794 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN October 15, 1915. EXPORTS OF COAL, COKE, AHO MANUFACTURED FUEL FROM THE UNITED KINGDOM During September and the First Nine Completed Months of 1913, 1914 and 1915. To September, 1915. September. Coal—Small. Coal—Through- and-through (unscreened). Coal—Large. All coal. Quantity (tons). All coal. Value (.£). Tons. £ Tons. 1 £ Tons. £ 1913. | 1914. 1915. 1913. 1914. 1915. Russia 3,173 3,411 668,472 17,398 3,173 487,402 11,582 3,411 Sweden 31,460 22,842 7,052 5,180 157,210 146,955 394,314 633,546 195,722 262,418 390,018 174,977 Norway 69,510 52.9 H 12,919 10,153 142,032 ! 135,089 174,861 233,754 224,461 112,249 138,354 198,183 Denmark ... 75,556 67,995 68,348 52,598 117,830 132,440 275,724 405,842 291,764 180,232 254,189 253,033 Germany - - - — 833,326 503,660 Netherlands 29,739 22,635 98,332 62,223 4 >,925 40,120 154,904 276,031 174,996 95,858 163,735 124,978 Belgium — — — — — — 164,448 44,416 — 96,966 25,140 — France 694,916 580,865 478,899 379,775 513.940 515,374 1,040,4*9 569,667 1,687,755 658,144 333,048 1,476,014 Portugal, Azores, and Madeira 13,962 13^319 19,885 13,707 63.419 67,154 100,840 87,177 96,766 75,134 62,394 94,180 Spain and Canaries 19,689 15,812 53,213 40,830 82,651 90,064 270,678 227.401 155,553 195,913 154 253 146,706 Italy 46,321 31,952 157,531 113,288 354,786 351,381 810,994 i 697,693 558,638 572,570 454,086 496,621 Austria-Hungary 53,761 36,072 Greece 2,524 2,339 4,332 4,341 76,091 19,264 6,856 62,278 12,771 6,680 Roumania — — 30,103 24,403 Turkey — — — — — — . 51,501 — — 42,280 — — Algeria 20,508 17,000 ■ 41,982 37,468 29,248 ' 28,841 66,505 39.733 91,738 45,147 26,310 83,309 Portuguese West Africa — — 5,405 4,729 — — 18,624 37,824 5,405 16,014 31,640 4,729 Chile 271 456 —. — — — 27,204 8,040 271 22,761 7,079 456 Brazil 1,114 1,811 — — 10,837 11,245 158,896 59,528 11,951 139,977 60,709 13,056 Uruguay 6.461 6,807 : — —- 15,659 16,186 65,642 18,866 22,120 57,438 14,412 22,903 Argentine Republic 13,594 15,343 — — 118,854 116,347 267,142 153,016 132,448 223,967 130,260 131,690 Channel Islands 708 577 2,362 1,765 11,770 11,495 14,509 19,915 14,840 10,394 13,740 13,837 Gibraltar ... 5,093 3,801 4,326 3,738 18,270 17,685 14,940 24,447 27,689 11,870 14,897 25,224 Malta 5,927 5.306 36,249 13,649 5,927 24,913 8,045 5,306 Egypt (including Anglo-Egyptian Sudan) 7,832 5,381 ‘ 24,544 23,219 103,624 97,454 258,232 133,177 136,000 191,421 102,088 126,084 Aden and Dependencies — — — — 5,095 4,331 22,930 22,125 5,095 19,811 17,913 4,331 British India — — — — 5,005 4,504 8,827 9,222 5,005 7,026 8,290 4,504 Ceylon — j — — — — 25,601 17,969 — 21,586 14,394 — Other countries 8,970 9,118 1,019 957 27,871 | 28,307 111,373 89,488 37,860 84,263 65,234 38,382 f Anthracite . 