1310 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. December 24, 1915. PRINCEPS Patent “DEFLECTOR” OIL SEPARATOR. V- ■ B' 1$ I i Capacity, 300,000 lbs. of steam per hour, 60" dia. main. ONE OF THE LARGEST EXTRACTORS MADE IN THIS COUNTRY. PRINCEPS & CO., Engineers, SHEFFIELD, TURBON. The LATEST THING in, FANS. Equally suitable for Mine Ventilation, forced and induced draught, or any other purpose. Great strength, simplicity and silence. Highest efficiency. Perfect balance at all speeds. Suitable for all pressures. Resists high temperatures without distortion. No rivets in blades. Manufactured by THE WADDLE PATENT FAN CO. LTD., ------------------- FOR THE —--- TURBON PATENT FAN CO. LTD., LONDON Address— y y y y "wy" 34, Victoria Street. S.W. JL-dJLd JL • MAPS of the BRITISH COALFIELDS, Published jointly by the COLLIERY GUARDIAN Co. Ltd. and 3 KEY MAP OF THE UNITED KINGDOM Messrs. W. & A. K. JOHNSTON. THE attention of Coal Owners, Coal Ex- porters, Coal Factors, Coal Consumers and commercial men generally is par- ticularly called to the above Maps, which have been specially prepared, and show the Collieries and their position with regard to Railway Communication, Shipping Ports and Canals. These Maps will be found to be of incal- culable value to all connected with the Coal Trade, either as buyers or sellers; while manufacturers of Mining Specialities and all whose business takes them to Collieries will appreciate their value as a time and money saver. Lines of Railways are distinguished by different colours. 1. Scotland. 3. South Wales. 2. North of England, i. North Midland. 5. South Midland. Size of each Map, 35 by 22 in. PRICES of each Map:—In Sheet, 4s.; Mounted on Cloth, Rollers and Varnished, 6s.; Mounted on Cloth and in Titled Cloth Case, 6s., post free. 30 & 31, FURNIVAL STREET, HOLBORN, LONDON. E.C. FINANCIERS OF ALL CLASSES RAILWAY ROLLING-STOCK General Manager and Secretary D. W. REES. Telegrams; “NORCENCO, ROTHERHAM, Telephones : 277 & 278. Railway Wagons Promptly and Efficiently Repaired under Contract or to Chargeable Order, Facilities Unexcelled, REPAIRING DEPOTS AT ALL PRINCIPAL STATIONS IN ENGLAND AND WALES (FULL PARTICULARS ON APPLICATION.) Chief Offices^ Works ROTHERHAM. “HiASI'ZS&s.r CARDIFF. SWANSEA, STOKE-ON-TRENT, BRITON FERRY, BARRY DOCK, &c.