October 1, 1915. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 693 COAL, IRON AND ENGINEERING COMPANIES. REPORTS AND DIVIDENDS. Addie (Robert) and Sons Collieries Limited. — The directors announce the payment of six months’ arrears of dividend on the 6 per cent, preference shares to June 30, 1914. Anglo-Spanish Coaling Company Limited.—Interim divi- dend at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum for the half-year, tax free. Birmingham Small Arms Company Limited.—The works were placed on the list of controlled establishments on July 12, and the directors decided to close the accounts on July 10. The net profits from August 1, 1914, to that date were £408,455, and £68,284 was brought forward. A final divi- dend of 5 per cent., and a bonus of 10 per cent., are proposed on the ordinary shares, making 20 per cent., free of income- tax, for the year; adding £133,491 to the reserve (making that fund £483,491), and carrying forward £164,628. The directors recommend that £383,491 of the reserve be capitalised by the distribution of one £1 ordinary share for every two now held. County of Durham Electrical Power Distribution Company Limited. — The directors have decided not to declare an interim dividend on the preference shares. Fairbairn Lawson Combe Barbour Limited.—The directors announce that, on account of the conditions prevailing owing to the war, they deem it advisable not to declare an interim dividend on the preference and ordinary shares for the half- year ended June 30. Glenboig Union Fireclay Company Limited. — Including £3,165 brought forward, the gross profits amount to £23,408. The directors recommend that £4,000 be allocated to depre- ciation, that £2,030 be applied in writing down Consols, and that a dividend of 10 per cent., less tax, be paid, carrying forward £4,034. Kayser, Ellison and Company Limited. — The directors state that the net profit for the year ended June was £28,540, and £7,900 was brought forward, making £36,440. The sum of £7,000 is placed to a special reserve fund, and a final dividend of 7s. 6d. per share on the £5 ordinary shares recom- mended, making 12| per cent, for the year, and in addition a bonus of 2s. 6d. per share, both free of income-tax, carry- ing forward £7,690. Partington Steel and Iron Company Limited.—The report for the year ended June states that the profit, after providing for depreciation and interest on debentures, amounts to £109,579. Dividends on the preference shares at 6 per cent, absorbed £21,000. A dividend has been declared upon the ordinary shares at 10 per cent, for the year, amounting to £25,000. The directors recommend that the balance be appropriated as follows :—Writing off preference share issue expenses, £12,919; writing off debenture stock issue expenses, £5,184; writing off half the amount of the debit of trading cost, 1914, £35,239; balance to be carried forward, £10,231. Staveley Coal and Iron Company Limited. — The annual meeting of the above company was held at Sheffield on Tuesday, Mr. Charles Markham presiding. The chairman, in proposing that the share capital of the company be increased to £2,500,000 by the creation of a further 1,302,000 ordinary shares of £1 each, said it must be very evident to any of the shareholders who lived in the district that their capital at its present value wras absolutely ridiculous. The money value that had been paid into the company in hard cash, he believed, amounted altogether to about £700,000. For that sum they, have the half of Brodsworth, the whole of Yorkshire Main, the half of Newstead, and collieries at Staveley and in adjoining districts, which altogether raise about 2J million tons of coal a year, furnaces unequalled by any other in the country, and by-product plants by which during the past year enormous strides had been made. He thought the amount of £2,500,000 recommended was an extra- ordinarily low estimate of the value of the Staveley Ccal and Iron Company, with their adjoining and subsidiary com- panies.