188 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. January 28, 1916. COAL, IRON AND ENGINEERING COMPANIES. REPORTS AND DIVIDENDS. Alldays and Onions Pneumatic Engineering Company Limited.—It is announced that the recent offer of 50,000 6 per cent. “ B ” cumulative participating preference shares of £1 each and 50,000 ordinary shares of £1 each in the above company has been over-subscribed. Consett Iron Company Limited, — The directors have resolved to pay an interim dividend of 2s. 6d. per share on the ordinary shares, and 8 per cent, per annum on the preference shares. The dividend for the corresponding half of last year was 6d. per share. Gas Light and Coke Company Limited.—The accounts for past half-year show that the balance to credit of net revenue will enable the directors to recommend a dividend at rate of £4 4s. per cent, per annum, carrying forward <£446,615. Knowles (Andrew) and Sons Limited.—The accounts for the past year, subject to audit, show a net profit, after pro- viding for depreciation and paying interest on debentures, etc., of £47,199 8s. fid. The interim dividend paid on August 1 last absorbed £12,000, and with the amount (£452 4s. 5d.) brought forward from last account, the amount now available for distribution is £35,651 13s.. 2d. Out of this the directors propose to pay a further dividend, making 6 per cent, for the year, to place to reserve fund £10,000, and to carry forward the balance, £1,651 13s. 2d., to next account. Lloyd’s Navigation Steam Coal Company Limited.—Under a compulsory winding-up order made against this company last November, upon a creditor’s petition, the report of Mr. W. J. Warley, official receiver, has been issued to the creditors and shareholders. The accounts filed under the liquidation show liabilities £7,257 15s. 3d., against assets valued at £73 14s. lid., and a deficiency of £12,675 10s. lOd. with regard to contributories. The report, of the official receiver stated that the company was registered on May 6, 1914, with a nominal capital of £60,000, divided into shares of £1 each, its object being to purchase, take on lease, or otherwise acquire certain mines and minerals at Gelligroes, near Pontllanfraith, in the county of Monmouth. The pro- moter of the company was William Benjamin Lloyd. On June 8, 1914, an agreement was entered into between William Benjamin Lloyd and the company, which recited that, in contemplation, and with the view of the formation and regis- tration of the company, Lloyd had entered into negotiations with Sir Ivor John Caradoc Herbert for the grant to the company of an agreement for a lease of certain mines and minerals situate under lands in the. parishes of Mynyddislwyn and Bcdwas, in the county of Monmouth; that he had also expended moneys in the purchase of machinery and other goods and materials, in wages for work done for the pur- poses of the then intended company, and had incurred other debts and liabilities. The company allotted to Lloyd 10,000 of its shares fully paid in respect of services rendered. There does not annear to have been any lease granted direct to the company of the mihes and minerals referred to in the agree- ment before-mentioned, but the company would seem to have worked the mines under “ Heads of terms ” of agreement and a licence granted to Lloyd, and, according to the books, ' coal to the value of £1,312 12s. 3d. was sold. The com- pany, however, was hampered by want of capital, and negotiations for the sale of the undertaking were entered into, but without success. In his concluding observations, the official receiver remarks that the statement of affairs is incomplete and incorrect in several particulars. He states that the 10,000 shares issued as fully paid to W. B. Lloyd are not brought into account as regards contributories, and the £550 due by him is not included in the unpaid calls esti- mated to be irrecoverable. The unsecured liabilities, £7,205 13s. 2d., include the claim of the trustees of Lloyd’s estate, £6,004 3s. lOd. ; £323 18s. 6d., legal expenses; £261 6s. 6d., balance of secretary’s salary and costs; £200 damages to houses; £160 7s. 7d. balance of directors’ remuneration: £105, fee for report on property; £72 16s., rent and royalties; the balance, £78 0s. fid., being in respect of goods supplied, audit fee, printing, etc. Unpaid calls, £750 14s. 6d., is the net amount, but the gross unpaid calls now outstanding appear to amount to £1,500 8s. 6d. Of this amount, £550 is due by W. B. Lloyd. Lofthou.se Colliery Company Limited.