November 26, 1915. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1063 Complete 24-in. Track, 4,000 Yards from Stock. WAGONS OF ALL KINDS, SWITCHES, TURNTABLES, &c., &c. DU CROO & BRAUNS, 53, Victoria Street, LONDON, S.W. “ Ducrobra, Vic, London.” Victoria, 25 52. = Telephone—3 1 30 Central; 5 47 Broomhill. = j COATES & Co., j | 345, Glossop Rd., SHEFFIELD. | = Electrical Engineers and Power Contractors* = = Experts in Dynamo and Motor Repairs* == I COLLIERY REPAIRS A SPECIALITY- | = STAFF AVAILABLE DAY OR NIGHT. =: = Promptness and Reliability Assured- =E EE Patentees of New System of Underground Wiring, Stronger, Simpler, = EE and Easier of Erection than any other. ~ We shall be pleased to advise you. Write for particulars of our Patent Boxes. WILLIAM COOKE & Co. Ltd. w.C00KE&C2\ Tinsley Steel, Iron and Wire Rope SHEFFIELD, „