October 1, 1915. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 691 No. 53. TH E COLLI ERY GUARDIAN MONTHLY LIST OF RECENT COAL LITERATURE I.—General. Miners’ Unions in Canada. “ Canad. Min. Journ.,” Aug. 15, p. 497; Sept. 1, p. 529. Quinquennial Review of the Mineral Production of India. Sir T. H. Holland, H. H. Hayden, and L. L. Fermor. “ Rec. Geol. Survey, India,” v. 46, p. 1; 8 pl. The British Coal Trade. H. Stanley Jevons. 876 pp.; 23 figs, and 2 maps. London, 1915 : Kegan Paul, Trench and Company Limited. 6s. net. Mines and Quarries : General Report, with Statistics, for 1914. Chief Inspector of Mines. Part I.—Divi- sional Statistics. [Cd. 8035.] London, 1915. Mines and Quarries Reports, 1914. Scotland (H. Walker), Yorkshire and North Midland (T. H. Mottram), Lancashire, North Wales, and Ireland (A. D. Nicholson), South Wales (W. N. Atkinson), Mid- land and Southern (H. Johnstone), Northumberland (J. R. R. Wilson). • [Cd. 8023.] London, 1915. South African Mining in 1914. “ Colliery Guard.,” Sept. 10, p. 518. Coal Mines Inspection in 1914. Yorkshire and North Midland Division. “ Colliery Guard.,” Sept. 3, p. 468. Scotland Division. “ Colliery Guard.,” Sept. 10, p. 521. Coal Mining Organisation Committee : Digest of Evidence. “ Colliery Guard.,” Aug. 27, p. 419; Sept. 3, p. 471; Sept. 10, p. 533; Sept. 17, p. 574. Some Principles of Management. —. Vivian-Rees. “ Journ. Mon. Coll. Officials’ Assoc.,” Sept., p. 130. Labour Factor in Bituminous Mines. G. S. Brackett. “ Coll. Engin.,” Sept., p. 99. Mining Industry in the Ural in 1913 (Die Montanindus- trie im Ural im Jahre 1913). —. Friz. “ Techn. BL,” Aug. 7, pp. 121-23. (Technical and statistical data.) The Economic Importance of the French Coal Industry, and the Coal Question in France (Die wirtschaftliche Bedeutung der franzdsischen Kohlenindustrie und die Kohlenfrage in Frankreich). —. Ungeheuer. “Techn. u. Wirtsch.,” Aug., pp. 305-21; illus. III.—Geology. The Coal Fields of Perry County,'Kentucky. W. J. von Borries. “ Coal Tr. Bull.,” Aug. 16, p. 43. (Paper read before Kentucky Min. Inst.) Coal Prospects at Port Newry. W. E. Cameron. “ Queensland Gov. Min. Journ.,” June 15, p. 265. Geological Research in the Coal Fields During 1914. “ Colliery Guard.,” Sept. 10, p. 520; 1 fig. (From the Summary of Progress.) Some Effects of Earth Movement on the Coal Measures of the Sheffield District—Part I. W. G. Fearnsides. “Colliery Guard.,” Sept. 17, p. 567; 9 fig. (Abst. paper read before Inst. Min. Engin.) Coal Fields of South America. W. G. Burroughs. “ Coll. Engin.,” Sept., p. 72. Bull Mountain Coal Field, Montana. J. P. Rowe and R. Wilson. “ Coll. Engin.,” Sept., p. 74; 1 fig. (Concl.) The Deposits of Useful Minerals and Rocks, according to Form, Contents, and Origin (Die Lagerstatten der nutzbaren Mineralien und Gesteine nach Form, Inhalt und Entstehung). F. Beyschlag. Revised edition; 609pp., 281 illus. F. Enke, Stuttgart, 1914. 18*60 mk. The Glacial Epoch on the Lower Rhine (Die Eiszeit am untern Niederrhein). —. Landgraeber. “ Bergb.,” Aug. 26, pp. 509-10; Sept. 2, pp. 523-25. Coal Deposits in the Lunz Strata in Lower , and Upper Austria (Das Steinkohlenvorkommen in den Lunzer Schichten Nieder- und Oberosterreichs). —. Grimmer. “ Jahrb. Wien,” No. 2, pp. 130-55; illus. The Drumheller Coal Field, Alberta. D. A. Macaulay. “ Canad. Min. Inst. Bull.,” Sept., p. 718; 9 fig. Geological Map of Prussia and Adjacent Federal States, Scale 1 : 25,000 (Geologische Karte von Preussen und benachbarten Bundesstaaten im Massstab 1 : 25,000). Publ. Kgl. Preussischen Geologischen Landesanstalt (No. 178, Sheets: Gr. Dirschkeim; Rauschen; Neu- kuhren-Palmnicken; German; Pobethen; Lochstadt; Pillau; Kranz; Biedau; Rudau; Powunden). Current Opinion on the Origin of Coal (Die gegenwartige Ansicht von der Entstehung der Steinkohle). —. Willert. “ Bergb.,” Aug. 12, pp. 475-77; illus. (Short review of current opinion.) The Geology of Saar Coal (Allgemeine-geologische Betrachtungen uber die Saarkohle). H. Willert. “ Gliickauf,” Aug. 21, pp. 821-27; illus. V.