1204 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. December 10, 1915. EXPORTS OF COAL, COKE, AND MANUFACTURED FUEL FROM THE UNITED KINGDOM During November and the First Eleven Completed Months of 1913, 1914 and 1915. To November, 1915. November. Coal—Small. Coal—Through- and-through (unscreened). Coal—Large. All coal. Quantity (tons). 1 1 AU coal. Value (£). Tons. <£ Tons. £ Tons. £ 1913. 1914. 1915. 1913. 1914. 1915. Russia 415 375 586 615 379,347 1 1,773 1,001 267,772 1,080 990 Sweden 30,216 20,948 22,625 18,147 161,173 144,970 404,540 378,524 214,014 268,127 238,021 184,065 Norway 58,298 40^971 18,616 16,027 88,566 80,550 207,766 177,735 165,480 130,074 100,317 137,548 Denmark 49,682 43,720 48,722 36,165 74,980 63,174 244,970 252,457 173,384 160,924 159,961 143,059 Germany — 677,074 410,810 Netherlands 34,122 23,831 82,370 55,376 38,211 32,806 157,610 65,628 154,703 100,273 37,742 112,013 Belgium — — — — — — 162,091 997 — 93,312 518 — France 544,146 451,704 463,781 371,195 380,284 390,567 1,031,427 1,036,949 1,388,211 657,303 640,045 1,213,466 Portugal, Azores, and Madeira 14,328 11,148 13,009 9,321 39,524 37,730 101,724 96,152 66,861 75,051 65,783 58,199 Spain and Canaries 41,631 31,594 58,810 45,552 89,723 86,163 280,749 132,730 190,164 207,704 92.824 163,309 Italy 35,293 22,586 118,405 84,028 289,734 297,950 784,135 603,161 443,432 555,046 404,311 404,564 Austria-Hungary — 78,066 58,964 Greece 880 848 — — 11,400 13,275 ■ 75,573 23,783 12,280 57,556 19,125 14,123 Roumania — — — — — — 28,822 — — 24,905 — — Turkey — — — — — — 61,156 — — 46,324 — — Algeria 13,677 8,979 24,085 21,133 15,858 14,978 113,832 44,039 53,620 | 77,681 29,167 45,090 Portuguese West Africa — — 17,368 13,469 18,678 17,462 12,838 1,502 36,046 i 11,004 1,277 30,931 Chile 52 105 — — 7,196 7,106 49,052 3,776 7,248 i 41,071 2,883 7,211 Brazil 210 322 — — 23,112 22,315 137,971 63,350 23,322 122,250 53,349 22,637 Uruguay 2,404 1,798 4,007 3,406 22,601 21,697 56,039 14,826 29,012 i 48,010 11,805 26,901 Argentine Republic 1,921 1,916 — — 127,083 122,937 290,262 152,775 129,004 244,528 128,165 124,853 Channel Islands 560 259 705 529 6,454 6,649 16,667 13,475 7,719 12,350 9,078 7,437 Gibraltar 7,500 4,724 8,366 7,283 21,864 20,380 40,897 20,493 37,730 30,893 13,100 32,387 Malta 3,393 2,774 1,720 1,728 73,060 9,514 5,113 55,364 6,261 4,502 Egypt (including Anglo-Egyptian Sudan) 12,718 9,167 1,712 1,797 88,958 80,267 315,300 94,412 103,388 231,760 70,160 91,231 Aden and Dependencies — — — — 15,006 13,488 5,981 — 15,006 5,159 — 13,488 British India 283 268 — — 403 383 11,955 11,423 686 9,544 8,650 651 Ceylon — — — — 4,757 ; 4,103 15,420 4,807 4,757 11,771 4,252 4,103 Other countries 1,199 2,403 3,229 2,354 36,162 35,116 99,080 75,879 40,590 82,054 58,824 39,873 Anthracite 87,262 111,161 95,375 130,503 255,959 171,823 182,637 200,746 151,270 241,664 Steam 693,467 512,905 283,071 234,701 1,404,328 1,323,340 4,322,462 2,342.868 2,380,866 3,039,010 1,545,041 * 2,070,946 Totals Gas 17,081 12,846 481,392 359,410 16,995 16,005 • 936,829 532,569 515,468 603,480 319,476 388,261 Household 11,131 9,967 1 1 46,735 46,021 140,129 126,499 57,867 94,444 82,595 55,989 w Other sorts 40,594 30,787 124,739 94,444 600 540 258,025 106,401 165,933 162,904 58,316 125,771 Total 849,535 677,666 889,203 688,556 1,564,033 1,516,409 5,913,404 3,280,160 3,302,771 4,100,584 2,156,698 2,882,631 Total (November 1914' 859,527 439,008 670,838 400,562 1,749,795 1,317,128 — — — — — Total (November 1913) 1,374,761 760,684 1,183,696 750,689 3,354,947 2,589,211 — — — — __ — Coke 126,307 100,202 110,946 108,855 75,742 149,924 Manufactured fuel — — — — — — 163,087 46,737 55,585 147,797 39,319 63,277 Total of coal, coke & manufactured fuel - — — — — — 6,202,798 3,427,099 3,469,302 4,357,236 2,271,759 3,095,832 First eleven months of 1915. First eleven months. Anthracite 1,015,446 i 1,033,488 1,570 831 999,737 1,082,803 2,726,893 2,161,844 2,016,753 2,177,780 1,706,370 2,117,122 Steam 8,565,635 ! 