84 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. January 14, 1916. EXPORTS OF COAL, COKE, AHO fiAROFACTOREO FUEL FRO33 TRE ORITEO KIRGDO^ During December 1913, 1914 and 1915, and the Same Completed Years. To December, 1915. December. Coal—Small. Coal—Through- and-through (unscreened). Coal—Large All coal. Quantity (tons). All coal. Valued). Tons. Tons. £ Tons. £ 1913. | 1914. 1915. 1913. 1914 1915 Russia — — — 400,315 — 284,874 — Sweden 34,668 27,780 27,463 19,603 109,656 i 99,308 379,522 291,039 171,787 252,443 176,611 146,691 Norway. 59,351 40,781 14,004 12,271 112,163 1 98,321 201,951 179,562 185,518 124,454 100,794 151,376 Denmark 65,486 59,583 50,627 37,208 100,052 86,216 294,685 225,520 216,165 193,359 136,393 183,007 Germany . — — — — — — 655,841 — — 397,740 — — Netherlands 26,986 18,490 81,594 57,866 29,425 i 25,507 148,598 90,634 137,915 93,161 52,697 101,863 Belgium — —. — — — i — 140,761 1,008 — 80,546 542 — France 515,330 441,065 445,441 363,488 425,528 ' 442,366 1,099,553 1,246,786 1,386,299 691,296 800,220 1,246,919 Portugal, Azores, and Madeira 23,631 16,987 22,152 14,529 38,620 : 36,961 129,485 84,853 84,403 94,263 57,474 68,477 Spain and Canaries 35,850 26,658 27,473 21,566 94,723 94,033 293,858 148,132 158,046 213,478 105,013 142,257 Italy 27,245 17,786 103,854 ’ 80,504 251,397 261,426 802,488 759,417 382,496 563,810 521,223 359,716 Austria-Hungary — — — — — 78,728 — — 50,099 — — Greece —. . 1 — — — — 61,042 44,594 — 42,544 30,398 — Roumania .. — — — ■ — — — 25,722 — — 23,538 — — Turkey : — — — — — — 61,951 — — 48,420 — — Algeria 24,509 16,209 39,443 33,265 29,059 26,996 107,169 53,649 93,011 71,243 32,403 76,470 Portuguese West Africa 103 67 7,797 5,705 10,170 10,102 19,187 25,732 18,070 16,522 22,164 15,874 Chile 77 154 — — 42 47 46,523 2,933 119 40,830 2,338 201 Brazil 3,732 4,227 — 21,730 ’ 23,410 155,208 75,216 28,462 143,985 65,024 27,637 Uruguay ; 2,490 2,749 — — 30,508 i 29,698 66,143 9,385 32,998 •56,794 8,401 32,447 Argentine Republic 7,153 6,897 — — 156,453 ■ 119,950 380,859 194,499 163,606 325,620 160,441 156,847 Channel Islands 1,322 529 3,683 2,847 9,002 9,956 14,636 9,051 14,007 10,554 6,196 13,332 Gibraltar i 3,015 1,869 6,927 6,646 11,875 ! 11,162 33,703 34,835 21,817 23,446 22,516 19,677 Malta 3,558 2,220 i 3,909 3,909 11,273 10 300 78,622 4,925 18,740 60,556 3,443 16,429 Egypt (including Anglo-Egyptian Sudan) 6,041 5,083 23,318 24,001 96,379 88,027 358,847 177,511 130,738 266,501 130,736 117,111 A den and Dependencies — '' — 1 — — 5,104 4,456 26,664 4,004 5,104 22,643 3,555 4,456 'British India 50 55 — — — — 27,189 7,054 50 23,417 6,074 55 Ceylon — — — — ! — 26,115 5,495 — 22,802 4,707 — Other countries 2,423 2,384 — — 35,468 • 34,861 114,088 22,980 37,891 90,329 18,645 37,245 C Anthracite 92,140 114,025 589 526 117,749 162.930 249,496 227,346 210.478 196,573 211,300 277,481 1 Steam 688,407 524,614 299,158 247,969 1,410,805 1,328,486 4,588.444 2,701.707 2,398,370 3,232,360 1,792,004 2,101,069 Totals Gas 14,109 10,438 460,720 319,918 8,680 8.311 980,548 583,055 483,509 637,705 348,141 368,670 1 Household 12,374 12,483 — — 43,352 42,380 134.384 118,851 55,726 89,525 78,026 54,863 L Other sorts 35.990 30,016 102,128 84,995 1,041 993 