February 18, 1916. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 303 For colliery work the “ Bennis ” hand fired furnace is indispensable. “ Bennis ” Chain Grate Stokers in a Steel Works, Newcastle-on-Tyne. LITTLE HU LT ON....BO L.TO N AND 28 VICTORIA STREET LONDON SW fty,-r Gm are installed in the boiler house of one of the best known Steel Works in England. They are fitted with the “ Bennis ” patent halved link and are giving the highest efficiency with a big saving in the coal bill, smokeless combustion, and less cost of labour. Write for further information, free on request. Ml “ Bennis ” Wand-fired Furnace designed for Colliery Work. EDWIN LEWIS t SONS. Original Makers of “Acme” & “Williams” Loose Flanged Joints for Mining Work. TUBES OF ANY SIZE For Compressed Air, Water, or Steam. Telegrams-" Lewis, Wolverhampton.” Telephone—Nos. 15 6 180 Wolverhampton. wrtTjwcf Patent Iron Tube Works, Monmore Green. (.Britannia Tube Works, Ettingshall. WOLVERHAMPTON. Buyers will note that the joint illustrated is an improvement on the “Williams” joint, as it does without the internal ferrule. ________________ LONDON ADDRESS—143, Cannon Street, E.C. LIVERPOOL WAREHOUSE-58, South John St. urainnininiE DIDIDIDIDIDIE 8 3 t /&. W£R.$ a iUlU«0 0DS<' ' stiSkDVEDlW yt ‘'4 More Light means Cleaner Coal, Less Ro$f Accidents, and Freedom from Nystagmus. . . . ... HAILWOOD’S = Combustion Tube Lamp is cheaper, more reliable, and has greater candle power than electric lamps. ACKROYD & BEST Ltd., Morley, nr. Leeds.