August 6, 1915. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN 287 Normanby Iron Works Company Limited. — For year ending June 30, the interest received and other income is <£11,322; deducting debenture stock interest and directors’ fees and general administration expenses and income-tax, and adding £761 brought in, there is £8,669. The directors recommend further provision against loss on outstanding claims under late policy with the Law, Car, and General Insurance Corporation Limited, in liquidation, £200; final dividend on ordinary shares at rate of 3 per cent., making 6 per cent, for the year; carrying forward £469. North Central Wagon Company Limited. — Net profit amounts to £23,976, and the amount available £24,196. The directors recommend a dividend on the paid-up capital for the six months ended June 30 at the rate of 14 per cent, per annum, less income-tax at 2s. Id. in the £ (making 13J per cent, for the year, less income-tax), and the transfer of £5,000 to reserve fund, leaving to be carried forward £968. Scott (Walter) Limited.—The directors recommend, subject to audit, the payment of the dividend upon the preference shares at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum for the half-year ended June, and a dividend of 7| per cent, upon the ordinary shares for the year to June 30. South Wales Colliery Company Limited.—Interim divi- dend declared at the rate of 14 per cent, per annum on “ B ” and new “ B ” shares, and 4 per cent, per annum on “A” and deferred “A” shares, for half-year, less income-tax. Vickers Limited.—The directors announce the following interim dividends for the half-year ended June :—2| per cent, (less income-tax) on the preferred 5 per cent, stock and 5 per cent, preference shares, Is. per share (free of income-tax) on the ordinary shares. Watson (John) Limited.—The directors have declared an interim dividend at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum. Western Wagon and Property Company Limited. — The directors have declared the usual interim dividend at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum for the half-year ended June. Yorkshire Electric Power Company Limited.—The report of the directors for the half-year ending June 30, 1915, states that there has been an increase in the revenue from the sale of electrical energy, but owing to additional costs occasioned by the war, the net profit, after payment, of mortgage and other interest, shows a small decrease on that for the corre- sponding half-year of 1914. The net profit for the half-yearly period is £9,873 8s. 9d. The directors have declared a divi- dend for the half-year on the amount paid up on the 6 per cent, cumulative preference shares, which will absorb £5,051 3s. 3d., and they are of the opinion that under the circumstances the consideration of a dividend on the ordinary shares should be deferred until the end of the year. NEW COMPANIES. Cardiff and Continental Coal and Shipping Company Limited.—Private company. Registered July 24. To carry on the business of coal merchants and exporters, colliery pro- prietors and agents, patent fuel and coke manufacturers, miners, timber merchants, iron founders, general merchants, engineers, etc. Nominal capital, £1,200 in 1,200 £1 shares. The first directors shall be appointed by a majority of the subscribers. No qualification of directors required. Sub- scribers (one share each) :—S. J. Dyer, 52,‘ Mount Stuart- square, Cardiff, iron ore importer; J. Davies, 17, Merchants’ Exchange, Cardiff, commercial manager; E. W. Jones, Boston-buildings, Cardiff, ship owner. Carnforth Haematite Iron Company (1915) Limited.—Regis- tered office, Carnforth, Lancashire. Registered July 28. To enter into an agreement, and to carry on the undertaking heretofore belonging to and carried on by the Carnforth Hsematite Iron Company Limited. To carry on business of makers, manufacturers, and merchants of haematite, malle- able, and other iron and steel, steel converters, colliery pro- prietors, engineers, manufacturers of coal, iron, coke, bricks, brick earth, timber, etc. Nominal capital, £144,000 in 72,000 £1 preference shares, and 72,000 £1 ordinary shares. Directors :—W. J. Galloway, 36, Portman-square, W., lieut.-colonel in ELM. Army; H. E. Carter, Grymsdyke, Princes-street, Riseborough, Bucks, secretary to public com- pany. Qualification of directors, £250. Cedfyw Rhondda Colliery Company Limited.—Private com- pany. Registered office, Waiter-road, Swansea, Glam. Registered July 24. To purchase, lease, or otherwise acquire (either with or without surface) any coal mines, iron mines, mining rights, etc., and to carry on business as colliery owners, coal and iron masters, engineers, brick makers, farmers, coal, coke, and iron merchants, etc. Nominal capital, £2,500 in 2,500 £1 shares. Directors and sub- scribers (one share each) :—E. Evans, 102, Waiter-road, Swansea, mining engineer; G. H. Cound, Station-road, Port Talbot, ship broker. Qualification of directors, £300. Handley (W.) and Company Limited.