762 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. October 15, 1915. GREENWOOD & BATLEY Ltd., ALBION WORKS, LEEDS. Tolephone 5200 LEEDS. I TeWam.—" GREENWOOD. LEEDS.” '■ A ''S’ k... .:■ ■■ STEAM TURBINES HIGH PRESSURE,—EXHAUST STEAM,—MIXED PRESSURE. FROM 3-B.H.P. TO 600-B.H.P. Part of order for totally enclosed gas- proof Mining Motors with ball bearings and plate glass spy holes. igos. o \ 1J .. ' ELECTRIC MOTORS AND GENERATORS, A.C. AND D.C. FOR ALL PURPOSES. GOODALL, CLAYTON & Co. Lo. LEEDS. Telegrams :— “ Vertical, Leeds.” Telephone:—1982, Leeds. ••a4' a MAKERS AND ERECTORS OF SCREENING PLANTS, PICKING BELTS, SCREENS, PITHEAD GEARS. BUNKERS, ROOFS, STEEL STRUCTURAL WORK, &c. GAS RETORT INSTALLATIONS, CONVEYING PLANTS. Representatives:—H. L. CHESTON, Clarendon House, Boston Spa, Yorks. W. OGDEN DAYSON, 1, Mount Street, Swansea, for South Wales. a. ■ i , ■ tttsh /■ ts See RULE 1.5, fjztr*. 1. SPECIAL ELECTRICITY IN MINES RULES. “ That Signalling Apparatus shall be so constructed and worked that there shall be no open sparking.” DAVIS-FRYAR MECHANOELECTRIC SIGNALS For Haulage Planes, &c., in Gassy Mines. PATENT No. 5919 *----© D Flexible Pull-wire. Flexible Pull-wire. Oil Contact Chamber. This System is considerably cheaper than gas-proof pushes, and more efficient. Arrangements can be made to see the System in operation in the mine. SEND FOR LIST No. 41 F. JOHN DAVIS & SON (Derby) LTD ALL SAINTS WORKS, DERBY ; ■ ■ & 17, Victoria St., Westminster, London, S.W. ’ Telegrams—“ Davis, Derby.” Telephone—240 Derby.