90 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. January 14, 1916. NEW PATENTS CONNECTED WITH THE COAL AND IRON TRADES. In order to give the public the advantage of having abridgments of specifications up to date, while retaining their numerical sequence, applications for patents made subse- quent to 1915 will be given new numbers when their complete specifications are accepted, or become open to public inspection before acceptance. The new numbers will start with No. 100,001 (without any indication of date), and will supersede the original application numbers in all proceedings after acceptance of the complete specifications. Applications for Patents. [Note.—The applications will in future be arranged alpha- betically under the names of the applicants (in the case of communicators, these will be given in italics). The number in each case is that of the application, and will be retained up to the date of acceptance, whereupon a new number will be given, which will replace the application number. ] Akt.-Ges.. Brown, Boveri et Cie (72). Multiple-stage com- pressors with intermediate coolers. Berry, H. H. (16). Electric switches and fuse switches. Campbell, J. R. and Edgar, H. (295). Cutter for speedy removal of boiler tubes. Carter, W. C. (239). Diaphragm pumps. Chandler, D. (10) Gas furnaces. Chandler, D. (176). Crucibles to be used with gas furnaces. Constantinesco, G. and Haddon, W. (372). Transmission of energy. Drake, W. A. (7). Regenerative furnaces. Drakes Limited (7). Regenerative furnaces. Fraser and Chalmers and Mitchell, F. G. (377). Tipplers or truck emptying devices. Hope, J. A. (369). Vertical furnace for combustion refuse, coal, coke, etc. Huntington, P. (149). Suspenders for electric cables, etc. Jones, E. W. and Reavell, W. (345). Air compressors. Kinder, F. (222). Stop block for colliery corves, etc. Lowers, W. H. and O'Donnell, J. P. (261). Steam super- heaters for locomotive and like fire tube boilers, and superheater pipes or elements therefor. Mitchell, A. H. (5). Hoisting appliances. Rhodes, W. F. W. and Firth, J. (224). Driving and con- trolling dynamo-electric generators. Riter-Conley Manufacturing Company. White, A. C. (335). Method and apparatus for operating gas generators. Riter-Conley Manufacturing Company, Carpenter, H. A., Hibbard, R. L., and Warner, A. W. (336). Apparatus for charging and discharging gas retorts. Riter-Conley Manufacturing Company (337). Apparatus for charging and discharging gas retorts. Robinson, J. G. (262, 340, 341). Steam superheaters for locomotive and other fire tube boilers. Ruthven, R. H. and Thomson, W. (74). Extraction of toluol, benzol, and other hydrocarbons from coal gas and other gases. Shakespear, G. A. (112). Apparatus for the detection and measurement of gases. Smith, A. (318). Weighing machines. Smith, A. (319). Weight checking machines. Spencer, A. (12). Bogies for railway, etc., vehicles. Sunderland, F. and Wells, E. S. (114). Rotary pumps. Theisen, H. E. (225). Atomising apparatus for purifying, cooling, and mixing gases. Wade, H. (Pier). (147, 148). Apparatus for carrying out reactions between hydrogen and other gases. Walker, R. H. (24). Coal cutter pick. Westinghouse Machine Company. (199). Power developing and transmitting apparatus. Complete Specifications Accepted. (To be published on January 27.) 1915. 79. Power transmission gear. Variable Speed Gear Limited, and Robson. 184. Mechanical stokers. Fulton and Morris. 4518. Superheater. Anderson. 4814. Apparatus for pneumatic conveying. Bristow. 6183. Safety device for safeguarding the working of lifts and hoists. Lockett. 6959. Vertical steam generators for road wagons. Atkinson. THE ACQUISITION OF ENEMY PATENT RIGHTS. The following list of British Patents, which have been granted in favour of residents of Germany, Austria, or Hungary, is furnished in view of the new Patents Acts, which empower the Board of Trade to confer upon British subjects the right' to manufacture under enemy patents, which right, when acquired, can be retained after the war, and is specially compiled for the Colliery Guardian by Lewis Wm. Goold, chartered patent agent, 5, Corporation- street, Birmingham. It is desirable in the first instance to obtain the latest particulars upon the Patents Register. If any patent listed has been assigned to a non-enemy pro- prietor, the law does not apply. 14082/08. Magnetic separators. Raw material is separated into magnetic and non-magnetic parts, the former being simultaneously separated into a suitable number of grades of different magnetic permeability. G. Ullrich, Germany. 