—Private company. Registered office, 29, Newland, Lincoln. Registered July 27. To acquire and carry on the business of a coal merchant now carried on as W. Handley and Company at 39, Newland, Lincoln, and to enter into an agreement. To carry on busi- ness as coal, coke, and firewood merchants, colliery owners, agents, etc. Nominal capital, £1,000 in 1,000 £1 shares. Directors and subscribers (one share each) :—W. Handley, 13, Newland, Lincoln, coal merchant; E. Handley, Wood- side House, South Norwood, S.E., brick manufacturer. Qualification of directors, £100. International Construction Company Limited. — Private company. Registered office, 36 and 37, King-street, E.C. Registered July 26. To furnish advice, designs, drawings, plans, and supervision in connection with the erection of plant and machinery, and to carry on business as iron founders, mechanical engineers, bridge makers, builders, iron and steel converters. Nominal capital, £3,000 in 3,000 £1 shares. The first directors shall be appointed by the sub- scribers. Qualification of directors, £1. Subscribers (one share each) :—A. Sahlin, 29, Montague-street, W.C., engi- neer; V. Hunter, 44, Torrington-square, Russell-square, W.C., secretary. North American Mining and Finance Syndicate Limited. —Private company. Registered July 28. To acquire by purchase or otherwise any lands, mines, minerals, and other properties of any tenure, etc., in any part of the world, and to work and develop gold, tin, lead, wolfram, silver, copper, coal, iron, and other mines; also to conduct the business of raising, crushing, washing, and smelting ores, metals, and minerals, etc. Nominal capital, £10,000 in 10,000 £1 shares. The first directors shall be appointed by the subscribers, or a majority of them. Subscribers (one share each) :—C. T. Twort, 87, Holmdene-avenue, Herne Hill, S.E., clerk; W. Facer, 15, Trinity-road, Wimbledon, S.W., clerk. Ramsden Green Limited.—Private company. Registered office, 10, Wagncr-street, Old Kent-road, S.E. Registered July 27. To acquire and take over from F. J. Green the business of electrical and mechanical engineer now carried on by him at above address as the Crathorne and Green Manu- facturing Company, and to enter into an agreement; also to carry on business as electrical and mechanical engineers, and contractors, iron founders, etc. Nominal capital, £2,000 in 2,000 £1 shares. Directors and subscribers (one share each) :—F. J. Green, 10, Wagner-street, Old Kent-road, S.E., electrical and mechanical engineer; B. E. Green, 154, Beulah-hill, Norwood, S.E., private secretary. Sieberts Limited. — Private company. Registered office, Whiteacre-road, Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancs. Registered July 24. To carry on business of iron founders, mechanical engineers, manufacturers of machinery and war munitions, tool makers, electrical engineers, miners, builders, boiler makers, etc. Nominal capital, £1,000 in 1,000 £1 shares. Directors and subscribers :—W. Siebert, 85, Cranbourne-road, Ashton-under-Lyne, engineer (140 shares); G. B. Ford, 44, Holden-street, Ashton-under-Lyne, engineer (112 shares); L. W. Siebert, 85, Cranbourne-road, Ashton-under-Lyne, engi- neer (350 shares). Qualification of directors, £100. Spon Lane Colliery Company Limited.—Private company. Registered office, Spon Lane Colliery, Spon-lane, West Brom- wich, Staffs. Registered July 26. To acquire and take over and carry on the business now carried on by R. Fellows, of Corngreaves Hall, Cradley Heath, Staffs, colliery proprietor at Spon-lane, near West Bromwich, and to enter into an agree- ment; to establish, carry on, and develop any collieries or iron works, patent fuel works, mines, quarries, etc. Nominal capital, £15,000 in 15,000 £1 shares. Directors :—R. Fellows, Corngreaves Hall, Cradley Heath, coal master (managing director); J. Fellows, Compton Grange, Cradley Heath, chain manufacturer; F. P. Fellows, Greenfield- avenue, Stourbridge, coal merchant; D. P. Fellows, Western- road, Hagley, coal merchant. Qualification of directors, £100. This list of new companies is taken from the Daily Register specially compiled by Messrs. Jordan and Sons Limited, company registration agents, Chancery-lane, E.C. OBITUARY. Mr. T. Miller, manager for Messrs. John Rogerson and Company, at Wolsingham Steel Works, has received official information of the death in action of his son, Lieut. Jphn Miller, of the 6th Durham Light Infantry. Lieut. Miller was formerly in the employ of Messrs. John Bowes and Partners, colliery owners, Milburn