212 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. February 4, 1916. W. G. Allen & Sons (tipton) Ltd., TELEGRAPHIC ADDEESS-" ALLENS, TIPTON.” HAULACE CLIP. q j 1 .1 O- ..A^X-AlaU R. OFALLKlNDg Kite : COLLIERY TU6S ' OF ALL KINDS t Established 1800. — BRASS TIME CHECKS JOHN LAWSON A SONS, Manufacturers of every kind of STEEL STAMPS, LETTERS, FIGURES, BRANDS, STENCIL PLATES, &c. Roebuck Letter Works, 26, Carver Lane, SHEFFIELD. Telephone No. 577 Price 3s. 1 Od. post free. A Practical Handbook for Colliery Electricians. ELECTRIC CIRCUIT PROBLEMS in Mines and Factories. — BY — ELUS H. CRAPPER, B.Eng., M.I.E.E., Head of the Department of Wteetrirat THnaineeri**g at the University of Sheffield The Colliery Guardian Co. Ltd., 30&31, Euraival-st., Holborn, London, E.C. M. COULSON & CO. LTD., SPENNYMOOR, Makers of Coal Washers, Screening Plant, . . Conveying, Elevating, and Crushing Machinery, Tipplers, Tub Controllers, . . Storage and Drainage Bunkers. . . Estimates and Full Particulars on Application. Replace parts and Repairs given Special Attention. ^ANTHRACITE COAL combined. are invited. Years. PLANT We have Specialised in this class of Machinery, and have designed and made more than all other firms References to Users Established 50 <5HEPPM5) LTD., BRIDGEND, SOUTH WALES/