1086 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CONTENTS. Editorial Articles:— page Wages in the Federated Area .................. 1087 The French Coal Trade : An Economic Problem ... 1087 Articles:— The “Diamond” Coal Cutting and Conveying .............. Machines.................................... 1077 Some Difficulties of Design of High-speed Generators 1078 Feudal Exactions from Minerals in Scotland.... 1080 Illumination of Mines ......................... 1081 Unexpected Emission of Gas.................__ 1082 The Flow of Energy Through Transmission Lines 1082 The German and Austrian Coal and Iron Trades ... 1084 Trade and the War............................ 1085 Safety Methods in Pennsylvania................ 1092 Colliery Accidents ............................ 1092 Mines Inspection in the United States.......... 1093 Coal Resources and Imports of Chile............ 1095 Book Notices ................................. 1096 French Coal Prices............................ 1096 Presentation to Capt. R. C. Blair, D.S.0_________ 1096 The Freight Market ........................... 1099 Labour and Wages............................ 1099 Obituary..................................... 1100 Open Contracts ___............................. 1100 Abstracts of Patent Specifications Recently Accepted.................................... 1102 New Patents Connected with the Coal and Iron Trades ..................................... 1104 Government Publications ..................... 1104 Publications Received ......................... 1104 Current Science and Technology............... 1084 Indian and Colonial Notes ..................... 1095 Notes from the Coal Fields ................... 1097 Monthly List of Recent Coal Literature....... 1101 Coal, Iron and Engineering Companies ......... 1100 The Coal and Iron Trades ............1085,1088—1091 The By-Products Trade ....................... 1085 The Tin-plate Trade ........................... 1085 The London Coal Trade........................ 1088 Letters to the Editors :— “The Right to Organise” ..................... 1097 Mechanical Ventilation Underground .......... 1097 Miscellanea :— Organisation of British Engineering ............ 1078 Minerals and Form IV....................;____ 1080 Partnership Dissolved—Pit Prop Contract Dispute 1082 Alleged Breach of Charter Party................ 1083 Profit Sharing Schemes in 1914-15 .............. 1094 Iron and Steel Institute ....................... 1096 Miners and Enlistment ......................__ 1100 Hull Coal Exports—The Institution of Mining Engineers .................................. 1104 ______________________________________________ ADVERTISEMENTS. Offices for ADVERTISEMENTS and PUBLICATION— 30 & 31 , Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. Telegraphic Address—“Colliery Guardian, Fleet, London.” Telephone—1354 Holborn. CONTRACT ADVERTISEMENTS : Prices for SPECIAL POSITIONS on application. Prices for ORDINARY POSITIONS Single Column (3 inches wide) : Eor 52 insertions 2s. 6d. I insertion for each „ 26 „ 3s. Od. t F , .. ,,13 ,, 3s. 6d. ) mch in depth. Double Column (6 inches wide), double the above rates. Three Columns (9 inches wide), three times the above rates.. ________ MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS : Advertisements are inserted on the last white page or leader page at the following rates :— One insertion ... 10s. 6d. per inch per insertion. Three insertions 9s. 6d. ,, ,, Six insertions ... 9s. Od. ,, ,, A reduction of 25 per cent, is allowed on advertisements of second-hand machinery. Situations Vacant and Wanted : One Penny per word, minimum 2s. 6d. (which must be prepaid). Can be received up to TEN o’clock on Friday morning. (A Classified List appears on page 1108). SUBSCRIPTIONS. _____ The Colliery Guardian, published at 2.30 p.m. on Friday, can be supplied direct from the Publishing Offices, post free for twelve months, at the following rates, payable in advance :— For the United Kingdom________ £1 3 6 For Foreign Countries and Colonies £17 6 When foreign subscriptions are sent by Money Orders, payable through the Post Office, advice should be sent to the Publishers. Offices for Advertisements and Publication :—30 and 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. Telegraphic Address, “Colliery Guardian, Fleet, London.” Telephone—1354 Holborn. Established 1856. PATENTS, DESIGNS, and TRADE MARKS. TT ARRIS AND MILLS, Chartered Patent Agents, 34 and 35, HIGH HOLBORN. LONDON, W.C. Telepraphic Address—" Privilege, London.” Tel. No.