1368 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. December 31, 1915. MACHINERY. Advertisements can be inserted under a Box number, and replies will be forwarded on payment of postage. MA CHIN ER Y-continucdt /2UHott’s Improved “ Gillott and Copley” , B^tary COAL-OUTTING MACHINES. See Illustrated Adver- ■sement fortnightly. Sole Makers: JOHN GILLOTT ft BON, Barnsley. 250 tons of good Relayable Steel Flange, about 741b. per yard, also a quantity from 14 lb upwards. ^Quantity of Bull Head RAILS, all suitable for sidings; all accessories to •• BENTON A OO., Market Place Buildings, High-street, Sheffield. Locomotives, 4 - wheel coupled, by Manning Wardle, 8 in. cylinders ; splendid condition, ready for OOrrice.—MXTIBHEAD A OO. LTD , Imperial-road. Fulham, S.W. Turbo Alternator Set, comprising 1,000-h.p. Steam Turbine, bv WiIlans & Robinson, coupled to alternator, by Siemens, 440 volts. 3 phase, with Condensing Plant, Edwards Air Pumps, &c.~Apply, HARRY H. GARDAM A CO. LTD., Staines. rphe Bute Works Supply Co. Ltd., Cardiff. J- Telegrams—” Gething, Cardiff.” Telephone Ne. 2645 (4 lines). (Established 1888). FOR SALE. RAILWAY WAGONS—Specification 10-tonners, for shipping or inland traffic, quick delivery ; all now in main line traffic; prompt reply to specific enquiries on hearing number, depth, and doors required. 3 Covered Vans. 16Flats (no doors), 54 Goods (doors opening through). CONTRACTORS’ WAGONS. WHEELS AND AXLES. Also new and secend-hand material for repairs. STEEL RAILS.—Bridge, Flange, Bull, or Double Head, with Sleepers, Fishplates, Bolts and Nuts when required. A considerable quantity of new 201b. Flange Rails in stock ready for immediate delivery, with or without fishplates, bolts and nuts. Also 2 ft. gauge Steel Sleepers to match. ~ Crossing Timbers, 12 in. by 6in., also 14 in. by 6 in. and 14in. by 7 in. LOCOMOTIVES —Ready for immediate work. Gauge. 2 ft. 7 in. 2 ft. 10 in. 3 ft. 0 in. 3 ft. 0 in. 4 ft. 8Jin. Situations Vacant &. Wanted. Charge (which must be prepaid): One Penny per word; minimum, 2s. 6d. Advertisements can be inserted under a Box number, and replies will be forwarded on payment cf postage. New Yyranted, a General Manager for exten- ▼ ▼ sive iron ore mines in the Province of Granada, Spain; applicants must have had considerable experience in mining; one with preliminary training as a minitg engineer preferred; must be a good English corre- spondent, and capable of writing and speaking Spanish; state acre, experience, and salary expected, and give references.—Apply, Box 6255, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 ft 31. Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. Builders. Bagnall (Stafford) Hudswell, Clarke Kerr, Stuart Barclay Peckett (Bristol) *Gt. Western Cylinders. 6 in. by 9in. 7 in. by 10 in. 6 in. by 10in. 6Jin. by 12 in. 16 in. by 18 in. Press. Wheels lbs. * ‘ ’ 120 160 130 130 150 ’pled. 4 at Cardiff. Situation wanted as Engineer, Foreman, klv or ENGINE WRIGHT ; now at liberty ; excellent references.—Box 6212, Colliery Guardian Office, 30ft 31, Furnival-st., Holborn. London, E.C. For Sale, three Locomotive Steam Cranes, to lift 1J, 3, and 5 tons, standard gauge. fee?10 IngerSO1l ” Steamdriven AIR COMPRESSOR, capacity 285 cubic One 45-kw. GENERATING SET, 220 volts. One 150-h.p. GENERATING SET. 70 volts. One 200-h.p. Willans High Speed ENGINE. Two 5-h.p. Lister MOTORS, 65 volts. BIDDEL 3 OO., 40, St. Enoch-square, Glasgow. 