1356 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. December 31, 1915. the rod 7 is a plural armed lever, one arm, 18, of which is operatively connected to the winding engine, preferably through the medium of the depth indicator, and an arm 19, of which is engageable with a collar on said rod 7, and is adapted to retract the detent 6, and thus zeroise the plate after commencement of the wind. The bell crank lever is operatively connected with the plate 21, so that, when said lever is rocked by the action of the depth indicator, the plate 21 is shifted into concealed position behind the plate 22. (Six claims.) NEW PATENTS CONNECTED WITH THE COAL AND IRON TRADES. Applications for Patents. 17753. Control of electrical measuring instruments. M. J. E. Tilney and C. F. Jensen. 17756. Signalling apparatus for pit shafts. F. C. Anderson, C. A. Atchley, and F. G-. Warburton, trading as Harland Engineering Company, and H. Green. 17822. Method of producing chemical reactions in a single- phase system. F. B. Dehn. (Synthetic Hydro- Carbon Company, United States.) 17833 and 17834. Systems of electric welding. D. H. Wilson, J. M. Anderson, and K. L. Curtis. 17845. Scrapers for boiler and like tubes. D. Carnegie. 17848. Treatment of peat and the production of a prepara- tion suitable for use in horticulture and agricul- ture. J. J. A. de Whalley and H. C. S. de Whalley. 17853. Manufacture of briquettes, and apparatus therefor. A. Specken. 17857. Storage of energy. C. Constantinesco and W. Haddon. 17875. Air purifier appliance in iron ore and coal mines. T. Jarvis. 17894. Treatment of coal gas. A. E. White. (Biter-Conley Manufacturing Company, United States.) 17896. Manufacture of ammonia and of ammonium salts. E. B. Liudlam and S. Barratt. 17901. Earth current detectors and cut-outs for electrical circuits. J. John and W. J. John. 17902. Crucible furnaces and the art of firing the same. J. Keith and G. Keith. 17918. Visual signalling indicators for collierieis and the like works. J. W. Jobling. 17927. Power transmission belts. T. Osaki. 17936. Steam superheaters of the multiple smoke or fire tube type. J. P. O’Donnell and W. H. Lewers. 17943. Boring machines. T. D. Berkeley and A. H. Caldwell. 17961. Drills. Soc. Lorraine des Anciens Etablissements de Dietrich et cie de Luneville. 17971. Furnaces. I. Hall. 17982. Ignition of explosive mixtures. F. M. Lewis. 17991. Boiler seatings. S. Fletcher. 18002. Flexible tubular joint or coupling. A. Kruger and E. Kruger. 18024. Blasting cartridges using liquid air. W. Weber. Complete Specifications Accepted. (To be published on January 13.) 1914. 18232. Process of treating coal and similar substances to obtain oils, ammonia, and other products. Bergius. 24231. Receiving system for continuous electric waves. Armstrong. 24598. Condensing, scrubbing, and washing apparatus used in the manufacture of gas. Pooley and Fiddes. 24612. Apparatus for indicating the direction of movement and the direction of movement and rate of speed of engines or machinery. Chadburn and Chad- burn. 24826. Centrifugal fans. Wilde. 1915. 1090. Electrical terminals. Sterling Telephone and Electric Company, and Ward-Miller. 1188. Method for removing pit props or supports in mines, and apparatus therefor. Sommer. 2014. Electric control apparatus. Curtis, and Igranic Electric Company. 3526. Superheaters. Clark. (Locomotive Superheater Company.) 4158. Water tube boilers. Gorfinkel. 7047. Manufacture of trinitro-toluene. Roberts and Stuart. 9466. Manufacture of trinitro-toluene. Roberts and Stuart. 10354. Ignition apparatus of gas engines. Climie and Lees. 12596. Apparatus for indicating the rate of speed of engines and machinery. Chadburn and Chadburn. 15231. Rotary blowers or pumps. Siemens Schuckertwerke Ges. THE ACQUISITION OF ENEMY PATENT RIGHTS. The following list of British Patents, which have been granted in favour of residents of Germany, Austria, or Hungary, is furnished in view of the new Patents Acts, which empower the Board of Trade to confer upon British subjects the right to manufacture under enemy patents, which right, when acquired, can be retained after the war, and is specially compiled for the Colliery Guardian by Lewis Wm. Goold, chartered patent agent, 5, Corporation- street, Birmingham. It is desirable in the first instance to obtain the latest,particulars upon the Patents Register. If any patent listed has been assigned to a non-eriemy pro- prietor, the law does not apply. 