October 22, 1915. THE COLLIERY CtUARDIAN. 843 COAL, IRON AND ENGINEERING COMPANIES. REPORTS AND DIVIDENDS. Anderston Foundry Company Limited.—Interim dividend of 4s. fid. per share. Callender’s Cable and Construction Company Limited.— An interim dividend of 10 per cent, per annum on the ordinary shares has been declared. Cortonwood Collieries Company Limited. — The directors have paid a further interim dividend of 5 per cent., less tax. Ferranti Limited.—The profit on trading for the year to June 30 was £37,231, and after crediting discounts, interest, etc., there remains £16,739, and £2,050 is brought in. Deducting interest on first mortgage debenture stock, interest on five-year notes, interest on bank loans (£1,271), and depre- ciation reserve account (£10,000), there is left to be carried forward £1,028. During the year £3,046 first mortgage debentures have been redeemed, and the loans against five- year notes and second mortgage debentures have been further reduced. Fraser and Chalmers Limited.—The report for the year to June 30, 1915, states that the profit, after providing for all expenses and depreciation on buildings, plant, and machinery at the Erith works, was £12,058, as compared with £8,377 for the previous year. On August 2 last the company’s works at Erith were made a controlled establishment under the Munitions of War Act, 1915. To meet special conditions which have arisen, a new and larger power station has been constructed at the works, and some additions have been made to plant and machinery. The expenditure under this head during the year has been £23,507. The business in South Africa has shown some improvement during the year, but the volume of business in England and the other branches in the standard products of the company has been adversely affected by conditions arising out of the war. In order to compensate for the amount expended during the year in fixed plant and machinery at the works, a sum of £17,903 has been trans- ferred from the balance at credit of profit and loss to credit of reserve account, making the total £80,000. The dividend of 7J per cent, on the preference capital was paid on July 24, 1915. The directors recommend that the balance of profits be carried forward. Furness, Withy and Company Limited. — The directors announce a quarterly dividend of 6d. per share (10 per cent, per annum). Kinneil Cannel and Coking Coal Company Limited.—The accounts for year to July 31 show a net profit, including £321 brought in, of £7,250. The directors recommend a dividend of 2J per cent., writing off £4,000 for depreciation of plant and property, and carrying £750 forward. Nantyglo and Blaina Iron Works Company Limited.—The directors have declared a dividend of £3 per share on the preference shares (which are £62 10s. paid) on account of arrears. New Hucknall Colliery Company Limited.—Third interim dividend of 2J per cent, declared. Northern Light, Power and Coal Company Limited.—Mr. Justice Younger had before him recently the action Newhouse and others v. Northern Light, Power and Coal Company Limited. The plaintiffs were bondholders of the company, who claimed a declaration that the defendant company were bound to convene a meeting of the bondholders of the com- pany, in compliance with a requisition which they (plaintiffs) had sent to them. The object of the meeting was the removal of the present trustees for the bondholders. In June 1909 the company issued first mortgage 5 per cent, bonds for 2,500,000 dols. The plaintiffs are the holders of 502,100 dols. of these bonds. The defendants said the requisition was not a proper one, and that such a meeting would have no power to do the things specified. Defendants further said that, by a letter dated January 5, they gave notice to .Mr. Shrimpton that they themselves intended to call a meeting.—Judgment was given in favour of plaintiffs. Palmers Shipbuilding and Iron Company Limited.—The annual report states that the company has been declared a controlled establishment under the Munitions of War Act, 1915, as from July 12. The profits accrued on work in pro- gress to June 30 last have, therefore, been estimated and taken credit for in the accounts for the past year. Including these estimates, the trading profit for the year ended June 30, as shown by the ■audited accounts, after providing for repairs and maintenance of plant, depreciation, and special income-tax reserve, amounts to £131,886 3s. 9d. Debenture and other interest amounts to £28,064, leaving a net profit of £103,822 3s. 9d., as compared with £65,096 Is. 2d. for the previous year. The company disbursed during the year £808,819* 12s. lid. in wages, as compared with £589,728 4s. 4d. for the previous year. The amount at debit of profit and loss brought forward from last year was £61,050 3s. Id. This is now turned into a profit balance of £42,772 0s. 8d., but, in view of the agreement entered into with the debenture trustees and the prior lien debenture holders, no dividend will be paid on either class of shares until the prior lien debentures are repaid. The scheme of modernising the iron and steel works has been brought to a satisfactory conclusion. The contemplated arrangements are being carried out, and the first deliveries of the new plant are on the ground. Since June 30, £250,000 prior lien debentures have been created and issued as security for a similar amount of cash, which is being advanced as required. Wilsons and Clyde Coal Company Limited.