4 4 ♦Gt.'Western 4ft.' 8Jin. 15J in.'by 26 in.' 150/165 4 nn ” * This is an 8-wheeler (4-4-0), 2 pairs.of bogies in front, specially constructed for gradients, conveying passengers and minerals, also for negotiating any curve that an ordinary railway wagon will traverse. It has 3 brakes, viz., hand, steam and vacuum, and is now being retyred and overhaul. BLAST FURNACE SLAG.—Any quantity for railway or road ballasting. In stock ready for immediate delivery, 200 tons 1J in. to dust, 40 tons fin. to dust, 20 tons Ijin. to Jin., 20 tons 3in. to IJin., &c. RED ASH CLINKER (for garden, filtering of bacteria purposes), 450 tons Jin. to J in., &c. WANTED. LOCOMOTIVES.—Good second-hand, ready for work, standard gauge, 4 and 6 wheels coupled, also narrow gauge. nr. nr. Tpxperienced Draughtsman wanted in -JLJ London; thorough knowledge of bye-product coking plant essential.. —Apply, stating age, salary required, and all particulars, to BALE & HARDY, 39, Victoria-street, London, S.W. YXTanted, competent Colliery Electrician ▼ ▼ to take charge of electrical plant; must be thoroughlv experienced in 3 phase alternating current work—Apply, EAST BRISTOL COL- LIERIES LTD., Speedwell-road. St. George, Bristol. For Sale, 200-kw. Generator, by Sandy- croft, ten pole type, for 220 volts, D.C., speed 150 revs, per minute : modern and first-class machine.—Apply, HABBY H. GARDAM A OO. LTD., Staines. For Sale, two Allen’s Compound Engines, each 116-h.p., 390 revs., cylinders Ilin, and 15 in. by 7 in. stroke, direct coupled to Allen’s Compound Wound 4-pole, 70 kw., D.C. Generators, 110 volts, 636 amps. One Willans & Robinson’s 3-crank Compound Central Valve ENGINE, S70-h.p., 300 r.p.m.. direct coupled to 3-phase Westinghouse Alternator, 2,200 volts, 25 periods. B. H. LONGBOTHAM A OO. LTD., Wakefield. R. H. LONGBOTHAM & Co. Ltd., Ings Foundry, WAKEFIELD. AND AT MILBURN HOUSE, NEWCASTLEONTYNE, Stock a large quantity of Steam, Electrical, Compressed Air Machinery and Plant of every description for Collieries, Iron and Steel Works Contractors, &e. We are always pleased to tender for the purchase of Plant, Machinery, &c# Tel. Address : “ Engineer, Wakefield.” Tel.: 44 Wakefield; 867 Newcastle ; 336 Doncaster. /Colliery Manager wanted, small Derby- shire colliery, capable of development; must be energetic, good engineer, thoroughly practical, with good knowledge three-phase plant; . quantity of water to deal with; good remuneration to suitable man.—Reply with references and testimonials. Box 6264, Colliery Guardian Office, . 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn. London, E.C. TX/anted, an Electrician to take charge ▼ ▼ of D.C. installation, about 750-kw., for hauling and pumping purposes ; must be 6 o’clock man, and have had considerable colliery experience, and state salary required —Apply, Box 56. Wrexham. "D oilers, Lancashire and other types, from JL> 15 ft to 30 ft. long by 5 ft. to 8 ft. dia., for pressure up to 120 lb. GAB ENGINE and SUCTION PLANTS up to 150-b.h.p. STEAM ENGINES up to 150-i.h.p. LATHES, from 7 in. to 24 in. centres. | STEAM NAVVY, heavy type, by Ruston Proctor, 8 in. cyls. PORTABLE ENGINES and BOILERS, STEAM WINCHES, PUMPS, STEAM CRANES, MORTAR MILLS, BRICK MACHINERY, WOOD- WORKING MACHINERY, Ac. JOHN STRINGER A SON, BLACKBURN. Pit Headgear of Iron or Steel wanted immediately, 20 to 40 ft. in height; must be in good condition, and price moderate.—Box 6266, C>Vie>y Guardian Office, 30 ft 31, Furnival- street, Holborn. London, E.C. A Gentleman resident in Cardiff with good connection amongst the collieries, wishes to represent a good : railway wagon company in South Wales.