/, October 29, 1915. ___ f Means of Increasing Your Coal Output Although Short of Men THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 861 Or Hammer Drills for Drifting, and Breaking=down Coal. One machine will do as much drilling as five men by hand. A!" Constructed throughout of the finest quality forged steel. The speediest and most durable machine on the market. Noiseless Belt Delivery ex stock. Conveyor (Spence’s Patent). The most economical Belt Conveyor in existence. Average power required to drive, 6 B.H.P. Perfectly positive action. Will convey uphill or down= hill, coal, large or small, damp or dry. Transmission by duplex worm gear—free from end thrust—no ball or other thrust bearings. Adaptable for either electric motor or high=speed’air motor drive. Self =acting lubrication—no oil cans. Driving tension less than on any other conveyor running under equivalent conditions. Shaker Conveyor (Manufactured under Patent 28839/12 and Licence 19696/12). Falls of roof cannot injure engine, as valve gear is protected from damage. No springs to break or interfere with adjustment. Can be rapidly flitted with little labour. Write immediately for Illustrated Catalogue and Quotation = Mining Engineering Co. Ld Meco Works, Moorfields, SHEFFIELD. Telegrams: “Meco, Sheffield.” Telephone: 4 5 30 Central (2 lines). AGENT FOR SOUTH AFRICA: C. H. WILKINS, Bettelheim Buildings, Johannesburg. P.O. BOX 22 4 4.