94,307 99,482 83,307 94,974 254,811 113,014 177,614 205,903 91,262 194,456 | Steam 809,815 655,615 245.611 212,245 1,653,207 1,610,172 4,467,111 2,722 537 2,708,633 3,135,956 1,786,425 2,478,032 Total^ Gas 43.534 33 939 575,930 422,076 39,231 35.558 996,158 789,910 658,695 633,730 490,603 491,573 1 Household 29.174 27,765 91,425 85.812 175,022 132,622 120,599 115,392 84,678 113 577 L Other sorts 71,398 54,193 153,776 115,339 1,318 1,514 304,078 101,105 226,492 191,186 61,613 171,046 Total .. 1,048,228 870,994 975,317 749,660 1,868,488 1,828,030 6,197,180 3,859,188 3,892 033 4,282,167 2,514,581 3,448,684 Total (September 1914' 969,408 477,015 933,585 570,153 1,956,195 1,467,413 Total (September 1913j 1,524,181 842,926 1,216,584 764,588 3,456,415 2,674,653 — — — — — — Coke ' 125,357 130,264 108,471 113,660 93,340 140,807 Manufactured fuel — — — — — — 179,041 107,001 96,133 158,600 93,848 109,669 Total of coal, coke & manufactured fuel - — — — — — . 6,501,578 4,096,453 4,096,637 4,554,427 2 702,769 3,699,160 First nine months of 1915. I First nine months. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________I____________________________________________________________________ Total* Anthracite I Steam Gas Household w Other sorts 793,189 7,145,829 408,989 168,179 533,383 757,934 5,128,174 265,699 154,845 367,890 1,036 2,497,357 4,857,888 1,121 836,910 544 1,953,152 3,220,084 1,252 577,894 726,632 14,351,217 387,028 694,735 10,719 724,6’2 13,363,470 335,414 604,810 8,941 2,189,491 39,755,473 8,583,712 1,335,833 2,653,279 1,835,166 34,649,465 8,325,750 1,103,596 2,197,372 1,520,857 23,994,403 5,653,905 864,035 1,381,012 1,743,332 28,105,660 5,259,521 873,933 1,649,710 1,419,193 23,990,505 5,194,528 721,145 1,315,223 1,483,090 20,444,796 3,821,197 760,907 954,725 Total 9,049,569 6,674,542 8,194,312 5,752,926 16,170,331 15,037,247 54,517,788 48,116,349 33,414,212 37,632,156 32,640,594 27,464,715 Total for nine months of 1914 11,495,604 6,065,431 10,433,939 6,426,694 26,186,806 20,148,469 — — — — — — Total for nine months of 1913 13,018,098 7,389,519 11,004,035 6,728,928 30,495,655 23,513,709 — — — — — — Coke Manufactured fuel — — — — — — 838,055 1,542,365 824,325 1,431,938 684,689 960,636 800,023 1,323,714 680,191 1,245,608 731,120 958,024 Total of coal, coke & manufactured fuel — — — — - — 56,898,203 50,372,612 35,059,537 39,755,893 34,566,393 29,153,859 Note.—The figures in the above tables do not include Admiralty and certain other shipments. held. From the northern ports of America the west coast of the United Kingdom has been fixed for at 12s. A fixture to the Tyne district has been done at the same figure, whilst West Italy is represented by 14s. These rates are just about on a par with those which ruled last week. Cotton freights are rather lower, at about 152s. 6d. Savannah to Liverpool. Lumber is quoted at 310s. to West Italy from the Gulf. Deals cannot get tonnage at 170s. North Pacific steam chartering is at a standstill, owing to the Panama Canal stoppage. The nitrate ports have paid 82s. 6d. to French Atlantic. Australia is slow, with practically nothing doing in wheat, at 85s. quoted. Java is dull and inactive. The rice ports are quiet, but steady, as are also