—The net profits for the year ended December 31 were £16,781, and £21,155 was brought forward. A final dividend of 7s. per share is pro- posed, making 13s. per share (21f per cent.), free of income- tax, for the 12 months, adding £4,500 to the reserve for income-tax, etc., and carrying forward £21,308. Oswa.ldtYifistle Collieries Limited.—-Profit for past year, £8,208. Pinal dividend of 20 per cent, per annum, making 15 per cent, for the year. Staveley Coal and Iron Company Limited.—The directors have declared an interim dividend of 7|- per cent. The interim dividend paid a year ago was 5 per cent. Warner and Company Limited.—Interim dividend at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum on the ordinary shares has been declared. NEW COMPANIES. Ekaterinburg Syndicate Limited.—-Private company. Regis- tered office, 70, Finsbury-pavcment, E.C. Registered January 17. To purchase, take on lease, or otherwise acquire, term of interest in dry land, estate, etc., and in particular auriferous and properties in Russia or China, or any other part of the world; to purchase or deal in same; to carry on business of coal and iron masters, quarry and mine proprietors, dealers in any description of ores, steel founders, engineers, etc. Nominal capital, £10,000 in 9,500 £1 pre- ference shares, and 10,000 Is. ordinary shares. Subscribers (one preference share each) : G. T. Little and C. N. Hawkins. General Engineering Company (King’s Cross) Limited.— Private company. Registered office, 97, Caledonian-road, King’s Cross, N. Registered January 19. Nature of busi- ness indicated by title. Nominal capital, £1,000 in 1,000 £1 shares. First directors and subscribers : A. V. Bond and H. C. H. Braun. Hamburger (A.) and Company Limited.—Private company. Registered office, 11a, Ncw-strect, Birmingham. Registered January 17. To acquire, take over, and carry on business of metal merchant and agent now carried on at above address by Abraham Hamburger, the goodwill and debts, etc., and carry on trade of engineers, smiths, machinists, general founders, iron, steel, and metal merchants, etc. Nominal capita], £1,000 in 1,000 £1 ordinary shares. Subscribers (one share each) : A. Hamburger and A. Towell. Jackson (H. E.) Limited.—Private company. Registered January 20. To carry on business of engineering now carried. on at Church-gate, Leicester, as H. E. Jackson and.Company, and to carry on business of iron founders, mechanical, elec- trical, water supply, and gas engineers, etc. Nominal capital, £2,500 in 2,500 £1 ordinary shares. First permanent directors and subscribers (one ordinary share each) : E. H. Kirk, C. H. Kirk, and H. E. Jackson. North Ayrshire Coal and Oil Company Limited.—Private company. Registered office, 8,' Princes-street, E.C. Regis- tered January 18. Nature of business .indicated by title.. Nominal capita], £1,000 in 1,000 £1 shares. Directors : K. Kimber, B. de Quinccy, R. T. Walker, T. White, and W. H. Tottie. Parsons and Hodges Limited.