238 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. July 30, 1915. Self-tightening Coke Oven Doors (Selbstdichtende Koks- ofentiiren). A. Naderhoff. “ Gliickauf,” July 10, pp. 677-81; illus. The Deterioration of Fireclay Goods in Coke Ovens and Gas Retorts—I. T. Holgate. “ Gas Wld.,” July 10, p. 32; II., July 17, p. 50. Coking and By-Product Installation at Victoria Works, Ebbw Vale. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” July 16, p. 65; 8 fig. Modern Appliances in Coke Oven Manufacture. E. C. Ricks. “ Coal Age,” July 3, p. 4; 7 fig. (Deals mainly with beehive ovens.) Modern Coke Handling Machines. F. V. Hetzel. “Coal Age,” July 3, p. 8; 2 fig. Crushers for By-Product Ovens. M. J. Williams. “ Coal Age,” July 3, p. 10; 1 fig. Improving the Beehive Output. H. S. Geismer. “ Coal Age,” July 3, p. 11. Problems in Successful Coking. F. S. Johnson. “ Coal Age,” July 3, p. 15. Mechanical Doors v. Brick Doors on Behive Coke Ovens. “ Coll. Engin.,” July, p. 644. Shipbuilding Activities of the Maryland Steel Company. W. H. Stone. “ Manuf. Rec.,” July 8, p. 36; 8 fig. The Products of Coal Distillation. W. J. A. Butter- field. “ Proc. S. Wales Inst. Engin.,” v. 31, 3, p. 289; 1 fig. Coke Oven By-Products. T. G. Watts. “ Proc. S. Wales. Inst. Engin.,” v. 31, 3, p. 319. Description of a Modern Regenerative Coke Oven Instal- lation, with Notes on the Measurement of the Gas. P. N. Hambly. “ Proc. S. Wales Inst. Engin.,” v. 31, 3, p. 381; 14 pl. Interesting Improvement Scheme at an Important Group of Collieries in Northumberland. F. C. Cole- man. “ Colliery Guard.,” July 2, p. 13; 11 fig. (Coke oven and exhaust steam plant at West Wylam Colliery.) Coke Oven By-Products in 1914. “ Colliery Guard.,” July 2, p. 29. Common Difficulties on By-Product Coke Oven Plants : Their Cause and Remedy—VII. By “ Manager.” “ Gas Wld.” (suppl.), July 3, p. 11. XXIV.—Fuels, Testing, etc. Calculating the Optimum Supply of Air for Drying Brown Coal in Plate Kilns (Berechnung der giinstigs- ten Luftmenge zum Trocknen der Kohle bei Teller - dfen). —. Knust. “ Braunk.,” June 11, pp. 123-27; illus. Extending the Consumption of Coke (Die Erhohung des Koksverbrauch). —. Volk. “ Z. d. Ing.,” May 29, pp. 445-47; illus. (On travelling grates, 10 to 20 per cent, of coke in the coal will burn properly in many cases; and 15 to 50 per cent, can be used in coal- fired gas producers.) Diesel Engines Fired with Tar Oil (Dieselmotoren mit Teerdlbetrieb). —. Schmidt. “ El. u. Masch.,” June 6, pp. 277-82; illus. Gas Producers Yielding Fluid Clinkers (Gasgeneratoren mit Erzeugung flussiger Schlacke). —. Gwosdz. “ Feuerungstechn.,” June 15, pp. 221-23. Recent Improvements in Water-Gas Producers (Die neuere Entwicklung der Wassergaserzeuger). J. Gwosdz. “ Gliickauf,” July 3, pp. 653-59; July 10, pp. 681-85; July 17, pp. 708-13; illus. The Petroleum Industry in Galicia (Die Erddlindustrie in Galizien). K. Dunaj. “ Gliickauf,” July 3, pp. 659-64 ; illus. Automatic Determination and Recording of the Calorific Power of Gases (Die selbsttatige Bestimmung und Aufzeichnung des Heizwertes von Gasen). —. Heer. “ Bergb.,” July 1, pp. 381-82; July 8, pp. 397-98; illus. (Junker’s Calorimeter.) Metallurgical Smoke. C. H. Fulton. “Bull. 84,” U.S. Bur. Mines, Washington, 1915; 15 fig. and 6 pl. Utilisation of Peat Tar. Prof. G. T. Morgan and G. E. Scharff. “ Econ. Proc. Roy. Dublin Soc.,” vol. 11, No. 10, p. 161. Advantages of Powdered Coal on Locomotives. W. L. Robinson. “ Black Diamond,” June 26, p. 544. (From paper read before Intern. Rly. Fuel Assoc.) Coal Dust as a Locomotive Fuel : Its Record. A. Bement. “ Black Diamond,” June 26, p. 545. The Efficiency of Coal Tested. W. F. Elwood. “ Coal Tr. Bull.,” July 1, p. 43. Units from Refuse. A. J. Abraham. “ Elect. Rev.,” July 16, p. 94. Standardisation of Calorimeters. “ Enginering,” July 16, p. 62. A Device for Automatically Maintaining an Adiabatic