442 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. August 27, 1915. respectively of the valve shown in figs. 1 and 2, and of the spill upon which it slides. (Seven claims.) 21191 (1914). Improvements in Discharging Vertical Retorts for Continuous Carbonisation of Coal or the like. A. M. Duckham, of Waseda, Highfield, Ashtead, Surrey. —Relates to a method of discharging through a water seal, a vertical retort wherein coal or the like is con- tinuously carbon- ised. The method consists in impart- ing a reciprocating or oscillatory move- ment to a water trough which forms the seal and wholly or partially supports the charge of the retort, and in com- .' B . i. I C pletely or parti- ally preventing the material in the trough from sharing this movement in one direction, so that at each movement some of the material leaves the trough and fresh material descends into the trough. There are several manners in which this method may be applied. The accompanying drawing is a vertical section through a water trough into which the lower end of a retort extends. (Three claims.) NEW PATENTS CONNECTED WITH THE COAL AND IRON TRADES. Applications for Patents. 11789. Automatic sampling apparatus. C. J. Williams. 11793. Furnaces. R. H. Anderson. 11846. Means for supporting pit cages. W. H. Barker and W. H. Berrisford. 11859. Automatic combination safety wagon or tub stop and jack catch. W. 0. Rossington and G. T. Willis. 11860. Apparatus for discharging aerated vapour from steam condensers. D. B. Morison. 11873. Axle or shaft bearings specially applicable for mining corves and other like vehicles. C. W. B. Eames and F. T. Clements. 11900. Liquid fuel and process for manufacturing the same. F. L. Schauermann. 11909. Conveyors. J. Donaldson. 11911. Firebrick chequer work used in regenerative chambers and the like. Gibbons Brothers Limited, and F. W. Clark. 11915. Mechanical stokers. Leach’s Limited, and T. Slater. 11917. Treatment or preservation of the surfaces of metal sheets, bars, rods, wire, castings, and the like, and of articles made therefrom. F. Williams and T. Williams. 11922. Process and apparatus for the purification of water. P. W. Oscroft. 11937. Discharging means for vertical retorts. S. Glover and J. West. 11942. Discharging apparatus for vertical retorts. S. Glover and J.. West. 11964. Excavating apparatus applicable to portable steam and like cranes. H. O. Baldry. 11972. Force pumps. H. Cameron. 11978. Armour plates and metal plates generally. H. Walker. 11982. Steam boilers and the like. J. H. Baldwin. 11984. Tools for cutting metal bars. T. R. R. Ashton. 11990. Thermostats. W. R. Clark and W. T. Davies. 11995. Centrifugal fans and pumps. S. C. Davidson. 12003. Preparation of peat for fuel or for destructive distil- lation and carbonisation. E. A. Paterson. 12023. Furnace fronts. James Howden and Company Limited, and J. H. Hume. 12037. Superheaters especially applicable to fire tube boilers. Schmidt’sche Heissdampf-Ges. m. b. H. 12039. Electric signalling apparatus. J. W. Mackenzie. (Otto G. H. E. Kehrhahn, U.S.A.) 12086. Apparatus for winding a rope or cable in uniform layers on a drum. Pickerings Limited, and J. Fothergill. Complete Specifications Accepted. (To be published, on September 9.) 1913. 22306. Pumps, motors, and the like. Prott. 1914. 1902. Self-contained rescue or breathing apparatus for use in mines or other places containing impure air. Parker. 10408. Process of, and apparatus for, manufacturing pro- ducer gas. Fleischer. 10780. Apparatus for treating spent material from gas purifiers. Bonneau and Hasenfratz. 16801. Shaft, well, and tunnel linings, and the like. Hann and Kearton. 16857. Process for the production of oils, suitable for crack- ing, from coal and lignite. Hall. 18746. Artificial respiration apparatus. Gill. (Fowler.) 18780. Electric visual and audible signalling appliances, more particularly for use in mines. Green and Landon. 18867. Treatment of water for softening, sterilising, and like purposes. Magrath. 18949. Clutch mechanisms for the driving gear of lathes, boring machines, milling machines, and the like. Barnes. 18972. Manufacture of railway or tramway rails. Sandberg. 18976. Apparatus for sucking up and collecting dust. Banabino. 19057. Speed controlling devices for electric motors. British Thomson-Houston Company. (General Electric Company.) 