December 31, 1915. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN 1353 No. 56. TH E COLLI ERY GUARDIAN MONTHLY LIST OF RECENT COAL LITERATURE I.—General. Industrial Safety and the Principles of Management. W. P. Barba. “JI. Amer. Soc. Meeh. Engin.,” Dec., p. 692. The Flow of Energy Through Transmission Lines. R. A. Philip. “ Colliery Guard.,” Nov. 26, p. 1082; 7 fig. (From a paper read before the Chicago Section of the Amer. Inst. Electr. Engin. and the Western Soc. of Engin.) Safety Methods at American Collieries. R. D. Hall. “ Colliery Guard.,” Dec. 24, p. 1289, 5 fig. Electrical Accidents in Prussian Mines in 1914 (Unfalle in elektrischen Betrieben auf den Bergwerken Preus- sens im Jahre 1914). “ Z. B. H. S.,” part 3, p. 195; illus. The Campine Coal Field and its Relation to the other Coal Fields of Belgium and North-Western Europe (Das Campine-Kohlengebeit und seine Beziehungen zu den ubrigen Steinkohlenbecken Belgiens und Nord- westeuropas). P. Krusch. “ Gliickauf,” Nov. 27, p. 1149; Dec. 4, p. 1177; Dec. 11, p. 1205; Dec. 18, p. 1229; illus. Roumania’s Coal Deposits and Reserves (Die Kohlen- lagerstatten und die Kohlenreserven von Rumanien). —. Przyborski. “ Techn. Bl.,” Nov. 20, p. 186; Dec. 4, p. 194; illus. II. —Education. Mines Inspection in the United States (Need for Indus- trial Education among Miners). “ Colliery Guard.,” Dec. 3, p. 1132. (From the Proceedings of the Mine Inspectors’ Inst, of the U.S.A.) Training of Colliery Managers. N. T. Williams. “ Colliery Guard.,” Dec. 17, p. 1235. (Paper read before the Colliery Managers’ Assocn., Lancashire branch.) Mine Managers’ Examinations. “ Collierv Guard.,” Dec. 17, p. 1236; 3 fig. III. —Geology. The Concealed Oxfordshire Coal Field. E. A. N. Arber. “ Colliery Guard.,” Dec. 10, p. 1199. (Paper read before the S. Staffs and Warwickshire Inst, of Min. Engin.) Studies of the Geology of the Kent Coal Field. E. A. N. Arber. “ Colliery Guard.,” Dec. 10, p. 1185; 5 fig. (Coal measure records of four borings. From a paper read before the S. Staffs and Warwickshire Inst, of Min. Engin.) Geological Map of Prussia and Adjacent Federal States : Scale 1 : 25,000 (Geologische Karte von Preussen und benachbarten Bundesstaaten im Massstab 1 : 25,000). “ Kgl. Preuss. Geol. Landesanstalt,” No. 113; Berlin, 1915. (Sheets for Eisenach-West, Salzungen, Wutha, Frottstedt.) Fossil Insects in the Rott Brown Coal Strata (Ueber einige fossile Insekten aus den Braunkohlenschichten —Aquitanien — von Rott — Siebengebirge). —. Meunier. “ Z. Geol. Ges.,” No. 3, p. 205; illus. (New Diptera and Hymenoptera.) VI.—Working of Minerals. The Diamond Coal Cutting and Conveying Machines. T. C. Futers. “ Collierv Guard.,” Nov. 26, p. 1077: Dec. 3, p. 1131; Dec. 10, p. 1197; Dec. 17, p. 1235; ’ 31 fig. VII.—Boring, Shaft Sinking, and Tunnelling. Shaft Sinking with Jackhammers. L. A. Palmer. “ Colliery Guard.,” Dec. 17, p. 1236; 1 fig. Use of Rock Drills in Mines and Quarries in the Depart- ment of Constantine (L’emploi de la perforation mecanique dans les mines et carrieres du department de Constantine). —. Fortier. “ Bull. St. Et.,” April-June, p. 235. VIII—Explosives, Blasting. Plant for the Production of Liquid Air for Blasting Pur- poses at Gottessegen Pit, Antonienhiitte, Upper Silesia (Die Anlage zur Erzeugung fliissiger Luft fur Sprengzwecke auf der Gottessegengrube in Antonien- hiitte, O.S.). P. Bernstein. “ Gliickauf,” Dec. 18, p. 1235; illus. Production and Use of Liquid Air for Blasting Purposes (Die Erzeugung und Verwendung fliissiger Luft zu Sprengzwecken). —. Diederichs. “St. u. E.,” Nov. 11, p. 1145; illus. IX.