6,202,098 ; 3,095,228 2,447,573 17,091,297 15,945,550 49,030,578 39,931,858 28,752,160 34,613,303 27,478,890 24,595,221 Total•<( Gas 446,080 293,040 5,914,200 4,011,128 430,860 378,507 10,547,038 9,497,290 6,791,140 6,516,605 5,903,532 4,682,675 Household 189,615 174,040 1,122 1,253 794,616 701,828 1,635,335 1,371,392 985,353 1,074,563 890,731 877,121 Other sorts 626,017 439,132 1,061,139 748,992 14,967 13,340 3,230,821 2,378,622 1,702,123 2,015,734 1,416,477 1,201,464 Total 10,842,793 8,141,798 10,073,259 7,209,777 19,331,477 18,122,028 67,170,665 55,341,006 40,247,529 46,397,985 37,396,000 33,473,603 Total for eleven months of 1914 13,360,930 6,999,017 11,839,891 7,269,003 30,140,185 23,127,980 — — — — — Total for eleven months of 1913 15,978,810 9,041,270 13,492,811 8,302,675 37,699,044 29,054,040 — — — — — — Coke — • — — — • — 1,115,317 1,075,406 909,134 1,044,046 863,562 1,030,377 Manufactured fuel — — — — — — 1,874,952 1,534,680 1,143,245 1,624,200 1,333,419 1,161,123 Total of coal, coke & manufactured fuel — — — — — — 70,160,934 57,951,092 42,299,908 49,066,231 39,592,981 35,665,103 Note.—The figures in the above tables do not include Admiralty and certain other shipments. ings, and making allowances foi the realisation of the accounts, there remains a profit for the 12 months ending October 31, 1915, of £72,756 13s. 9d., to which falls to be added the balance carried forward from last year, £8,881 12s. 5d., making a total available balance (subject to excess profits duty) of £81,638 6s. 2d. The directors recom- mend that this sum be dealt with as follows :—Reserve fund (general), £20,000 (making this £80,000); 6 per cent, divi- dend on preference shares, less tax, £8,021 18s. 8d. (paid on May 15 and November 11, 1915); 8 per cent, dividend on ordinary shares, free of tax, £10,000 (of which 4 per cent, was paid as interim dividend on June 19, 1915); 12 per cent, bonus on ordinary shares, free of tax, £15,000; leaving a balance of £28,616 7s. 6d. to be carried forward, subject to directors’ fees and excess profits duty. South Hetton Coal Company Limited.—Interim dividend of 5s. per share, free of income-tax, on the ordinary shares. Vulcan Motor and Engineering (1906) Company Limited.— The report for year to September 30 shows that, including £5,551 brought in, the net profit was £51,388. Interim divi- dends at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum on the cumulative preference shares (less tax), and at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum (free of tax), with bonus of 2s. per share on the ordinary, have been paid, and the directors recommend a balance dividend on cumulative preference at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum, and on the ordinary at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum, free of tax, making 10 per cent, for the year, with a further bonus of 2s. per share, carrying forward £28,044. Wath Main Colliery Company Limited.—The directors have paid a further interim dividend of Is. per share, free of tax. West Canadian Collieries Limited.—The report for the year ended December 31, 1914, states that the output for the year 1914 amounted to 428,172 tons, showing a decrease of 169,997 tons. The scarcity of money, the effects of which have been felt in Western Canada since November 1913, is the primary cause of this decrease; the traffic of the railway companies has been greatly reduced, and their coal consumption has therefore been correspondingly diminished. The profit balance on the operation of the mines in 1914 amounts to £33,654, after writing off a sum of £19,566 as development works, which have been vigorously pushed on to enable the mines to supply large quantities of coal. There must be deducted from this balance a sum of £24,259, representing debenture interest, general expenses, and £500 contribution to sinking fund; this gives for the year 1914 a profit of £9,394, to which must be added £1,894 brought forward, leaving a balance of £11,282 at credit of profit and loss. NEW COMPANIES. Crawford Foundry Company Limited.