338 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. Auoust 13, 1915. EXPORTS OF CORL, COKE, AHO MAHUFACTURED FUEL FROM THE UHITED KIHGDOH Daring Jaly and the First Seven Completed Months of 1913, 1914 and 1915. To July, 1915. July. Coal—Small. Coal—Through- and-through (unscreened). Coal—Large All coal. Quantity (tons). All coal. Value (£). Tons. £ Tons. £ Tons. £ 1913. 1914. 1915 1913. 1914 1915. Russia 1,771 1,475 522 ■ 522 *7,859 7,543 880,066 870,385 10,152 643,185 606,357 9,540 Sweden 5,887 4,388 3,666 2,152 121,829 109,873 402,713 423,349 131,382 274,123 265,208 116,413 Norway... 59,784 46,483 22,558 18,486 160,765 147,826 180,898 172,368 243,107 114,857 104,441 2L,795 Denmark... .. .; 96,308 76,274 83,169 65,423 193,715 178,372 227,245 228,900 373,192 153,212 144,665 320,069 Germany — — — — — 1 — 867,036 922,088 — 521,972 532,599 — Netherlands 39,762 30,015 83,348 56,853 56,543 ! 49,524 194,047 143,249 179,653 123,247 86,553 136,392 Belgium — — — —• — — 162,492 127.892 — 97,043 72,418 — France 569,369 452,573 518,503 363,251 445,841 420,963 1,161,473 1,090,169 1,533,713 719,268 665,552 1,236,787 Portugal, Azores, and Madeira 15,163 15,416 31,445 24,581 39,479 : 39,089 114,952 107,931 86,087 87,885 78,725 79,086 Spain and Canaries 30,833 25,079 50,427 43,517 105,986 ; 111,352 304,505 301,918 187,246 217,454 210,541 179,948 Italy 33,597 21,586 107,361 76,639 215,718 211,725 965,225 881,721 356,676 704,173 631,972 309,951 Austria-Hungary — — — — — 103,976 84,596 . — 66,046 54,503 — Greece 2,287 1,788 8,301 6,512 33,302 1 40.388 72,022 66,999 43,890 50,663 48,807 48,688 Roumania — — — — i — 25,987 47,061 — 19,796 36,562 — Turkey ;... — — — — : — 36,869 66,674 — 29,096 55,402 — Algeria 7,5*3 6,361 33,110 30,853 12,337 12.169 97,581 101,719 53,010 67,019 68,434 49,383 Portuguese West Africa 261 283 6,323 4,287 16,968 16,510 18,937 2,456 23,552 14,578 1,940 21,080 Chile 47 106 — — 296 520 44,626 32,426 343 35,983 27,372 626 Brazil 514 791 4,947 3,278 13,171 13,567 153,575 130,979 18,632 140,269 118,285 17,636 Uruguay — — — — 7,022 6,981 70,815 31,945 7,022 62,268 28,104 6,981 Argentine Republic 1,141 1,041 — — 67,203 67,023 360,119 285,422 68,344 302,884 246,119 68,064 Channel Islands : 94 119 2,304 1,729 9,107 8,543 20,729 19,101 11,505 15,115 13,689 10,391 ' Gibraltar 1,346 955 7,087 5,908 3,827 ! 4,258 22,923 28,586 12,260 16,039 21,227 11,121 Malta 1,363 945 8,804 7,176 2,894 : 2,433 54,319 35,317 13,061 39,950 28,693 10,554 Egypt (including Anglo-Egyptian* Sudan) 9,604 7,607 21,309 16,852 87,264 : 80,666 290,891 262,224 118,177 219,238 196,397 105,125 Aden and Dependencies ' — — 4,309 4,848 12,306 ! 11,887 14,229 11,156 16,615 12,683 10,170 16,735 British India 221 231 — —- 5,694 4,828 '1,379 5,591 5,915 995 4,663 5,062 Ceylon 1 — — 6,740 ’ 6,066 14,032 27,141 6,740 11,928 23,530 6,066 Other countries ...... .. 5,257 6,021 ! 3,143 2,099 30,443 26,962 111,550 90,118 38,843 85,185 67,754 35,082 C Anthracite . 95,602 93,868 — 95,810 98,264 295,993 255,700 191,412 234,154 183,963 1 192,132 1 Steam* 673,719 526.518 309.740 249,586 1,412,923 1,348,961 5,056,308 4,753.362 2,396,382 3,593,357 3,302,129 i 2,125,065 TotaK Gas 51,006 31,060 563,120 392,765 57,569 52.392 1,114,572 1,127,541 671,695 696,459 687,635 1 476,217 1 Household : 17,310 16,184 — — 88,211 77,784 168,061 147,874 105,521 112,336 93,437 | 1 93.968 L Other sorts 44,535 31,910 127,776 92,615 1,796 1,668 340,277 315,004 174,107 209,848 183,518 ' 1 I 126,193 Total 882,172 699,540 1,000,636 734,966 1,656,309 1,579,069 6,975,211 6,599,481 3,539,117 4,846,154 4,450,682 3,013,575 Total (July 1&L4 1,620,284 868,558 1,332,900 801,263 3,646,297 2,780,861 — — — — — — Total (July 1913) 1,662,497 919,024 1,407,317 874,658 3,<>05 397 3,052.472 — — — — — — Coke — — — — — — 99,605 107,954 66,935 97,818 87,360 84,065 Manufactured fuel — — — — — — 200,814 210,418 125,880 175,831 181,797 144,011 Total of coal, coke & manufactured fuel - — — — — — 7,275,630 6,917,853 3,731,932 5,119,833 4,719,839 3,211,651 First seven months of 