the East Indies. The latter are represented by 67s. 6d. to 68s. 9d. from Calcutta on d.w., 45s. from Kurrachee to two ports Mediterranean- United Kingdom, and 55s. from Bombay. Tyne to Boulogne, 500, 24s., coke; 800, 17s.; 1,500, 17s. 3d.; Bordeaux, 3,000, 26s.; 2,600, 25s. 6d.; 2,500, 26s., reported; 2,000, 25s. 6d.; Civita Vecchia, 3,000, 42s.; Calais, 800, 17s.; 1,250, 17s. 6d.; Cherbourg, 600 , 24s. 6d., coke; 500, 24s., coke; Caen, 600, 24s. 6d., coke; Chantenay, 1,300, 24s. 9d.; 1,700, 24s. lOJd.; Copenhagen, 1,600, 14s. 6d.; Dunkirk, 500, 23s. 6d., coke; 700, 24s., coke; 1,250, 17s. 6d.; 2.500, 18s.; 1,700, 18s.; Fecamp, 400 , 24s., coke; Genoa, 6.500, 43s. 6d.; 5,900, 43s.; 4,800, 44s.; 5,000, 43s. 6d.; 2.500, 43s. fid.; 3,200, 44s.; 3,000, 43s. fid.; Granville, 450, 24s., coke; Havre, 700, 24s., coke; 900, 17s.; London, 1,600. 9s. 3d.; 2,000 , 8s., C.T.; 2,000, 9s.; 2,600, 9s. 4Jd., from Dunston; 2,600, 9s. 3d.; Las Palmas, 2,800, 31s.; 3,400, 32s. fid.; Leghorn, 4,000, 43s. 6d.; Madeira, 650, 27s. 6d.; Malta, 2,700, 39s.; Marseilles, 3,000, 41s. 6d.; 1,700, 41s. 6d.; Nantes, 1,300, 24s. 9d.; Bonen, 1,950, 17s. 6d. ; 500, 25s., coke; 1,800, 17s. 3d.; 1,000, 23s., coke; 1,200, 17s. 3d.; 1,600, 17s. IM. ; 2,100, 17s.: 1,200, 17s. 9d.; 2,000, 17s. 9d.; 1,500, 18s.; 2,500, 18s.; 1,700, 18s. 3d.; 1,800, 18s. 6d.; 450, 25s., coke; St. Nazaire, 2,100, 24s.; Savona, 5,900, 43s.; Trouville, 450, 24s., coke; Treport, 800, 17s. Cardiff to Algiers, 2,700, 42 fr.; Barcelona, 1,000, 32s. 6d. : Bayonne, 2,100, 30 fr.; Bordeaux, 2,200. 30 fr.: 3,600, 30 fr. ; 2,000 , 28 fr.; 2,600, 28 fr.; Civita Vecchia, 5,000, 39s. 9d., 500, 39s., 800; Cape Verdes, 5,500, 35s., Oct.; Chantenay, 1,750, 28|fr., 600; Cadiz, 2,100, 26s.; Campana, 4,000, 45s.; Caen, 15s. 3d.; 1,750, 14s. 9d.; 700, 14s. 6d.; 1,500, 14s. 7-^-d.; Dakar, 5,500, 35s., Oct.; Genoa, 5,700, 39s.; 5,000, 39s.; 2,800, 39s.; 4,500, 39s.; 2,200, 39s.; Gibraltar, 1,800, 28s., 500; 2,100, 25s., free delivery; 2,600, 28s.; Havre, 1,300, 15s.; 1,700, 14s.; 800, 14s.; Honfleur, 300, 15s.; London, 1,800, 9s.; Leghorn, 3,100, 39s.; Lisbon, 24s. 3d., 500; 24s. 6d., 350; La Pallice, 1,850, 28 fr.; Mar- seilles, 1,800, 47| fr.; 2,600, 47J fr.; 6,800, 45 fr.; 4,500, 47 fr.; Monte Video, 30s.; Nantes, 1,400, 28J fr., 600; 2,500, 28 fr.; 1,300, 29 fr.; 1,000, 25 fr.; Oporto, 1,500, 23s.; Port Said, 5,000, 45s., Oct.; 6,000, 42s. 6d.; River Plate, 5,800, 41s. 3d.; 5,000, 40s.; Rouen, 1,200, 17s.; 950, 16s. 6d.; 1,100, 16s.; Rosario, 4,000, 45s. 6d.; Seville, 1,200, 27s.; St. Nazaire, 2,200, 28 fr.; 1,000, 24 fr.; 1,700, 23 fr. ; Savona, 5,000, 39s.; 2,800, 39s.; 2,200, 39s.; Spezzia, 2,800, 39s.; 5,000, 39s.; St. Malo, 650, 13s. 6d.; Torre Annunziata, 5,000, 39s. 9d., 500, 39s., 800; Villa Constitucion, 4,000, 45s. Swansea to Rouen, 1,600, 17s.; 1,200, 17s. 6d.; 950, 17s.; 1.200, 16s. 6d.; St. Servan, 700, 13s. coal, 13s. 9d. fuel; Nantes, 1,500, 28 fr.; 2,000, 28 fr.; Bordeaux, 1,750, 31 fr. coal, 32 fr. fuel; 1,700, 28 