December 10, 1915. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1177 Appeal Action regarding Combustion Tube Safety Lamp decided in favour of Mr. HAILWOOD of ACKROYD & BEST LTD. On Friday (26th November) an Appeal case was tried at the Royal Courts of Justice, London, when the decision was given completely in favour of Mr. E. A. Hailwood that his Patent No. 18694 of 1913 was a very strong and valid one, the decision making it quite clear that the Patent for Hailwood’s Combustion Tube Lamp was not only valid for a miner’s lamp having an inner glass with combustion tube aperture plate suspended from above, but also for an inner glass with combustion tube aperture plate supported from below, and that his several other modified forms are unique and safely protected by the Patent Law. w E THEREFORE ISSUE THIS WARNING THAT ANYONE INFRINGING these patent rights will be dealt with as the law provides. Users as well as makers of an infringing article being liable for damages. The sole patent rights of the Hailwood Combustion Tube Lamp are held by Ackroyd & Best, Ltd., of Morley, and this lamp can only be obtained from such Company. Kindly note. The Hailwood Combustion Tube Lamp has been very carefully studied out, and is the biggest light-giving lamp on the market, and is most simple and most easily manipulated, and is much superior to electric lamps. Send your enquiries and orders to the famous lamp experts— ACKROYD & BEST Ltd., MORLEY, LEEDS, ^-ENGLAND. ■ v/v X z.X !O X • 'x One of the many forms of Hailwood’s Patent Combustion Tube Lamp.