912 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. October 29, 1915. MACHINERY, Oillott’s Improved “ Gillott and Copley” Rotary COAL-CUTTING MACHINES. See Illustrated Adver- ttoement fortnightly. Bole Makers: JOHN GILLOTT A BON, Barnsley. A. 250 tons of good Relayable Steel Flange, about 74 lb. per yard, also 6 quantity from 14 Tb upwards. Quantity of Bull Head RAILS, all suitable for sidings; all accessories to ■uit. B. M. BUNTON A CO., Market Place Buildings, High-street, Sheffield. 50 BOILERS IN STOCK. “THOMPSON” DISH-ENDED TYPE. S DISH END BOILERS, 30ft. by 9ft. 3in., 160 w.p. S ditto ditto 30 ft. by 8 ft. 3 in., 160 w.p. 4 ditto ditto 30 ft. by 8 ft. 3 in., 100 w.p. 40 other alses and pressures. JOHN THOMPSON, Wolverhampton, Eng, FOR SALE, HORIZONTAL STEAM ENGINES. Cross Compound Engines, cylinders 14 in. and 22in. diameter by 24in. stroke, by Davy Bros. In first’class condition, having done very little work; suitable for rolling ■ill work. Tandem Compound ENGINES, cylinders Min. and 22in. diameter by Min. stroke, by Summers & Scott. In very good condition. Three single cylinder ENGINE8, cylinders 18$in., 23$ in., 25| in. diameter, by 36 in. stroke. Bets of Gearing for driving rocker pumps or other work will be supplied With the engines if desired. For prices and further particulars, apply to 8. FB ABSON A SON LTD., 10, Viotoria'Street, S.W. Locomotives, 4 - wheel coupled, by Manning Wardle, 8 in. cylinders ; splendid condition, ready for Mrvioe.—MUIRHEAD A CO. LTD., Imperial-road, Fulham, S.W. For Sale, one 150-h.p. and 200-h.p. High- •peed Vertical ENGINES, enclosed type, for dynamo driving; and one Dynamo, 500 amps., 70 volts, 400 revs.; two Lister Motors. 5-b.h.p., 65 volts, 68 amp*. RIDDEL A CO., 40, St. Enoch-square, Glasgow. For Sale, one 4-ton Locomotive Steam CRANE, by Grafton, of Bedford, W.I. jib 27^ ft. long, now being overhauled; also one 7-ton and one 10-ton ditto. RIDDEL A CO., 40, St. Enoch-square, Glasgow. For Sale, about 4,000 ft. Loose Flange PIPES, 2$ in. diameter, anproximate thickness 3/32 in.,inaboutl8ft. lengths.—THOS. W. WARD LTD., Albion Works, Sheffield. For Sale, Air Compressor, 8 in. steam, 8 in. air by 12 in. stroke, capacity 85 cubic feet per minute, receiver 8ft. by 4 ft.—G. A A. E. SLINGSBY, Cumberland-street, Hull. For Sale, one Willans & Robinson 3-Crank Compound Central Valve ENGINE, 570-h.p., 300 r.p.m., direct coupled to 3-phase Westinghouse Alternator, 2,200 volts, 25 periods. Two Allen’s Compound ENGINES, 116-h.p., 390 revs., cylinders 11 in. and 15 in. by 7 in. stroke, direct coupled to Allen’s Compound Wound 4-pole 70-kw., D.C. Generators, 110 volts, 636 amps. R. H. LONGBOTHAM A CO. LTD., Wakefield. For Sale, Two Belt-driven Generators, D.C., 387 amps., 220 volts, 550 r.p.m.; ditto, 395 amps., 220 volts, 500 r.p.m.; both shunt wound, six pole, carbon brushes. — G. & A. B. SLINGSBY, Cumberland -street, Hull. For Sale, 10 and 12-ton Second-hand COAL WAGONS, prompt delivery.—FITZ H. SEVERN, Parlia- ment Chambers, Nottingham. “ "president ” Double Toggie Press, with JL pulleys, &c., by Johnson, Leeds, suitable for briquetting coal, ore, or similar material; seen by appointment near Dewsbury.