514 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. September 10, 1915. JOHN WOOD & SONS, L™ Engineers, BARLEY BROOK FOUNDRY, WIGAN. and Improved “ OUTSIDE- BAND” FRICTION CLUTCH. 100-H.P. “ENDLESS” Telephone—No. “ 5 5 ” Wigan. Telegrams—“ Haulage, Wigan.” '* ■ I. , ..sew;. _■ . , ' W.C * - «WGaScfet$LTt; , Fitted with AUTOMATIC BRAKE Haulage Gears of every type. WINDING, PUMPING & AIR COMPRESSING ENGINES. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING OF COLLIERIES. T.C P%eu Vol. I., Price 21s. net. Vol. II., Price 10s. 6d. net. SUPPLEMENTARY VOL.-Price 10s. 6d. net. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN CO. LTD., 30 & 31, Fumival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. To Colliery Proprietors, IMPORTANT Engineers and 1111 111 ............. Contractors, &c. To secure dependable winding and absolute safety, all gear brakes should be fitted with Cresswells’ “CHEKKO” Semi-metallic Asbestos Brake or Clutch Linings. Their grip is firm as a rock, yet responsive and pliant as a hand grasp. “ CHEKKO ” provides instant and perfect retardation at all speeds and under all loads. “ CHEKKO ” is a great precaution against overwinding. We make no brakes of cotton fabrics or other than of pure Asbestos. “ CHEKKO ” Brake Linings easily outlast many times all others, and are, therefore, not only the best in quality, but also far the cheapest. Write for Samples, Diagrams and Prices, to : CRESSWELLS’ Limited, Asbestos Spinners & Manufacturers, Wellington Mills, BRADFORD (Yorks). Telegrams: “ Asbestos, Bradford.” Phone: 950 Bradford. ' - in. —i-saaaass: MARKS. STAMPS. BRANDINGIRONS of Letter & P/gure Punetes, fmLossfrf Presses. PressttsmeP/sLes, ttLenc/Ls, Lfoa/ders’LetterstPfures. pies. E.PRYOR & SOH, Seals. ».^^.II2-|IS ROCKINGHAM ST .SHFFFI F.l ,n. Compositions Plastic; Silicate of Cotton; Asbestos, all kinds; Magnesias, &c. H, J. ORMROYDE, Boiler Coverer & Manufacturer, Denton Street, WIDNES. Tel. 153. TELEP. 2970 (TWO LINES) TELEG THOP HASLAM & STRETTON,LT,D 11.W1NDS0R PLACE. . . CARDIFF. . . ELECTRIC PLANT&ACCESSORIES CABLES & SWITCHES. CARBON c METAL j f 1 I LAMPS. I I | M II A CHEAP YET MOST EFFICIENT INSULATOR AGAINST HEAT RADIATION IT C M V M5 specially COMPOUNDED “KISOL” (REGISTERED) CEMENT Sample I cwt. bag sent carriage paid to any address for 7s. 6d. ASK FOR “HINTS” ON COVERING STEAM PIPES, BOILERS, &c. . . --- Post Free on Application. -- WM. KENYON & SONS Ltd., dukinfield, nr. Manchester.