Condition in Calorimetry. T. W. Richards and G. D. Osgood. “ Gas Wld.,” July 17, p. 60; 1 fig. Making Tests to Learn Coal Value. H. A. Atwater. “ Black Diamond,” July 3, p. 3. Motor Fuels. V. B. Lewes. “ Journ. Roy. Soc. Arts,” July 9, p. 757; July 16, p. 773; July 23, p. 792. (Series of Fothergill lectures.) Theory and Practice of Size of Coal. A. Bement. “ Black Diamond,” June 12, p. 495; 4 fig. Powdered Coal. W. L. Robinson. “ Coal Tr. Bull.,” June 15, p. 47. (Cont.) The Economic Utilisation of Coal. A. Sharp. “ Min. Eng. El. Rec. (Vancouver),” June, p. 77. Physical Constants of Gas Oils and Derived Tars. W. F. Rittman and G. Egloff. “ Journ. Indust. Eng. Chem.,” June, p. 481; 4 fig. The Fusibility of Coal Ash in Various Atmospheres. A. C. Fieldner and A. E. Hall. “ Journ. Indust. Eng. Chem.,” June, p. 474; 17 fig. Tests of Matanuska Coal, U.S.S. Maryland. “ Journ. Amer. Soc. Nav. Engin.,” vol. 27, 1, p. 97. XXV.—Steam Engines and Boilers : Gas Engines. The Various Kinds of Turbine (Ueber die Turbinen- arten). —. Baudisch. “ Z. Turb. Wes.,” May 30, pp. 172-75; June 10, pp. 182-87; June 20, pp. 196-200; illus. Fire Control in Steam Boilers (Feuerregelung bei Dampf- kesselfeuerungen). —. Pradel. “ Braunk.,” May 28, pp. 99-106; illus. Two Scatter-feed Stokers for Fuels of all Kinds (Zwei Werfbeschicker fur Brennstoffe aller Art). —. Pradel. “ Z. Dampfk. Betr.,” May 28, pp. 184-86; illus. Improvements in Coal Dust Firing (Neuerungen in Kohlenstaubfeuerungen). “St. u. E.,” June 17, pp. 625-31; illus. Experiments with the Kablitz Preheater (Versuche am Rippenrohrvorwarmer System R. Kablitz). —. Kirsch. “Feuerungstechn.,” June 1, pp. 213-15; June 15, pp. 223-26; illus. Extracts from the Annual Reports of the German Boiler • Inspection Associations (Aus den J ahresberichten Deutscher Dampfkesseluberwachungsvereine). “Wie- ner Dampfk. Z.,” May, pp. 49-52. (Particulars of boiler explosions and accidents.) High-Power Gas Engines (Ueber Grossgasmaschinen). —. Schapira. “ Oel- u. Gasmasch.,” June, pp. 17-18. The Combustion of Benzol in Internal Combustion Engines (Ueber die Verbrennung von Benzol in Explosionsmotoren). —. Terres. “ Oel- u. Gas- masch.,” June, pp. 20-24. Improvements in Stoking Plant for Solid Fuels (Neuer- ungen an Feuerungsanlagen fiir feste Brennstoffe). —. Pradel. “ Feuerungstechn.,” July 1, pp. 236-40; illus. New Patents in Stoking Appliances (Neue Patente auf dem Gebiete der Dampfkesselfeuerung). —. Pradel. “ Z. Dampfk. Betr.,” July 2, pp. 227-28; illus. Hand-Firing Soft Coal Under Power Plant Boilers. H. Kreisingen. “ Techn. Paper 80,” U.S. Bur. Mines, Washington, 1915; 32 fig. Mechanical Draft and the Evase Stack. A. M. de . Bellis. “Eng. Mag.,” July, p. 525; 6 fig. Combined Lime and Soda and Permutit System of Water Softening. W. B. Baron. “Vulcan,” July, p. 5; 1 fig. “ Uniflow” Engines’ Relief Valves. “ Vulcan,” July, p. 14; 1 fig. Morison’s Surface Condensers. “ Vulcan,” July, p. 17, 4 fig. 2,000 kw. Mixed-Pressure Steam Turbine. “ Engineer- ing,” July 16, p. 49; 37 fig. (Description of Rateau turbine erected at Bargoed Colliery by Fraser and Chalmers.) XXVI.—Compressed Air. Methods of Measuring the Output of Air Compressors (Die Messverfahren zur Bestimmung der Forder- leistung von Luftkompressoren). —. Jahn. “ Z. compr. Gase.,” May, pp. 65-72; illus. Electric Control Gear for Air Compressor Motor. “ Engineering,” July 16, p. 56; 2 fig. Compressed Air Machine for Forging Mining Drill Bits. “ Engineer,” July 16, p. 74; 4 fig. The Testing of Air Compressors. C. E. Davies. “ Engineer,” June 25, p. 622; 1 fig. High-Speed Blowers and Compressors. “ Iron Age,” July 15, p. 136; 3 fig. XXYIL—Electricity. Diagrams of the Current Transformer (Diagramme des Stromtransformators). —. Nolen. “ E. T. Z.,” June 3, pp. 272-73; illus. Simple Diagram of the Polyphase Transformer (Ein- faches Diagramm des Drehstrom-Spannungswandler). —. Gewecke. “ E. T. Z.,” May 27, pp. 253-56; illus. Preventing Oil Switch Fires by Neutral Gases (Ueber den Schutz vor Oelschalterbranden durch neutrale Gase). —. Miinzinger. “ E. T. Z.,” June 10, pp. 284-86; illus. Phase Compensator with Shunt Excitation (Phasenkom- pensator mit Nebenschlusserregung). —■. Scherbins. “ E. T. Z.,” pp. 299-300; illus. General Considerations on Calculating Electrical Machines (Allgemeine Betrachtungen uber die Berechnung elektrischer Maschinen). —. Bojko. “ Dingl. J.,” June 26, pp. 241-48; illus. Graphic Determination of the Tension Stresses in Freely Suspended Wires (Graphische Bestimmung der Zug- beanspruchung von Freileitungen). —. Sumec, “E. T. Z.,” July 1, pp. 327-30; illus. Notes on the Home Office Regulations for the Use of Electricity in Factories. Dr. G. W. Worrall. “ Vulcan,” July, p. 2. Economics of the Central Station in Coal Mining. T. R. Hay. “ Coal Age,” July 10, p. 44; 4 fig. The Rossiter, Pa., Power Plant. “ Coll. Engin.,” July, p. 633; 7 fig. Electrical Equipment Rules. “ Coll. Engin.,” July, p. 678. (Rules in force at mines of New River Com- pany.) The Flow of Energy through Transmission Lines. R. A. Philip. “ Journ. West. Soc. Engin.,” May, p. 444; 15 fig. The Influence of Atmospheric Electricity in Under- ground Workings. “ Colliery Guard.,” June 25, p. 1326; 2 fig. Protection Against Surges. “ Colliery Guard.,” July 23, p. 168; 2 fig. Electric Generating Plant at Grassmoor Collieries. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” July 2, p. 12; 4 fig. Electrical Appliances for Workshops—IV. “ Engineer,” June 25, p. 620; 10 fig. V., July 9, p. 40; 6 fig. VI., July 16, p. 54; 11 fig. VII., July 23, p. 92; 9 fig. The Utilisation of Waste Heat for the Generation of Electrical Energy. H. Hobson. “ Journ. Inst. Elect. Engin.,” June 15, p. 844; 3 fig. The Use of Electricity in Mining Work. D. B. Rush- more. “ Gen. Elect. Rev.,” June, p. 527; 16 fig. XXVIII.—Surface Transport and Storage. Tower Ropeway for Serving Pit Waste Heaps (Turmseil- bahn fiir Haldenbeschickung). —. von. Heinold. “ Bergb.,” June 17, pp. 347-48; illus. (Plant at Freie Vogel and Unverhofft Colliery.) Economic and Technical Requirements in the Equip- ment of Harbours at Ironworks and Collieries, especi- ally on the Rhine-Herne Canal (Wirtschaftliche und technische Forderungen an die Ausrustung von Hiitten- und Zechenhafen, im besondern am Rhein - Herne-Kanal). —. Borchers. “ St. u. E.,” June 2, pp. 577-84; June 10, pp. 605-13; June 17, pp. 630-34; illus. Hoppers and Closing Devices for Same (Schuttgut- behalter und ihre Verschliisse). M. Buhle. “ Gliickauf,” June 26, pp. 629-37; illus. Electric Ropeways for Conveying Goods (Elektroschwebe- bahnen fiir Lasten-beforderung). —. Kirchhoff. “ Fordertechn.,” June 1, pp. 81-85; illus. Shunting by Means of Stationary Engines (Rangier For- derungen mit ortsfester Antriebsmaschine). —. Blau. “ Z. Dampfk. Betr.,” June 25, pp. 217-19; illus. Storing Coals in Gas Works (Kohlenlagerung in Gas- werken). —. Weigel. “ J. GasbeL,” July 3, pp. 375-76; illus. (Coal store, with mechanical charging plant, at Posen Gas Works.) Modern Appliances for Rapid Unloading (Die modernc Schnellentlader). —. Bottcher. “ Braunk.,” July 9, pp. 171-74; illus. Aerial Wire Ropeways. J. W. White. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” July 9, p. 38. (Abst. paper read before Birm. Assoc. Meeh. Engin.) ' Barge-Discharging Elevator. “ Engineering,” July 16, p. 68; 1 fig. Coal for the Navy. J. O. Richardson. “ Journ. Amer. Soc. Naval Engineers,” v. 17, 2. Handling Mine Supplies by Cableway at Nome, Alaska. S. R. Stone. “Min. Eng. Wld.,” July 10, p. 47; 4 fig. The Design and Construction of Aerial Ropeways. “ Engineer,” July 23, p. '79; 7 fig. Stowing Bituminous Coal at the Mine. J. S. Holt. “ Coal Age,” June 19, p. 1054; 1 fig. Industrial Locomotive. J. W. Hobson. “ Trans. N.E. Coast Inst. Eng. Shipb.,” June p. 91: 19 