824 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. October 22, 1915. ______________________________________ ____________________________________ BRITISH RAILWAYS IN 1913. MOTOR-DRIVEN AIR-COMPRESSORS COAL MINING ORGANISATION Returns of the capital, traffic, receipts and working expenditure, &c., of the railway companies of the United Kingdom for 1913 have been issued in the form of a Blue Book [Cd. 8038], from which we extract some particulars relating to the carriage of coal and the consumption of locomotive fuel. The total receipts from the carriage of coal, coke and patent fuel amounted to £22,909,000, and from other minerals ,£9,063,000. The average receipts per ton were 2s. 0’2d. and 2s. 6Td. respectively. The total quanity of coal consumed for locomotive purposes was 13,577,000 tons, as compared with 12,636,000 tons in 1912. The total quantity of coal, coke, and patent fuel carried, amounted to 345,116,000 tons, of which 226,936,000 tons originated on the systems of the respective companies; the figures in the case of “ other minerals ” were 101,726,000 tons and 72,193,000 tons respectively. The following table gives information for some of the principal companies Minerals carried.* Name of company. Receipts. Coal, coke and patent fuel. Coal, coke ; and patent fuel. Other minerals. Alexandra (Newport and £ Tons. Tons. South Wales 55,716... 20,184 . . 570,574 Barry 298,103... 858,177.. 86,713 Brecon and Merthyr 62,307... 1,404,405.. 91,427 Burry Port & Gwendraeth Valley 23,907... 617,433.. 29,714 Cambrian 24,527... — . 321,186 Cheshire .Lines 140,420... 77,906.. 199,153 Cleator and Workington ... 21,206... 422,478.. . 264,686 Dearne Valley 42,129... 1,364,861.. 9,427 Furness 102,991... 157,704.. . 2,096,923 Great Centra] 1,808,828... 14,920,952.. . 3,295,483 Great Central & Mid. Joint 47,755... 1,040,347.. 75,535 Great Eastern 772,266... 150,240.. . 1,443,343 < Jreat Northern 1,280,860... 6,482,584.. . 3,065,292 Great Western 2,604,616... 26,275,324.. . 7,694,729 Great Western and Great Central Joint 46,242... 185.. 3,064 Great Western & Mid. Joint 45,034... 992,151.. 42,903 Hull and Barnsley 390,996... 2,559,117.. 113,558 Lancashire and Yorkshire . 981,493... 9,002,439.. . 2,218,244 London A North Western.. 2,365,264... 22,681,459.. . 7,922,683 London & South W estern... 344,808... 336,725.. . 902,633 London, Brighton & South Coast 234,822... 479,738.. 804,705 Manchester Ship Canal 21,591... 27,795.. . 474,017 Maryport and Carlisle 43,14’... 357,070.. 26,247 Metropolitan 34,846... 3,844.. 10,246 Midland 3,612,626... 27,338,480.. . 9,464,077 Mid. & Gt. Northern Joint 52,258... — 101,569 Neath and Brecon 51,879... 1,346,744.. 81,671 North-Eastern 2,954,800... 40,882,417.. .14,428,979 North London 57,599... — — North Staffordshire 222,257... 3,622,149.. . 1,283,194 Rhymney 215,658... 5,787,249.. 533,431 Somerset Joint 44,745... 326,162.. . 240,228 South Eastern & Chatham 300,924... 610,846.. . 960,550 South Yorkshire Joint 26,113... 997,628.. 12,461 Taff Val" 594,753... 15,682,640.. 35",101 West Riding 94,024... 2,474,606.. 30,827 Total (England & Wales) 20,154,850... 191,025,360.. 60,189,260 Caledonian.............. Glasgow & South Western Great North of Scotland ... Highland ............... North British .......... 1 936.543.. . 12,633,373... 5,148,800 279.701.. . 3,220,640 ., 1,816,663 47,646... 171,978... 73,711 41,366 45,009 .. 5\128 ,228,316... 18,496,055... 4,250,162 Total all companies ---------------------------------------- (Scotia'd) ____________ 2,539,024... 34,603,562 11,352,114 Great North of Ireland ... 61,"56... 358,916 .. 119,506 Great Southern & Western 77,011... 476,287... 119,646 Midland, Great Western of Ireland................... 20,937... 39,592... 12,861 Northern C unties (Mid.)... 28,484... 214,917... 193,279 Total all companies ------------------------------—------------- (Ireland) ............... 214,774... 1,307,518 .. 651,947 Total (United Kingdom) 22,908,648 . 226,936,440...72,193,321 * Originating on company’s system. Particulars are given of mineral wagons owned by the various companies, from which it appears that there were 4,000 wagons under 8 tons and 182,019 wagons of 8 tons and over. Of the total, 59,815 were owned by the North Eastern. Other companies owning a considerable number of mineral wagons were :—Furness, 2,346; Great Central, 8,276; London and North Western, 9,076 ; Midland, 18,309; South Eastern and Chatham, 4,790 ; Caledonian, 28,604; Glasgow and South Western, 11,986; N. British, 39,049. __________________________ Coal Shipped from Ports in the United Kingdom during September.—The following figures, which have been extracted from- the returns issued by the Commissioners of H.M. Customs and Excise, show the quantities of coal shipped from each group of ports in the United Kingdom during the month of September, as compared with the corresponding month last year :— Cargo. Sept. 1914. Sept. 1915. Tons. Tons. Bristol Channel ports . 1,388,798 ... 1,543,640 North-western ports 63.105 43,416 N orth-eastern ports .. 1,253,361 ... 1,295,393 Humber ports .. 470,153 ... 385,543 Other east coast ports 13,992 625 Other English ports 5 — Ports on east coast of Scotland 485,244 ... 348,010 Ports on west coast of Scotland 184,233 ... 275,406 Irish ports 297 — Total 3,859,188 . ... 3,892,033 Bunker. Sept. 1914. Tons. Sept. 1915. Tons. Bristol Channel ports 322,337 ... 276,046 North-western ports 325,856 ... 249,059 North-eastern ports 202,420 .. 174,674 Humber ports 169,008 111,655 Other east coast ports 113,945 ... 100,812 Other English ports 25,344 15,715 Ports on east coast of Scotland... . 75,289 43,351 Ports on west coast of Scotland... 97,G16 92,565 Irish ports 820 1,090 Total 1,332,935 . .. 1,064,967 FOR COLLIERY WORK. The illustration shows an interesting type of air- compressor installed below ground at an important colliery on the north-east coast. There are several specially interesting features incorporated in this set which will appeal to colliery managers when considering such plant for use in underground workings, and, by no means the least of these is the comparatively small floor space occupied. The electrical portion consists of a slow-speed wound rotor motor, of 275-horse power, running on a 2,200 volt three-phase 40 cycle circuit, at about 167 revolutions per minute. To allow of easy transportation down the pit shaft, and facilitate erection of the crank shaft, the stator and rotor were made in halves, the joints in the windings being made when the installation was complete. It was an essential feature that the plant should be easily accessible, and it will be noticed from the illustration that all parts are within easy reach for inspection and cleaning. The electrical machinery comprised in this installation was manufactured and erected by Messrs. Mather and Platt Limited, of Newton Heath, Manchester, and, as is now this company’s standard practice, the machine, both stator and rotor, is insulated with the best selected r »■ * W . 4 v r-' ■ i'.'rX". &