276,581 67,915 139,159 173,104" 36,537 116,004 Total 843,020 691,576 862,595 683,408 1,581,627 1,543,103 3,229,453 3,698,874 3,287.242 4.329,267 2,466,008 2,918,087 Total (December 1914 > 934,454 492,254 786,620 465,409 1,977,800 1,508,345 — — — — — Total (December 1913 > 1,447,621 788,883 1,229,735 784,953 3,552.097 2,755,431 — — — — — Coke — — — — — — 118,619 107,442 101,168 104.752 81,347 142,648 Manufactured fuel — — — —. — — 178 235 73,077 81,826 158,386 60,792 97,768 Total of coal, coke & manufactured fuel - — — — — — 6,526,307 3,879,393 3,470,236 4,592,405 2 608.147 3,158 503 Year ending December 31, 1915. Year ending December 31. Russia 2,216 1,888 1,920 1,692 38,423 40,797 5,998,434 3,087,805 42,559 4,336,582 2,129,779 44,377 Sweden 495,706 326,833 222,161 146,024 1,942,128 1,581,296 4,563,076 4,250,255 2,659,995 3,032,459 2,679,711 2,054,153 Norway 785,303 535,304 225,010 168,395 1,632,874 1,3^6,809 2,298,345 2,462,200 2.643,187 1,447,356 1,458,781 2,090,418 Denmark 850,212 649,111 803,201 562,121 1,477,229 1,226,575 3,034,240 3,059,lo2 3,130,642 1,990,740 1,937,091 2,437,807 Germany — — . — —■ — . — 8,952,328 5,256,765 — 5,327,733 3,094,031 — Netherlands . 340,652 236,790 979,948 642,008 472,351 409,627 2,018,401 1,722,215 1,792,951 1,260,863 1,033,863 1,288,425 Belgium , —. — — — — 2,031,077 1,168,551 — 1,176,130 668,034 — France 7,227,445 5,597,180 5,086,828 3,684,158 5,287,299 5,092,135 12,775,909 12,330,545 17,601,572 8,074,053 7,616,588 14,373,473 Portugal, Azores, and Madeira 220,797 172,581 202,274 141,166 599,684 ' 591,799 1,356,081 1,169,625 1,022,755 1,004.434 840,182 906,546 Spain and Canaries' 385,026 299,407 704,541 522,759 978,196 1,014,244 3,648,760 2,940,148 2,067,763 2,658,331 2,086,538 1,836,410 Italy 693,295 414,103 1,548,428 1,081,618 3,546,737 3,471,237 9,617,161 8,625,254 5,788,460 6,887,721 6,033,431 4,996,958 Austria-Hungary — — — — —. i — 1,056,634 . 561,362 — 724,237 380,470 . —— . Greece 30,357 26,653 76,945 57,543 201,896 206,460 727,899 578,757 309,198 540,875 412,019 290,665 Roumania — — .— — — — 251,925 218,218 — • . 211,721 167,117 — Turkey — — — — 10 324 14,907 369,789 429,506 10,324 297,164 337,347 14,907 Algeria 202,976 147,954 464,154 395,162 272,716 255,340 1,281,664 910,211 939,846 873,190 008.868 808,456 Portuguese West Africa 1,346 1,284 79,543 60,992 129,763 129,278 233,015 184,686 210,652 203,098 151,972 191,554 Chile 2,046 3,823 — - - 44,361 42,350 588,526 377,482 46,407 500,380 305,986 46,173 Brazil 24,583 27,748 25,586 16,364 448,171 475,987 1,886,871 1,176,780 498,340 1,681,475 1,049,548 520,099 Uruguay 39,229 38,292 6,000 5,016 287,312 292,629 723,936 550,876 332,541 616,413 482,329 335,937 Argentine Republic. 83,356 89,230 34,761 24,401 1,500,486 1,477,590 3,693,572 2,883,064 1,618,603 3,090,000 2,493,809 1,591,221 Channel Islands .. ... 8,090 5,604 27,946 20,666 95,0/4 88,577 167,862 162,066 131,110 122,453 115,195 114,847 Gibraltar 61,754 43,219 124,260 106,729 170,061 161,674 354,702 309,650 356,075 256,102 217,887 311,613 Malta 25,436 16,705 32,190 28,196 93,527 89,113 700,111 338,673 151,153 519,089 249,077 134,014 Egypt (including Anglo-Egyptian Sudan) 98,295 71,604 265,755 209,204 1,024,864 948,583 3,162,477 2,633,581 1,388,914 2,368,205 1,981,411 1,229,391 Aden and Dependencies 689 305 4,309 4,848 127,177 122,526 181,204 139,821 132,475 154,330 122,045 127,679 British India 3,385 2,752 — —■ 21,151 18,352 179,192 158,261 24,536 146,696 129,621 21,104 Ceylon .. 