1124 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. ■ December 3, 1915. NEW BRITISH PERMITTEDS AIII III 111111111II11II11111 III 11II11 III I Illi Illi 11111 Illi 11II1111II11111J11111 Illi 111 IlliIJ \7fie BE!E/SH EXPLOSIVES SYND/CAEEL™\ /24 ST VLB CENT SB. GLASGOW I Charge Limit 24 Ounces THE EXPLOSIVE FOR COAL THAMES POWDER N°2 Charge Limit 22 Ounces NEEDS NO THAWING ____■ ■■“■■■■■ _____.........._________...............i..■■■in nn.mm- SMlIlllllllllllllllllllll^ Walter Scott Ltd. Leeds, LEEDS STEEL WORKS, England. __________________ MANUFACTURERS OF BRITISH STANDARD ROLLED STEEL JOISTS, CHANNELS, TRAMRAILS AND PERMANENT WAY RAILS, &c. Pit Head Frame, k Erected in Works for inspection. Example of 10 in. x 6 in. 42 lb. R.S. Joists curved for Framework to Roadway. ROLLED STEEL JOISTS for PIT PROPS, FRAMEWORK TO ROADWAYS. &c. STRUCTURAL STEELWORK FOR BUILDINGS, Ac. i Mild Steel Blooms, Billets, Slabs, Tinbars, Rounds & Flats. Rolls cut for Special Sections and to approved quantities. ' Books of Sections and other information on application. GREENWOOD & BATLEY Ltd., ALBION WORKS, LEEDS. Telephone—5200 LEEDS. I Telegram.—" GREENWOOD. LEEDS.” M, s A. y •;> STEAM TURBINES HIGH PRESSURE,—EXHAUST STEAM,—MIXED PRESSURE. FROM 3-B.H.P. TO 600-B.H.P. Part of order for totally enclosed gas- proof Mining Motors with ball bearings and plate glass spy holes. ELECTRIC MOTORS AND GENERATORS, A.C. AND D.C. FOR ALL PURPOSES.