996 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN November 12, 1915. EXPORTS OF COAL. COKE, AHO MANUFACTURED FUEL FROM THE UNITED KINGDOM During October and the First Ten Completed Months of 1913, 1914 and 1915. To October, 1915. October. Coal—Small. Coal—Through- and-through (unscreened). Coal—Large. All coal. Quantity (tons). All coal. Value (£). Tons. £ Tons. £ Tons. £ 1913. | 1914. 1915. 1913. 1914. 1915. Russia . 2,890 1 2,802 756,112 19,107 2,890 544,791 12,285 2,802 Sweden. 31,603 22,055 11,830 9,097 139,714 i 1 124,407 503,863 525,357 183,147 336,257 331,866 155,559 Norway. 55,950 41,505 18,982 16,937 120,582 1 109,688 200,079 197,813 195,514 122,874 113,173 168,130 Denmark 51,023 48,999 82,806 61,520 81,314 67,925 281,369 313,873 218,143 185,511 198,263 178,441 Germany ; — — 835,839 504,802 — Netherlands 33,493 24,463 96,528 65,562 41,073 i 1 35,382 167,299 108,851 171,094 105,065 64,950 125,407 Belgium — 181,591 82,148 104,320 46,524 France 617,004 538,048 472,602 378,849 512,700 539,709 1,077,519 1,006,066 1,602,306 699,816 609,308 1,456,606 Portugal, Azores, and Madeira 15,522 14,156 15,682 11,486 52,865 53,381 94,748 65,434 84,069 70,998 43,793 79,023 Spain and Canaries 35,797 27,715 48,868 37,513 83,258 84,594 328,971 200.708 167,923 230,957 136,626 149,822 Ttalv ... 58,164 38,779 159,187 120,388 342,183 336,817 910,513 705,346 559,534 652,921 466,840 495,984 Austria-Hungary 103,433 72,520 Greece . 1,592 1,401 3,661 2,929 11,611 12,875 84,033 20,632 16,864 64,966 12,952 17,205 Roumania 47,864 42,433 Turkey . — — — — — 61,728 12,069 — 49,352 9,805 — Algeria 9,613 7,563 46,372 37,622 10,904 i 10,410 108,422 31,896 66,889 72,102 19,764 55,595 Portuguese West Africa 11 9 — — 6,103 i 5,475 10,908 4,166 6,114 9,421 3,613 5,484 Chile .... 309 540 — — 76 122 35,310 10,382 385 29,244 8,427 662 Brazil . 2,426 2,168 — — 19,848 j 18,969 147,943 71,596 22,274 131,500 60,844 21,137 Uruguay 3,036 2,418 — — 15,137 | 13,749 33,612 46,143 18,173 27,180 41,446 16,167 Argentine Republic 419 950 — — 36,134 1 35,473 297,148 173,068 36,553 248,208 147,988 36,423 Channel Islands 332 419 1,476 1,173 7,116 1 7,245 14,726 12,317 8,924 10,909 8,616 8,837 Gibraltar 4,086 2,459 11,292 9445 11,366 1 10,464 25,311 15,116 26,744 18,095 10,125 22,068 Malta 3,350 1,804 2,535 2,282 6,921 i 6,821 42,068 13,193 12,806 30,065 7,941 10,907 Egypt (including Anglo-Egyptian Sudan) 5,249 3,782 17,923 13,792 51,181 i 45,671 229,100 167,770 74,353 169,078 128,800 63,245 Aden and Dependencies — — — — 1,476 1 1,375 20,881 16,967 1,476 18,065 14,984 1,375 British India 621 555 — — 94 100 14,216 12,523 715 12,232 10,276 655 Cevlon .. — — ‘ 23,764 16,834 — 20.600 14,347 Other countries 11,089 9,802 — — 42,567 44,918 101,103 95,122 53,656 80,963 75,152 54,720 1 f Anthracite 134,995 164,393 534 287 177,730 227,688 281,443 154,855 313,259 233,702 135,907 392,368 1 | Steam 726,339 561,019 314,800 259,720 1,335,752 1,258,740 4,952,643 2,939,525 2,376,891 3,468,633 1,943,344 2,079,479 Gas 20,010 14,495 574,920 431,631 26,837 27,088 1,026,497 638,971 621,767 653,604 389,528 473,217 Total^ Household 10,305 9,228 53,146 50,997 159,373 136,297 63,451 106,186 86,991 60,225 L Other sorts 52,040 40,455 99,490 76,654 3,648 3,859 319,517 74,849 155,178 203,120 42,938 120,968 Total 943,689 789,590 989,744 768,295 1,597,113 1,568,372 6,739,473 3,944,497 3,530,546 4,665,245 2,598,708 3,126,257 Total (October 19141 1,005,799 