724 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. October 8, 1916. / = 7,205; and mononitronapbthalene, 3-48 per cent.; nitrate, 96-52 per cent.; t = 1,554 degs., / = 6,618. Ammonium nitrate and mononitrotoluene :—Limit mixture, mononitrotoluene, 9*95 per cent.; nitrate, 90-05 per cent.; t = 2,174 degs.; f = 8,632. Inter- mediate mixtures, mononitrotoluene, 5*4 per cent.; nitrate, 94*6 per cent.; t = 1,713 degs.; f = 7,156; and mononitrotoluene, 3’67 per cent.; nitrate, 96*33 per cent.; t = 1,518 degs.; f ~ 6,500. Ammonium nitrate and binitronaphthalene, :—The limit mixture corresponds to ordinary Favier No. 1 explosive, viz., 1 molecule of binitronaphthalene and 19 molecules of nitrate; t = 2,229 degs.; f — 8,650. Inter- mediate mixtures, “ Grisounaphthalite Roche,” and binitronaphthalene, 6*37 per cent.; nitrate, 93-63 per cent.; t = 1,707 degs.; f ~ 7,067. Ammonium nitrate and binitrotoluene :—Limit mix- ture, binitrotoluene, 14'89 per cent.; nitrate, 85*11 per cent.; t = 2,244 degs.; f = 8,677. Intermediate mix- ture, binitrotoluene, 5*38 per cent.; nitrate, 94*62 per cent.; t = 1,549 degs.; f — 6,546. Examination of the curves (from which the t values have been omitted to prevent complication) shows that, for all the ingredients high in carbon and low in nitro products, very small proportions of the combustible ingredients must be taken in order to obtain explosives with a detonation temperature of 1,500 to 1,900degs., and though in some instances the / values appear interesting, the explosives are difficult to employ in consequence of their great insensibility. For example, the naphthalene mixture detonating at 1,500 degs. con- tains only a little over 2 per cent, of naphthalene; and mixtures of this kind would be certain to give rise to numerous mis-fires in practice. On the other hand, binitro- naphthalene and toluene mixtures are higher in combustible, and furnish interesting explosives, “Grisou- naphthalite Roche,” for example. Fig. 2 gives the curves (up to complete-combustion limit) obtained with more highly nitrated ingredients, including trinitrotoluene, trinitronaphthalene, picric Values of f. 3000° 9000 HOOP 7000 5000 1?3s‘ Content of ammonium nitrate. BL co o te delacombu -(ioo mileteenCO