—Private company. Regis- tered office, 63, The Parade, Leamington, Warwickshire. Registered January 15. To acquire and carry on the follow- ing businesses : (1) Electrical and mechanical and general engineers, contractors, etc., now carried on by A. J. Hodges at Regent-street, Leamington, in .succession to W. Parsons and Company Limited ; (2) electrical and mechanical and general engineers, contractors, etc., now carried on by A_. E. Mason at 63, The Parade, Leamington, as receiver for the debenture holders of Brown and Parsons (1913) Limited. Also to enter into two agreements, and to carry on business of electrical, mechanical, and general engineers, contractors, etc. Nominal capital, £3,000 in 3,000 £1 shares. Subscribers (one share each) : William Parsons and A. J. Hodges. Sanders and Faster Limited.—Private company. Regis- tered office, Royal Works, 27, Union-road, Rotherhithe. Registered January 17. To carry on business of iron founders, general, mechanical, constructional, electrical, and motor engineers, builders of locomotive engines, motors,’etc., tool makers; and brass founders, workers of minerals, etc. Nominal capital, £5,090 in 5,000 £1 shares. First directors and subscribers (100 shares each) : J. T. Sanders (chairman) and R. Foster. Qualification of directors, 100 shares. Trentham Engineering Company (Cornbrook) Limited.— Private company. Registered office, Tower-chambers, 30, Spring-gardens, Manchester. Registered January 19. Nature of business indicated by title. Nominal capital, £2,000 in 2,000 £1 shares. First directors : W. A. Jones, E. Monkhouse, W. Shacklady, and H. Holroyd. Wade (F. R.) and Company Limited.—Private company. Registered January 19. To acquire, take over, and carry on business of E. R.^Wade and Company, business of manu- facturers of electrical instruments and machinery, and engi- neers, and any other business in connection therewith. Nominal capital, £1,000 in 1,000 £1 shares. First director, F. R. Wade. This list of new companies is taken from the Daily Register specially compiled by Messrs. Jordan and Sons Limited, company registration agents, Chancery-lane, E.C. THE FREIGHT MARKET. A moderate amount of business has been transacted on the outward freight market during the past week, but the general conditions prevailing on the markets at the time of writing are anything but satisfactory and conducive to business. As a rule, rates are fully maintained at recent levels, and, in many instances, still forging ahead. At the North-East Coast, however, there is weakness in quotations coastwise, and in the near trades generally. The recent bad weather has interfered with navigation very consider- ably, and the arrival of steamers at the Tyne continues to be irregular. The demand for boats is heavy, and tonnage supplies are still very much below requirements. The new restrictions on the exportation of coal with which the Government surprised commercial coal men last week well nigh paralysed the market, of course, and those few merchants who were in need of tonnage for the near trades were able to secure boats at slightly lower figures. Coast- wise, London is .about steady on the basis of 15s. For North France, coke tonnage has been able to command the higher rate of 42s. 6d. to Dunkirk, but coal rates are reduced to the extent of Is. to Is. 6d. for Dunkirk, and a like amount for Rouen, for which the prevailing rate is now 30s. The Bay is likewise weaker .and, whilst Bordeaux has been fixed for at 6d. increase on last week, St. Nazaire has been done at the reduced rate of 42s. 6d. The Mediterranean is very firm, and 90s. has been conceded several times for Genoa, an advance of 4s. on the top rate for last week, with Torre Annunziata done at a similar figure. Business at South Wales has been upset throughout the whole of the week by stemming difficulties, and chartering has been very quiet as a result. High rates have had to be paid to get boats away, and the tone remains strong, although, at the time of writing, the Mediterranean is a shade weaker. Rates for North France are from Is. 3d. to Is. 6d. up to Rouen, fid. to Caen, and from 2s. fid. to 3s. to Havre. The tone of the, Bay market continues to be firm, and Bordeaux easily secures 45 fr., an increase of 5 fr. on the highest price a week ago. Further considerable