438 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. August 27, 1915. Measuring High Temperatures in Practice (Die Messung hoher Temperaturen in der Praxis). —. Wilda. “Feuerungstechn.,” July 15, pp. 247-49. XXIV.—Fuels, Testing, etc. New York City’s New Coal Specifications. “ Coal Age,” July 24, p. 132. Welsh Steam Coal Substitutes. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” July 30, p. 131. Relation between Petroleum and Coal and their Distil- lation Products. B. Dunglinson. “ Gas. Wld.” (suppl.), Aug. 7, p. 15. Petroleum as Fuel under Boilers and in Furnaces for Heating, Melting, and Heat Treatment of Metals. W. N. Best. “Bull. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin.,” Aug., p. 1527; 5 fig. Units from Refuse. J. B. Morgan. “ Elect. Rev.,” Aug. 13, p. 196. Oils : Their Production and Manufacture. F. Mollwo Perkin. “ Journ. Roy. Soc. Arts,” Aug. 13, p. 837; 2 fig.; Aug. 20, p. 853. Cantor lectures.) The Smoke-Polluted Atmospheres of Large Towns. W. Thomson. “Journ. Chem. Techn.,” July, p. 133; 3 fig. Formation of Coal and Influence of Grades. 0. W. Palmenberg. “ Black Diamond,” Aug. 7, p. 104. (Paper read before Purchasing Agents’ Assoc.) Heat of Formation of the Compounds Produced during the Gasification of Carbon (Ueber die Bildungswarme der bei der Vergasung von Kohlenstoff sich bildenden Verbindungen). —. Hoffmann. “ Z. angew. Chem.,” July 20, p. 322-24. New Material’ for Estimating the Damage Done by Smoke in the Rhenish-Westphalian Industrial Dis- trict (Neue Beitrage zur Beurteilung von Rauch- schaden im Rheinisch-Westfalischen Industriegebiet). P. Rippert. “ Gluckauf,” July 24, pp. 725-35; July 31, pp. 755-59; Aug. 7, pp. 776-80; illus. The Recent Development of Water-Gas Producers (Die neuere Entwicklung der Wassergaserzeuger). J. Gwosdz. “ Gluckauf,” July 24, pp. 736-39; illus. XXV.—Steam Engines and Boilers : Gas Engines. The Heating Value of Exhaust Steam. D. M. Myers. “ Eng. Mag.,” Aug., p. 712; 2 pl. Distilled Feed Water. C. F. Hirschfeld. “Eng. Mag.,” Aug. p. 724. Nozzle Experiments. “ Engineering,” Aug. 6, p. 142. Firebrick for Boiler Settings. W. A. Heisel. “ Vulcan,” Aug., p. 33. The Thermal Insulation of High Temperature Equip- ment. P. A. Boeck. “ Bull. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin.,” Aug., p. 1539; 8 fig. Connections for High-Pressure Steam Pipes (Rohr- verbindungen fur Hochdruck Dampfleitungen). —. Menk. “Wiener Dampfk. Z.,” June, pp. 59-63; illus. Present-day Air Pumps for Condensing Plants, and their Efficiency (Die heutige Luftpumpen fur Kondensa- tionsanlagen und ihre Wirtschaftlichkeit). —. Grune- wald. “ Z. Turb. Wesen.,” July 10, pp. 220-23. New Patents in Connection with Boiler Firing (Neuere Patente auf dem Gebiete der Dampfkesselfeuerung). —. Pradel. “ Z. Dampfk. Betr.,” July 2, pp. 227-28; July 16, pp. 244-45; July 23, pp. 250-52; illus. The Use of Coke for Steam Raising (Koks und seine Verwendung fiir Dampfkesselfeuerungen). —. Wirthwein. “ Z. Dampfk. Betr.,” July 15, pp. 241-43. Coal Saving or Increased Efficiency in Locomotives by Pre-heating the Feed Water (Die Kohlenersparnis oder grossere Leistungsfahigkeit der Lokomotiven durch Vorwarmung des Speisewassers). *—. Strahl. “ Ann. Glaser.,” July 15, pp. 23-8. Fluctuations of Pressure in Turbine Pipes under Changes of Load (Druckschwankungen in Turbinenleitungen bei teilweisen Belastungsanderungen). —. Strickler. “ Z. Turb. Wes.,” July 20, pp. 229-31; illus. Atomising Burners for Oil (Zerstauberbrenner fiir Oel). —. Essich. “ Feuerungstechn.,” July 15, pp. 245-47; illus. Determining the Steam Consumption of a Twin- Cylinder Winding Engine (Ermittlung des Dampfver- brauchs ein er Fordermaschine mit Z willin gsanord- nung). “ Gliickauf,” Aug. 7, pp. 773-76; illus. XXVI.—Compressed Air. Lubricating Oil for Diesel Engines and Air Compressors. “ Engineer,” Aug. 20, p. 176. Methods of Measuring the Capacity of Air Compressors (Die Messverfahren zur Bestimmung der Forder- leistung von Luftkompressoren). —. Jahn. “ Z. Kompr. Gase.,” June, pp. 85-9; illus. XXVII.