1915. First seven months. r Anthracite 622,388 I 574,603 1,036 544 582,656 565,85) 1,703,090 1,615,942 1,20 i,080 1,353,130 1,245,623 1,140,997 I Steam 5,559,735 i 3,834,767 1,948,830 l;489,255 11,260,547 10,326,881 31,090,553 29,848,174 18,769,112 22,018,631 20,810,806 15,650,903 Total 4 < i as 317,901 196,754 3,673,517 2,357,150 293,280 252,586 6,624,980 6,867,386 4,284,698 4,017,636 4,292,149 2,806,490 1 Household 95,934 ; 84,429 1,121 1,252 520,911 442,905 1,023,436 890,314 617,966 1)66,628 581,8 >5 528,586 L Other sorts 413,728 275,356 574,3u8 378,820 5,815 5,189 2,059,387 1,964,603 993,851 1,275,539 1,177,179 659,365 Total 1 | 7,009,686 4,965,909 6,198,812 4,227,021 12,663,209 11,593,411 42,501,446 41,186,419 25,871,707 29,331,564 i 28,107,562 20,786,341 Total for seven months of 1914 9,779,465 5,198,638 8,692,434 5,367,284 22,714,520 17,541,640 — — — — ■ — — Total for seven months of 1913 10,036,363 5,717,355 8,597,080 5,220,843 23,868,003 18,393,366 — — — — — i — Coke — — — — — 599,275 625,563 486,644 584,375 532,495 473,077 Manufactured fuel — — — — — 1,223,046 1,254,778 750,755 1,043,146 1,091,238 723,291 Total of coal, coke & manufactured fuel — — • — — — — 44,323,767 43,066,760 27,109,106 30,959,085 29,731,295 i 121,982,709 Note.—The figures in the above tables do not include Admiralty and cer.ain other shipments. and factors of and dealers in shells, projectiles, bombs, grenades, guns, arms, weapons, ammunition, and explosives of all kinds; also that of colliery proprietors, mine owners, mechanical and electrical engineers, etc. Nominal capital, £10,000 in 10,000 £1 shares. Directors and subscribers (one share each) :—C. T. B. Langster (chairman), 161, Russell- road, Birmingham-, engineer; H. Jelley, Selby Park-road, Birmingham, manager. Gelligaled Colliery Company Limited.—Private company. Registered August 5. To acquire the undertaking and pro- perty of the syndicate trading under the name of the Gelli- galed Colliery Company; also to enter into an agreement. To carry on business of colliery proprietors, wagon builders, manufacturers of bricks, pipes, tiles, cement, etc., converters of iron and steel, builders, carriers, etc. Nominal capital, £15,000 in 15,000 £1 shares.Q First permanent directors :— R. N. Huxtable, E. T. Close. R. N. Huxtable shall have the right to appoint one other director, who shall also be called a permanent director. ’ Qualification of directors, £100. Lune Yalley Engineering Company Limited. — Private company. Registered August 3. To acquire, take over, and carry on business as engineers, boiler makers, marine motor engineers, iron and brass founders, yacht chandlers, etc., now carried on by the Lune Valley Engineering Company at Lan- caster; and to enter into an 'agreement. Nominal capital, £10,000 in 10,000 £1 ordinary shares. First directors :—G. H. Petty, 62, Market-street, Lancaster, auctioneer and estate agent; A. E. Taite; J. A. Cross, 42, Lamplough-street, Morecambe, coach builder; J. G. A. Kitchen; L. P. Perkins. Qualification of directors, £500. Meadow Cliff Colliery Company Limited.—Private com- pany. Registered August 5. To carry on business as coal merchants, coke manufacturers, and merchants, miners, smelters, engineers, manufacturers of chemicals and manures, dye makers, gas makers, etc. Nominal capital, £1,000 in I, 000 £1 shares. Managing and permanent directors :— M. H. T. Cowmeadow, G. C. Ratcliffe. Qualification of directors, other than managing directors, £50. Medcalfe and Company Limited. — Private company. Registered office, 26/28, Audrey House, Ely-place, London, E.C. • Registered August 5. To acquire, take over, and carry on the business of mechanical and electrical engineers, chemical manufacturers, etc., now carried on as Medcalfe and Company at Audrey House, Ely-place, 24, Hatton- garden, and 26, Eyre-street-hill, in the County of London; and to enter into an agreement. Nominal capital, £1,000 in 1,000 £1 shares. First directors (permanent) :—J. E. Medcalfe, 26, Audrey House, Ely-place, London, E.C., mer- chant; S. J. Medcalfe, same address, engineer. Qualifica- tion of directors; £10. Nantymwyn Mine Limited.