—Reply, “ WAGONS,” Box 6265, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 ft 31, Furniva1 -street, Holborn, London, E.C. MA OH INER Y-oontlnuoa. T^hree Evans Sinking Pumps, 30,000. JL 16,500 and 7,3C0 gallons per hour. WINDIN G EN GINES, 8 and 10 in. cylinders, double and single drums. Ingersoll Duplex Two-stage COMPRESSOR, 350 ft. of air per minute. Tangye Hoz. STEAM PUMP, 18in. cyl., 7 in. water cyl., 10,000 gals. Tangye Hoz. STEaM PUMP, 16in cyl., 10 in. water cyl., 20 000 gals. LOCOMOTIVE, 11 in. cylinders, six-wheel coupled. JAMES B. WATSON A SONS, the City Machinery Stores, Hunslet New-road, Leeds. Tel. 143 D. For Sale, 6 wheel, 15 in. inside cylinder, LOCO., by Hudswell Clarke, 160 lb. w.p., very modern. A t Also 12in., 14in. and 16 in. cylinder LOCOS., leading makers. ? Several 10 in., 12 in. and 13 in. cylinder, 4 wheel LOCOS., by leading makers. 7 and 12-ton CRANE NAVVIES, by Whitaker Bros. 2. 3,5 and 7 ton LOCO. CRANES, by Isles, Coles, Wilson and Booth. 100 tons of 56 lb. F. B. Rails and Points and Crossings. BENTLEY A JUBB, Britannia Bridge, Lower Ince, near Wigan. For Sale, two pair new 10 in. by 12 in. stroke Self-contained Horizontal Geared HAULING or WINDING’ ENGINES, ready for immediate delivery.—Apply, THO8. WEIGHT 3 CO., Whitehaven. /Coupled pair of lo in. Drop Valve ENGINES, by Robey & Co., Lincoln; also single cylinder Robey, 18 in. by 36 in., high-class Corliss valve Horizontal, 15J in. cylinder, and large number of other engines of all sizes, types, and makes in stock at our works and available for immediate delivery.—Send your enquiries to HARRY H. GARDAM A OO. LTD., Staines. TXT anted, 40 to 50 tons good Second-hand v v STEEL FLANGE RAILS, about 301b. section.—Lowest price and section to Box 6263, C lliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. |^or Sale. COAL TIPPING INSTALLATION. Consisting of:— TWO HYDRAULIC TIPS, capable of hoisting and tipping trucks weighing 23 tons gross up to a height of 36 ft. above quay level. FOUR SETS OF ELECTRICALLY-DRIVEN PUMPS, capacity 100 g.p.m. each, at 750 lb. pressure, Motors 65-h.p., 440 volts, 3-phase, TWO ACCUMULATORS, 22 in. diameter by 12ft. 9in. stroke. Tips and Hydraulic Machinery built by Messrs. TANNETT, WALKER & CO. LTD., LEEDS, in 1913. S. PEARSON & SON LTD., 10, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W. QKfVH.P. Twin Cylinder Gas Engine, by Crossley Bros. Ltd., in stock and available for prompt delivery.—For particulars, apply HABBY H. GABDAM & OO. LTD., Staines. V\7 anted, Second-hand Gillott’s or ▼ V Diamond COAL-CUTTING MACHINES, working condition.— Reply, Box 6254, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 ft 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. Pumping Engine, Compound Duplex type, by Hayward, Tyler & Co. Ltd., duty 60,000 gallons per hour at about 200 ft. head: cost £1,000 in 1911, and will be so’d a great bargain to prompt buyer.—Full particulars and drawing from HABBY H. GABDAM' 3 CO. LTD., Staines. For Sale, 200-kw. Generating Set, Beiliss ft Morcom Three crank Six-cylinder Engine, coupled direct to Parker Dynamo. 210 volts, 900 amps., 420 revs., switchboard, and new spare - armature; seen fixed in London for next few days. JOSEPH PUGSLEY, 72 Queen’s Circus. Battersea Park, London, S.W. TXT’anted, two hundred 10-ton Railway ▼ V WAGONS for one, two, or thr^e years.—Write, “O. S. S.,” care of Streets, 30, Cornhill, E.C., giving full particulars. New and DA 11 Q with al1 Second-hand ■ accessories. Points and Crossings. Sleepers. Crossing Timbers. Portable Railway. Tip Wagons. Turntables. TENDERS. "| OfA-B.H.P. Gas Engine, by the JLO National Gas Engine Co. Ltd., No. 22607; has done two months’ work only and for every practical purpose is equal to new.