—Mining Technology. The Theory of Lubrication. “ Engineering,” Aug. 27, p. 207 (concluded); 19 fig. in all. VI.—Working of Minerals. Working Seams that Occur Close Together. “ Coal Age,” Aug. 21, p. 290; *4 fig. Coal Stripping in Illinois. “Coll. Engin.,” Sept., p. 69; 7 fig. VII.—Boring, Shaft Sinking, and Tunnelling. West Cannock Sinkings. Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” Aug. 27, p. 254; 2 fig. Use of Air Drilling Machines in Coal Mines. “ Coal Age,” Aug. 21, p. 292; 2 fig. Sinking a Shaft. P. B. McDonald. ‘ ‘ Canad. Min. Journ.,” Sept. 1, p. 524; 2 fig. Supporting Shaft Sides Through a Fault. J. H. Evans and G. George. “ Colliery Guard.,” Aug. 27, p. 418; 3 fig. (From Trans. Min. Geol. Inst. India.) The Geary Deep Borehole. E. B. Wilson. “ Coll. Engin.,” Sept., p. 90. Shaft Sinking by the Freezing Process, with Special Reference to the Newest Developments (Schachtab- teufen nach dem Gefrierverfahren unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der neuesten Errungenschaften). —. Wittelsbach. “Bergb.,” Aug. 19, pp. 491-93; Aug. 26, pp. 607-9; illus. VIII.—Explosives, Blasting. Explosives in Coal Mines. “ Colliery Guard.,” Sept. 10, p. 519. (Order of Aug. 16, 1915—Dynobel No. 2, Rex Powder.) Accidents from Explosives in 1914. “ Colliery Guard.,” Sept. 3, p. 470. IX.—Timbering, Packing, etc. The Treatment of Mine Timbers. “ Min. Eng. Wld.,” Aug. 28, p. 322. Stresses in the Mine Roof. R. Dawson Hull. “ Bull. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin.,” Sept., p. 2013; 18 fig. X. —Surface Arrangements. Allegheny River Mining Company’s Cadogan Mine. F. Norman. “ Coal Age,” Aug. 28, p. 331; 5 fig. Comox Mines, Vancouver Island, B.C. L. Netland. “Coll. Engin.,” Sept., p. 59; 5 fig. XI. —Winding and Haulage. Direct Current Control Gear for Hoisting Equipments. W. T. Snyder. “ Engineer,” Aug. 27, p. 208; 9 fig. Tramming and Hoisting at Copper Queen Mine. G. F. G. Sherman. “ Bull. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin.,” Sept., p. 1837; 17 fig. Hydraulic Decking Gear at a Belgian Colliery. “Colliery Guard.,” Aug. 27, p. 422; 4 fig. Herbert Mine of the Connellsville Central Coke Com- pany. “ Coal Age,” Sept. 11, p. 414; 4 fig. (Com- pares horse and oil locomotive haulage costs.) The Modern Electric Mine Locomotive. G. Bright. “ Proc. Amer. Inst. Elect. Engin.,” Aug., p. 1615; 1 fig- A Large Electric Hoist. W. Sykes. “ Proc. Amer. Inst. Elect. Engin.,” Aug., p. 1819; 11 fig. (Hoist installed at Butte, Mont., having a depth of shaft of 4,000 ft., net weight of load 14,0001b., weight of skip and cage, 9,0001b., and maximum hoisting speed 3,000 ft. per minute.) Recent Developments in Mechanical Face Conveyors (Die neuesten Fortschritte der maschinellen Abbau- forderung). —. Gerke. “ Z. B. H. S.,” No. 2, pp. 137-94; illus. Experiments for Determining the Most Suitable Type of Face Conveyors (Untersuchungen zur Ermittlung der gunstigsten Forderrinnenkonstruktion). —. Liwehr. “ Fordertechn.,” Aug. 15, pp. 121-25; illus. (Cams the best method of driving. Drives without flywheel are also suitable under special local conditions.) XII. —Signalling. Lambourne’s Mechanical Signalling System. “ Colliery Guard.,” Aug. 27, p. 421; 1 fig. XIII. —Lighting. Portable Electric Hand Lamps. H. H. Clark. “Coal Tr. Bull.,” Aug. 16, p. 41. (Paper read before W. Virg. Coal Min. Inst.) First Report of the Departmental Committee on Light- ing in Factories and Workshops. Vol. I.—Report and Appendices. [Cd. 8000.] London, 1915. XIV.—Ventilation. Ventilation of the Copper Queen Mine. C. A. Mitke. “ Bull. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin.,” p. 1941; 10 fig. Uses for Underground Fans. H. Briggs. “Coal Age,” Sept. 4, p. 370; 4 fig. Variable Speed A.C. Motors for Driving Mine Fans. F. B. Crosby. “ Coal Age,” Sept. 4, p. 374; 2 fig. Economy in Ventilating Mines with Purchased Power. T. A. Mather. “ Coal Age,” Sept. 4, p. 380. XV.