1342 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN December 31, 1915. CONTENTS. Editorial Articles:— page Our Magnetic Declination Map ............... 1343 Colliery “Dead Work” and Excess Profits..... 1343 Articles:— The Drumheller Coal Field, Alberta.......... 1333 Locomotive Coal-handling Plant at Edge Hill, Liverpool ................................ 1334 Hints on Winding Equipment ................ 1335 Working of the Coal Mines Act in 1914...... 1335 The “ Hardiax” Coal Cutter................. 1336 The Design of High Pressure Distribution Systems 1337 Book Notices................................ 1339 The German and Austrian Coal and Iron Trades ... 1340 Trade and the War........................... 1341 Safety Measures in the Use of Explosives .. 1347 Mining Accidents and Labour in 1914 ....... 1349 A Manchurian Colliery...................... 1349 Labour and Wages............................ 1350 Coastwise Shipments in November............. 1350 Obituary.................................... 1350 Open Contracts ............................. 1354 The Freight Market ......................... 1354 Abstracts of Patent Specifications Recently Accepted................................ 1355 New Patents Connected with the Coal and Iron Trades ................................... 1356 Government Publications .................... 1356 Publications Received ...................... 1356 Current Science and Technology................. 1340 Notes from the Coal Fields .................... 1351 Monthly List of Recent Coal Literature ........ 1353 Coal, Iron and Engineering Companies .......... 1354 The Coal and Iron Trades...................1344—1347 The Tin-plate Trade ........................ 1341 The By-Products Trade ...................... 1341 The London Coal Trade ...................... 1347 Letters to the Editors :— Japan and the Red Cross.................... 1341 Miscellanea :— Grimsby Coal Exports ....................... 1335 Experiments with Coal Savers—United States Imports and Exports of Coal ............. 1337 Hull Coal Exports .......................... 1347 Panama Fuel Depots.......................... 1348 Partnerships Dissolved—Russian Coal Supply . 1354 Almanacs and Calendars for 1916—Coal Prices in France.................................... 1356 ADVERTISEMENTS. Offices for ADVERTISEMENTS and PUBLICATION— 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. Telegraphic Address—“Colliery Guardian, Fleet, London.” Telephone—1354 Holborn. CONTRACT ADVERTISEMENTS : Prices for SPECIAL POSITIONS on application. Prices for ORDINARY POSITIONS Single Column (3 inches wide) : For 52 insertions 2s. 6d. "1 per ingestion for each ", 13 „ 3s. 6d. 5 111011 ln dePth- Double Column (6 inches wide), double the above rates. Three Columns (9 inches wide), three times the above rates. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS : Advertisements are inserted on the last white page or leader page at the following rates :— One insertion ... 10s. 6d. per inch per insertion. Three insertions 9s. 6d. ,, „ Six insertions ... 9s. Od. ,, ,, A reduction of 25 per cent, is allowed on advertisements of second-hand machinery. Situations Vacant and Wanted : One Penny per word, minimum 2s. 6d. (which must be prepaid). Can be received up to TEN o’clock on Friday morning. (A Classified List appears on page 1358). SUBSCRIPTIONS. The Colliery Guardian, published at 2.30 p.m. on Friday, can be supplied direct from the Publishing Offices, post free for twelve months, at the following rates, payable in advance :— For the United Kingdom............ £1 3 6 For Foreign Countries and Colonies £17 6 When foreign subscriptions are sent by Money Orders, payable through the Post Office, advice should be sent to the Publishers. Offices for Advertisements and Publication :—30 and 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. Telegraphic Address, “Colliery Guardian, Fleet, London.” Telephone—1354 Holborn. Established 1866. PATENTS, DESIGNS, and TRADE MARKS. TTARRIS AND MILLS, Chartered Patent Agents, 34 and 35, HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON, W.C. r Telegraphic Address—** Privilege, London.” Tel. No.