9577/08. Dynamo-electric machines; cooling and ventilat- ing. In high speed machines, such as turbo- generators, the stator core is provided with radial inlet air ducts for admitting the cooling a-ir, and longitudinal air ducts which in turn communicate with separate radial outlet air ducts. Allgemeine Electrizitats Ges., Berlin (dated May 4, 1907). 9638/08. Dynamo-electric machines; dynamos and motors, alternating-current; distortion of field, prevent- ing. Three-phase commutator machines are provided with compensating windings con- nected directly in series with the armature, and having approximately one-half the number of effective turns in the armature winding. Siemens-Schuckertwerke Ges., Berlin (dated July 13, 1907). 11628/08. Clinometers. A bore-hole clinometer consists of three parts, the middle one, containing the recording mechanism, and the others, being provided with guiding devices, consisting of rollers mounted on links and adapted to be pressed out by springs and to cut into the bore- hole walls, so as to prevent rotation. Clock- work acting intermittently, actuates (1) a hammer which forces down the indicating pointers on to a travelling band; (2) a lever which depresses a fiduciary marker on to the band ; and (3) a link which acts to move the band forwards. L. Gebhardt, Germany. 12680/08. Fluid-pressure engines; locomotives. The cylinders of a balanced gas, or other engine, are inclined at 45 degs. to the horizontal, and are arranged in pairs on cranks placed 180 degs. apart, the cylinders of a pair working on one crank. The mass of the centre pistons is double the mass of the outside pistons. When the motor is applied to a locomotive, the crank- shaft is arranged in an horizontal transverse position, and is connected to the wheels. Ges. fur Thermo Lokomotives, Diesel-Klose-Sulzer, Germany. 12912/08. Axle-boxes. A dust excluding ring for the axle- boxes of railway and other vehicles, comprises a divided ring of felt, etc., the ends of which meet in a mortice joint, and are covered by a U-shaped cap of leather, etc., secured to one of the ends. A helical spring which is secured to metal angle parts connected by means of lugs to the felt, draws the ends together. G. Maass Ges., Germany. *** Copies of any of the above specifications can be supplied at the price of Is. post free. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. *** Any of the following publications may be obtained on application at this office at the price named post free. MINES AND QUARRIES: General Report, Part 2, Labour for 1914, 7d. Foreign Trade Accounts up to December 16, 1915, 4d. Finance Act, No. 2, 1915, 5|d. Statutory Rules and Orders, 1915 : No. 1170, Factory and Workshop : Notification of Diseases, l|d. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. The Mechanical World Electrical Pocket Book for 1916. Manchester : Emmott and Company. Price, 6d. net. The Factory, Truck, and Shops Acts. By the late Alex- ander Redgrave, C.B. 12th Edition, by C. F. Lloyd. Statutory Orders, Regulations, and Special Rules and Forms revised by W. Peacock. London : Shaw and Sons and Butterworth and Company. “ The Journal of the Royal Society of Arts ” (No. 3292, Vol. 64), December, price 6d.; “The Journal of the American Waterworks Association ’’ (Vol. 2, No. 4), December; “Monthly Mining Report of the Chamber of Mines, Victoria’’ (Vol. 12, Part 2), October, price Is.; “ The American Mining Congress Journal ’’ (Vol. 1, No. 12), December, price 20c.; “ Compressed Air Maga- zine ’’ (Vol. 20, No. 12), December: “ The Anglo-Swedish Trade Journal ’’ (Special Wood Pulp Issue) (Vol. 7, No. 12), December; “ United States Treasury Department, Public Health Service : Hygienic Laboratory Bulletin 101’’; “The Institute Journal’’ (Official Organ of the Institute of Journalists), (Vol. 3, No. 14), December, price Id. Almanacs and Calendars for 1916 have reached us from Messrs. George Fletcher and Company Limited, of Derby, who are specialists in colliery, mining, and cement works equipment ; Messrs. George Cradock and Company Limited, wire rope