—The directors recommend a dividend of 7 per cent, per annum on the pre- ference shares, and 3s. 6d. per share on the ordinary shares, both less income-tax, carrying £39,157 forward. NEW COMPANIES. Annealers Limited.—Private company. Registered Oct. 9. To carry on in all branches, either on own account or as agents for any Government, authority, or person, business for the thermal treatment of metals, annealers and hardeners of steel, manufacturers or merchants of steel, iron, or other metals, grinders, civil, marine, railway, tramway, electrical, mechanical, metallurgical, sanitary, consulting, and general engineers, timber merchants, miners, etc. Nominal capital, £1,000 in 1,000 £1 shares. Subscribers (one share each) :— J. Hancock and G. Oates. “ Certfire ” Lighters Limited.—Private company. Regis- tered October 13. To enter into an agreement, and to carry on business as manufacturers, retailers, and dealers generally of apparatus in connection with the lighting of fires, economy in consumption of fuel to stoves and grates, and generally to any matters connected with the consumption of fuel for lighting purposes. Nominal capital, £500 in 10,000 Is. shares. First directors :—E. E. Jex and R. S. Wells, both of 4, New London-street, London. Hind (E. F.) Limited. — Private company. Registered October 9. To acquire and take over business of colliery agent and coal and coke merchant carried on by E. F. Hind at Chesterfield, Derbyshire; to enter into an agreement, and to carry on business in the United Kingdom or elsewhere as colliery agents, coal and coke merchants, colliery proprietors, wagon builders, and any other business which can conveni- ently be carried on in connection therewith. Nominal capital, £2,000 in 2,000 £1 shares. Managing director, E. F. Hind, Oxford House, Chesterfield, coal merchant. Qualification of managing director, £250. Leach (S. G.) and Company Limited.—Private company. Registered office, 15-17, Artillery-lane, Bishopsgate, E.C. Registered October 13. To carry on business of electricians, electrical engineers, consulting engineers, mechanical, sani- tary, gas, and water engineers, ironmongers, manufacturers of and dealers in dynamos, motors, bells, metals, etc. Nominal capital, £20,000 in 19,500 cumulative preference shares of £1 each, and 10,000 Is. ordinary shares. Subscribers (one share each) :—G. Rowsen and H. N. Cordrey. London and Venezuela Corporation Limited. — Private company. Registered October 12. To purchase, take on lease, or otherwise acquire lands, mines, mineral, and oil- bearing properties, and any grants, claims, licences, etc., over mines, land, mineral and oil-bearing properties, mining, water, forest cutting, and other rights in Venezuela and else- where. To prospect for, open, work, quarry, and win gold, silver, copper, coal, etc., and to carry on business of crushing, washing, smelting, reducing, and amalgamating ores, etc. Nominal capital, £1,000 in 1,000 £1 shares. Subscribers (one share each) :—W. Cruickshank, 15, Magdalen-road, Wandsworth Common, S.W.; and A. J. Gosling, Charing Cross Hotel, Strand, W.C. Lowe (Henry) and Sons Limited.—Private company. Regis- tered office, Downey Iron Works, Royton. Registered Oct. 12. To acquire and take over the whole or part of the property, business, and assets of Henry Lowe and Sons; to enter into an agreement, and to carry on business as general engineers, smiths, mechanical engineers, iron founders, tool makers, electrical engineers, etc. Nominal capital, £8,000 in 8,000 £1 shares. First permanent directors and subscribers (one share each) :—John Lowe, Jas. Lowe, and H. Lowe. Quali- fication of directors, 500 shares. Mold Collieries (1915) Limited.—Private company. Regis- tered October 11. To acquire and take over the undertaking and all or any of assets and liabilities of the Mold Collieries Limited; to enter into an agreement, and to carry on business of colliery proprietors, miners, coal merchants,' gas makers, smelters, mechanical engineers, brass founders, manufacturing chemists, brick, tile, earthenware, and pottery manufacturers, etc. Nominal capital, £50,000 in 50,000 £1 shares. First directors and subscribers (one share each) :—W. R. Davies, 1, Tithebarn-street, Liverpool, railway wagon owner; J. Settle, The Hill, Alsager, Cheshire, coal factor. Qualifica- tion of directors, £100. Noble Engineering Company Limited.—Private company. Registered office, 44-50, Hercules-road, Westminster Bridge- road, London, S.E. Registered October 12. To enter into an agreement, and to carry on business as general and auto- mobile engineers, mechanical engineers, iron founders, elec- trical engineers, tool makers, brass founders, etc. Nominal capital, £5,000 in 3,500 “A” shares of £1 each, numbered 1-3,500, and 1,500 “ B ” shares of £1 each, numbered 3,501- 5,000. First directors and subscribers (one share each) :— (Joint managers), C. B. Heaton, 44-50, Hercules-road, West- minster Bridge-road, London, engineer; W. A. Catherwood, 44-50, Hercules-road, Westminster Bridge-road, engineer. Qualification of directors, £250. Ormskirk Munitions Limited.