—Holborn 2763. Patents, &c. — General advice free. Low Inclusive Charges Regd. British, U.S . and Canadian Patent Agents.—THE CONSULTING PATENT AGENCY 255. Gray’s Inn- road. London, W.C. Write, call, or phone. Ph.: Holborn 6109. ____ VENTILATING FANS AND ENGINES. See Advertisement appearing on f ront Cover of alternate weeks. THE WADDLE PATENT FAN AND ENGINEERING CO. LTD., Llanmore Works, Llanelly THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN November 26, 1915. SE-HO7 FOR S, VIVIANS BORING COMPANY lk0^r 84Miles of Borings Completed WORK GUARANTEEU -/KYEAas, Geo. N. Dixon & Co., 43, Cattle Street, Liverpool, Auctioneers and Valuers, COLLIERIES, Brickworks & Mining Plant. _______________________________________ J? wT baird”and “company, PITWOOD IMPORTERS, WEST HARTLEPOOL, YEARLY CONTRACTS ENTERED INTO WITH COLLIERIES. _______________________________________ OSBECK & COMPANY LIMITED, PIT-TIMBER MERCHANTS, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. SUPPLY ALL KINDS OF COLLIERY TIMBER. Telegrams—“ Osbecks, Newcastle-on-Tyne.” BORING >or MINERALS, &c. Solid Specimen* of the Strata obtained. Established 1888. Work guaranteed. ________________________________________________________ *** For other Miscellaneous Advertisements see Last White Page. J. S. DAVIDSON & SON, St. Bees, CUMBERLAND. “CROWN” BOILER COVERINGS of Outstanding Superiority. 96°/„ SAYING Intensest Heat cannot Impair. SUTCLIFFE BROS. nr. Manchester. _______________________________________________________ W MBeqj Suaulian AND Journal of ths Coal and Iron Trades. Joint Editors— J. V. ELSDEN, D.Sc. (Loud.), F.G.S. HUBERT GREENWELL, F.S.S., Assoc.M.I.M.E. (At present on Active Service'). __________ LONDON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1915. ______________ STEEL Rails Roof Bars ) THO? W. WARD Ltd, Pit Props I Albion Works, F I SHEFFIELD. Arches I try us. — For COLLIERIES V V and WORKS. TYTanted, Draughtsman used to all kinds V V of colliery work and capable of designing plant; preference will be given to man not eligible for enlistment.—Apply, staging wages required, with copies of two testimonials or references, to Box 69, Examiner Office, Wigan. Mining Engineer (under 30), home from abroad, ineligible for military service, desires situation (temporary or permanent); has manager’s and surveyor’s certificates.—Address, Box 6242, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-st., Holborn, London. E.C. TA/"anted, Enginewright for a Colliery in V V the west of England.—Apply, with particulars of experience, age, and wages required, to Box 6241, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31. Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. Mr. E. H. Wrigglesworth, Colliery Agent, Hull, has large and small collieries for sale.—Full particulars to Principals or their Solicitors. For Sale, 2 Lancashire Boilers, 28 ft. hy 7 ft., insured at 801b , complete with all fittings; recently worked; 'can be seen by appointment.—Apply, ASHTON VALE IRON CO. LTD., Bedminster, Bristol. For Sale, new best Plough Steel Wire ROPE, in. diameter. 1,730 yards long, with Lowmoor iron nipple. THOS. JENKINS A SON, Briton Ferry, Glam. Business in the coal brisk all round, and on Monday on the The Colliery Ready Reckoner and Wages CALCULATOR. By JAMES IRELAND " Will be the means of preventing many disputes between pay clerks and colliers.”—Mining Journal. Colliery Guardian Office. 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. C’oth. limp, price 1*. 6d.; poet free, lx. Id. THE SOUTH WALES COALFIELD. PART II. By Henry K. Jordan, F G.S. (Past Presiieut and first Gold Medallist of the South Wales Institute of Engineers). This Paper, which deals with the western part of the Coalfield, has just been published by the South Wales Institute of Engineers. It consists of 81 pages of printed matter with sections and diagrams. The large drawings are issued separately and comprise:— 1. A Horizontal Section across the anthracite region of Llandybie and Pant-y ffynnon, and via the Dulais Valley to the sea at Swansea. It is drawn to a scale of six inches to one mile, is 8 ft. in length, mounted on linen, and geologically coloured. 