December 10, 1915. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1167 Complete 24-in. Track, 4,000 Yards from Stock. WAGONS OF ALL KINDS, SWITCHES, TURNTABLES, &c., &c. DU CROO & BRAUNS, 53, Victoria Street, LONDON, S.W. “Ducrobra, Vic, London.” Victoria, 25 52. HjilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIllg = Telephone—3 130 Central ; 547 Broomhill. = I COATES & Co., I g 345, Glossop Rd., SHEFFIELD. | = Electrical Engineers and Power Contractors* = == Experts in Dynamo and Motor Repairs* = | COLLIERY REPAIRS A SPECIALITY, | = STAFF AVAILABLE DAY OR NIGHT. = =E Promptness and Reliability Assured. H = Patentees of New System of Underground Wiring, Stronger, Simpler, = = and Easier of Erection than any other. ~ = We shall be pleased to advise you. Write for particulars of our Patent Boxes. EE WILLIAM COOKE & Co. Ltd. bstabusmb. Tinsley steel, Iron and Wire Rope Works, /W.C00KE&C2\ SHEFFIELD Contractors to H.M. Government and English and Foreign Railways. London Office: 110, Cannon Street, E.C. Australian Office: 109, Pitt Street, Sydney. TRADE MARK. ’ J MANUFACTURERS OF WIRE ROPES. GOLD MEDALS. Sydney, 1879. Mining, London, 1890. Melbourne, 1880. Naval, London, 1891. PARIS EXHIBITION, 1900, GOLD MEDAL. Lang’s Lay and other principles for Mining, Shipping, Cranes, &c., &c. Forged Hauling Rope Sockets or Capels. Guide Rods, Galvanised Strand and Signal Wire. Special Wire Rods for Rope, Spring, Card Wire, &c. Best Yorkshire Iron for Engineering and Colliery purposes. Bessemer Steel Bars and Rods. Channel Steels for Rubber Tyres. Horse and Pit Pony Shoes. HE NEW EXPLOSIVES COMPANY Lo ■ ESTABLISHED 1865. Manufacturers of every description of High Explosives for Mining and Blasting Purposes. STOMONAL No. 1. The Ideal “Permitted^ Explosive for Goa! Mines. Particulars and Prices on application to the Company or any of their Agents. Works: Stowmarket, Suffolk. Head Office: 62, London Wall, London, E.C. BOILERS For COLLIERIES — A SPECIALITE. —■ ARNOLD’S Bulbous Boiler Flue. Hopkinson=West Patent Boiler Flue. WM. ARNOLD & CO., Barnsley. CONTRACTOR TO H.M. GOVERNMENT. „ „ BRITISH COLONIES. „ „ THE WAR OFFICE. RURE HOLES For MINERALS, &c., Contracted for by JOHN Q. THOM, PATRICROFT. Wo/SELESS ALWAYS BRITISH. The Most Perfect and Economical SAFETY LAMPS. PROTECTOR LIGHTING CO. LTD., ECCLES. HIGH-PRESSURE Steam Boilers For any working pressure. J. 8 J. HORSFIELD Ld„ DEWSBURY, YORKSHIRE