manufacturers, Wakefield; Messrs. Peckett and Sons Limited, of Bristol, who manufacture locomotives (with this calendar is included a diary of the war, and also useful postal information). Other calendars we have received from Messrs. Harrison Jehring and Company and Messrs. Partridge and Cooper Limited, both of which firms are well- known London printers. Coal Prices in France. — The French Chamber on Wednesday adopted a scheme for the creation of a national department for the distribution of combustibles, in which all work in connection with the distribution of coal will be centralised. The department will have, in regard to com- bustibles, full powers of requisition. Orders for coal intended for domestic consumption will have to be addressed to the department through the prefects and mayors. The Minister of Public Works will fix the price, according to quality of coal as it comes from the French mines, while the prefects will fix a maximum retail price for each district. The scheme was adopted in its entirety by 347 votes to 11. M. Roden, President of the Mines Committee, during the dis- cussion of the Bill, stated that the Committee proposed the creation of a national office, which, with sale offices in the ports and mining centres, would distribute coal in their respective districts, and the purchase by the Government of a merchant fleet in order to decrease the cost of freight. M. Roden pointed out that two milliards annually went from France to England, and he asked England to remember all the sacrifices that France had made, and was still making, and appealed to English shippers to reduce the cost of freight. He advocated still closer relations with British members of Parliament, and with those who understood and facilitated coal transactions. (Particulars of the proposals were given in the Colliery Guardian on November 26.) “SHELTON” IRON. “SHELTON” STEEL C=J “GRANVILLE” PIG IRON (=-) First-class Medals— Paris, 1885; London, 1862. STEEL PIT GIRDERS & COLLIERY RAILS a Speciality; also High-class RAR IRON for Couplings, &c. IRON & STEEL BARS, ANGLES, TEES, CHANNELS, GIRDERS, PLATES & SHEETS, STEEL BILLETS, BLOOMS & SLABS. Enquiries to— —■ —.....—.....—— THE SHELTON IRON, STEEL & COAL CO. LTD., VtKnrV Or 122, Cannon Street, London, E.C. Telegraphic Address: “Shelton, Stoke-on-Trent.” Tel. No. 11 and 253. | Telegraphic Address : “ Sheltonian, London.” Tel. No. 886 Bank. ALFRED ALLEN & SON JMEskJKeaMB olT and COLLIERY TUBS In IRON, STEEL and WOOD. Lo’wer Gornal, nr. Dudley. Telegrams—“ Allen, Lower Gornal.” Telephone—106 Dudley. Gold Medals— Paris, 1878 ; Melbourne, 1881. THE ISCA FOUNDRY COMPANY LTD., RAILWAY PLANT Sr GENERAL ENGINEERS, Switches, Crossings, Turntables, Water Cranes, Girders, Bridges, Roofs, Pipes, Pumps, Wagons, Tanks, Engines, Boilers, Cranes, Works : NEWPORT, MON. London Office: 16 & 17 Devonshire Sq. Bi shops gate St., E.C. ‘Russell’Steel DOGSPIKES For HIGH CLASS QUALITY and PRACTICAL UTILITY are UNSURPASSED. In use throughout the world. Large Stocks of all sizes held. JOHN G. RUSSELL, Clydesdale Spike Works, WISHAW, SCOTLAND. HAGGIE GROS. Ltd. Gateshead-on-Tyne. Established 1800. MANUFACTURERS OF IMPROVED PATENT Flat and Round Wire and Hemp ROPES OF ANY LENGTH FOR COLLIERIES AND RAILWAYS, FROM EITHER BEST SELECTED CHARCOAL IRON, IMPROVED PATENT OR PLOUGH STEEL WIRE. . . Flexible Galvanized Steel Hawsers (all guaranteed to Lloyd’s test), with Winches or Reels and Stoppers. Wire Signal Lines for Railways and Collieries. Copper Lightning Conductors, complete. Galvanized Fencing Strand. Galvanized Wire Rope for Ships’ Rigging. Galvanized Wire Rope fitted up to order. Picture and Sash Cord made from Copper, Brass Plated or Galvanized Wire. Crane Ropes, made to suit small Drums and Pulleys. We have Crane Ropes working on the same Barrels as Chains. Wire Rope Springs; Wire Rope Pulleys. Wire Rope Composition or Grease. White Block Ropes and general Hemp Cordage. Chains of every description. Wire Ropes made specially to suit small Pulleys. We can guarantee uniformity of all our Ropes, as we draw our own Wire from Special Rods, got up to our own specification. Owing to our te Special Quality ” have Haulage Ropes running 14 years and Winding Ropes 6f years. relesrrams-“Hag{ie. Gateshead.”