2. Comparative Sections of the Lower Measures in the following areas (A) Neath Valley. “ (B) Swansea Valley. (C) Brynamman District. CD) Amman Valley. ,--------------------- These are drawn on one sheet, about 35 by 30 in., mounted on linen, to a scale of 200 ft. to 1 in. 3. A Map of Swansea District, on a scale of 6 in. to one mile, showing the outcrops of the coal seams. A limited number of the above are for sale, and may be obtained from The Secretary, The South Wales Institute of Engineers, CARDIFF. Price £1 Is., Postage Extra. •’ The South Wales Coalfield,” Part I., by Mr. H. K. Jordan, published in 1908, price £2 2s , oeait with the eastern half of the Coalfield, and may be obtained from the Secretary. (E) Ammanford. (F) Loughor Valley. (G) Gwkndraeth District. (H) Gwendraeth District. Partnerships or directorships required by the following investors, viz.: C.pital | available { £5,000 £5,000 £5,000 £3,000 £3,000 £3,1'00 £2,500 £1,500 £1,000 £1,000 Experience. I Merchants ... Motors ...... Brewery .... Chemicals ... Textile ... • ... Commercial... Manufacturing Soft Goods ... Ironmongery Accountancy Business Required. Directorship in sound Manufg. Co. Engineering or Manufacturing. Coal. Chemicals or Allied. Manchester Heavy Goods preferred. Directorship, Devon preferred. Manufg. has export connections. Coal. Wholesale Hardware. Manufg., Wholesale, or Agency. Owners of established sound businesses requiring capital The London coal market continues firm, and very small quantities of the usual qualities of house coal can be obtained. Seaborne arrivals have improved during the week, but all have been contract cargoes. Steam coals are very firm. During the past week the coal trade generally has suffered much hindrance from scarcity of tonnage and railway traffic delays. On the Tyne and Wear prompt business has been far rom active, owing to the high rates of freight. The tone of the markets, however, is fairly good, and prices remain but little changed. Forward business has considerably improved at both markets. The effect of the wintry weather is apparent in the heavy pressure now being placed upon the Lancashire and Derby- shire coal markets, and in the circumstances it is not surprising that values are firm. Despite full time working at the pits, the inadequacy of the supply to meet the demand in the Yorkshire district has become intensified ; high prices are being offered for prompt delivery. The tonnage supply at Cardiff has slightly improved but is still greatly below the requirements, and consequently several pits have again been rendered temporarily idle, and stocks continue to accumulate, markets of Scotland continues values remain firm. The inquest was concluded victims of the explosion at the Pennant Hill Colliery, Staffordshire, which occurred on October 22. A special committee of the Manchester Engineers’ Club have issued a report containing important recommendations for the organisation of the British engineering industry. In the King’s Bench Division, on Tuesday, judg- ment was reserved in an interesting action brought to recover freights on coal requisitioned by H.M. vessels during the historical chase after the ‘‘ Goeben.” On Wednesday, the Cardiff Chamber of Commerce discussed the present tonnage shortage, and it was pointed out that America was seriously menacing British coal export business. A discussion took place in the House of Commons, on Tuesday, as to the legal rights, during the war, of companies composed of alien enemy shareholders. A meeting of the Institution of Mining Engineers will be held on December 14 for the purpose of altering the by-laws of the institution. Trades union leaders will confer on Wednesday next with the Prime Minister, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, and the President of the Board of Trade, as to the financial position of the nation so far as it affects organised labour. Several important resolutions were passed at the half-yearly council meeting of the Northumberland Miners’ Association, which commenced on Saturday and concluded on Tuesday last. The non-unionist question has again caused differ- should call upon or communicate confidentially with Messrs. ences in gouth Wales coalfleld. Trouble on the COOKE & BYRNE, 60, Harcourt St., Dublin. ] same question is also brewing in the Black Country