1050 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. November 19, 1915. Complete Specifications Accepted. (To be published on December 2.) 1913. 21235. Apparatus for regulating and/or measuring the flow of gases and vapours. Liese. 1914. 532. Combined apparatus for measuring and recording the consumption of liquid fuel. Bounevialle. 3583. Contact breaker for electro-magnetic vibrating mem- bers. Maitre and Martin. 18387. Process of heat treatment of steel. Marks. (Soc. Anon. Italiana Gio. Ansaldo and Company.) 22130. Screw operated sliding stop valves. Mitton. 22131. Direct current dynamo electric machines. British Thomson-Houston Company. (General Electric Company.) 22147. Eliminating sulphur from oils. Evans, and South Metropolitan Gas Company. 22216. Water tube boilers. Palen and Burlingham. 22333. Rope haulage clips for colliery corves and the like. Potter, Moorwood, and Potter. 24289. Retort houses. Duckham. 1915. 31. Apparatus for providing an improved method of heat- ing water or other liquids by the use of gas, oil, or other fuels. Freeman. 345. Manufacture and use of oil gas. Westrup. 952. Force pumps. Soc. G. Brian & A. Soudee. 1423. Centrifugal fans. Whitfield. 1703. Means for locking two portions of differential and like gear. Armstrong. 1892. Electrically heated fluid pressure boiler. Holdsworth. 5001. Electric motor controllers. Igranic Electric Com- pany. (Cutler-Hammer Manufacturing Com- pany. 5982. Stands for miners’ safety lamps. Henderson and Hunter. 6529. Apparatus for degreasing cotton waste and other fibrous materials, and recovering benzine used in the process. Howard. 7083. Boiler furnaces. Cudlip and Garey. 8609 and 8705. Removal and loading of a mass of coke located on a quenching bench. Carl Still. 9114. Pump or compressor. Daimler-Motoren-Ges. 10131. Arrangement for supplying electrical energy to direct current electric motors. British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company. 11915. Mechanical stokers. Leach’s Limited, and Slater. 11943. Fuel heaters for internal combustion engines. DeppA THE ACQUISITION OF ENEMY PATENT RIGHTS. The following list of British Patents, which have been granted in favour of residents of Germany, Austria, or Hungary, is furnished in view of the new Patents Acts, which empower the Board of Trade to confer upon British subjects the right to manufacture under enemy patents, which right, when acquired, can be retained after the war, and is specially compiled for the Colliery Guardian by Lewis Wm. Goold, chartered patent agent, 5, Corporation-street, Birmingham. It is desirable in the first instance to obtain the latest particulars upon the Patents Register. If any patent listed has been assigned to a non-enemy proprietor, the law does not apply. 9969/04. Coal whips or hoists. Relates to electric coal whips or hoists, and comprises a hoisting sheave and motor for rotating it, contained in an outer shell, which can be slung from a derrick, etc. The sheave has a few turns of the hoisting rope passed round it, and is normally loose, but is so mounted that its connection to the motor is effected by exerting a sufficient pull on the loose end of the rope. J. Wilhelmi, Germany. 15502/04. Mixing machines; mixing in definite proportions. In a machine for mixing concrete, etc., the materials are conveyed from hoppers by drums, or by endless bands, past regulating devices, and delivered in a common stream to a mixing drum. The drum consists of a paddle wheel, with paddles inclined towards the centre and indented, and is rotated in a direction contrary to that of the stream. O. N. Rikof, Germany. 16074/04. Conveyors. In jigging conveyors, the rollers sup- porting the conveyor trough, instead of being mounted in bearings fixed to the trough or to the track, roll on paths on the track, and various means are provided for preventing the rollers from running out of line and from slipping. H. Marcus, Germany. 18262/04. Coke ovens. The coke oven or regenerative fur- nace has the cross section of the horizontal passage for the combustion gases and that of the vertical heating flues proportioned to, or corre- sponding to, the combustion gases passing through. The restrictions presented by the heat- ing flues are formed by projections of the bond courses, or in other suitable manner. They are narrow at the point of attack of the chimney draught, and widen out towards the parts of the heating flue group further removed. The recesses between the separate heating flues are made smaller in cross section at points removed from the chimney, so that the heating flue restrictions are narrow at the wide part of the horizontal passage, and wide at its narrow part. Slides or the like permit of adjusting the aper- tures of the heating flues. In the flues the air ascends vertically in one angle of the flue, and the gas in the opposite angle, the nozzle being interchangeable, to allow the quantities of gas and air to be regulated. H. Koppers, Germany. 