304 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. February 18, 1916. For SAFETY and Permanence —build and roof with CORRUGATED SHEETING ASBESTOS-CEMENT CORRUGATED SHEETING Regd Trade Mark is a scientific combination of Asbestos Fibre and highest grade Portland Cement, material which by its nature is proof against Fire, Water, Frost, Rust and every other de- structive and corrosive agency. It hardens and toughens with age. Not a. particle of it can perish. Its powers of resistance and endurance increase with exposure. It with- stands vibration of any force, and is unaffected by gases and chemical fumes, and is absolutely fireproof. Its first cost is its only cost— needs no repairs—-so that, per year of service, it is the least expensive building material known. The ideal material for all Colliery Buildings. Weatherproof. Imperishable. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF! Not even German bombs could fire it. Asbestos Cement is the SAFEST Building Material—the Govern- ment are using it exclusively for all New Munition Factories. “EVERITE” CORRUGATED SHEETING is made in One Homogeneous Mass—not in thin layers cemented together, which are extremely liable to disintegrate with exposure. Made to British Standard 3-inch Pitch in even foot lengths from 4 ft. to 10 ft., and in 3 widths, 21 in., 30 in. and 42 in. This reduces the waste in laps by approximately 50 per cent., whilst there is an obvious saving of labour in handling larger sheets. With prices 25 per cent, less than competitors, “Everite” is at once the cheapest as well as the most efficient Corrugated Roof extant. THE PERFECT MATERIAL FOR ROOFS AND WALLS. TILES, SLATES. AND FLAT BUILDING SHEETS T have the same quality of indestructibility. The 1 ideal material for all COLLIERY BUILDINGS. Competent representatives are at the disposal of Architects, Contractors and others to take their instructiovs or will call for preliminary interview. Full range of “ Asbestilite ” and “ Everite ” samples on application to— FELBER, JUCKER & C° LTD (Contractors to the War Department) Peter Street, MANCHESTER. ----- NOW READY. ----------------- Published February 14, 1916. Thirtieth Year. Contains all the latest information up to within a few days of publication. THE MINING MANUAL AND MINING YEAR BOOK 1916. By WALTER R. SKINNER. The Standard Reference Work on Mines. Price 15/= net. Post Free (Inland), 15/6. Post Free (Abroad), 17/=. 1,100 pages. In Demy 8vo, bound in RED Cloth. A Recognized Indispensable Work of Reference For MINING INVESTORS, MINING ENGINEER'', MINE MANAGERS, BANKERS, ‘ STOCKBROKERS SOLICITORS, or anyone intere ted in the MINING INDUSTRY. A RECORD OF INFORMATION concerning 1,000 Milling Companies operating in all parts of the world. Gold, Diamond, Silver, Copper, Tin, Iron and other Mines, Collieries, Explora- tion, and Mining Investment Companies, arranged in alphabetical order. PARTICULARS given of each Company include the Directors and other officials, date of establishment, seat of operations, description of the property, with the purchase consideration, plant erected or in course of erection, present working results, ore reserves, details of capital, calls, dividends paid, and the financial position as disclosed by the accounts. Highest and lowest prices of the shares for the last four years, also latest price. Directors (4,000), Secretaries (900). Mining and Consulting Engineers and Mine Managers (1,020) include their addresses and descriptions and names of the Companies with which they are connected. SUPPLEMENTARY INDEX of private, dormant or Companies which have ceased to be of public interest is one of the most useful and important features of the book. It is the only list of its kind published. CRUSHING TABLES and Gold Outputs from the principal mines are given at the commencement of the volume, showing tons treated monthly, results obtained, and yield per ton ; also annual yields. DICTIONARY OF MINING TERMS. —An up-to-date glossary covering 430 mining terms by the use of which mining developments can easily be followed. The difficulty of under- standing technical phraseology is thus easily mastered. To be obtained from all Booksellers, or direct from the Publishers— WALTER R. SKINNER, 11—12, Clements Lane, London, E.C. AND “ FINANCIAL TIMES,” 72, Coleman Street, London, E.C.