—Private company. Registered office, 4 and 5, Crawford-passage, Ray-street, Farringdon-road, London. Registered November 27. Nature of business indicated by title. Nominal capital, £2,500 in 2,500 £1 ordinary shares. Governing directors : H. S. King (chairman), T. H. Morris, and C. H. Turner. Gray (R. R.) Limited. — Private company. Registered office, 39, Sefton-street, Liverpool. Registered November 27. To acquire and take over the business of sheet and plate iron workers, engineers, etc. Nominal capital, £3,000 in 3,000 £1 shares. Directors : W. H. Jones (chairman), 25, Lord- street, Liverpool: A. C. Jones, managing director; R. R. G. Chisholm; and H. M. Jones. Johnson (John) (Old Hill) Limited. — Private company. Registered office, Standard Works, Clifton-street, Old Hill, Staffordshire. Registered November 27. To acquire the goodwill of the business carried on at above address of hard- ware, iron, and steel odd work manufacture and factor as John Johnson; to enter into an agreement, and carry on and develop said business, and any other business relating to the winning and working of metals and minerals. Nominal capital, £6,000 in 6,000 £1 ordinary shares. First directors and subscribers (one share each) : J. Johnson and E. Johnson. Lymn Chemical Engineering Company Limited.—Private company. Registered office, Sanctuary House, 53. Tothill- street, S.W. Registered November 30. Nature of business indicated by title. Nominal capital, £10,044 in 9.900 £1 preference shares and 144 £1 ordinary shares. Subscribers (one ordinary share each) : G. T. Ashworth and C. H. R. Crossby. Perkins (Clifford) Limited. — Private company. Regis- tered December 3. To carry on in the United Kingdom and elsewhere business of iron founders, mechanical engineers, manufacturers of all mining and other machinery, tool makers, metal workers, iron and steel, furnace smiths, elec- trical, water, and gas supply engineers. Nominal capital, £10,000 in 10,000 £1 shares. Subscribers (one share each) : F. A. Saxon and W. Facer. Woollett, Smart and Company Limited. — Private com- pany. Registered December 3. To carry on in all their branches business of forwarding agents, railway and shipping agents, dock, colliery, and quarry owners, timber merchants', and merchandise of all kinds. Nominal capital, £500 in 500 £1 shares. First directors : H. Smart, Inglenook. Longland Park-road, Sidcup, Kent, ship broker; C. W. Hearve, M. Naylor, J. A. Ains, and W. Woolier. This list of new companies is taken from the Daily Register specially compiled by Messrs. Jordan and Sons Limited, company registration agents, Chancery-lane, E.C. Mining Institute of Scotland.—A general meeting of the Mining Institute of Scotland will be held in the Rooms of the Institute, 39, Elmbank Crescent, Glasgow, to-morrow (Saturday), at 3 p.m. Mr. Marcel Gillieaux’s paper on “Lining Shafts with Concrete Z-Blocks,” and Mr. Sam Mavor’s paper on “ Compressed Air for Coal Cutters ” will be discussed. A paper will be read by Mr. James Black on “ Forming a Shaft Pillar in Thin Seams.’’ North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers. — A general meeting of the members of the institute will be held in the Wood Memorial Hall, Newcastle- upon-Tyne, at 2 o’clock, on Saturday, December 11. The following papers will be open for discussion :—“ Mining in Burma.’’ Part I., by Mr. C. W. Chafer; “A New Battery Signalling Bell.” by Prof. W. M. Thornton; “Modern American Coal Mining Methods, with Some Comparisons,” by Mr. Samuel Dean.