—-Electricity. Alternating Current Machines for Small Coal Mines. E. C. de Wolfe. “ Coal Age,” July 24, p. 121; 2 fig. Synchronous Motors for Coal Mine Operations. C. A. Tupper. “ Coal Age,” Aug. 14, p. 251. . Methods of Testing Materials in the Construction of Electrical Machines and Apparatus (Materialprufungs- methoden im Elektromaschinen- und Apparatebau). K. A. Schreiber. Publ. F. Enke, Stuttgart, 1915. 12 mk. The Physiological Effects of High-Tension Electric Cur- rents in Accidents, together with Modern Methods of Resuscitation and their Prospects of Success (Die physiologischen Wirkungen elektrischer Starkstrome bei Unfallen sowie die heutigen Wiederbelebungs- methoden und ihre Aussicht auf Erfolg). K. Alvens- leben. “Gluckauf,” Aug. 7, pp. 780-82. XXVIII.—Surface Transport and Storage. Improved Coal Shipping Facilities at the Barry Docks. “ Colliery Guard.,” Aug. 20, p. 370; 2 fig. A New Type of Bogie Hopper Wagons for the Bengal Coal Traffic. “ Colliery Guard.,” Aug. 6, p. 270; 1 fig- Coal Handling at Panama. “ Coal Age,” Aug. 7, p. 210; 4 fig. Storage of Powdered Coal. E. J. Kelly. “ Coal Age,” July 31, p. 171. Balboa Coaling Plant. “ Engineering,” Aug. 13, p. 155; 10 fig. XXIX.—Sanitation, Diseases, etc. Beta-Naphthol Poisoning Occurring during the Treat- ment of Ankylostomiasis. W. B. Orme. “ Brit. Med. Journ.,” July 31, p. 176. Workmen’s Insurance in Germany in 1913 (Die Arbeit- erversicherung im Deutschen Reich im Jahre 1913). “ Gluckauf,” July 31, pp. 759-66. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR COAL AND COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White pages. Birmingham, September 4.—Tenders are invited for the supply of 250,000 tons of coal to the generating station of the Corporation Electric Supply Department, for delivery between November 1, 1915, and October 31, 1916. Particulars as to delivery and requirements can be obtained from the undersigned. Tenders must be sent in by noon of Saturday, September 4, 1915. R. A. Chattock, M.I.E.E., City Electrical Engineer and Manager, 14, Dale End, Birmingham. Liverpool, September 1.—The directors of the Liverpool Gas Company are prepared to receive tenders for the supply of 80,000 tons of coal, and 20,000 tons of cannel, to be delivered at the various works of the company, during the period of nine months between October 1, 1915, and June 30, 1916. Tenders will be received for the whole or any portion of the above quantity. The directors reserve the right to accept tenders for the whole or any portion of the quantity offered, and do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. Full particulars and printed forms of tender can be obtained on application to the undersigned. Sealed tenders (on the printed form only), addressed to the Chairman of the Company, must be delivered at or before 10 a.m. on Wednesday, September 1, 1915, endorsed “ Tender for Coal.” By order, R. E. Gibson, engineer, Gas Office, Duke-street, Liverpool. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Blackrock, September 1.—Best screened Wigan coal, best steam coal, Kilkenny coal and coke for the Urban District Council. Forms from Town Clerk, Town Hall, Blackrock, Co. Dublin. Bradford, August 30.—House coal for the Corporation. Forms from F. Stevens, town clerk, Town Hall. Bradford, September 1.—Best screened gas coal, cobbles, nuts and cannel, for the Corporation. Forms from C. Wood, gas engineer, Town Hall. Bulford, September 4.—Coke for the Salisbury Plain District, Southern Command, for H.M. Government. Forms from O.C. (Col. A. R. Holbrook), Army Service Corps, Headquarters Office, Bulford. Carnarvon, September 1.—Wrexham district, screened coal, Bias power coal, Gatewen coal, Westminster and Wrexham main coal, and Bloomfield coal, for the Carnarvon Education Committee. Forms from E. R. Davies, secretary, Education Offices, Carnarvon. Castlebar (Ireland), September 3.—About 40 tons of best screened Wigan coal, at the County Court House, Castlebar. Tenders to J. T. Kelly, secretary. Chester, September 1.—Coal and coke for station in the Western Command. Forms from District Barrack Officer, Watergate House, Chester. Coatbridge (Scotland), September 4.