14964/06. Quenching and screening coke. In apparatus for quenching, screening, and conveying coke dis- charged from coke ovens or retorts, a carriage, running on a track in front of the oven, is pro- vided with a grate, of which half the bars may be raised and lowered. W. Schumacher, Ger- many. *** Copies of any of the above specifications can be supplied at the price of Is. post free. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. *** Any of the following publications may be obtained on application at this office at the price named post free. Board of Education : Statistics, 1913-14, Is. 6d. Pauperism Statement for September 1915, 2d. Consular Reports, etc. : Swaziland, 1914-15, 34d.; Northern Territories of the Gold Coast, 1914, 3d.; British Honduras, 1914, 2|d. Finance Bill (No. 3), Part 3 as amended, ljd. Sanitary Measures in India, 1913-14, Is. 8d. National Insurance : Injuries in War Compensation Regu- lations, Id. Statutory Rules and Orders, 1915 : (No. 993), Customs Order in Council, ljd.; (No. 1019), Declaration of London Order in Council, IJd. Munitions of War Controlled Establishments : Model Rules, IJd. Colonial Import Duties, 1915, 4s. 9d. Clerical and Commercial Employments Committee Report, 2d. Report of Committee on Increases in Rental of Small Dwelling Houses in Industrial Districts in Scotland, IJd. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. Methods of Preventing and Limiting Explosions in Coal Mines (Technical Paper 84, United States Bureau of Mines). By G. S. Rice and L. M. Jones. Occurrence of Explosive Gases in Coal Mines (Bulletin 72, United States Bureau of Mines). By N. H. Darton. Coke Oven Accidents in the United States During 1913 and 1914 (Technical Paper 118, United States Bureau of Mines). Compiled by A. H. Fay. Production of Explosives in the United States in 1914, with Notes on Coal Mines Accidents Dub to Explo- sives (Technical Paper 107, United States Bureau of Mines). Compiled by A. H. Fay. Permissible Explosives Tested Prior to March 1, 1915 (Technical Paper 100, United States Bureau of Mines). By S. P. Howell. “ Bulletin of the American Institute of Mining Engineers ” (No. 107), November; “Employees’ Magazine,” October (The Lehigh Valley Coal Company, U.S.A.); “Monthly Statement of Coal Mine Fatalities in the United States, May. 1915,” compiled by A. H. Fay (United States Bureau of Mines); “Investigation of the Durability of Cement Drain Tiles in Alkali Soils,” by R. J. Wig, G. M. Williams, and others (Technological Paper No. 44 of the United States Bureau of Standards). Lieut. Thomas Lindsay Bainbridge, Eshott Hall, Felton, Northumberland, electrical engineer in the firm of Messrs. Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, of Wallsend, who was killed on April 27 last, aged 33, left estate valued at £32,443 gross, with net personalty £32,016. The Lamp for Exterior Lighting at Pit Heads, etc. For illumination at the pit head and for all other purposes where high candle powers are required—the OSRAM Atmos will be found the ideal lamp. It is the last word in lamp efficiency. The intrinsic brilliancy of the filament of the OSRAM Atmos is eight times greater than that of the ordinary tungsten lamp. The filament consists of one continuous length of pure tungsten drawn wire formed of a series of spirals carefully mounted and is of great mechanical strength. Specially suitable for any position where severe vibration is experienced. Osram Made at the Osram-Robertson Lamp Works, Hammersmith, London, W. The General Electric Co. Ltd., office-. 67, Queen Victoria St., LONDON, E.C. MANCHESTER Victoria Bridg'e. LIVERPOOL: Electricity Buildings, Church Alley. SHEFFIELD: Angel Street. LEEDS: Ila, Wellington Street. GLASGOW 71, Waterloo Street. ABERDEEN: 26, Bridge Street. BIRMINGHAM 42, High Street. NOTTINGHAM : 4, Chapel Bar. DUBLIN 13, Trinity Street. CORK : 42, Grand Parade. BELFAST ... 13, Queen Street. CARDIFF ... Womanby Street. BRISTOL: 81, Victoria Street. SWANSEA: 44, Wind Street. NEWCASTLE-) u ON-TYNE 3 30’ Gallowgate. HULL : 64 & 66, Charlotte Street. SOUTHAMPTON 24, High Street.