—The resolution was carried. Thom (Alexander) and Company Limited.—The directors announce an interim dividend at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum. Vulcan Foundry Limited.—The directors announce a divi- dend of 15 per cent, on the ordinary shares for the year ended June. NEW COMPANIES. Aire and Ouse Mining Company Limited.—Private com- pany. Registered September 20. To purchase or otherwise acquire, search for, develop, manage, carry on, work, and deal with any' collieries, mines, mining ground, quarries, coal, iron, slate, clay, brick, tile and terra-cotta works, etc. Nominal capital £100, in 100 £1 shares. First directors shall be appointed by subscribers. Subscribers’ (one share each) :—J. H. Cockburn and A. Robinson, both of Rother- ham. solicitors. Cromwell Engineering Company (Coventry) Limited.— Private company. Registered September 20. Nature of business indicated by title. Nominal capital, £3,000 in 3,000 £1 shares. First permanent directors :—F. Payne, 94, Stoney Stanton-road, Coventry, engineer; A. A. Wincott, 133, Foleshill-road, Coventry, builder; J. V. Reynolds and W. A. Ewbank, engineers. Qualification of directors, £200. Dibles Limited.—Private company. Registered Sept. 21. To carry on business as ship builders and constructors, engi- neers, boiler makers, iron and brass founders, millwrights, manufacturers of all kinds of plant, machinery, engines, tools, and implements, etc. Nomina] capita], £5,000 in 500 shares of £1 each, numbered 1 to 500, and 900 shares of £5 each, numbered 501 to 1,400. First directors :—D. Owen, I, Chapel-row, Bath, chartered accountant (one £1 share); J. W. Jack, 23, Carlton-road, Southampton, naval architect (one £1 share). Qualification of directors, £250. Dobson (William) Limited.—Private company. Registered office, 6, Maple-street, Blackburn, Lancaster. Registered September 22. To enter into an agreement, and to carry on business relating to the winning and working of minerals, the production and work of metals, and the production, manufacture, and preparation of any other materials which may be usefully combined with the engineering or manu- facturing business of the company. Nominal capital, £1,000 in 1,000 £1 ordinary shares. First directors and subscribers (one share each) :—W. Dobson, 6, Maple-street, Blackburn, patentee; J. Ward, Easdale, Mavis-road, Blackburn, dobby maker. Qualification of directors, £200. Electrode Company of Sheffield Limited.—Private com- pany. Registered September 23. To manufacture, buy, sell, and otherwise deal in carbon or other electrodes used in con- nection with electric furnaces, etc., and to carry on business in England or elsewhere of iron masters, smelters, engineers, manufacturers of chemicals, brick and tile makers, colliery owners, etc. Nominal capital, £40,000 in 40,000 £1 shares. Directors :—Mr. D. Vickers and Mr. W. Clark, appointed by Vickers Limited; Mr. H. Peile (The Newcastle Alloy Company Limited); Mr. W. H. Ellis (John Brown and From Total cargo. Total bunker. Bristol Channel ports North-western ports North-eastern ports Humber ports Other ports on east coast Other English ports Total from England and Wales Ports on east coast of Scotland Ports on west coast of Scotland Total from Scotland Irish ports Total from United Kingdom 1914. 1915. 1914. 1915. Tons. 186,713 249,577 429,781 142,706 7,149 1,586 Tons. 156,721 258,392 559,539 121,643 4,694 3,509 Tons. 30,551 67,709 24,593 22,240 9,422 5,057 Tons. 11,246 53,533 34,230 9,222 9,890 2,183 | 1,017,512 1,104,498 159,572 120,304 77,538 160,761 48,120 146,281 15,582 60,958 14,145 24,525 | 238,299 194,401 76,540 38,670 1 1 ' 2 4,640 4,440 1,255,811 | 1,298,901 i 240,752 163,414 Company Limited); Mr. F. C. Fairholme (Thomas Firth and Sons Limited); Mr. J. B. Milne (Hadfields Limited); Mr. C. W. Kayser (Kayser, Ellison and Company Limited and Samuel Osborn and Company Limited). Grant, Legros and Company Limited.