14273/08. Mine props. Relates to walling, timbering, and propping mines. Two semi-tubes, one of which is divided, are connected together by rings, one ring being placed at the joint of the two parts when the prop is in use. Peat fibre is placed at the bottom of the prop, which is then partly filled with granulated rock, a space being left at the top of the prop for a wooden plug recessed at the top to take a semi-cylindrical iron cap, between which and the roof are placed layers of peat, so as to allow room for the lagging. To remove the prop, the ring is dis- placed, and the prop struck with a hammer, whereupon some of the rock escapes, thus allow- ing the plug and cap to sink. The caps may be prevented from slipping off the props by bending the ends at right angles, or by passing bolts or rivets through holes made the width of the plug apart. Cribs and brattices are built up with alternate layers of peat and broken rock. To ascertain what pressure is on ia prop, the plug may be provided with .a scale, and in acid-containing waters a wooden plug may be inserted an the bottom end of the prop. F. Nellen, Germany. 14345/08. Furnaces; grates. The grate of a refuse-con- suming furnace is made up of one or more corrugated plates, consisting of inclined por- tions, and intervening vertical portions having lateral perforations. A plain horizontal portion connects the corrugated side portions. Air under pressure supplied beneath the grate enters the fuel in the form of lateral streams. A. Fried, Germany (dated Oct. 28, 1907). 633/07. Dynamo-electric machines; dynamos, regulating; motors, controlling. In alternating current commutator machines having both line poten- tial transformers and variable exciting trans- formers, regulation switches, one on each line, are employed to vary the potential of the main transformer on the secondary .side, and the potential of the exciting transformer on the primary side, giving a double interruption of the circuits. Allgemeine Elektrieitats-Ges., Berlin (dated Jan. 29, 1906). 1242/07. Electric motors; field magnets; sparking, pre- venting. In alternating-current motors pro- vided with commutating poles having both series and shunt windings for neutralising, respectively, the reactance and transformer potentials induced in the coils undergoing inter- ference is reduced to a minimum. Siemens- Schuckertwerke Ges., Berlin (dated Jan. 20, 1906). 1662/07. Dynamo-electric machines; sparking, preventing. To produce a proper commutating field in alternating-current commutator machines hav- ing short-circuited armatures, auxiliary coils are energised by an electro-motive force pro- portional to the armature potential in the exciter axis perpendicular to the short-circuit axis, the electro-motive force across the brushes being approximately 90 degs. in advance of the working current to be commutated. Allgemeine Elektricitats Ges., Berlin (dated Jan 23, 1906). 1865/07. Belts and bands. A metal belt for use in gearing, hoists, transporters, etc., is so constructed that the thickness, or the diameter if a wire of circular section, bears such a relation to the diameter of the smallest pulley round which the belt wraps, as to be adapted to transmit continuously, without fracture, the maximum power per unit, width of belt. For a flat band of which one surface only is required to wrap curved surfaces, the ratio of the belt thickness to the diameter of the smaller pulley is approxi- mately equal to one-fourth the ratio of the breaking stress of the material, at the weakest section, to the modulus of elasticity, and is approximately one-sixth this ratio where both surfaces of the band are required to wrap curved surfaces. C. Eloesser, Germany. Copies of any of the above specfiications can be supplied at the price of Is. post free. Immingham Coal Exports. — During the week ended January 7 there were 3,677 tons of coal exported to Porto Vecchio and 1,500 tons to London. The totals for the corresponding period of last year were 4,285 tons, and none coastwise. THE GOSFORTH FOUNDRY 00. LTD Malleable Ironfounders, Dronfield, near Sheffield. G 52 Makers of all kinds of Driving and Elevator Chains, Sprocket Wheels, Elevator Buckets, &c. First-class Medals— Paris. 1885; London, 1862. “SHELTON” IRON. “SHELTON” STEEL “GRANVILLE” PIG IRON « i Gold Medals— , Paris, 1878 ; Melbourne, 1881. THE ISCA FOUNDRY COMPANY LTD., RAILWAY PLANT &■ GENERAL ENGINEERS, Switches, Crossings, Turntables, Water Cranes, Girders, Bridges, Roofs, Pipes, Pumps, Wagons, Tanks, Engines, Boilers, Cranes, Wobks: NEWPORT, MON. London Office , 1B * 17 Devonshire So. Bishopsoate St.. E.C. STEEL PIT GIRDERS & COLLIERY RAILS a Speciality; also High-class RAR IRON for Couplings, &c, IRON & STEEL BARS, ANGLES, TEES, CHANNELS, GIRDERS, PLATES & SHEETS, STEEL BILLETS, BLOOMS & SLABS. Enquiries to— — THE SHELTON IRON, STEEL & COAL CO. LTD., SS Or 122, Cannon Street, London, E.C. Telegraphic Address : “Shelton, Stoke-an-Trent.” Tel. No. 11 and 253. | Telegraphic Address : “ Sheltonian, London.” Tel. No. 886 Bank, ELECTRICAL MEASURING & RECORDING INSTRUMENTS FOR MINES. . . . . . Ask for Catalogue. NALDER BROS. & THOMPSON LD., 97a. Dalston Lane, London, N.E. Look for the mark of Reliability, PATENT IREflSER ’ OVER 1,400 PAIRS SOLD. j NEW PfltENTN920901,19I3-1 w#/r£ for photos. ro sql£ automatic Ievans dodd k | CANNOCK. PER PAIR.