—Coals, nuts, peas and coke for the Old Monkland School Board. Tenders to R. Gray, clerk, Municipal Buildings, Coatbridge. Dumbarton, August 30.—About 110 tons of house coal, and 210 tons of washed nuts or triping, for the Board of Directors of the Joint Hospital. Tenders to A. Roberts, clerk to the Board. Exeter, September 4.—Coal and dry broken coke (both screened), for the Devon County Council. Particulars from B. S. Miller, clerk, Castle of Exeter. Eovant Camp (Wiltshire), September 1.—Coke for the various stations in the Fovant District Southern Command, for H.M. Government. Forms from O.C. Army Service Corps, Fovant Camp, Wiltshire. Hinckley, August 30.—Screened cobbles and double screened nuts, for the Hinckley Hospital Committee. Tenders to J. W. Preston, clerk, Church-street. Ipswich, September 1.—About 500 tons of steam coal, for the Waterworks Committee. Forms from C. W. S. Oldham, engineer and manager. Keighley, September 6.—Coal for the Education Com- mittee of the Corporation. Forms from H. Midgley, secretary, Education Offices, Town Hall Square. Lisnaskea (Ireland), September 23.—140 tons of best Scotch coal (screened), and 20 tons of best Irish coal, for the Guardians. Tenders to Chairman. London, S.W., September 1.—Coal and coke for the Receiver for the Metropolitan Police District. Forms from office of Receiver, New Scotland Yard, S.W. London, S.E., September 6.—Steam coal : Donisthorpe best steam coal (Leicestershire), Nailstone double screened nuts, small steam nuts from Moorgreen Colliery, Notts. House coal : Manners’ Kilburn large nuts, Manners’ Rutland large nuts. Bakers’ coal : Eureka nuts. Coke : Best gas coke (broken), best gas coke (unbroken), for the St. Giles, Camberwell, Guardians. Forms from the Guardians’ Offices, 29, Peckham-road, Camberwell, S.E. Lymington, August 31.—30 tons of best Silkstone coal, for the Guardians. Forms from the master. Navan (Ireland), September 1.—300 tons of best double screened Wigan coal, free from slack, for the Guardians. Forms from C. Lacey, clerk, Board Room, Navan. Newport (I.W.), September 16. — Fuel for the Isle of Wight County Council. Particulars from J. Dufton, clerk, Newport, I.W. Penrith, August 31.—Gas coal and nuts for the Gas Committee. Forms from E. Shaul, manager, Gas Works, Penrith. Pontypool, September 1.—Large coal and coke, for the Eastern Valleys group of schools managers. Tenders to W. H. V. Bythway, Pontypool. Portland, September 1.—About 150 tons of large Welsh steam coal, and about 360 tons of anthracite nuts for the Waterworks Committee. Forms from A. S. Lilby, Council Offices, Portland. Portrush, September 1.—500-600 tons of double screened coking and gas coal, for the Portrush Gas Company Limited. Tenders to the secretary. Portsmouth, August 31.—For the Tramways Committee of the Corporation, Welsh (or other) steam coal, for use at the Power Station, Vivash-road, about 2,200 tons. Forms from the engineer, Mr. V. G. Lironi, Engineer’s Office, Fratton-grove, Portsmouth. Rochester, August 31.—Coal for the Corporation. Forms from W. Banks, city surveyor, Guildhall. Stratford-on-Avon, September 2.—400 tons of coal suit- able for steam and household purposes, for the Guardians. Forms from S. C. Warden, clerk, Union Offices, Stratford- on-Avon. Taunton, August 31.—900, 1,500, 2,700 tons of coal (three, six, or 12 months’ supply), preferably washed beans or peas, suitable for use in Babcock and Wilcox chain grate stoker, for the Corporation. Particulars from A. J. Howard, borough electrical engineer, St. James-street, Taunton. Truro, August 31.—About 100 tons of best Welsh or Liverpool coal; also about 100 tons of best Welsh washed nut steam coal, for the Guardians. Tenders to C. Hancock, 12, Princes-street, Truro. Warrington, August 30.—Coal for the Corporation. Forms from the Borough Surveyor, Town Hall. York, September 6.—About 15,000 tons of either unscreened beans, pea slack, rough slack, or small peas, for the Corporation. Forms from J. W. Hame, engineer and manager, Electricity Office, Cliff ord-street, York. The date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR ENGINEERING, IRON AND STEEL WORK, Ac. East Kilbride, September 13.