19399. Keys for holding down railway, tramway, and tram- road rails and the like in their supporting chairs. Green. 19444. Coupling for railway vehicles and the like. Bowden. 20296. Steelyard weighing apparatus. W. and T. Avery Limited, and Gibbs. 20534. Heat diffusion devices for use in fire tubes or smoke tubes of steam generators, tubular air heaters, and the like. Barclay. 20872. Automatic coupling mechanism for railway vehicles. Belfield. (Doyle, Hedley, and Brown.) 21470. Coal conveyor. Chambers and Yeadon. 21973. Rope and the like guide rollers or pulleys and the spindles thereof. Rowbotham and Booth. 22898. Water tube boilers. Babcock and Wilcox Limited. (Babcock and Wilcox Company.) 23867. Appliances for shearing metal. Montgomery. 24109. Debris removing device for percussive rock drills. Mariet. 24487. Car couplings. Olivero. 1915. 3907. Steam boilers. Bowers. 6784. Shale retorts and the like. Thomson. 7397. Power drilling machines. Mackenzie. (Chicago Pneumatic Tool Company.) Complete Specifications Open to Public Inspection Before Acceptance. 1915. 9678. Apparatus for feeding pulverised or finely divided fuel or other material. Quigley. THE ACQUISITION OF ENEMY PATENT RIGHTS. The following list of British Patents, which have been granted in favour of residents of Germany, Austria, or Hungary, is furnished in view of the new Patents Acts, which empower the Board of Trade to confer upon British subjects the right to manufacture under enemy patents, which right, when acquired, can be retained after the war, and is specially compiled for the Colliery Guardian by Lewis Wm. Goold, chartered patent agent, 5, Corporation-street, Birmingham. It is desirable in the first instance to obtain the latest particulars upon the Patents Register. If any patent listed has been assigned to a non-enemy proprietor, the law does not apply. 19241/06. Preserving wood, etc. A solution for impregnating and preserving wood and other fibrous materials contains a metallic salt of a strong mineral acid, such as copper, iron, or aluminium sulphate, together with a substance which prevents the formation of free mineral acid, and, at the same time, increases the antiseptic properties of the solution. Alkali compounds of the hydroxyl derivatives of the aromatic hydrocarbons, such as cresol, naphthol, etc., the solutions contained in refining, with caustic soda, petroleum, and the products of the destructive distillation of resin, etc., or salts of hydrofluoric and silico- fluoric acids, may be used. K. H. Wolman, Germany. 19522/06. Permanent way; portable and like railways for mines. Ordinary wood sleepers are used, and arranged so that sleepers provided with inner clamps alternate with those provided with outer clamps. The clamps are secured to the sleepers before they are laid in position, the distance between the inner and outer clamp on each side being slightly less than the width of the rail foot. The sleepers with outer clamps are placed between the rails and turned into posi- tion, thus tightly gripping the rails. To prevent the rails from bending, a ring or other bolt is driven into the sleepers opposite the inner clips. At joints the clamps are made wider, and with a fishplate portion. The clamps are all provided with fangs to dig into the sleepers. F. Nellen, Germany. 21269/06. Gas manufacture. In preventing the escape of gases into the retort house during the charging and discharging of the retorts by conducting them through a conduit to a chimney, risk of explosion is obviated by the conduit being con- stantly traversed by a current of inert or neutral gases. A conduit leading to the chimney is connected by a branch to each ascension pipe. A valve is arranged in each branch, so that each time an ascension pipe is disconnected by its valves from the hydraulic main, the correspond- ing branch is opened, and the gas from the ascension pipe passes away to the chimney. A current of neutral or inert gases, such as part of the combustion gases from the furnace, passes through the conduit on its way to the chimney. The conduit is connected at one end to the chimney, and at the other end to the main con- duit for the combustion gases, a damper being provided in the latter connection. H. Koppers, Germany (dated October 23, 1905). 