November 26, 1915. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN 1109 Save Money - Save Coal - Save Steam By adopting FORREST’S PATENT AUTOMATIC Cylinder DRAIN COCKS on your Compound, Winding, Hauling, and all your Stationary Engines, Steam Winches, &c. (Thousands in use), now fixed on most new Engines turned out by leading Engineers. The Safest Automati: Drain Cock ever fixed on Com- pound Condensing Engines, most positive In action. Makers of High-class Gunmetal Gland Taps. Wheel Valves, &c, Class B For Prices, Particulars and Testimonials, apply Sole Makers, APPLETON & HOWARD, ST. HELENS, LANCS. Contractors to the War Office. ANNALS OF COALMINING & THE COAL TRADE. Bt Post. 25s. 90. By ROBERT L. CALLOWAY. Price 25s. net. The Colliery Guardian Co. Ltd., 30 & 31, Furnival-st., Holborn, London, E.C. YOU WANT to SAVE TIME & PREVENT ACCIDENTS “FASTCRIP” FILE & TOOL HANDLE. Fits any kind of file. Cuts its own thread on tang. Removed and replaced instantly- Prevents accidents “FASTFIT” WRENCH. .FASTFIT No. 1 takes every shape of nut from 3/16—i bolt 3/- »• 2 „ ,, „ |—1 „ 7/6 Instantaneous self adjusting & Ratchet FASTNUT” SPANNERS. £1000 WII.I. BE PAID to anvone showing us a nut that CAN get I.OOSE through vibration, where the FASTNUT is . . properly applied. SAMPLE FASTNUTS TO TEST FREE. In use on 40 Railways & over 60 COLLIERIES Full particulars— “ FASTNUT,” 115, Newgate St., London E.C. Does the work of six spanners and five times as fast. Take eight sizes. Self adjusting and Ratchet. ENGLISH MAKE. Drop Forged Steel. ACENTS WANTED. ^tA.evices. rpT7T T?ph°ne—Central 12214. J- TjIj IL grams—Fasnut, Cent. London. FOUNDED 1895. The QUARRY. Price— 6cL monthly. Annual Subscription, 7 s. 6d. post free (payable in advance). SOLE MAKERS F. RED DAW AY <& L%° PENDLETON. MANCHESTER. LON DO N OFFICE 5O/l LIME ST.,E.C. Offices— 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. CORRUGATED and FLAT SHEETS and GALVANISED GOODS; TUB & CORNER PLATES; AIR PIPES and all Colliery Requirements. J. SUMMERHILL & CO., Beraver Works, WOLVERHAMPTON, k Established! 1800. — Telephone No. 577’ BRASS TIME CHECKS JOHN LAWSON & SONS, Manufacturersjof^every kind of STEEL STAMPS, LETTERS, FIGURES, BRANDS, STENCIL PLATES, <&c. Roebuck Letter Works, 26, Carver Lane, SHEFFIELD. EDWIN LEWIS & SONS Original Makers of “Acme” & “Williams” Loose Flanged Joints for Mining Work. TUBES OF ANY SIZE For Compressed Air, Water, or Steam. wnw f Patent Iron Tube Works, Monmore Green. (Britannia Tube Works, Ettingshall. WOLVERHAMPTON. Buyers will note that the joint illustrated is an improvement on the “Williams” joint, as it does without the internal ferrule. Telegrams—** Lewis, Wolverhampton.” Telephone—Nos. 15 6 180 Wolverhampton. LONDON ADDRESS-143, Cannon Street, E.C. LIVERPOOL WAREHOUSE-58, South John St. Bi® - 'V W II I I ■X'.w.- SHOWING INSIDE WORKING PARTS. ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL (To comply with Home Office Regulations, Rule 95). Theedam’s Patent Electrical Indicating Signal Apparatus Mechanical or Electrical CANCELLING GEAR. Our Sional Apparatus & Bells have been sub- mitted to the Home Office, and we are permitted to say they are of the opinion that they carry out the requirements or the Coal Mines Regu- lation Act. This is the utmost that the Home authority for any maker to state. This System is Simple and Effective. jlOOMYflKW/d (E.C.THEEDAM £")| DUDLEY PATENT CONTACT BOX TO WORK WITH INDICATOR. Wof these signal sets are tn use collieries at the owned by one firm. Write for prices and references. SIGNALLING J Fl h 5( 4 'Fl --A ... INDICATING SIGNAL BELLS. ALSO SOLE MAKERS OF Linneker’s and Adams’ Patent MECHANICAL PNEUMATIC SINGLE WIRE SIGNAL CANCELLING APPARATUS and full information to E. C. THEEDAM Ltd., DUDLEY. for Visible and Audible Signalling in Mines and Collieries.