—Timbering, Packing, etc. Mining Conditions in the Unterreichenau District of North-West Bohemia (Die Regulierung des Egerflusses in der Strecke Schwarzmuhle-Falkenau-Konigswerth und. die Bergbauverhaltnisse in Unterreichenau Nord- westbohmen). —. Frieser. “ Jahrb. Wien.,” No. 3, p. 163; illus. (Improvement in the conditions by the introduction of hydraulic packing.) Steel Mine Timbering. S. Fray, junr. “ Colliery Guard.,” Dec. 3, p. 1133; 2 fig. Steel Mine Timbering Costs. R. B. Woodworth. “ Coal Age,” Nov. 20, p. 835; 1 fig. Calculation of Mine Timber Gangways. A. G. Morlock. “ Coal Age,” Nov. 20, p. 837. X. —Surface Arrangements. Modern Mine Plant Design. M. L. Hyde. “ Coal Age,” Nov. 13, p. 790; 9 fig. (Washhouse, engine and boiler rooms.) XI. —Winding and Haulage. Deutz Pit Locomotives (Grubenlokomotiven der Gas- motoren-Fabrik Deutz). —. Kramer. “ Forder- techn.,” Nov. 1, p. 161; illus. Pit Railways, with Special Reference to Locomotive Traction (Die Grubenbahnen unter besonderer Beriick- sichtigung des Lokomotivebetriebes). F. Schulte. 2nd edition; 126pp., with illus. Essen, 1915: G. D. Baedecker; 4 mk. Recent Progress in Mechanical Face Conveyors (Die neueste Fortschritte der maschinellen Abbauforder- ung). —. Gerke. “ Bergb.,” Nov. 4, p. 667; Nov. 11, p. 683; Nov. 18, p. 699; Nov. 25, p. 715; Dec. 2, p. 731; illus. Winding Engine to Raise a Nett Load of Two Tons from a Depth of 1,300 m. at the Anna Shaft, Pribram (Fordermaschine fur 1,300 m. Teufe und 2,000 kg. Nutzlast am Annaschacht in Pribram). —. Divis. “ Z. Bergb. Betr. L.,” Nov. 15, p. 305. The Locomotive as Prime Mover in Mining Work (Die Lokomotive als Betriebsmaschine im Bergwerks- betriebe). —. Winkelmann. “ Braunk.,” Nov. 26, p. 411; Dec. 3, p. 423. The Care of Wire Rope. B. W. Bennett. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” Dec. 3, p. 685. (Read before Shamokin Mining Inst.) Mine Hoist Calculations. F. L. Stone. “Coal Age,” Dec. 4, p. 916; 2 fig. Novel Combination Locomotive. E. C. de Wolfe. “ Coal Age,” Dec. 4, p. 923; 3 fig. (Stewart articulated storage battery mine locomotive.) Combination Gathering Motor. F. J. Foley. “ Coal Age,” Dec. 4, p. 928; 3 fig. (Combined trolley and storage battery mine locomotive.) XII. —Signalling. Principles of Visual Signalling. H. Green. “ Colliery Guard.,” Dec. 24, p. 1288. (From a paper read before the Manchester Geol. and Mining Soc.) XIII. —Lighting. Illumination of Mines. R. P. Burrows. “ Colliery Guard.,” Nov. 26, p. 1081; 4 fig. Atmospheric Conditions and the Hefner Lamp. “Colliery Guard.,” Dec. 24, p. 1290. (From a paper by Dr. Ott on “ Lamp Testing.”) XIV.—Ventilation. Arrangement and Economy of Electric Drive for Modern Ventilating Fans (Einrichtung und Wirtschaftlichkeit der elektrischen Antriebe neuzeitlicher Grubenventi- latoren). Wendriner und Riickert. “ Z. B. H. S.,” part 3, p. 246; illus. Internal Resistance of Fans (Considerations sur la resist- ance interieure des ventilateurs). Bouvat-Martin. “ Bull. St. Et.,” April-June, p. 273; illus. XV.—Mine Gases, Testing. Unexpected Emission of Gas. F. C. Cornet. “ Colliery Guard.,” Nov. 26, p. 1082; illus. The Gases in Coal. N. H. Darton. “ Collierv Guard.,” Dec. 3, p. 1145: Dec. 17, p. 1238; Dec. 24, p. 1300. (From Bull. 72 of the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines.) XVII.—Explosions. Explosions in Mines Committee : Seventh Report. “ Colliery Guard.,” Dec. 10, p. 1181; 1 fig. (Dr. Haldane’s Report on the Effects of Inhaling Dusts Applicable for Stone Dusting in Mines.) What a Miner can do to Prevent Explosions of Gas and Coal Dust. G. S. Rice. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” Dec. 3, p. 684. (From Miners’ Circular 21, U.S.A. Bureau of Mines.) XVIII.—Mine Fires. Dealing with Gob Fires. J. W. Bell. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” Dec. 17, p. 748: 4 fig. (Paper read before National Association of Colliery Managers.) XX.—Drainage, Pumping, etc. Unwatering Brown Coal Deposits by Means of Hori- zonal Boreholes (Die Entwasserung der Braunkohlen- lager durch Horizontalbohrldcher). —. Sonntag. “ Techn. Bl.,” Nov. 6, p. 178. (Two practical examples.) Centrifugal Pumping Plant of the Durban Roodepoort Deep Limited. E. G. Izod and A. P. Rouillard. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” Dec. 3, p. 681; 8 fig. (Read befores Assoc. Min. El. Engin.) XXII.—Briquettes. Briquettes with Addition of Lime (Verwendung von Briketts mit Kalkzusatz). —. Donath. • “ Mont. Rdsch.,” Nov. 16, p. 741. (Quicklime a simple means of reducing the SO2 content of products of combustion.) XXIII.—Coke Ovens. New Apparatus for Producing Ammonia from Gas Liquor (Neue Apparate zur Herstellung von Sal- miakgeist aus rohem Gaswasser). —. Hilgens>tock. “ J. Gasbel.,” Nov. 27, p. 709; illus. (Poetter’s apparatus.) Products and By-Products of Coal. E. Stansfield and F. E. Carter. “ Colliery Guard.,” Dec. 3, p. 1134. (From monograph by the Canadian Department of Mines.) Benzol. G. Taylor. “ Colliery Guard.,” Dec. 24, p. 1286; 1 fig. (Paper read before the Coke Oven Managers’ Association.) Common Difficulties in By-Product Coke Oven Plants : Oven Repairs. “ Gas Wld.,” Dec. 4, p. 13; 2 fig. New Otto Coke Ovens and Baum Washery in South Yorkshire. “ Gas Wld.,” Dec. 4, p. 21; 2 fig. Silica Brick for the By-Product Coke Oven. K. Seaver. “ Metallurg, and Chem. Eng.,” Nov. 15, p. 861; 3 fig. Reinforced Concrete Work on Coke Oven Plants. “ Gas Wld.,” Dec. 4, p. 23; 4 fig XXIV.—Fuels, Testing, etc. Burning Coal Dust in Reverberatory Furnaces. C. O. Bartlett. “ Min. Eng. Wld.,” Dec. 4, p. 895; 2 fig. Pulverised Coal for Copper Smelting. N. L. Warnford. “ Min. Eng. Wld.,” Nov. 6, p. 721; 8 fig. The Economic Utilisation of Fuel (Wirtschaftliche Ver- wertung der Brennstoffe). G. de Grahl. 608 pp., 165 illus., and 9 pl. Munich: R. Oldenbourg; 1915. 20 mk. A Source of Error in Analysing Coal High in Earthy Car- bonates (Ueber eine Fehlerquelle bei der Elementar- analyse von Kohlen, die eine grossere Menge kohlen- saure Erden enthalten). —. Knublauch. “ Z. angew. Chem.,” Dec. 7, p. 492; illus. (Description of apparatus for determination of CO2.) The Price of Crude Naphthalene for Fuel, and its Replacement by Tar (Zur Frage der Preisgestaltung des Rohnaphthalins fur Feuerungszwecke und sein Ersatz durch Teer). —. Irinvi. “ Braunk.,” Nov. 5, p. 379. Coal Dust Firing in Germany (Stand der Kohlenstaub- feuerungen in Deutschland). —. Helbig. “ St. u. E.,” Nov. 18, p. 1174; illus. Fuel for Steam Raising in Electrical Stations (Die Brennstoffe fur die Kesselfeuerungen der Eleutrizi- tatswerke). “ Wiener Dampfk. Z.,” Oct., p. 114. (Evaporative trials with coal, coke, and brown coal in various proportions, on flat and travelling grates.) National Economy in Fuel. J. S. S. Brame. “ Nature,” Dec. 23, p. 457. XXY.—Steam Engines and Boilers : Gas Engines. Measuring the Coefficient of Cyclic Variation (Ueber das Messen des Ungleichformigkeitsgrades). —. von Rohonyi. “ Dingier J.,” ’Nov. 13, p. 441; illus. Diurnal and Monthly Reports of Steam Power Plants (Der Tages- und Monatsberieht im Kraftmaschinen- betrieb). —. Winkelmann. “ Braunk.,“ Nov. 5, p. 375; Nov. 12, p. 387. (Supervising working results and load fluctuations in electric generating plant.) The Electrolytic Process for Preventing Corrosion and Scale. E. Cumberland. “ Colliery Guard.,” Dec. 17, p. 1249; 3 fig. (From a paper read before the Inst, of Locomotive Eng.) High Power Gas Engines (Ueber Grossgasmaschinen). —. Schapira. “ Oel- u. Gasmasch.,” Oct., p. 33; Nov., p. 60; illus. Evaporative-Power Experiments in 1914 (Verdampf- ungsversuche im Jahre 1914). “ Z. Bayer Rev. V.,” Nov. 15, p. 173. (Experiments with Lancashire and water tube boilers.) Measuring Draught in Boiler Plant (Ueber die Messung von Zugstarken in Kesselanlagen). —. Deinlean. “ Z. Bayer. Rev. V.,” Nov. 15, p. 171; illus. Detecting Leaks in Surface Condensers (Die Fest- st-ellung von Undiehtigkeiten an Oberfliichen-Konden- satoren). —. Otte. “ Z. Dampfk. Betr.,” Nov. 26, p. 393. Effect of Vacuum in Steam Turbines. G, Stoney. “ Engineering,” Nov. 19, p. 509; 2 fig.