fr.; Oporto, 900, 24s.; Dieppe, 2.200, 15s. coal, 15s. 9d. fuel; 900, 17s.; Genoa, 3,000, 40s.; 4.200, 40s.; Savona, 3,000, 40s.; 3.800, 40s.; Leghorn, 3,000, 40s.; 3,800, 40s. ; Huelva, 950, 26s.; Dunkirk, 1,050, 19s.; St. Nazaire, 2,000, 28 fr.; Arcachon, 1.200, 31 fr. Newport to Bordeaux, 3,100, 30 fr.; 1,900, 28 fr.; Gibraltar, 1,500, 28s.; 2,600, 28s.; Buenos Ayres, 5,800, 40s., Oct.; Calais, 500, 18s. 6d.; Rouen, 1,600, 17s. 6d.; 1,300, 16s. 6d. ; Villa Real, 1,000, 25s.; Fecamp, 1,600, 16s. 3d.; Seville, 1,200, 27s.; Algiers, 2,750, 42 fr. Neath Abbey to Havre, 1.100, 16s. 6d. Port Talbot to Bordeaux. 3.300. 30 fr. ; Rouen, 1,000, 17s.; 1,700, 15s. 6d.; 950, 16s.; Rochester. 700, 11s.; Cane, 1,200, 15s. fid.; Genoa, 2,500, 40s.; Nantes, 1,600, 25 fr.; St. Nazaire, 1.600, 25 fr.: Bavonne, 1.400, 25 fr. Hull to Rouen, 1,000, 18s.; 2,100, 17s.; 2,850, 17s.: Dunkirk. 820, 16s. fid.; St. Nazaire, 2,000, 22s. 6d.; 1,500. 23s.; Bordeaux, 2.000, 22s. 6d.; 1,500, 23s.; Dieppe, 750, 16s. fid.; Treport, 750, 16s. 6d.: 800, 16s. 9d.; Calais. 800, 16s. 9d. Goole to London, 870, 9s. 9d.; Dunkirk, 800, 17s. Garston to Santos, sail, 30s., Oct.; Tunis, 2,800, 500 tons coal 51|fr., balance coke 66| fr. Llanelly to Dieppe, 900, 16s. fid. Grimsby to Rouen, 1,000, 18s. Wales to Nort Nolloth, sail, 45s., coke; Bahia Blanca, 25s., Oct.; Monte Video, sail, 30s., Oct. Glasgow to Leghorn, 40s.; Genoa, 40s. Partington to Rouen, 1,850, 14s. 6d., reported. Methil to Dunkirk, 1,300, 19s. 6d. Bristol Channel to Rouen, 17s. 6d. Middlesbrough to Nantes, 050, 26s. 6d., steel bars. Liverpool to Charleston or Savannah, fertilisers, Oct. Seaham Harbour to Genoa, 1,800, 43s. 6d. Grimsby Coal Exports.—The following is the official return of the quantities of coal exported from Grimsby during the week ending October 8 :—Foreign ; To Aalborg, 295 tons; Brevik, 1,376; Dieppe, 1,813; Esbjerg, 358; Gothenburg, 1,892; Kjoge, 1,162; Rudkjobing, 366; Treport, 1,583—total, 8,845 tons. Coastwise; To Falmouth, 172; and London, 570—total, 742 tons, compared with 13,175 tons foreign, and no coastwise in the corresponding week of last year. Hull Coal Imports.—The quantity of coal brought to Hull during September—according to the monthly return of the Corporation coal inspector, Mr. W. H. Truman—was 425,602 tons, of which 406,266 tons came by rail and 19,336 by river. The corresponding figure last year was 418,096 tons. The total imports for the nine months ending with September were 3,704,073 tons, as compared with 4,532,315 tons for the similar period last year. Coastwise shipments in September amounted to 44,213 tons; the aggregate for the period January to September being 493.797 tons. Exports from Hull (exclu- sive of coal shipped for Admiralty purposes, or for the use of the Allies’ Governments) reached 260,270 tons during the month, as against 176.733 tons in September 1914, whilst the total for the first nine months of the year was 1,948,533 tons, as compared with 2,424,201 tons last year.