—Mine Gases, Testing. The Vapour Pressure of Ethane and Ethylene at Tem- peratures Below their Normal Boiling Points. G. A. Burrell and I. W. Robertson. “ Journ. Amer. Chem. Soc.,” Aug. p. 1893; 4 fig. The Vapour Pressures of Propane, Propylene, and Normal Butane at Low Temperatures. G. A. Burrell and I. W. Robertson. “ Journ. Amer. Chem. Soc.,” Sept., p. 2188; 2 fig. Gas Outbursts and Falls of Coal at the Maximilian Colliery, Hamm, on March 6 and July 24, 1914 (Gas- und Kohlenausbruche auf dem Steinkohlenbergwerk Maximilian im Bergrevier Hamm am Marz 6 und Juli 24, 1914). —. Stoevesandt. “ Z. B. H. S.,” No. 2, pp. 89-92; illus. XVI.—Coal Dust. American Coal Dust Investigations. G. S. Rice. “ Trans. Inst. Min. Engin.,” v. 49, 5, p. 721; 33 fig. XVII.—Explosions. Comparative Explosive Effects (Vergleichende Explo- sionswirkungen). —. Stettbacher. “ Z. Schiess. Sprengst.,” Aug. 15, pp. 193-95. (Explosion pressure of unconfined initial and high explosives.) XVIII.—Mine Fires. Anticipating Mine Fires. J. McCrystle. “ Coll. Engin.,” Sept., p. 79; 1 fig. XX.—Drainage, Pumping, etc. Mine Pumping. C. Legrand. “ Bull. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin.,” Sept., p. 1929. Dewatering an Anthracite Mine. W. Z. Price. “ Coll. Engin.,” Sept., p. 87; 5 fig. Influence of Disc Friction on Turbine Pump Design. F. zur Nedden. “ Amer. Soc. Meehan. Engin.,” Sept., p. 538; 9 fig. Calculating and Standardising the Vanes of Centrifugal Pumps, and Determining the Results by the Purely Graphic Method (Ueber die Berechnung und Normal- isierung der Schaufel- und Leitrader von Kreisel- pumpen sowie Ermittlung der Ergebnisse auf rein graphischen Wege). —. Gutmann. “ Z. Turb. Wes.,” Aug. 30, p. 277-81; illus. XXI.—Preparation. Kick versus Rittinger : An Experimental Investigation in Rock Crushing, performed at Purdue University, A. O. Gates. “ Bull. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin.,” u. 2023; 22 fig. Standardising Rock Crushing Tests. M. K. Rodgers. “ Bull. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin.,” Sept., p. 2053. XXIII.—Coke Ovens. Common Difficulties on By-Product Coke Oven Plants : Their Cause and Remedy—IX. A Decreasing Yield of By-Products. “ Manager.” “ Gas Wld.” (suppl.), Sept. 4, p. 11. Manufacture and Tests of Silica Brick for the By-Pro- duct Coke Oven. K. Seaver. “ Bull. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin.,” Sept., p. 1913; 3 fig. XXIV.—Fuels, Testing, etc. Peat Fuel in Russia. J. H. Gibson. “ Journ. Canad. Peat. Soc.,” Apr., p. 3; 2 fig. (Abst. paper read before Meeh. Engin. Sect., Polytechn. Soc., Moscow.) Modern Methods of Utilisation of Peat : New Plant at Codigoro, Italy. “ Journ. Canad. Peat Soc.,” Apr., p. 7. Oils : Their Production and Manufacture. F. M. Perkin. “ Journ. Roy. Soc. Arts,” Aug. 27, p. 869. (Third Cantor lecture.) Possible Substitutes for Anthracite Coal. A. Bement. “ Black Diamond,” Aug. 14, p. 124. Recovery of Phenols and Creosols from Tar Oils. “ Gas Wld.” (suppl.), Sept. 4, p. 20; 2 fig. The Science of Combustion. W. A. Bone. “ Colliery Guard.,” Sept. 17, p. 585. (Abst. of address, Section B (Chemistry), Brit. Assoc.) Waste in the Selection and Purchase of Coal. G. B. Gould. “ Eng. Mag.,” Sept., p. 850*. 1 fig. Automatic Sampling of Coal. “ Coal Age,” Sept. 11, p. 423; 3 fig. Carbonising Mixtures of Coal and Coal Dust. D. T. Ross v. Lennep. “ Journ. Gas Light.,” Sept. 7, p. 520. (From “ Het Gas ”). (Shows that from a mixture, 80 per cent, of gas coal (Easington) and 20 per cent, of fine dust,- a sufficient quantity of gas and a coke of good quality can be made.) A Coke Oven Expert’s Views on the Recovery of Ben- zene, Toluene, etc., from Coal Gas. “ Journ. Gas Light.,” Sept. 7, p. 502. Two Convenient Forms of Receiver for Fractional Dis- tillations under Diminished Pressure. M. T. Bogert. “ Journ. Indust. Eng. Chem.,” Sept., p. 785: 2 fig.