August 13, 1915. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 347 ______________________ ____________________ AULD’S DATE NIT STEAM REDUCING VALVES “SAFETY FIRST” IN THE SHAFT TACKLE. LT NOW but goodness of ropes, etc., has nothing to do with the 1 rwl^Wwwj prevention of injury. You use a good rope as a mechanical article for the commercial hauling of cages. Whilst a rope is gpod no injury occurs. When injury can occur we have to use means of preventing injury. Legil responsibility is for preventing injury as well as preventing accidents. Personal injury and the bulk of financial costs occur only after accidents. We must preven . injury and loss. Same with shaftmen, no injury can occur, and injury is prev ntible only at the danger moment. A rope breakage or a man slipp'ng is an accident, hut the injury t> cages, men, etc., is easily preventible bv the use o HANLEY'S CAGE AND MEN ARRESTS AS ; DETACH HOOKS ; ROPE CAPPLES; GUIDE TENSION GEARS ; CAGE COLLISION PREVENTERS, etc. OH, YES, I am satisfied these things will be generally adopted. The only question is wl ether they will be adopted Voluntarily before or after preventible disasters; or whether the Home Office, getting tired of tabulating and talking about ‘•preventible accidents” turns round and performs its duty of insisting on Ru’e 38 which requires the use of any ‘ proper appliance . . . for ensuring safety,” and brings on Conscription in Shaft Safety Tackle. Meantime, it is usel sr giving shaftmen old time b its because these are leaning belts only, and are merely dangerous rib crackers or life wasters at the danger moment; and old time Safety Catches are guide stickers which the cage uses (as pipe wrenches) to rip out the gu des when the cage twists horizontally. Old-time Detach Hooks detach TOO often and drop cages ; old time rope cappies either smash rope wires or have an uncertain grip. In safe'y questions we must use things as near perfection as possible—that is they must be AH Right. We must plain things and facts rather than I e hoodwinked by fancy fiction-circulhrs and deficient things. If you value wood pit tuns the usage of HANLEY’S Corner Plates am Ride BRACKETS wi'l make them All Right Details and lists, A. MANTUEY, 21, Alpha Rd., Bristol. ______________________________________ C oth, Price is. 6d. net. SUGGESTED RULES FOR RECOVERING COAL MINES AFTER EXPLOSIONS AND FIRES. By W. E. GARFORTH. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN CO. LTD., 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. _______________ OXYGEN. The BRITISH OXYGEN Co. Ld. The oldest and most extensive Oxygen producing and distributing business in the World. Factories in all industrial Centres equipped with modern plants producing Oxygen of unrivalled quality for use with RESCUE APPARATUS. ADDRESSES OF THE COMPANY’S WORKS: LONDON ______ BIRMINGHAM WOLVERHAMPTON Elvbbton St., Westminster, S.W. Tunnel Avenue, EastGreenwich, Saltley Works. [S.E. Lower Walsall Street. CARDIFF ______ MANCHESTER___ BIRKENHEAD___ SHEFFIELD ___ NEWCASTLE-ON- TYNE ______ GLASGOW______ SVDNEY ______ East Moors. Great Marlborough Street Bromborough Port. Celtic Works, Savile Street. Walker Gate. Rosehill Works, Polmadie. N.S.W. Also Makers of Special FULL BORE Patent Steam Reducing Valves for Blowing, Winding, Pumping and other Engines, and for supplying Surplus or other steam from high to low pressure boile s, &c. _____________ DAVID AULD & SONS, Patentees Jj" linker*. LTD. Whitevale Foundry, GLASGOW. _________________________________________ COLLIERY OWNERS MANUFACTURING BRICKS SHOULD SUBSCBIBB TO THE BRITISH CLAY-WORKER The Organ of the Brick and Tile Trades. Published Monthly. Subscription : 8s. per annum, post free. Send for Specimen Copy to the Publisher, The BRITISH CLAY-WORKER, 43, Essex-St., LONDON, W.C. _________________________________________ PATENT REflSER OVER 1,400 PAIRS SOLD | NEW PATENT NQ20901.19I3. I | wi/rc fok PMoros ro sole AUTOMATIC I EVANS O' DODD k I CANNOCK. £3" PER PAIR. ______________________________________ use: GREEN’S Patent APPLIANCE FOR SUPPORTING & LIBERATING PIT PROPS & CHOCKS In Collieries and Mines. Send for Particulars to JAMES GREEN, 40a, Belle Green Lane, ----- INCE, WIGAN, t— ________________________________________ STEEL & FILES. FANSHAWE & MARRIOTT ATKINSON, Steel and File Manufacturers, Ecclesfield, near Sheffield. Telegraphic Address: “ Fansha, Ecclesfield.” _____________ ____________________ PECKETT & SONS Ltd., Bristol Speciality TANK LOCOMOTIVES. Locos, of various sizes specially designed for Collieries, fx*onwoi*]