—Holborn 2763. ASSOCIATION OF PRIVATE OWNERS OF RAILWAY ROLLING STOCK. Formed in 1891 for the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Private Owners. Applications for particulars and terms of membership may be sent to the SECRETARY, Clarence Chambers, Gloucester. The Oldest Diamond Drill Company. Established 1872. BORING for J^INERALS. SPEED AND CERTAINTY. CYLINDRICAL “ CORES.” THE AQUEOUS WORKS AND DIAMOND ROCK-BORING Co. LTD. Guildford St., York Road, Lambeth, London, S.E. Besides numerous other Important Contracts, completed (in 1897) the Deepest Boring in the United Kingdom to 3,500 ft. Great Experience in Boring for WATER. The Cambrian School of Mines, CEMETERY ROAD, PORTH, GLAM. Principal: WILLIAM THOMAS, M.Inst M.E., F.G.S., M.R., Society of Arts. Tutors—Staff of Highly Qualified Instructors in all subjects. an University Training at Your Own Home. Instruction and Lessons by Post for Mine Managers, Surveyors, Electricians, and Mine Inspectors. Since the coming into force of the New Mines Act 487 Students of this School have been qualified as First and Second-class Mine Managers. 58 students have passed the Home Office Surveyors’ Exam.; 30 students are now Mines Inspectors. Candidates for the aoove write without delay for free Syllabus, and book of Previous Examination Questions. (Dept. C.) CAMBRIAN MINING SCHOOL, PORTH. Glam. Briquette Machinery Ltd., Charmouth Street, LEEDS. Machinery for Briquetting Peat, Lignite, Coke, Coal, Iron, Copper, Nickel, Cement; Also Sawdust, Waste Cereals, Offals, Sewage. PATENT COAL DRIER. The U.M.S. LESSONS BY POST. The best Mining Education. Unapproachable Successes. 52 H.M. Inspectors are U.M.S. Men. — Syllabus free. — THE UNIVERSAL MINING SCHOOL (» 50, Connaught Road, Cardiff. YEADONS’ LATEST PATENTED BRIQUETTE MACHINERY, For Coal, Coke, Iron and other Ores. YEADON, SON & CO., Engineers, LEEDS, Have a World-wide Reputation, and 38 Years’ Experience. They have supplied MORE BRIQUETTE PLANTS than any other firm in this country. ST£EL Rails Roof Bars Pit Props Arches For COLLIERIES V and WORKS. THU?? W. WARD Ltd., Albion Works, SHEFFIELD. TRY US. ------- Expert Advice on all questions arising- out of INCOME TAX, “EXCESS” PROFITS TAX, RELIEF to “CONTROLLED” ESTABLISHMENTS, LOCAL RATES, etc. THE MANUFACTURERS’ ASSOCIATION LTD., 1'0, Cannon-street, London, E.C. VVanted, Position as Colliery Manager, V Y age 41, accustomed to working- thick and thin seams at high and moderate inclinatior s.—A pply, Box 6268, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 A 31, Fumival-street, Holborn. London, E.C. AJ firing Engineer requires additional LV JL agencies, could sell good coal cutters or any kind of machinery good connection ; expert in all underground work.—Apply, Box 6267, Cntlier' Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival street, Holborn, London, E.C. ox 6249 for Assistant Manager.— Applicants are hereby informed that the position has been filled. PARTNERSHIPS or DIRECTORSHIPS REQUIRED by the following investors, viz.: Capital available. Experience. Business Required. <£5,000 Merchants ... Directorship in sound Manufg. Co. £5,000 Motors Engineering or Manufacturing. <£5,000 Brewery Coal. <£3,000 Chemicals ... Chemicals or Allied. <£3,000 Textile ... ... Manchester Heavy Goods preferred. <£3,000 Commercial .. Directorship, Devon preferred. <£2,500 Manufacturing Manufg. has export connections. £1,500 Soft Goods ... Coal. £1,000 Ironmongery Wholesale Hardware. £1,000 Accountancy Manufg., Wholesale, or Agency. Owners of established sound businesses requiring capital should call upon or communicate confidentially with Messrs. ; COOKE & BYRNE, 60, Harcourt St., Dublin. Geo. N. Dixon & Co., 43, Cattle Street, Liverpool, Auctioneers and Valuers, COLLIERIES, Brickworks & Mining Plant. COLLIERY SHARES. William Chapman & Company, Stockbrokers, WHEELER GATE, NOTTINGHAM. T5 0LSOVER COLLIERY CO.