—Private company. Regis- tered October 14. To acquire and take over a contract made on September 6, 1915, for manufacture of shells; to establish and carry on business of manufacturers of munitions, mechanical and general engineers, founders, smiths, tool- makers, dealers in all kinds of metal, etc. Nominal capital, £5,000 in 500 £10 ordinary shares. First directors and sub- scribers (one share each) :—E. F. Linaker, R. E. Hattersley, T. Coulton, and J. L. Balmforth. Qualification of directors, £100. Peurhyn Minerals Agency Limited. — Private company. Registered office, 7, Gracechurch-street, London. Registered October 11. To purchase, take on lease, or otherwise acquire any mines, mining rights, and metalliferous land in Corn- wall, England, or any part of the United Kingdom; to enter into an agreement, and to search for, dig, stream, and work all alluvial and diluvial tin, oxide, metals, etc., and to win, quarry, crush, etc., tin, ore, metal, etc.; also to carry on business of dealers, contractors, and mining, mechanical, and electrical engineers in all branches. Nominal capital, £100 in 100 £1 shares. Subscribers :—D. Fortes and E. Johnstone. Shorthose, Lee and Company Limited.—Private company. Registered office, Hall Green-street, Bradley, Bilston, Staf- ford. Registered October 9. To enter into an agreement, and to carry on businesses of iron founders, mechanical engi- neers, manufacturers of implements and other machinery, tool makers, machinists, etc. ’ Nominal capital, £1,000 in 1,000 £1 shares. First directors :—A. Shorthose and Florence L. Shorthose, of 7, Wright-street, Bradley, Bilston ; and J. Lee, 82, Hall Green-street, Bradley, Bilston. This list of new companies is taken from the Daily Register specially compiled by Messrs. Jordan and Sons Limited, company registration agents, Chancery-lane, E.C. Mr. Joseph Round, of Edgbaston, retired coal and iron master, who died on July 7, left £27,325. We are informed that Mr. J. Russell Ferguson, coal exporter, London and Glasgow, has recently become asso- ciated with the Coalite companies. The Home Secretary has appointed Herbert Howell Phillips to be an Inspector of Horses under the Coal Mines Act, 1911. According to the report of Mr. Consul Norcop, on the trade of the Piraeus during 1914, 471,522 tons of coal were imported during that year, as against 362,530 tons in 1913 and 412,989 tons in 1912. There has been large advance in the imports of British coal, which amounted to 454,850 tons, as against 292,789 tons in 1913, whereas imports from Germany fell from 69,741 tons to 16,672 tons. ABSTRACTS OF PATENT SPECIFICATIONS RECENTLY ACCEPTED. 14590 (1914). Improvements in Devices for Producing Undercut Drill Bits. The firm H. Flottmann and Company, of Herne, Germany.—The object is to enable the drill to be produced in its final form in a single operation. For this purpose a die is used, having two walls formed by movable swage parts, which perform a positive closing movement during the progress of the operation, and bear against the undercut surfaces of the drill bit. Fig. 1 is a front view; fig. 2 is a side view of the device, partly in elevation, partly in section, showing the die in its operative and opened posi- tions ; fig. 3 is a side view of the die. (One claim.) 14863 (1914). Improvements in and relating to Dumping Receptacles. Fried. Krupp Aktiengesellschaft, of Essen, Germany.—Relates to that class of dumping receptacles with swingingly mounted bottom, and which are provided with a mechanism for transferring the bottom from the discharging into the loading position, and the object is so to construct the operating apparatus for this mechanism, which is preferably positively connected to a mechanism for rocking a side wall situated on the discharging side and suspended pendulum- wise, that its manipulation is perfectly free from danger, and the operating device itself, in the closing position, that is Fig-1. to say, the position of the parts of the mechanism correspond- ing to the state of the dumping receptacle, when ready to be loaded, renders the mechanism safe against any unintentional movement in the opening direction. Fig. 1 is a cross section through the wagon when in the loading position; fig. 2 is a section corresponding to fig. 1 of the wagon in the discharging state; figs. 3 to 6 show, on a larger scale, details of the parts of the gearing in a view corresponding to figs. 1 and 2. (Three claims.) 18481 (1914). Improvements in Cancelling Devices for Winding Signal Gear in Collieries and Mines. J. G. Linneker, Cliffe-villas, and J. Adams, Cliffe-cottage, both in Micklefield, near Leeds, Yorkshire.—Relates to conceding devices for use in connection with colliery and like winding signal gear, more especially of the visible type, that is to say, the type in which a dial indicator is used in conjunction with the signal gong. Fig. 1 is a front elevation illustrating the application of the cancelling device to an ordinary visible winding signal gear; fig. 2 shows cancelling device applied