—Private company. Regis- tered office, Nantymwyn House, near Llandovery, South Wales. Registered July 30. To acquire certain lead and copper mines in the county of Carmarthen, and to enter into an agreement; to develop and work the said mines, and to acquire and work any other metalliferous or coal mines in any.part of the world. To carry on business as miners, iron and steel makers, engineers, colliery proprietors, etc. Nominal capital, £6,000 in 6,000 £1 shares. Subscribers (one share each) :—W. J. Webb, 4, Lloyd’s-avenue, E.C., company secretary; J. J. Henderson, 4, King-street, Cheap- side, E.C., solicitor’s clerk. New Coalmoor Sanitary Pipe Company Limited.—Private company. Registered office, Coalmoor, Horsehay, near Dawley, Salop. Registered July.29. To purchase or other- wise acquire the business of colliery owners/coal merchants, manufacturers and dealers in coal, glazed earthenware and other pipes, bricks, an^d tiles, now carried on as the Coal- moor Sanitary Pipe Company, at Horsehay, Shropshire; and to enter into an agreement; also to carry on business as miners, smelters, engineers, coal merchants, manufacturers of bricks, etc. Nominal capital, £1,500 in 1,500 £1 ordinary shares. First director : Wm. T. S. Lacey, Richmond House, Hounslow, Middlesex, builder and contractor. Qualification of director, £10. Randalls Limited.—Private company. Registered July 30. To acquire the business now carried on as Randall Brothers, at 20 and 23, St. Mary's-street, Bedford. To carry on busi- ness of builders’ merchants, wholesale and retail ironmongers, ironfounders, engineers, coal, coke, and lime merchants, manufacturers of bricks, tiles, pipes, earthenware, pottery, and terra-cotta, etc. Nominal capital, £20,000 in 2,000 £1 preference shares, and 18,000 £1 ordinary shares. Directors : H. J. Randall, Windmill-hill, Biddenham, near Bedford, ironmonger; C. Randall, 69, Beverley-crescent, Bedford, iron- monger; Gertrude E. M. Randall, Windmill-hill, Bidden- ham, near Bedford, wife of H. J. Randall. Qualification of first two directors, £2,000 ordinary shares. S. C. R. Syndicate Limited.—Registered office, 100, Vic- toria-street, Westminster, S.W. Registered July 31. To purchase, take on lease, or otherwise acquire by mining sett or licence, concessory grant, or otherwise, any mines, lands, mineral rights, buildings, machinery, etc., and to search for ores, minerals, etc.; also to carry on business of a mining, smelting, and refining company, iron founders, general engi- neers, steamship owners, etc. Nominal capital, £100,000 in 100,000 £1 shares. Minimum subscription, 10 per cent, of the shares offered for subscription. First directors shall be appointed by subscribers, or a majority of them. Sub- scribers (one share each) :—Chas. Horne, 9, Melody-road, East-hill, Wandsworth, S.W., secretary; Wm. Jarvis, 5, Chancery-lane, London, W.C., solicitor’s clerk; S. G. Aldous, 36, Ludgate-hill, E.C., publisher; S. D. Cropper, 100, Victoria-street, S.W., secretary; E. Poulton, 38, Cow- cross-street, E.C., printer; W. Mills, 73, Kilmorie-road. Forest Hill, S.E., chemist; Wm. Burley, 99, Shardeloes- road, Brockley, S.E., engineer. Snyder Electric Furnace Company Limited.—Private com- pany. Registered August 6. To purchase, apply for, or otherwise acquire any patents, brevets d’invention, licences, etc., conferring any exclusive or non-exclusive or limited right to use, or any secret or other information in relation to the manufacture of iron, steel, metals, and chemicals. To carry on business as electrical, mechanical, and general engi- neers, tool makers, metal founders, boiler makers, etc. Nominal capital, £1.000 in 1,000 £1 shares. First directors : G. J. Stock. The Villas, Middleton-street, George, Darling- ton,, analytical chemist; C. J. H. Stock, 34, Swinburn-road, Darlington, analytical chemist; F. T. Snyder, Oak Park. Cook County, Illinois, U.S.A. The directors have the right to appoint other directors.