rises arc to be reported for the Mediterranean, and Genoa at 80s. represents another record and an .advance of 3s. on the week. The South Mediterranean is represented by Algiers at 75 fr., and Port Said, at 90s. The Islands are steady at 37s. 6d. to Las Palmas. Homewards, acute tonnage shortage is still the outstand- ing feature of the markets. An easier tone prevails at the River Plate, however, most merchants holding off. Govern- ment agents have been able to secure boats at the com- paratively low figure of 135s. for March loading, but 140s. is freely obtainable from Buenos Ayres for March-April cancelling. From the States, the Bristol Channel has been fixed for on Government account at 16s. for heavy grain, and merchants are now holding for an additional 3d. West Italy is worth 22n fid., and flour for the French Atlantic up to 100s. For coals for West Italy, 110s. has been offered without response from owners. The eastern market is strong, and Saigon would probably pay 200s. for rice, whilst the'Madras Coast is worth upwards of 180s. for •kernels. From Bombay, 140s. on d.w. is easily obtainable, and 130 s. on scale basis could be secured from Kurrachee. Australia has been done for United Kingdom at 110s., and Vladivostok quotes 190s. Tyne to Bordeaux, 2,500, 45s. 6d. ; 1,900, 45s.; Caen, 1,000, 29s.; Carthagcna, 1,700, 57s. fid.: Cette, 1,500, 80s.; Calais, 1,000, 41s. 6d., coke; Dunkirk, 600, 42s. fid., coke; 650, 31s.; 1,000, 41s. fid.. coke; 700, 42s., coke; 700, 30s.; 1,600, 31s.; 1,350, 30s.; Dieppe, 2,000, 29s. ; Genoa, 3,500, 90s.; 4,000, 90s.: 4,500, 87s. fid.; 2.200, 90s.; Havre, 2,000, 28s. ; Lisbon. 1.800, 40s. : London, 1,700, 15s.; Malta, 4,500, 80s.; River Plate, 5,000, 40s.; Rouen, 1,500, 31s.; 1,500, 30s.; 2,500, 30s.; 2,000, 30s.; Rochefort, 1,500, 45s.; St. Nazaire, 1,700, 45s.; 2,200, 45s.; 2,000, 42s. 6d.; Savona, 4.500, 87s. 6d. ; Treport, 600, 31s.; 1,000, 41s. 6d., coke; Torre Annunziata, 3,000, 90s. Cardiff to Algiers, 1,500, 75 fr.; 2,000, 75 fr., Feb. 3; 2.600, 75 fr.; Alexandria, 3,500, 86s., 500; Bordeaux, 2,200, 44 fr.; 1,000, 43 fr.; .1,700, 44 fr.; 450, 45 fr. ; 2,800, 45 fr.; 1,100, 45 IT.; Buenos Ayres, 2,350, 30s., sail, early Feb.; 30s. 6d., sail, Feb.; Bizerta, 6,000, 75 fr., 1,500; Caen, 1.300, 22s.; Colombo, 5,000, 75s., March-April; Djibouti, 75s.; Genoa, 6,200, 78s.; 3,800, 80s.; 3,200, 80s.; Granville, 550, 22s. fid. ; Havre, 1,000, 22s. 6d.; 900, 23s. ; Havre Canal, 1,100, 23s.; 1,300, 23s. 6d.; Leghorn, 6,200, 78s.; Lisbon, 1,100, 35s. ; 1,600, 35s., 350; 3,900, 34s., 500; 700, 30s., sail; 3,000, 34s. 6d., 500; 950, 31s.; Las Palmas, 1,100, 37s. 6d. ; 1,400, 35s., sail; 2,200, 37s. fid.;'La Rochelle, 900, 401 fr. ; Marseilles, 5,300, 821 fr.; 1,800, 85 fr. ; 1,700, 90 fr. ; 2,100, 89 fr.; 1,000, 90 fr. ; 3,500, 90 fr.; Nantes, 650, 29s. fid.; 1.500, 43 fr.; Oporto, 900, 34s.; Port Said, 4,500, 82s. fid.; 5,000, 90s., Feb., reported; Rochefort, 900, 401 fr. ; Rouen, 2.300, 23s. fid.; 1,700, 23s. fid.; 3,300, 22s. 9d. ■ 1,200, 24s.; Savona, 6,200, 78s.; 3,800, 80s.; Spczzia, 3,800, 80s.; Tenoriffe, 1,100, 37s. 6d.; 1,400, 35s., sail; Tarragona, 1,750, 48s. fid. ; Vigo, 1,000, 30s. fid. Swansea to Genoa, 1,500, 80s.; Rouen, 800, 23s. 9d.; Guernsey, 350, 21s. ; Havre, 1,400, 21s. fid. ; 850, 22s. 6d.; 450, 21s.; 650, 21s. fid., tin-plates, free in and out; Treport, 600, 23s. fid.; 600, 24s. 6d., tin-plates, free in and out; St. Malo, 700, 19s. ; La Rochelle or Rochefort, 1,600, 40 fr. ; 900, 401 fr. ; Caen, 650, 22s. 6d.; Civita Vccchia, 900, 78s. coal, 78s. 9d. fuel: 800, 78s. fid.; Marseilles, 1,700, 90 fr.; 2,100, 89 fr. ; Granville, 650, 21s. fid. ; Tonnay Charento, 700, 38 fr., fuel; St. Bricux, 750, 22s. fid. coal, 23s. 3d. fuel; Cagliari, 2.500, 78s. ccal, 78s. 9d. fuel; Leghorn, 3,200, 78s. 6d., 500, Old., option Naples, 74s. fid., 600; Dublin, 270, 10s.; Caen or Dieppe, 950, 23s. Newport to La Rochelle or Rochefort, 9G0, 401 