July 30, 1915. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 241 Two Safety Devices you ought to have in your HAILWOOD’S COMBUSTION TUBE FLAME SAFETY LAMP HAILWOOD’S UNDERGROUND RE-LIGHTER 27— 8 13 9 ll- IZ Meeting all Government Requirements. Giving Higher Candle-power than Electric Lamps. REDUCING NYSTAGMUS. Insuring Cleaner Coal. Reducing Accidents. Covered by numerous British and Foreign Patents. The Pioneer of Machines for insuring the complete enclosing of the lamp during the re-llghting process. One of the best helps to discipline and saves “Limbs” and money. The World’s Safety Lamp Experts, MORLEY, Near LEEDS. Telephone No.—86 Morley. Telegraphic Address—“Lamps, Morley, Leeds.” MJ w - ACKROYD & BEST LTD 26 ',.>25 it- . TD ATM 1 PM'-! Jr —. IQ