469 562 — — 48,018 44,150 239,657 250,173 43,487 203,384 214,860 44,712 Other countries 103,150 94,442 20,094 13,222 467,982 473,087 1,277,270 1 101,185 591,226 1,022,038 864,418 580,751 f Anthracite 1,107,586 1,147,513 2,159 1,357 1,117,486 1,245,733 2,976,389 2,389,190 2,227,231 2,374,353 1,917,670 2,394,603 Steam 9,254,042 6,726,712 3,394,386 2,695,542 18,502,102 17,274,036 53,618,922 42,633,565 3450,530 37,845,546 29,270,894 26,696,290 Totals G as 460,189 303,478 6,374,920 4,361,016 439,540 386,821 11,527,686 10,080,243 7,274,649 7,154,427 6,251,592 5,051,345 Household 201,989 186,523 1,122 1,253 837,968 744,208 1,769,719 1,490,345 1,041,079 1,164,088 968,838 931,984 Other sorts 662,007 469,148 1,163,267 833,987 16,008 14,333 3,507,402 2,446,537 1,841,282 2,188,838 1,453,014 1,317,468 Total 11,685.813 8,833,374 10,935,854 7,893,185 20,913,104 19,665,131 73,400,118 59,039,880 143,534,771 50,727,252 39,862,008 36,391,690 Total for 1914 14,295,384 7,491,271 12,626,511 7,734,412 32,117,985 24,636,325 — — — — — — Total for 1913 17,426,431 9,830,153 14,722,546 9,087,628 41,251,141 31,809,471 — — — — ■ — Coke — — — — — 1,235,141 1,182,848 1,010,302 1,149,822 945,909 1,173,025 Manufactured fuel — — — — —- — ■ 2,053,187 1,607,757 1,225,071 1,782,586 1,391,211 1,258,891 Total of coal, coke & manufactured fuel — — — — — — . 76,688,446 61,830,485 45,770,144 53,659,660 42,202.128 38 823 606 Note.—The figures in the above tables do not include Admiralty’and certain other shipments. Monmouthshire Colliery Officials’ Association.—The next meeting of this association will be held at King’s Head Hotel, Newport, to-morrow (Saturday) at 6.30 p.m., when Mr. John Samuel, M.Inst.M.E., assistant principal of the Treforest School of Mines, will lecture on “ Coal : Its Nature and Characteristics.” New Year Honours and the Coal and Allied Trades — Apart from the peerage granted to Mr. D. A. Thomas and the baronetcy to Lieut.-Col. Henry Webb, M.P., as men- tioned last week, the further recognition of the coal mining industry, by the granting of a C.M.G-. (in connection with the Colonial Office List) to Mr. John Cadman, D.Sc., Professor of Mining, Birmingham University, Petroleum Adviser to. the Colonial Office, and Coal Mining Adviser to the Government of Nigeria, will give general satisfaction. The iron, steel and engineering trades were also giyen. sub- stantial recognition, as.will be seen from the following list : The Duke of Devonshire, appointed Knight of the Order of the. Garter, is chairman of the Barrow Haematite Steel Com- pany Limited, and a past-president of the Iron and Steel Institute; Sir George Bullough, made a baronet, is a director of Howard and Bullough Limited; Mr. George Franklin, also granted a baronetcy, is a director of the British Thomson- Houston Company Limited; and Mr. William Middlebrook, M.P., also honoured with a baronetcy, is a director of Pope and Pearson Limited, and the Yorkshire Bailway Wagon Company Limited.