House, Newcastle. The death took place at his residence at Carlton-road, Workington, last week, of Mr. David Reece, a gentleman who has been identified with the Cumberland iron and steel industry for many years. He was associated with the Moss Bay Steel Works for about 27 years, filling the important position of rail mill manager, from which he retired 10 years ago. He had been in indifferent health since December, and the recent loss of his eldest son in the Dardanelles was a blow which fell heavily on him. The deceased, who was 70 years of age, leaves a widow, a daughter, and a son. Lieut. Norman Cecil Parry, of the York and Lancaster Regiment, who has been killed on active service, was the youngest son of Mr. Edward Parry, formerly engineer to the Great Central Railway Company and to the Nottingham and Suburban Railway, and for a while county surveyor in Nottinghamshire. Lieut. Parry, who was 28 years of age, was a mining engineer in Yorkshire prior to joining the Army in August last, when he received a commission in the Reserve Battalion of the York and Lancaster Regiment. Capt. Stewart A. Gemmell, 6th Highland Light Infantry, who has died at Alexandria of wounds received at the Dar- danelles, aged 30, was for several years engaged at the chemical laboratory of the Hyde Park Works of the North British Locomotive Company, and in May of last year left to take up an appointment in India. An inquest was held at Shuttleworth, Lancashire, last week into the circumstances of the death of Mr. Thomas Hoyle, aged 70, a director of the Scout Moor Colliery, and formerly manager. It appeared from the evidence that deceased had been in the habit lately of getting bits of coal from the surface for his own use, and he must have been trying to get coal from beneath a rock when it fell. A verdict of “Accidental death ’’ was returned. Another Yorkshire steel master passed away on Tuesday in Sheffield in the person of Mr. Henry Steel, one of the founders of the well-known firm of Steel, Peech and Tozer, of Rotherham. Capt. T. C. Allport, of the 5th Battalion York and Lancaster Regiment (Territorials), third son of Mr. H. A. Allport, J.P., of Dodworth-grove, Barnsley, was killed in action on the 1st inst. The deceased, who was 32 years of ago, had only returned to the front about a week ago. He was a director of the Wharncliffe Woodmoor Colliery Com- pany, with which his father has been long associated. Mr. J. M. Bartlett, who died last week at the resi- dence of his son-in-law, the Rev. Hussey Griffiths, at Monk- seaton, Northumberland, was head of the firm of Messrs. J. M. and J. Bartlett, coal contractors, of 24, Grey-street, New- castle. Mr. Bartlett, who was 77 years of age, was a native of Darlington. In early manhood he was a school teacher. His last scholastic appointment furnished his first link with the coal trade, for he had charge of a colliery school near Leeds, just prior to deciding to enter upon a commercial career. Mr. Bartlett leaves a widow, one son, and two daughters. The Coppee Company (Great Britain) Limited, of King’s House, Kingsway, W.C., has lately received an order from the Powell Duffryn Steam Coal Company Limited to erect at their Bargoed Colliery, Bargoed, a complete benzol recovery installation in connection with their existing coke ovens. The installation will consist of two scrubbing plants, one situated near each battery of ovens, and a benzol factory arranged to produce crude benzol, 90 per cent, and 50 per cent, benzol, solvent naphtha, also toluol and benzene, which will be built on a suitable site some distance away from the ovens. The Coppee Company has also lately received orders for toluol and benzene plants from the Welsh Navigation Steam Coal Company Limited, the United National Collieries Limited, Risca, the New Russia Company Limited. Yousofka, Russia, and a further installation is being erected at the Coppee Coke Ovens, Pinxton. The Wankie Colliery Company, of South Africa, have also decided to instal a duplicate battery of ovens, and the repeat order has been placed with the Coppee Company. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR COAL AND COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White pages, London, August 17.—The Asylums and Mental Deficiency Committee of the London County Council invite tenders from colliery proprietors and coal merchants for the supply and delivery at the railway stations nearest to the London County Asylums of approximately 6,125 tons of house coal or part thereof. Forms of tender and other particulars can be obtained at the office of the Asylums and Mental Deficiency Committee, 6, Waterloo-place, Pall Mall, S.W. Tenders must be delivered not later than 11 a.m. on Tuesday, August 17, 1915, and no tender received after that time will be considered. H. F. Keene, clerk of the Asylums and Mental Deficiency Committee, 6, Waterloo-place, Pall Mall, S.W. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Ballymahon (Ireland), August 12. — Best Whitehaven and best Irish coal for the Guardians. Tenders to P. MacGreevy, clerk, Poor Law Office, Ballymahon. Belfast, August 11.—1,500 tons of best Welsh steam coal, and 120 tons of best English house coal, for the Throne Hospital Committee. Particulars from the Superintendent at the Hospital, Grosvenor-road, Belfast. Haverhill, August 10.—800, 1,400, or 2,000 tons of best gas coal for the Urban District Council. Tenders to J. Beasley, clerk, Haverhill, Suffolk. Haverfordwest, August 16.—About 1,600 tons of double screened best quality gas coal for the Corporation. Forms from R. T. P. Williams, town clerk, Haverfordwest. Ipswich, August 18.—Steam coal, house coal, pea nuts for mechanical stoker, and anthracite, for the Board of Management of the East Suffolk and Ipswich Hospital. Forms from A. Griffiths, secretary, Hospital. Kanturk (Ireland), August 11.—300 tons of best coal for the Guardians. Tenders to tender box, Board-room. Kettering, August 23.—Coal and coke for the Kettering Urban District Education Committee. Forms from J. Bond, clerk to the Committee, Education Offices. Limerick, August 11.—Best house and kitchen coals for the County Infirmary Committee. Tenders to J. W. Elliott, secretary. Lisburn (Ireland), August 10.—400 tons of Wrexham Main, Orrell (Lancs), William Pitt, or St. Helens (Cumb) coal for the Guardians. Tenders to Chairman, Board-room, Workhouse. Lisnaskea (Ireland), September 23.—140 tons of best Scotch coal (screened), and 20 tons of best Irish coal, for the Guardians. Tenders to Chairman. Middleton, August 10.—Coal to the Electricity Works of the Corporation. Forms from S. Pauls, electrical engineer, Townley-street. Newport (I.W.), September 16. — Fuel for the Isle of Wight County Council. Particulars from J. Dufton, clerk, Newport, I.W. Old Deer (Scotland), August 9.—About 42 tons of best screened vanes Wallsend coal for the Parish Council. Tenders to the Clerk, Parish Council, Old Deer. Omagh (Ireland), August 12.—600 tons of English steam coals, 200 tons of English house coal, and 400 tons of South Wales steam coals, for the Joint Committee of Management of the District Asylum. Forms from R. J. Creery, clerk. Portsmouth, August 9.—1,000 tons of good Welsh or inland steam coal for the Committee of Visitors of the Ports- mouth Borough Mental Hospital. Particulars of J. C. Kersey, clerk and steward, Borough Mental Hospital, Mil ton, Portsmouth. Rochester, August 31.—Coal for the Corporation. Forms from W. Banks, city surveyor, Guildhall. Salford, August 9.—Coal for the Corporation. Particu- lars from Borough Electrical Engineer, Electricity Works, Frederick-road, Salford. Wigan, August 13.—For the Gas Committee, gas nuts, cobbles, or screened or unscreened coal. Forms from Mr. F. Betley, gas engineer, Gas Works, Wigan. The date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR ENGINEERING, IRON AND STEEL WORK, Ac. Bristol, August 23.—Turbo Alternator— One 6,000 kw. three-phase turbo-alternator, with condensing plant, for the Electrical Committee. Specifications from H. Faraday Proctor, chief engineer and general manager, The Exchange, Bristol, on deposit of two guineas. Glasgow, August 11.—Pipes.—About 4,500 yards of cast iron pipes and special castings for the District of Lower Ward, county of Lanark. Specification from Messrs. Warren and Stuart, 94, Hope-street, Glasgow, on deposit of one guinea. London, S.W., September 14.—Boiler Tubes.—Brass and steel or iron boiler tubes for H.M. Government (the Secretary of State for India in Council). Conditions, etc., from H. J. W. Fry, Director-General of Stores, India Office, Whitehall, S.W. Richmond, September 6.—Pumps.—Two units, consisting of a centrifugal pump and electric motor, for the Metropolitan Board of Water Supply and Sewerage, Sydney. N.S.W.* Wigan, August 12.—Rails.—50 tons of street tramway rails, B.S.S. No. 3: 150 cranked tier bars, and 20 pairs of fishplates, B.S.S. No. 3, for the Corporation. Particulars of A. T. Gooseman, borough engineer, King-street West, Wigan. * Specifications, particulars, etc., may be seen at the Commercial Intelligence Branch of the Board of Trade, 73, Basinghall-street, E.C. The great prospecting scheme for boring for coal in reputed coal fields in Southern Sweden initiated by the Swedish Government will shortly be realised, after years of postpone- ment. This undertaking is estimated to cost over half a million kroner, and the new mines will range from 2,000 to 2,500 metres below the surface. The first borings will be made iin the reputed coal districts of Malmoe, Falsterbo, and Ystal.