—Private company. Registered office, 78, Avenue-chambers, Southampton-row, W.C. Registered September 24. To enter into an agree- ment, and to carry on business of iron founders, mechanical engineers, manufacturers of implements and other machinery, including munitions of war, tool makers, metal workers, etc. Nominal capital, £20,000 in 20,000 £1 shares. Directors and subscribers (one share each); A. E. Lund (managing director and chairman), 7, East India-avenue. E.C., mer- chant: H. G. Webb, 78, Avenue-chambers, Southampton- row, W.C., director of public company. Qualification of directors, 100 shares. Green, Bolton and Company Limited.—Private company. Registered September 20. To carry on business of foreign coaling and bunkering agents for the supplying of vessels with their bunker requirements either of coal, oil, coke, fuel, etc. Importers and exporters and dealers in coal, coke, and fuel in all its branches, engineers, iron founders, miners, etc. Also to search for iron, brick earth, etc. Nominal capital, £1,000 in 1,000 £1 shares. Qualification of directors, one share. Subscribers (one share each) :—H. A. M. Green, 50, Christchurch-road, Streatham Hill, S.W., foreign coaling agent; W. Bolton, 5, Slumhall-street, Walthamstow, foreign coaling agent. Norwich Components Limited.—Private company. Regis- tered September 21. To carry on business of manufacturers of component parts of machinery, implements, aircraft, and munitions of war of all kinds, mechanical engineers, tool makers, iron founders, builders, gas makers, brass founders, etc. Nominal capital, £10,000 in 10,000 £1 shares. First directors :—W. H. Ffiske, H. P. Gould. Qualification of directors, other than first directors, £500. Subscribers :— G. M. Chamberlin, St. Catherine’s Close, Norwich, director of public companies (500 shares); Henry Ffiske, Brundoll, Norfolk, iron founder (1,000 shares). Speciality Manufacturing Company Limited. — Private company. Registered office, 12, Northgate, Bradford. Registered September 24. To carry on business of engi- neers, founders, smiths, millwrights, machinery, and muni- tions of war makers, dealers in gas and electrical appliances. Nominal capital, £2,000 in 1,500 £1 ordinary shares, and 500 6 per cent, cumulative preference shares of £1 each. First directors and subscribers (200 shares each) :—L. Wearden (managing director) and F. Guylee, both of 12, Northgate, Bradford, Yorkshire, engineers; E. Gregory, 68. Hain worth Wood-road, Ingrow, Keighley, Yorkshire, engi- neer. Qualification of directors, 200 ordinary shares. Spring Bank Iron Company Limited.—Private company. Registered office, Spring Vale-street, Willenhall, Stafford. Registered September 23. To enter into an agreement, and to carry on business of manufacturers of and dealers in all kinds of iron, steel, and other metals and hardware, and any other business which can be beneficially carried on in con- nection therewith. Nominal capital, £20,000 in 200 6 per cent, cumulative preference shares of £50 each, and 200 ordi- nary shares of £50 each. First directors and subscribers :— A. H. Shenton (general manager and chairman). The Manor, Sutton Coldfield, iron master (one share): G. B. Hohnson, Gladsmuir, Beaconsfield-road, Clacton-on-Sea, engineer (two shares); F. W. Hyde, 76, Ladbroke-grove, London, W., gentleman (two shares). Thames Haulage and Motor Company Limited.—Private company. Registered office. 158. Bishopsgate, London. Registered September 22. To carry on business in Great Britain and elsewhere as haulage contractors, builders, and manufacturers of and dealers in traction engines, iron founders, mechanical and electrical engineers, millwrights, etc. Nominal capital, £1,250 in 1.250 £1 shares. First directors :—H. Stanley (managing director), Thames Iron Works, Greenwich,’ S.E., engineer; H. Erdman, 8. Cloudes- ley-street, Islington, N.. contractor: A. J. Stanley. 56, West- Kensington-mansions, West Kensington, W., contractor. Qualification of directors, 50 shares. This list of new companies is taken from the Daily Register specially compiled by Messrs. Jordan and Sons Limited, company registration agents, Chancery-lane, E.C. Grimsby Coal Exports.