— HABBY H. GARDAM A OO. LTD., Staines. GOODWIN & CO., No. 2 Dept., Queen Street, SHEFFIELD. Coombe Lodge Estate, Blagdon, Somerset. FOR SALE. 600 tons Relayable Steel D.H. Rails, about 80 lb. per yard, with all accessories to match. 250 tons of splendid second-hand Steel B.H. Rails, with accessories, and several sets of Points and Crossings to match. 100 tons of new perfect Steel Bridge Rails, 16 lb. per yard, and in 6 ft. lengths. 100 tons good second-hand Steel Flange Rails, 45 lb. per yard, with Fishplates to match. 50 tons of ditto, ditto, but 351b. per yard, with Fish- plates to match. 50 tons of ditto, ditto, but 56 lb. per yard. 200 yards of good second-hand steel 12/14 lb. Portable Railway, 2 ft. gauge, with 12 sets of New Points and Crossings, also 12 New Turntables to match. 20 good second-hand steel 2/3rd and 1 yard Side Tipping Wagons, 24 in. gauge. Also 20 new 1 yard dittos. 1,000 good second-hand Creosoted Relayable Railway Sleepers, Oft. by 10in. by 5 in. Also 400 new Creo- soted Scotch Fir Sleepers, 9 ft. by 9 in. by 4| in. 200 tons of splendid second-hand Creosoted Crossing Timbers, 12 in. by 6 in./15in. by 7 in., and in various lengths. Inspection invited of all Material offered. Cash Buyers of Machinery, Plant, Old Iron and Steel Scrap, Metals, Indiarubber, &c., new and second-hand Rails, and all Accessories, Sleepers, &c. MARPLE & GILLOTT LTD., SHEFFIELD. FOR SALE. 80 tons good Second-hand F.B. RAILS, about 701b. per yard. 6 in. CENTRIFUGAL PUMP, by Wade & Cherry. PULSOMETER PUMP, No. 6. PULSATOR PUMP, 2in. delivery, new. Two STEAM TRAVELLING CRANES, 2 tons, by Johnson, 24 ft. and 20 ft. jibs. WINDING DRUM, 5 ft. diameter by 50 in. wide. 2 RECTANGULAR SKEPS, i plates, about 4 ft. by 3ft. by 3ft. deep, with drop bottoms. 2 ditto, about 3ft. 6in. by 2ft. 6in. by 2ft. 9in. deep; lighter with fixed bottoms. WILLIAM FIRTH LTD., Greek Street, LEEDS. Telephone : 3590. Telegrams: ” Rails, Leeds.”, r Penders are invited for the Sale of 201 OAK, 124 ASH, 23 ELM, and 11 various trees,. also a PLANTATION OF FINE LARCH, over 40 years old, on the above Estate, and must be sent on or before 10th January, 1916, to — Messrs. FRANK W. WILLS & SONS, 15, Orchard Street, Bristol, from whom catalogues and any further particulars can- be obtained. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. FOR BALE. Motor-driven Double-acting Air Com- PRESSOR, Riedlers patent, capacity 750ft. of free air, 1001b. pressure, 125-b.h p. Motor, 220 volts, 500 revs. Ingersoll Sergeant Steam driven AIR COMPRESSOR, 12 in. steam cylinder, 12in. air cylinder. 14 in. stroke. 250-kw. STEAM GENERATING SET, by Scott & Mountain, consisting of three-crank Comp. Engines, three-phase Generator, 500 volts, 50 periods. 55-kw. GENERATING SET, Comp. Vert. Engines, 230-volt Generator, 475 r.p.m. Direct acting PUMP, 16in. by 9in. by 10 in., brass fitted, by Guild & Garrison, U.S.A. Cameron Type BOILER FEED PUMP, 15 in. and 7Jin. steam cylinders, two 10in. double-acting rams. Two Comp. Worthington DUPLEX PUMPS, Win. and 20 in. steam cylinders, 12 in. water cylinders, 10 in. stroke. ELECTRO TURBO PUMP, by Mather & Platt, 200-b.h.p. Motor, 500 volts, 50 cycles, three phase, capacity about 500 gals, against a head of 616 ft. PULSOMETERS, Nos. 10,9,7J, 5,4, 3. CATALOGUE of stook MACHINERY, 2-3,000 LOTS, free on application. Inspection invited. TBO’ W. WARD LIMITED, albion works, M Tel.—“ Forward, Sheffield.” SHEFFIELD. PUMPS (CENTRIFUGAL). Weiss* Monski Vertical High Lift Centrifugal SINKING PUMP, 750 gallons per minute. 