—Owning four producing pits near Mansfield and Chesterfield, and now sinking new Clipstone pit near Mansfield. When five pits in full swing, expected output of 15,000 tons a day. Dividends on £1 Ordinary Shares during past five years have averaged over 30 % per annum. We are in a position to secure fully paid and partly paid new ordinary shares, and particulars will be forwarded on request. On present prices, the new ordinary show a substantial margin of probable capital appreciation. We specialise in and feature Colliery Securities, also Iron and Steel Shares. Periodical list will be forwarded regularly on application. Established over Sixty Years. Price 2s. “Useful alike to the Student and Practical Man.” Z~1olliery Manager’s Catechism, containing Practical and Scientific Information for the use of Students. By W. FAIRLEY, F.G.S. The author conveys his information by means of more ffian 670 questions and answers, under the following chapter headings :— The Coal Minos Regulation Act, 1887 — Geology—Ventilation—Gases— Varieties of Coal and other Fuel—Steam, Boilers and Engines—Practical Mining—Mathematics—Land and Mine Surveying — Applied Mechanics— statistics—Electricity—Miscellaneous Subjects — Appendix (Text of the tfines Regulation Act, 1887). THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN CO. LTD., 30 & 31. Fumival-street, Holborn. London, E.C. J. W. BAIRD AND COMPANY, PITWOOD IMPORTERS, WEST HARTLEPOOL, YEARLY CONTRACTS ENTERED INTO WITH COLLIERIES. OSBECK & COMPANY LIMITED, PIT-TIMBER MERCHANTS, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. SUPPLY ALL KINDS OF COLLIERY TIMBER. Telegrams—“ Osbecks, Newcastle-on-Tyne.” *** For other Miscellaneous Advertisements see Last White Page. Ming (tadian AND Journal of the Coal and Iron Trades. Joint Editors— J. V. ELSDEN, D.Sc. (Lond.), F.G.S. HUBERT GREENWELL, F.S.S., Assoc.M.I.M.E. (At present on Active Service). LONDON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1915. The London coal market has still a holiday appearance; offerings are small and prices firm. Fair stocks are in hand at depots, but labour is increasingly scarce. The situation generally in the coal trade may be summed up as a question of supply and demand, pure and simple. For many months the former has been inadequate to satisfy requirements, and last week this position was accentuated by the loss of output due to the holidays. These, however, had one beneficial influence, as the railway com- panies were enabled to clear away congested traffic. On the Tyne and Wear scarcity of coal for prompt shipment caused business to be of a very quiet character. Throughout Lancashire, Yorkshire, and Derbyshire, also, very little was done in the way of new transactions, collieries still being unable to satisfy demands. The market at Cardiff ruled firm on the re-opening after the holidays, and quotations showed a tendency to advance. The Scottish coal trade continues to be very active. The French Chamber, on Wednesday, gave its sanction to legislation regulating the sale and distri- bution of coal. Part 2 of the Chief Inspector of Mines’ Annual Report on Mines and Quarries for 1914 contains particulars as to employment and accidents in and about collieries; and also refers to the working of the Coal Mines Act during the year under review. It is stated that Sir Hugh Bell and Mr. A. J. Dorman have purchased the Redcar and Coatham Ironworks, belonging to Messrs. Walker, Maynard and Company, and that operations will be resumed at an early date. The executive of the Miners’ Federation of Great Britain will shortly meet the executives of the Amalgamated Society of Engineers and the National Union of Colliery Enginemen and Boilermen to discuss the craft union difficulty.