—Boilers, etc.—Boilers and heating and hot water supply works, for the district of the Middle Ward, County of Lanark. Specifications from W. Arnot, 163, Hope-street, Glasgow, on deposit of two guineas. Johannesburg (South Africa), September 30.—Boilers. —One or two water tube boilers complete with superheaters, mechanical stokers, and draught plant, for the Municipal Council.* Naas (Ireland), September 1.—Well Sinking.—Sinking wells and erecting, pumps, for the No. 1 Rural District Council. Specifications from C. O’Shea, acting clerk. Newport (Mon.)—Boiler Tank.—Sound second-hand boiler tank of from 6,000 to 8,000 gals, capacity, for the Newport (Mon.) Gas Company. Tenders to T. Canning, engineer, company’s offices, Mill-street. Shanghai (China), September 24.—Turbo Generators.— One turbo generator of not less than 5,000 kw. capacity, com- plete with condensing plant; one or two turbo generators of about 10,000 kw. capacity, complete with condensing plant, for the Municipal Council. Specifications from Messrs. Preece, Cardew, Snell and Rider, 8, Queen Anne’s- gate, Westminster, S.W., on deposit of £2. Sydney (Australia), October 25.—Power Plant.—Power plant and equipment, and about 160 machine tools, for the Commonwealth Naval Dockyard, Cockatoo Island, Sydney, N.S.W.* J J * Specifications, particulars, etc., may be seen at the Commercial Intelligence Branch of the Board of Trade, 73, Basinghall-street, E.C. COAL, IRON AND ENGINEERING COMPANIES. REPORTS AND DIVIDENDS. Brightside Foundry and Engineering Company Limited.— The annual report of the directors for the year ending June 30 states that the operations of the year, after providing for depreciation and all charges, have resulted in a profit of £15,240 3s. lid., to which is added the amount brought for- ward from last year, £1,864 16s. 4d., making £17,105 0s. 3d. From this sum has to be deducted the interim dividend at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum for the first half of the year on £45,000 5 per cent, preference shares, £1,125, leaving a balance of £15,980 0s. 3d. The half-year’s preference divi- dend to June 30, paid on July 1, absorbed £1,125, leaving to be disposed of £14,855 0s. 3d. This the directors recom- mend shall be dealt with as follows :—Dividend of 10 per cent., free of tax, on 40,000 £1 ordinary shares, £4,000; bonus of 2J per cent., free of tax, on 40,000 £1 ordinary shares, £1,000; reserve towards extensions, £4,000; reserve account, £3,000; carrying forward the balance of £2,855 0s. 3d. Crossley Brothers Limited.—The directors recommend an interim dividend at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum on the cumulative preference shares, and a dividend at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum on the ordinary shares. Dalmellington Iron Company Limited.—A final dividend of 5s. per share on the ordinary shares, making 7| per cent., free of tax, for the past year, has been declared. South Hetton Coal Company Limited.—Dividend of 5s. per share, free of income-tax, on the £10 ordinary shares for the half-year, carrying forward £25,111. Spencer (John) and Sons Limited.—The net profit for the year, after payment of debenture interest and preference divi- dend, and including amount brought forward, amounts to £81.767. The directors propose a dividend of 3| per cent, (making 6 per cent, for the year), subject to tax. They place to bad debt fund (making up to £1,500), £2,000; renewals and improvements expenditure, £12,929; depreciation, £15.000: reserve fund, £10.000: and carry forward, £20,237. Stewarts and Lloyds Limited.—The directors have declared an interim dividend for the half-year ended June 30 at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum on the preferred ordinary shares. Waste Heat and Gas Eleotrical Generating Station Com- pany Limited.—Interim dividend of 24 per cent, on the issued share capital in respect of the half-year ended July k31, 1915, less income tax. Wigan Coal and Iron Company Limited.—Interim dividend at rate of 5 per cent, per annum, free of income-tax, for the