497,578 735,114 441,747 2,203,584 1,662,383 — — — — —• — Total (October 1913 > 1,585,951 891,067 1,305,080 823,058 3,848,442 2,951,120 — — — — — — Coke — 150,955 150,879 113,499 135,168 107,629 149,333 Manufactured fuel -- — — — — — 169,500 56,005 127,024 152,689 48,492 139,822 Total of coal, coke & manufactured fuel - — — — — — 7,059,928 4,151,381 3,771,069 4,953,102 2,754,829 3,415,412 First ten months of 1915. First ten months. Anthracite 928,184 922,327 1,570 831 904,362 952,300 2,470,034 1,990,021 1,834,116 1,977,034 1,555,100 1,875,458 Steam 7,872,168 5,689,193 2,812,157 2,212,872 15,686,969 14,622,210 44,708,116 37,588,990 26,371,294 31,574,293 25,933,849 22,524,275 TotaL Gas 428,999 280,194 5,432,808 3,651,718 413,865 362,502 9,610,209 8,964,721 6,275,672 5,913,125 5,584,056 4,294,414 Household 178,484 164,073 1,121 1,252 747,881 655,807 1,495,206 1,244-893 '927,486 980,119 808,136 821,132 Other sorts 585,423 408,345 936,400 654,548 14,367 12,800 2,972,796 2,272,221 1,536,190 1,852,830 1,358,161 1,075,603 Total 9,993,258 7,464,132 9,184,056 6,521,221 17,767,444 16,605,619 61,257,261 52,060,846 36,944,758 42,297,401 32,239,302 30,590,972 Total for ten months of 1914 12,501,403 6,560,009 11,169,053 6,868,441 28,390,390 21,810,852 — — — — — — Total for ten months of 1913 14,604,049 8,280,586 12,309,115 7,551,986 34,344,097 26,464,829 — — — — — — Coke — — — — — — 989,010 975,204 798,188 935,191 787,820 880,453 Manufactured fuel — — — — — — 1,711,865 1,487,943 1,087,660 1,476,403 1,294,100 1,097,846 Total of coal, coke & manufactured fuel — — — — - — 63,958,136 54,523,993 38,830,606 44,708,995 37,321,222 32,569,271 Note.—The figures in the above tables do not include Admiralty and certain other shipments. COHTRACTS OPEN FOR COAL AND COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White pages. Liverpool, November 17.—The directors of the Liverpool Gas Company are prepared to receive tenders for the supply of 30,000 tons of cannel, to be delivered at the Linacre Works of the company, during the period of 12 months between July 1, 1916, and June 30, 1917. Tenders will be received for the whole or any portion of the above quantity. The directors reserve the right to accept tenders for the whole or any portion of the quantity offered, and do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. Forms of tender can be obtained on application to the undersigned, at the Gas Offices, Duke-street, Liverpool. Sealed tenders (on the printed forms only), addressed to the chairman of the company, must be delivered at or before 10 a.m. on Wednesday, November 17, 1915, endorsed “ Tender for Cannel.” R. E. Gibson, engineer. Manchester, November 16.—-The Electricity Committee of the Manchester Corporation invite tenders for the supply of double-screened peas or beans and washed slack to their Stuart-street electricity works, during six months ending June 30, 1916, or in spot lots for immediate delivery. Tenders to be addressed to the chairman of the Electricity Committee, and sent in not later than Tuesday the 16th ins-t. Thomas Hudson, town clerk, Town Hall, Manchester. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Beverley, November 29. — Coal, for the Corporation. Particulars from Mr. J. Willis Mills, clerk to the Local Education Authority, 31, Lairgate, Beverley. Cork, November IB.