4in. PUMPING SET, by Listers’, with Petrol Engine. Two 6in. ” Invincible” PUMPS, by Gwynne. One 5 in., 6 in., and one 7 in. One 9 in. by Gwynne. 6in., by Tangye. . 2in., by Pulsometer Co. Several new PUMPS, by best makers, 1J in., 3 in., and 8 in., ready for immediate delivery. Large selection of other types for sale, hire, or purchase hire on terms to suit customer.. Lowest prices for cash. CHARLES D. PHILLIPS, Emlyn & Central Engineering Works & Foundry, NEWPORT, MON. Tank Locomotives. Specification & Workmanship equal to Main Line Engines. R. & W. HAWTHORN, LESLIE & CO. LTD., NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. — Locomotives always in stock or in progress, —— Telegrams—” Locomotive.” New Locomotives In progress for early delivery. Cylinders, 10 in., 12 in., 14 in., 15 in., 16 in. diameter, 4 and 6 wheels coupled. Material and Workmanship of the Highest Quality. PECKETT &~SONS LTD., ATLAS LOCOMOTIVE WORKS. BRISTOL. COAL. rPhe Teddington Urban District Council JL are desirous of receiving TENDERS for the supply of ROUGH? SLACK either for six or twelve months, delivered in quantities as required at the Sewage Works. Broom-road, Teddington. The approximate supply for six months would be 800 tons, and for twelve months 1,600 tons. Sealed tenders endorsed “Tender for Coal,” must be received by the undersigned not later than noon on Monday, the 3rd day of January next. The Council do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. Council Offices, By order, Teddington, G. H. SALMONS, 21st December, 1915. Clerk. DARLINGTON’S HANDBOOKS. “ Nobbing better could be wished for.”—British Weekly. “ Far superior to ordinary guides.”—Daily Chronicle. Visitors to London (and Besidents) should use DARLINGTON S “ Very emphatically tops them all.”—Daily Graphic. T “A brilliant book.”—The TSims. JL#W»«MaX “Particularly good.”—Academy. Sth Edition Revised — wr_ By E. C. COOK and AND Sir EDWARD T. COOK. ENVIRONS. 30 Maps and Plans. 80 Illustrations. “ The best Handbook to London ever issued.**—Liverpool Daily Post. 60 Ulus Maps and Plans, 5s. NORTH WALES. 50 Ulus., 6 Maps, 2s. 6d. N. DEVON and N. CORNWALL. 1OO Ulus. Maps and Plans, 5s. DEVON and CORNWALL. 50 Ulus., 6 Maps, 2s. 6d. 8. DEVON and 8. CORNWALL. 1OO Illus. Maps ft Plans, 3s. 6d. PARIS, LYONS, 3 THE BIVIBBA. Is. TME MOTOR-CAR ROAD BOOK Visitors to Edinburgh, Glasgow, dngnton, Eastbourne, Hastings, St. fjeonards, Worthing, Bournemouth, Exeter, Torquay, Paignton, Exmouth. 4idmouth,Teignmouth,Dawlish, Plymouth, Dartmouth, Dartmoor, Exmoor, Falmouth, The Lizard Penzance, Land’s End, Scilly Isles, St. Ives, New- luay, Tintagel, Clovelly, Ilfracombe, Lynton, Minenead, Bideford, Wye valley, Severn Valley, Bath, Weston-super-Mare, Malvern, Hereford. Worcester, Gloucester, Cheltenham, Llandrindrod, Bala, Brecon, Ross, Tintern. Llangollen, Aberystwith, Towyn, Barmouth Dolgelly, Harlech, Criccieth. Pwllheli, Llandudno. Rhyl, Conway, Colwyn Bay, Penmaenmawr, Llanfairfechan, Bangor, Carnarvon, Beddgelert, Snowdon, Festiniog, Trefriw, Bettws-y-coed, Norwich, Yarmouth, Lowestoft. Norfolk Broads, Bnxton, Matlock, The Peak. Wight, and Channel Islands should use Darlington’s Handbooks Im. ocaoln* Post free from Darlington & Co. Llangollen. Llangollen: DARLINGTON & CO. London: SIMPKINS Paris and New York: BBENTANO’S. The Railway Bookstalls and all Booksellers. *#* For later Advertisements and Scale of Charges, see Page 1342 (Leader Page). Painted and Published by the Proprietors, The Colliery Gvardian Company Limited, 36 & 31, Furnival Strset, Holborn, London, E.C. Friday, December 31, 1815, %