fr. ; Vigo, 1,000, 30s. fid.; Seville, 1,500, 38s. fid.; 1100, 40s.; Gibraltar, 1,200, 38s. 6d.; 3,000, 37s. fid.; Ferrol, 1,300, 31s. 3d.;. Marseilles, 1,800, 85 fr.; 1,000, 90 fr. ; Rouen, 1.500, 23s. ; Algiers, 2,000, 75.fr. ; Havre Canal, 800, 23s. 3d. ; Genoa, Savona, or Leghorn, 1,500, 80s.; Havre, 900, 23s. 3d. Port Talbot to La Rochelle or Rochefort, 900, 40 fr. ; Caen, 1.300, 22s.; Rouen, 1,600, 23s. fid.; 3,300, 22s. 9d.; 1,180, 24s.; Algiers, 1,400, 75 fr. Hull to Rouen, 980, 30s.; 1,400, 31s.; Dunkirk, 750, 29s.; Calais, 750, 29s. Elyth to Havre, 1,600, 30s.; 1,000, 30s.; 1,500, 28s.; Rouen, 1,600, 30s. Mersey to Ireland, 18s. 3d., Feb.-Alar. Scaham Harbour to Rochefort, 1,650, 46s. 6d. : Genoa, 1.600, 90s.; Caen, 1,000, 29s. 6d.; Havre, 2.000, 28s. Hartlepool to Trouville, 700, 30s.; Leghorn, 3,300, 87s. fid.; Marseilles, 1,800, 77s. 6d. Grimsby to Civita Vecchia,’ 2,000, 90s. Glasgov/ to Torre Annunziata, 97s. fid., reported; Genoa, Savona, or Leghorn, 4,000, 90s.; 4,500, 90s.; 95s., Feb.; St. Nazaire, 1,350, 55 fr. Amble to Trouville, 500, 32s. Bristol Channel to Rouen, 1,700, 23s. Wear to Rouen, 2,500, 30s.; 3,100, 30s.; Havre, 1,000. 30s.; Bayonne, 1,500, 47s. fid.; Toulon, 2,100, 75s. COMTRACTS OPEH FOR COAL AMD COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White pages. Islington, February 3.—The Guardians of the Poor, of ■the parish of St. Alary, Islington, invite tenders for the supply of coal and coke, to be delivered as ordered at their institutions in the parish, during the period to Alarch 31, 1916. Printed forms of tender must be obtained from the clerk personally, or a stamped, addressed, brief-size envelope may be sent. Sealed tenders, endorsed “ Tender for Coal and Coke,” and addressed to the. Guardians, must be delivered at the Guardians’ offices, St. Johns-road, Upper Holloway, N., not later than Thursday, February 3, 1916, and the tenders will be opened at a meeting of the Guardians to be held there on the same day. The Guardians do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. No contract will be given to firms who do not ordinarily observe the recognised rate of wages and hours of labour. By order, Edwin Davey, clerk. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Dublin, February 3.—House, furnace, and cannel coal, for the Commissioners of Irish’Lights. Forms from Mr. H. G. Cook, secretary, Irish Lights Office, Dublin. London, SW., February 2.—Best steam coal and best gas coke, for the Middlesex County Council. Forms from Mr. H. T. Wakelam, county engineer, Middlesex Guildhall, Westminster, S.W. Manchester, January 27.-3,000 or 5,250 tons of good burgy, for the Baths and Washhouses Committee. Particu- lars from the General Office, Osborne-street Baths, Alanchester. Neston (Cheshire), February 2.—About 400 tons of slack burgy or coal, for the waterworks of the Neston and Parkgate Urban District Council. Forms from the surveyor, Town Hall, Neston. The date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR ENGINEERING, IRON AND STEEL WORK, &c. Ashborne, February 9.—Borehole.—Sinking a borehole of 15 in. diameter to a depth of 200 ft., for the Ashborne Urban District Council. Specifications from J. W. Twigg, waterworks inspector, Derby-road, Ashborne. Leicester, February 5.—Rails.—30 tons of 7 in. steel girder tramway rails, for the Tramways Committee. Offers to E. G. Mawbey, borough engineer, Town Hall. Newcastle (N.S.W.) May 3.—Turbo-AIternator.—Erec- tion of 2,500 kw. turbo-alternator, for the New South Wales Government Railways and Tramways Department. Speci- fications from electrical engineer, 61, Hunter-street, Sydney, on payment of £1. Grimsby Coal Exports. — Returns for the week ending January 21 show that the coal exported from Grimsby was as follows:—Bermuda, 544 tons; Dieppe, 1,124; Rouen, 1,113; and Treport, 1,883 tons—total, 4,664 tons foreign; against 15,765 tons foreign during the corresponding period of last year.