—For week ended September 24. the coal exported from Grimsby was as follows :—Foreign : To Civita Vecchia. 2,977 tons; Dieppe, 1,762; Esbjerg, 251; Hasle, 273; Odense, 1,353; Oxelosund, 2,159: and Gothen- burg, 3,171 tons. Coastwise: To London, 550 tons; and Dagenham, 1,110 tons. Total. 11,946 tons foreign, and 1,660 tons coastwise; against 21,836 tons and 350 tons respectively during the corresponding period of last year. COASTWISE SHIPMENTS DURING AUGUST. The quantities of coal shipped coastwise from the United Kingdom during the month of August were as under:— The destination of cargo shipments was as follows :— To ports in Aug. 1914. Tons. Aug. 1915. Tons. England and Wales .... 764,411 . .. 835,015 Scotland 82,065 . .. 52,852 Ireland .... 409,335 . .. 411,034 Shipments to London aggregated 606,575 tons. (The above figures have been extracted from the returns issued by the Commissioners of H.M. Customs and Excise.) CONTRACTS OPEN FOR COAL AND COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White pages. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Aberayron, October 5.—Coal, for the Aberayron District Committee. Tenders to Mr. B. C. Jones, clerk, Aberayron. Barrow-in-Furness, October 5.—Coal for the Education Committee. Forms from the Director of Education, Town Hall. Croydon, October 7.—Coal and coke for the Wandle Valley Joint Hospital Board. Forms from Mr. E. J. Gowen, clerk, Council Offices, Katharine-street, Croydon. Devonport, October 7.—About 20 tons of coal, for the Guardians. Forms from Mr. Albert Gard, clerk, 19, St. Aubyn-street, Devonport. Halstead, October 4.—Best picked hard steam coal and good house coal, for the Urban District Council. Tenders to Mr. J. R. Payers, surveyor, Town Hall. Hull, October 5.—3,500 or 7,000 tons of steam coal, for the Water and Gas Committee of the Corporation. Forms at the Water and Gas Offices, Alfred Gelder-street, Hull. London, October 6.—Nailstone double-screened nuts, for the St. Giles, Camberwell, Guardians. Forms from Mr. Charles S. Stevens, clerk to the Guardians, Guardians’ Offices, 29, Peckham-road, S.E. Newport (Mon.).—11,500 tons of coal to the Electricity Works, for the Corporation. Forms from Mr. A. Nichols Moore, borough electrical engineer, Town Hall. Sandwich, October 4. — 500 to 1,000 tons of good unscreened gas coal, for the Gas Committee. Particulars from Mr. J. Giles, manager, Borough Gas Office, Sandwich. Walsall, October 5.—Deep and shallow nuts and coke, for the Staffordshire Education Committee. Tenders to Mr. A. H. Lewis, clerk to the managers, 29, Leicester-street, Walsall. Warrington, October 8.—Coal, for the Warrington Edu- cation Committe. Forms from Mr. J. M. Murray, M.Sc., director of education. Warrington, October 13.—House coal and slack to the Lord Derby War Hospital, Warrington, for the Committee of Visitors. Forms from Mr. P. Irving Dutton, clerk and steward. The date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR ENGINEERING, IRON AND STEEL WORK, Ac. Barry, October 7.—Railway Stores.—General stores, including iron and steel wire rope, etc., for the Barry Rail- way Company. Specifications from E. T. Lawrence, secretary, Company Offices, Barry Docks, Glam. Cape Town (South Africa), October 5.—Boiler Tubes.— Supply of 13.310 steel boiler tubes and 24,920 charcoal iron boiler tubes, for the South African Railway Administration.* Newcastle (Australia), January 12. — Boilers. — Two water tube boilers, with accessories, for the New South Wales Government Railways and Tramways Department.* Wigan, October 11.—Splayed Hoops.—Two tons of splayed hoops, for the Corporation. Tenders to W. H. Tyner, town clerk. * Specifications, particulars, etc., may be seen at the Commercial Intelligence Branch of the Board of Trade, 73, Basinghall-street, E.C. Mr. William Jackson, engineer, of Aberdeen, has left, in addition to real estate, personal estate in the United Kingdom valued at £77,052.