fig. Coal-Handling Plant at Portsmouth. “ Engineering,” July 2, p. 10; 9 fig. Coal Loading Plant at Workington Harbour. “Engi- neer,” July 2, p. 16; 10 fig. Some Engineering Problems Arising in the Transporta- tion of Natural Gas. J. P. Fisher. “Journ. Amer. Soc. Meeh. Engin.,” July, p. 374; 2 fig. XXIX. —Sanitation, Diseases, etc. Contributions of the Ruhr Mining Industry to Compul- sory Social Insurance (Die Leistungen des Ruhr- bergbaues auf dem Gebiete der sozialen Zwangsvcr- sicherung). “ Gliickauf,” July 3, pp. 664-66. Houses for Mining Towns. J. H. White. “ Bull. 87,” U.S. Bur. Mines, Washington, 1914; 8 fig., 7 pl. Housing and Town Planning in the Doncaster Coal Field. P. Morris. “ Colliery Guard.,” July 9, p. 66. XXX. —Mining Laws, Royalties. Mining Laws and Legislation. J. T. Beard. “ Coal Tr. Bull.,” July 15, p. 43. (Paper read before Ken- • tucky Min. Inst.) MINING AND OTHER NOTES. The annual report of the Metropolitan Water Board for the year ended March 31 last, mentions that 192,034 tons of coal was burnt, an increase of 1,607 tons over the previous year. There was also a total consumption of oil of 40,243 gals. The amount consumed in the previous year— for the first time—was only 702 gals. The number of engines is 281, of a 43,305 total horse power, with 496 boilers. Messrs. Yeadon, Son and Company, Leeds, have received an order from a leading coal shipping firm on the Continent for one of their latest improved briquette plants to produce Ovoid briquettes, suitable for boiler and domestic use, at the rate of 50 tons per day to commence with. The arrangements for the meeting of the British Association at Manchester in September were reported at a meeting presided over by the Lord Mayor at the Manchester Town Hall on the 22nd inst. Prof. Hickson said that the meeting would be curtailed. The first session would open on the Tuesday and close on the Saturday. The guarantee fund has reached a total of 1-3,544. So far the section for economics is the only one that has its three days’ programme definitely arranged. Mr. C. E. Ellis, whose resignation from the boards of Messrs. John Brown and Company, Messrs. Thomas Firth and Sons, and the Coventry Ordnance Works, has been announced on his appointment to the committee being formed by the Minister of Munitions, has been elected to a seat on the directorate of the Great Eastern Railway Company, vacant through the death of Sir Arthur Trcdgold Lawson, Bart. Mr. A. S. E. Ackermann, B.Sc. (Engineering), A.M.I.C.E., the secretary of the Society of Engineers, has been awarded a silver medal by the Royal Society of Arts for his paper on “ The Utilisation of Solar Energy.” The City Corporation and the London Chamber of Commerce have combined in the formation of a London Court of Arbitration. Mr. Stanley Machin is the first chairman. The court is managed by a committee consisting of equal numbers of representatives of the Corporation and the Chamber, ten being elected and two appointed by each body. The object of the court is to provide for the speedy determination of commercial disputes by arbitration, the following being the form of arbitration clause recommended for insertion in contracts :—“ All disputes which may arise under, out of, or in connection with, or in relation to this contract shall be submitted to the arbitration of the London Court of Arbitration, under its rules for the time being.’’ The court is now a reorganised institution in the commercial organisation of the metropolis, and is the successor of the “ London Chamber of Arbitration ” formed jointly by the Corporation and the Chamber of Commerce in 1892 at the Guildhall. In 1905 it was located at the London Chamber of Commerce, and has since performed useful work in supple- menting, but not superseding, the machinery of the Law Courts, and the arbitration procedure in the grain, coal, metal, timber and produce markets under clauses in contracts.