THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN 880 October 29, 191S. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________ Coal Mines Inspection in 1914. NORTHERN DIVISION. Mr. J. R. R. Wilson, in his report upon the inspection of coal mines in the Northern Division, states that at the outbreak of war, Mr. Douglas Hay, junior inspector of mines, who was an officer in the 3rd Northumbrian (County of Durham Brigade) Royal Field Artillery (T.F.), was called up for active service, so that his services as an inspector of mines were not available for the last five months of the year. Early in the present year Mr. W. Goodin, sub-inspector of mines, patriotic- ally joined the Forces as a private in the Yorkshire Hussars. All the coal mines have been inspected under- ground at least once, and most of them several times. Jointly, the members of the staff in the Division paid 3,963 visits to mines, of which 3,285 were underground inspections, and 1,446 inspections made at quarries. Persons Employed. The total number of persons employed in and about the mines, under the Coal Mines Act, during the year, as shown in the following table, was 248,251; these figures, however, represent the numbers of persons employed up to the end of July, before the coal mining industry had been affected by the war; and they show a slight increase on the figures for the year 1913. The total number of persons employed at the end of the year was 201,835, being a decrease of 46,416 persons for the last five months. Persons employed. Minocs' * ' Below Countv at Belo'\ Aboveground, and work.ground- ‘----abo™ Males. Males. gr0Und- mates. Cumberland.......... 37... 8,801... 2,217... 404... 11,422 Durham ............ 281... 133,037... 32,658... 96...165,791 Northumberland _____ 135... 50,822 . 11,001... 33... 61,856 Westmorland ......... 1... 6... 2... — ... 8 Yorks, N.R........... 35... 7,312... 1,861... 1... 9,174 Total in 1914 ...... 489... 199,978...47,739... 534...248,251 Total in 1913 ...... 507... 198,292...48,206 .. 513.. 247,011 Output of Minerals. The total output of minerals for the year wns 58,431,037 tons, as compared with 65,263,291 tons in 1913, or a decrease of 6,832,254 tons. There is no doubt that, looking at the state of the mining industry gener- ally during the first half of the year, had the same conditions continued, the output for the year would have been a record one. Notwithstanding the short time worked at many of the mines, and the loss of output sustained by the great depletion of labour, 43 O>i-» r ■ • ^“1 o fl cS g 'S g C8 g 03 ’H c3 <-s. O o 57 ce