December 31, 1915. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1337 and headings, is for undercutting only, and requires an air pressure varying from 50 to 80 lb. per sq. in. (3) Type “ Z ” is a heavier and more powerful machine, specially designed for working with low air pressures, 30 to 401b. per sq. in., and for cutting extremely hard coal with a higher pressure. The “ X,” or light type cf machine, ought to find a ready market in India and other colonies, where the miners are not a particularly robust class; whilst the “ Y ” type will probably be found more suitable for the collieries in our own country; and “ Z ” will be useful where abnormal conditions prevail. The standards are supplied in any length, and when it is desired to “ shear ” as well, a special hinged quadrant or sector is supplied, which permits the machine to be set at any angle on the upright column. For shearing, the machine is set to the middle of the column, and then, by slackening one nut only, the whole quadrant and machine are swung into position for vertical cutting, as is shown in fig. 5. Where the machine is used for longwall work, a sole plate or sledge can be fitted for a small extra charge. The machine is supplied complete with column and gear, 50 ft. of protected rubber hose, with couplings and , \......-A' 1 AM