—Write, “ F. F.,” care of J. W. Vickers & Co. Ltd., 5, Nicholas-1 ane, EC. 6-ton Loco. Steam Crane, steam in all motions, with steel lattice jib 16ft. long, boiler insured for 801b. w.p.; cheap to effect immediate sale.—O. F. DAVIS, 18, Biliiter Buildings, Billitec-street, London, E.C. FOR SALE 500 tons Relayable Steel D.H. Rails, about 80 lb. per yard, with all accessories to match. 250 tons of splendid second-hand Steel B.H. Rails, with accessories, and several sets of Points and Crossings to match. 100 tons of new perfect Steel Bridge Rails, 16 lb. per yard, and in 6 ft. lengths. 100 tons good second-hand Steel Flange Rails, 45 lb. per yard, with Fishplates to match. 50 tons of ditto, ditto, but 35 lb. per yard, with Fish- plates to match. 50 tons of ditto, ditto, but 56 lb. per yard. 200 yards of good second-hand steel 12/14 lb. Portable Railway, 2 ft. gauge, with 12 sets of New Points and Crossings, also 12 New Turntables to match. 20 good second-hand steel 2/3rd and 1 yard Side Tipping Wagons, 24 in. gauge. Also 20 new 1 yard dittos. ' 1,000 good second-hand Creosoted Relayable Railway Sleepers, 9 ft. by 10 in. by 5 in. Also 400 new Creo- soted Scotch Fir Sleepers, 9 ft. by 9 in. by 4| in. 200 tons of splendid second-hand Creosoted Crossing Timbers, 12 in. by 6 in./15 in. by 7 in., and in various lengths. Inspection invited of all Material offered. Cash Buyers of Machinery, Plant, Old Iron and Steel Scrap, Metals, Indiarubber, &c., new and second-hand Rails, and all Accessories, Sleepers, &c. MARPLE & GILLOTT LTD., SHEFFIELD FOR SALE. Second-hand Steam Boilers, including One Lancashire BOILER, 30ft. by 7 ft. 6in., re-insure 1401b. press. One ditto 25 ft. by 8 ft., „ 1001b. „ Two ditto 30 ft. by 8 ft , „ 801b. One ditto 26 ft. by 6J ft., „ 951b. ,, Two ditto 24ft. by 6^ft., ' 701b. One Cornish BOILER, 18ft. by 5 ft., „ 701b. .. One 60-n.h.p. LOCO. TYPE BOILER, „ 1201b. ' One Vertical BOILER, 10$ft. by 4 ft. 9 in. „ 701b. ” One ditto 11 ft. by 4 ft., „ 901b. „ Miscellaneous second hand PIPING, including About 3,600ft. of Cast Iron SOCKET PIPING, 36 in. diameter, 12 ft. long, and About 3,250ft. of ditto, 15 in. diameter by 12ft. lengths. CJATALOGUE of stock MACHINERY, 2-3,000 LOTS, free on application. Inspection invited. TXO> W. WARD LIMITED, * Tel.—“ Forward, Sheffield.” ALBION WORKS, SHEFFIELD. MA OHiNERY—continued, rphe Bute Works Supply Co. Ltd., Cardiff. JL . Telegrams—0 Gething, Cardiff.” Telephone No. 2645 (4 lines). (Established 1888). FOR SALE. RAILWAY WAGONS.—Specification 10-tonners for prompt delivery, for cash or redemption hire; all now in main line traffic. Also Wagon Material, new and second-hand. Twelve specification low-sided Wagons, registered to carry 10 tons, doors t each side falling full length; now near Cardiff. WHEELS and AXLES.—19 sets perfectly new 10-tonners, with tyres and ; axles, by Henry Bessemer A Co. Ltd., Sheffield, tyres 2$ in. on tread (not . the usual 2 in.), ready for immediate delivery. EARTH WAGONo.