21595/06. Respirators. Apparatus for breathing in impure air, consists of a receptacle with double walls filled with asbestos or other absorbent saturated with oxygen-enriched liquid air, or a liquid mixture of oxygen and nitrogen. The receptacle is connected to the face mask by a tube, through which the exhaling tube passes to the receptacle, and finally to a vessel which is provided with baffles so as to prevent impure air from entering the apparatus. Heat from the exhaled air serves to evaporate the liquid air, and to warm the air as it passes through the tube. The space between the double walls is evacuated, and the whole device is provided with a felt cover. O. Suess, Austria (dated June 29,1906). 22605/06. Dynamo-electric machines; field magnets; ■ sparking preventing. In an alternating current commutator motor having a compensating winding in series with the armature, the whole or a portion of the compensating winding has impressed upon it a voltage derived from the secondary winding of a transformer connected in parallel with the machine, so-that the com- pensating winding produces a commutating field in the neutral zone. Siemens Schuckertwerke Ges., Berlin (dated June 13, 1906.) *** Copies of any of the above specifications can be supplied at the price of Is. post free. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. *** Any of the following publications may be obtained on application at this office at the price named post free. Trade and Consular Reports : (No. 5452), Chile, Trade of Coquimbo, 2d.; (No. 5453), Spain, Trade of Canary Islands, 2Jd.; (No. 5454), Russia, Trade of Batoum, 4d.; Japan, Trade of Nagasaki (5445), 2}d. Royal Commission on Civil Service : Minutes of Evidence, May 13, 1915, to July 8, 1915, 2s. 2d. Trade, Commerce, and Condition of People in United Kingdom, Id. Account and Expenditure, National Physical Laboratory, Royal Commission on Dominions : Evidence taken in Maritime Provinces of Canada in 1914, Is. lid. Bill : Real Property and Conveyancing, with Memo- randum, 2s. 3d. Accounts re Bankruptcy Act, 1914 (Proceedings), 1914-15, Id. Accounts re Companies (Consolidation) Act, 1908, 1914-15, Id. Act : Great North of Scotland Railway Order Confirma- tion, Is. lOd. Statutory Rules and Orders, 1915 : (No. 756), Railway Rates and Charges, 1915, IJd. Accounts of Foreign Trade and Commerce up to August 16, 1915, 5d. Trade Unions Annual Return Form (No. 21), 2Jd. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. Handbook on Steel and Steel Construction. London : R. A. Skelton and Company. Price, 10s. net. Specification and Design of Dynamo Machinery. By Miles Walker. London : Longmans, Green and Company. Price, 32s. net. “ Report on Mining Operations in the Province of Quebec in 1914 ” (Mines Branch, Department of Colonisation, Mines and Fisheries of Quebec); “Annual Report of the Minister of Mines of the Province of British Columbia for 1914 ”; “ Monthly Bulletin of the Canadian Mining Insti- tute ” (No. 40), August; “Report of the Intermediate Education Board for Ireland for 1914 ” (H.M. Stationery Office), price 3Jd.: “Transactions of the Institution of Mining Engineers” (Vol. 49, Part 4), price 6s.; “Tem- perance Taxation and Housing Reform : The Lesson of the War, Prohibition of the Liquor Traffic Impossible; Nationalisation the Solution ” (Blackburn : The Northern Daily Telegraph), price 2d. PECKETT & SONS Ltd., Bristol Speciality TANK LOCOMOTIVES. “SAFETY FIRST” in the SHAFT Tackle. Over 3,000 shaftmen use the Hanley Safety Belt the Holdemrite. Why, well they find it ALL RIGHT to use at risky jobs. Sample sent on approval. Locos, of various sizes specially designed for C ollieries, Ironworks, Contractors. &c. always in progress for Early Delivery. Photographs, Prices and Specifi- cations on application. Telegraphic Address—" Peckett, Bristol.” Telephone—No. 6 Fishponds. ESTABLISHED 1864. X-l TV IV IL. EC , 21, Alpha Road, Bristol. Demy Octavo, 176 pages, Cloth. Price 6s. 3d 45 Original Photographs and Diagrams. (post free). Miners’ Nystagmus: Its Causes and Prevention, By T. LISTER LLEWELLYN. M.D., B.S. (Lond.), 4c. WITH A PREFACE BY Professor J. S. HALDANE, F.R.S., M.D., AND A LEGAL APPENDIX BY DOUGLAS KNOCKER, MB., Barrister-at-Law THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN CO. LTD., 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C.