p. 475. V.—Mining Technology. New Points of View in Considering the Workability of Deposits (Neue Gesichtspunkten zur Beurteilung der Abbauwfirdigkeit einer Lagerstatte). —. Feuchter. “ Bergb. u. Hutte,” Oct., p. 117; illus. (Supple- menting the Hofer formula.) VI.—Working of Minerals. Methods of Mining in Lower Connellsville. W. H. Howarth. “ Coal Age,” Jan. 8, p. 22; 2 fig. (Paper read before Coal Min. Inst. Amer.) Mining by Concentration Method. W. H. Howarth. “ Coal Age,” Jan. 15, p. 1253; 2 fig. (Paper read before Coal Min. Inst. Amer.) Brown-Coal Mining in Germany. G. J. Young. “ Trans. Amer. Inst. Min. Eng.,” Feb., p. 327; 11 fig. A Puzzle in Mining Costs. J. F. K. Brown. “Coal Age,” Feb. 5, p. 246; 1 fig. (A comparison of pillar and stall and longwall working under conditions unfavourable to either.) VII.—Boring, Shaft Sinking, and Tunnelling. Core Drilling at the Hollinger. A. M. Brown. “ Canad. Min. Journ.,” Feb. 1, p. 76; 3 fig. The Question of the Electric Hammer Drill (Zur Frage des elektrischen Bohrhammers). —. Gerke. “ Z. Oberschl. Ver.,” Nov.-Dec., p. 239'; illus. (Com- parison with pneumatic hammer drills. Benzine rock drills.) VIII.—Explosives, Blasting. The Relative Efficiencies of Blasting Gelatine and Gelignite as Used in Hand Drill Stopes in the Gold i Mines of the Rand. W. S. Simpson. “ Journ. S. V, Afric. Inst. Engin.,” Jan., p. 120; 4 fig. (Account of experimental work carried out on behalf of Vogel- struis Estates and Gold Mines Limited.), Measuring the Velocity of Detonation in Modern Explo- sives (Die Messung der Detonations-geschwindigkeit bei modernen Sprengstoffen). —-. Forg. Z. Schiess. Sprengst.,” Jan. 15, p. 17; illus. Separation1 by Gravity in Testing Mine Explosives (Anwendung der Trennung nach dem spezifischen Gewicht auf die Analyse von ■ Bergwerksspreng- stoffen). Storm and Hyde. “ Z. Schiess. Sprengst.,” Jam 1, p. 7. . New Initial Explosives (Neuere Initial-Explosivstoffe). —. Stettbacher. “ Z. Schiess. Sprengst.,” Jan. 1, p. 1. (Silver acetylide and its preparation.) X. —Surface Arrangements. Coal Screening and Washery, with Recovery of Pyrites, at the Mont-Cenis Colliery (Kohlensicht-anlage und Schlammaufbereitung mit Schwefelkiesgewinnung der Zeche Mont-Cenis). P. Cabolet. ,“ Gliickauf,” Jan. 1, p. 1; 3 fig. XI. —Winding and Haulage. Goodman Storage Battery Locomotive. E. C. de Wolfe. “ Coal Tr. Bull.,” Jan. 15, p. 43; 5 fig. Ovenspeeding and Overwinding Gear at Edmondsloy Colliery. J. Wilson. “ Iron and Coal Tr. Rev.,” Feb; 4, p. 120; 3 fig. (Paper read before the .North of England Branch of Natl. Assocn. of Col. Man.) Improvements in Chocks for Colliery Tubs. P. Widdas. “ Iron and Coal Tr. Rev.,” Feb. 4, p. 126; 2 fig. (Paper read.before the North of England Branch of the Natl. Assocn. of Col. Man.) Storage Battery Locomotives for use in Coal Mines. “ Black Diamond,” Jan. 15; 5 fig. New Electric Winding Engines with Flywheel Converter (Neuere elektrische Forderbetriebe mit Schwung- radumformer). —. Wolf. “ Z. Dampfk. Betr., Dec. 17, p. 419; illus. Automatic Shaft Gate at Kaindl Mine, Schneeberg (Selbsttatiger Schachtverschluss mit einer Modifika- tion fiir tonnlagige Forderung von mehrern Horizonten und der Verschluss des Kaindlstollens am Schneeberg im Tirol). —. Staunch. “ Mont. Rdsch.,” p. 7; illus. ■ (Modification for winding from different levels.). Unattended Accumulator Locomotive Haulage at the Barbara Mine, Kelcan (Der Betrieb. mit fiihrerlosen Akkumulatorlokomotiven auf der Barbarazeche in Kelcan). —. Czaplinski. “ Bergb. u. Hutte,” July, p. 30; Sept., p. 83. Winding Engine to Raise a Net Load of Two Tons from a Depth of 1,300 Metres at the Anna Shaft, Przibram (Fordermaschine fiir 1,300 m. Teufe und 2,000 kg. Nutzlast am Annaschacht in Przibram). —. Di vis. “ Z. Bergb. Betr. L.,” Dec. l,p- 317; illus. Safety Catches