—Contractors’ end and side tippers, wood or steel, 1 any gauge. STEEL RAILS, with Accessories when required. LOCOMOTIVES.—One good second-hand, 2 ft. 8 in. gauge, four wheels coupled, cylinders 6in. by 9 in., working pressure 1201b., by Bagnall, now at Cardiff. One good second-hand, standard gauge, four wheels coupled, cylinders 10 in. by 15 in., working pressure 1301b., by Peckett & Sons, now near Cardiff. One good second-hand, six wheels coupled, cylinders 12 in. by 18 in., working pressure 1401b., by Manning, Wardle & Co., now at Cardiff. Further particulars on application. SPECIAL. STEAM ROLLER.—One Ten-ton, by Allchin, good as new, ready for immediate work. 1 IRON BARGE, goodas new, 50ft. by 9 ft. and 4 ft. deep, both ends covered, cheap. 2 double-side Tipping WAGONS, 1$ yard capacity, 32 in. gauge, having roller bearings ; condition equal new ; at Cardiff ready for immediate delivery. For Sale, pair Horizontal Winding ENGINES, 24 in. cylinders, 4 ft. stroke, link reversing motion, Cornish valves, drum 8 ft. diameter by 4 ft. 6 in. wide, fitted with powerful post foot brakes, on mastive box bedplates, 11 in. deep, and fitted with PATENT OVERWINDING AND SPEED CONTROLLING GEAB. ONLY BUILT ABOUT THREE YEARS AGO by one of the best makers. Pair Compound CAPSTAN ENGINES, h.p. cylinder 7$in. diameter, l.p. cylinder Win. diameter by 9in. stroke, with worm gearing, drums 2ft. 6in. diameter. 4ft. 3in. diameter over flanges by 3ft. 6$ in. wide, with clutches; each drum can be worked separately. B. H. LONGBOTHAM A CO. DTD., Ings Foundry, Wakefield. Tel. Add.: “ Engineer,” Wakefield. Tel. No. 44 Wakefield. Tpor Sale (5) Cast Iron Turntables, by JL Robert Hudson, for 30 in. gaupe, in cast iron frame, with ball bearings: nearly new: low price.—WILLIAMS A SONS, South Bermond- sey Railway Station, London. fXn Sale, 2 Patent Horizontal, Differ- * z ential, Single-cylinder, Non-condensing PUMPING ENGINES, with Quadrants, Connecting Rods, and Bucket Pumps, &c.. each having cylinder 22in. diameter by 8ft. stroke.—May be seen working at BCOLES- HILL COLLIERIBS, Darwen. Lpor Sale, Battery of eleven Boilers, JL comprising 9 Davey Paxman’s Double-flued “Economic” and 2 Taylor’s 15 ft. by 8 ft. 9$ in . 1601b pressure, fitted with mechanical stokers. —Apply, GEORGE COHEN, SONS A OO., 600, Commercial-road, E. Tpor Sale, two splendid Cornish Boilers, JL 18 ft. by 5 ft. (treble riveted), with all fittings; now fixed and will sell cheap before removal —G. & A. E. SLINGSBY, Cumberland-street, Hull. rPurbo Alternator Set, comprising -1. 1,000-h.p Steam Turbine, by Willans & Robinson, coupled to alternator, by Siemens, 440 volts, S-phase, with Condensing Plant, Edwards Air Pumps, &c.—Apply, HARRY H. GARDAM A CO. LTD., Staines. TXTanted, good Second-hand Railway V V WEIGHBRIDGE ; state makers, age, dimensions, and weight capacity.—Apply, LINCOLN WAGON AND ENGINE CO. LTD., Lincoln. QKF1-H.P. Twin Cylinder Gas Engine, AnJLz v-Z by Crossley Bros. Ltd., in stock and available for prompt delivery.—For particulars, apply HARBY H. GABDAM A OO. LTD., Staines. I