—400 tons of coal, for the Guardians. Tenders to Mr. J. Cotter, clerk. Edinburgh, November 15. — Gas coal yielding a satis- factory quality of coke, for the Edinburgh and Leith Corporation Gas Commissioners. Forms from Mr. Alexander Masterton, engineer and manager for the Commissioners, C alt on Hill, Edinburgh. Harmondsworth, November 23. — About 25 tons of brights coal (Stoke Colliery), for the Harmondsworth Charities Trustees. Tenders to Mr. F. Mayne Swift, clerk to the Trustees, Harmondsworth, Middlesex. Harwich, November 27.—Best wood bright coals and coke, for the Education Committee. Tenders to Mr. G. D. Hugh- Jones, secretary, Harwich. London, S.W., November 15.—About 4,000 tons of steam coal, for H.M. Government, delivered at Gibraltar during 1916. Forms from the Crown Agents for the Colonies, Whitehall Gardens, S.W. London, December 20.—Coal .and coke, for the Cancer Hospital (Free) (Incorporated under Royal Charter). Forms from Mr. F. W. Howell, secretary. Long Lawford, November 20.—£30 worth of good house coal, named, free from slack, for the Trustees of the United Charities of Sir Edward Boughton and others, Long Lawford. Tenders to Mr. E. Wright, clerk to the Trustees. Lowestoft, November 15. — Coal and coke, for the Mutford and Lothingland Guardians. Forms from Mr. F. W. Osborne, clerk, Crown-street Hall, Lowestoft. Rugby, November 15.—150 tons of Whit wick deep coal, for the. rector and churchwardens. Tenders to Mr. W. T. Simmonds, Elborow House, Rugby. Wakefield, November 16.—Coal for the Corporation. Forms from the city electrical engineer, Old Town Hall, Wakefield. Wallasey, November 16. — 2,000 tons large double- screened steam coal, especially suitable for storage over long periods in the open, for the Ferries Committee of the Corporation. Forms from the Ferries general manager, Seacombe Ferry, Wallasey. The date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR ENGINEERING, IRON AND STEEL WORK, Ac. Kirkcaldy, November 24.—Cast Iron Pipes.—About 1,600 tons of dry sand cast iron pipes and special castings from 12 in. to 6 in. diameter, for the Kirkcaldy District Committee of the Fife County Council. Specifications from Messrs. J. and A. Leslie and Reid, 72a, George-street, Edinburgh, on deposit of £1. Llanharran.—Slant Driving.—Driving a slant at Brynna Colliery, near Llanharran, for the Brynna Gas Coal Collieries Limited. Particulars from County Offices, Atlantic Build- ings, Swansea. London, November 16.—Spigot Pipes, etc.—Supply of spigot and socket and smoke pipes, for the Commissioners of H.M. Works and Public Buildings. Specifications from Controller of Supplies, H.M. Office of Works, 18, Queen Anne’s Gate, S.W. Manchester, November 17.—Electrical Plant.—Turbo- alternator plant and induced draught plant, for the Corpora- tion. . Specifications from F. E. Hughes, secretary, Electricity Department, Town Hall, on deposit of one guinea. Marrickville (Australia), December 20. — Pumps. — Three units, consisting of centrifugal pumps and electric motors (each to pump 6,300 gals, per minute), for the Metropolitan Board of Water Supply of Sydney.* Salford, November 29.—Steel Crossings.—Manganese steel crossings, for the Corporation. Forms from general manager, 32, Blackfriars-street, Salford. ♦Specifications, particulars, etc., may be seen at the Commercial Intelligence Branch of the Board of Trade, 73, Basinghall-street, E.C. Fifteen miners have been killed and seven wounded by an explosion of firedamp in the Deutscher Kaiser pit, near Ha inborn.