for Hoists (Fangvorrichtungen an Auf- ziigen). —. Schrader. “ Z. Dampfk. Betr.,” Feb. 4, p. 35; illus. ■ - The New Electric Hoist of the North Butte Mining Company. F. Moeller. “Trans Amer. Inst. Min. Eng.,” Feb., p. 343; 7 fig. . Prussian Rope Statistics for 1914 (Ergebnisse der preussischen Seilstatistik fiir das Jahr 1914). W. Roelen. “ Gliickauf,” Jan. 1, p. 5; Jan. 8, p. 32. The Logic of Trams. J. Gibson. “ Colliery Guard.,” Feb. 18, p. 314; 4 fig. (From a paper read before the North of England Inst, of Min. and Meeh. Eng.) XII. —Signalling. Visual and Aural Indicator at Clifton Colliery. “ Iron Coal. Tr. Rev.,” Feb. 4, p. 123; 3 fig. ' Mine Telephone Equipment. W. C. Freeman. “Colliery Guard.,” Feb. 11, p. 266;. 2 fig. (From .“ Coal Age.”) XIII. —Lighting. Contribution to the Selection of the Most Suitable Type of Lamp for a Given Lighting Effect (Beitrag zur Auswahl der gunstigsten Lampenart fiir einen gege- benen Lichteffect). —. Glinski. “ E. T. Z.,” . Jan. 6, p. 2; illus. Cost of Upkeep of. Electric Cap Lamps. “Colliery Guard.,” Jan. 28, p. 171. (From “ Coal Age.”) The Hirsch Portable Electric Lamp. H. H. Hirsch. “ Colliery Guard.,” Feb. 18, p. 327. (From a paper read before the Nth. of Engld. Inst, of Min. and Meehan. Engin.) XIY.—Ventilation. Effect of Barometric Pressure to Derange or Stop Venti- lation. F. C. Cornet. “ Coal Age,” Jan. 22’, p. 159. Important Features in .Mine Ventilating Fans. H. H. Valiquet. “ Coal Age,” Jan. 15, p. 123; 2 fig. Electric Mine Fans (Elektrische Grubenventilatoren). —. Beck. “ Bergb.,” Dec. 30, p. 796; Jan. 6, p. 1; illus.' Mine Ventilating Door. “ Colliery Guard.,” Feb. 4, p. 231; 1 fig. (From “ Min. and Eng. Wld.”) XV.-Mine Gases, Testing. Influence of Atmospheric Humidity on Mine Gas (Der Einfluss der Luftfeuchtigkeit,auf die Grubenwetter)., —. Whittome. “ Z. Bergb. Betr. L.,” Jan. 1, p. 1; Jan. 15, p. 17. Determination of Methane in Winkler Flasks (Zur Methanbestimmung im Winkler - Kolben). —. Fleissner. “ Bergb. u. Hutte,” Sept., p. 81; illus. Researches on Firedamp. E. Hauser. “ Trans. Amer. Inst; Min. Engin.,” Feb., p. 521; 3 fig. Gas Detector for Miners’ Safety Lamps. T. J. Thomas. “ Colliery Guard.,” Jan. 28,‘ p. 172; 3 fig. XVIII.—Mine Fires. Spontaneous, Combustion in Mines, with Special Refer- ence to the Bundamba District. W. E. Lawrie. “ Queensland Gov. Alin. Journ.,” Sept. 15, p. 451. (Paper read before the Ispwich and District Min. Inst.) XIX. —Rescue and Ambulance. Mine Rescue and First-Aid Training in British Columbia. “ Canad. Min. Journ.,” Jan. 15, p. 47. XX. —Drainage, Pumping, etc. The Specific Running Speed of Centrifugal Pumps (Die spezifische Drehzahl bei Schleuder Pumpen). —. Gamer er. ” Z. Turb. Wes.,” Dec.. 20, p. 409; illus. XXI. —Preparation. Tests on Various . Electric - Motor-Driven Equipment Used in the Preparation of Anthracite Coal. H. M. Warren, A. S. Bresecker and E. J. Powell. “ Trans. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin.,” Feb., p. 181; 8 fig. XXII. —Briquettes. The Surplus Air in Drying Brown Coal in Steam Tube Driers for Briquetting (Die Luftuberschuss bei der Verdunstung im Dampfrohrentrockner der Press- braunkohlenwerke). A. Achilles. “ Gliickauf,” Feb. 12, p. 126. ; XXIII.—Coke Ovens. Tar Dehydration. R. Wardle. “Gas Engin. Mag.,” Jan., p. 71; 4 fig. Paper read before the Southern District Assocn. of Gas Engineers and Managers.) Method of Distilling Coal. “ Pract. Engin.,” Jan. 27, p. 56; 2 fig. Methods of Sulphate of Ammonia Manufacture at By- Product Ovens : Their Advantages and Disadvantages. T. H. Riley. “Iron and Coal Tr. Rev.,” Feb. 11, p. 153. (Paper read before Coke'Oven Man. Assocn.) Benzol Recovery from Coal Gas (La Ricuperazione del Benzolo del Gas Illuminante). A. Pacchione. “ Riv. Scientif. Tecnic. Commerc.,” Jan. 25, p. 21; 2 fig.; Feb. 10, p. 37, 6 fig.