264 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. August 6, 1915. W. G. Allen & Sons (tipton) Ltd., HAULAGE CLIP. I*’, TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS—“ALLENS, TIPTON. TELEPHONE—No. 37, TIPTON. .1 FOR ALL PURPOSES M iWi MS tilt Kf S?j taB''- 3wii Kwl GEORGE BURNSIDE, Burnside'8 Safety , Boring Apparatus. I U sed moot successfully 1 in tapping old Mine Workings. Apply Jor Catalogue. Boring Tool Works, Shiney Row, Fencehouses, Also Eye Guards yob Pit Ponies. CO. DURHAM. COLLIERY OWNERS MANUFACTURING BRICKS SHOULD SUBSCRIBE TO THE BRITISH CLAY-WORKER The Organ of the Brick and Tile Trades. Published Monthly. Subscription: 8s. per annum, post free. Send for Specimen Copy to the Publisher, The BRITISH CLAY-WORKER, 43, Essex-St, LONDON, W.C. GERMAN MADE GOQDS. We invite Buyers of goods, formerly procured from the Continent, not now obtainable, to favour us with particulars of their requirements. We have completed arrangements under which we can give early delivery, and would be glad to quote competitive prices. ROWLAND G. FOOT & CO., 11, Queen Victoria St., LONDON, E.C. GEORGE FLETCHER & CO. LTD. SPECIALISTS IN DERBY. COLLIERY, MINING & CEMENT WORKS ELEVATING AND CONVEYING PLANTS. Screening Plants. Pit Cages. Steel Structures and Roofs. Ball Mills. Tube Mills. Mine Fans, For any Volume or W.G. Stone Dust Grinding Plants. Simultaneous Tub Decking Plants. Patent Kep Gears. Crushing, Grinding, & Sizing Plants. Head Gears. (Joist or Lattice Type). rT'IZ< I Cphone: 817. Two lines. 1 d-wlZtfgrams: ’‘AmariIla, Derby.** PLANT. 50-ft. Mild .Steel Tray Conveyor. London Office : 21, Mincing Lane, E.C. 'Phone: 2813 Avenue. 'Grams : “ Amarilla, Fen, London."