July 30, 1915. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 237 . !!!'. ....... "■ „ — ■—■■■. ........................ „ . , —■ No. 51. TH E COLLI ERY GUARDIAN MONTHLY LIST OF RECENT COAL LITERATURE I.—General. Co-operative Mining in Illinois Threatens the Industry. “ Coal Age,” July 10, p. 52. The Panama-Pacific Exposition. “ Coal Age,” July, p. 657; 8 fig. (Description of mining exhibits.) The Coal Trade and Allied Industries. R. H. Greaves. “ Proc. S. Wales Inst. Engin.,” v. 31, 3, p. 347. Coal Mine Fatalities in the United States, 1914. A. H. Fay. U.S. Bureau of Mines, Washington, 1915. Fuel Conditions in South America. J. W. Hardy. “ Coal Tr. Bull.,” July 17, p. 53. (Paper read before Intern. Rly. Fuel Assoc.) Mining Exhibits at the Panama Exposition. “ Colliery Guard.,” June 25, p. 1325; 1 fig. Effect of the War on the French Coal Mining Industry. “ Colliery Guard.,” July 2, p. 29. Safety Measures at American Mines. H. N. Eavenson. “ Colliery Guard.,” July 16, p. 113; 3 fig. Retail Coal Prices. “ Colliery Guard.,” June 25, p. 1328; July 2, p. 18; July 9, p. 68; July 16, p. 116; July 23, p. 179. (Digest of evidence before Retail Coal Prices Committee.) Evolution of Retail Coal Trade in New York City. “ Coal Age,” June 19, p. 1057. Mine Inspectors’ Institute, U.S.A. J. T. Beard. ‘‘Coal Age,” June 19, p. 1059. The Problem of the Nationalisation of Prussian Coal Mines (Das Problem der Verstaatlichung des preus- sischen Steinkohlenbergbau). W. Herring. 109 pp. Published by G. Fischer, Jena, 1914. 3mk. II. —Education. Examination Questions of the Association of Mining Electrical Engineers, 1915 : Answers to Questions. E. K. Scott. ‘‘Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” July 2, p. 13; 6 fig. III. —Geology. Contribution to the Knowledge of the Southern Border of the Moravian-Silesian-Polish Coal Field (Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Sudrandes des mahrisch- schlesisch-polnischen Kohlenbeckens). —. Wolprecht. “ Mont. Rdsch.,” June 1, pp. 393-400; June 16, pp. 441-47; illus. The Calamariaceae of the Rhenish-Westphalian Coal Basin (Die Calamariaceen des rheinisch-westfalischen Kohlenbeckens). W. Jungmans and P. Kukuk. “ Gluckauf,” June 12, pp. 581-84; illus. Geological Map of Prussia and Adjacent Federated States: Scale 1 : 25,000 (Geologische Karte von Preussen und benachbarten Bundesstaaten im Mass- stab 1 :25,000. Berlin, 1914. Published by Kgl. Preussische Geologischen Landesanstalt. 8 mk. (No. 196 : Districts of Swinemunde, Caseburg, Mis- droy, and Lebbin.) Dolomitisation and Quartzification in the Limestones of the Mid-Devonian and Carboniferous Formations on the Northern Edge of the Rhenish Schistose Rocks (Ueber Dolomitisierung und Verquarzung in Kalken des Mitteldevons und Karbons am Nordrande des Rheinischen Schiefergebirges). —. Behr. “ Z. Geol. Ges.,” vol. 67, No. 1, pp. 1-46; illus. The Alethopteridese and Mariopteridese of the Saar- brucken Strata of the Saar Basin (Die Alethopteriden und Mariopteriden der Saarbrucker Schichten des Saarbeckens). —. Kessler. “ Z. Geol. Ges.,” vol. 67, No. 1, pp. 69-84; illus. The Origin of the Main Brown Coal Deposit in the Duchy of Saxe-Altenburg and the Adjacent Districts (Die Entstehung der Hauptbraunkohlenablagerung des Herzogtums Sachsen-Altenburg und der angrenzenden Gebiete). —. Tille. “Braunk.,” June 18, pp. 135-40; June 25, pp. 147-52; illus. New Method of Examining Carbonised Plant Remains and Coal (Neuere Verfahren zur Untersuchung von kohlig erhaltenen Pflanzenreste und von Kohle). W. Gothan. “ Gluckauf,” July 17, pp. 701-8; illus. (Maceration with Schulze’s reagent, followed by treat- ment with alkali, to reveal the microstructure.) Relation of the Coal Measures to the Lower Carboni- ferous Rocks in Clapton-Clevedon, Somersetshire. Frank Dixey. “ Geol. Mag.,” July 1915, p. 312; page map. On a Marine Band in Middle Coal Measures. R. L. Sherlock. “ Geol. Mag.,” July 1915, p. 311. Coal Fields of South America. W. G. Burroughs. “ Coll. Engin.,” July, p. 643. The Coal Fields of Harlan County, Kentucky. W. R. Peck. “ Coal Tr. Bull.,” June 15, p. 30. “ Coll. Engin.,” July, p. 649. (Paper read before Kentucky Min. Inst.) Fauna and Stratigraphy of the Kent Coal Field. H. Bolton. “ Colliery Guard.,” June 25, p. 1327. (Con. of paper read before Manchester Geol. Min. Soc.) The Microscopical Examination of Coal. J. Lomax. “ Colliery Guard.,” July 9, p. 65; July 16, p. 115; 14 fig. (Paper read before S. Staffs Inst. Min. Engin.) IV.?—Mine Surveying. A New Sighting Device for Hand Compasses (Eine neue Visiervorrichtung am Handkompass). —. von Hofer. “ Mont. Rdsch.,” June 16, pp. 447-48; illus. (Adjust- ment by means of mirror.) V.—Mining Technology. Experiments on the Effective Force between Driving Belts and Pulleys (Versuche uber die Grosse der wirksamen Kraft zwischen Treibriemen und Scheibe). —. Friederich. “ Z. d. Ing.,” July 3, pp. 537-43; illus. VI.—Working of Minerals. Another Plan for Drawing Coal Pillars. C. A. Herbert. “ Black Diamond,” June 19, p. 518; 2 fig. VII.—Boring, Shaft Sinking, and Tunnelling. New System of Concrete Lining Specially Adaptable to Collieries. ‘‘Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” July 2, p. 7; 8 fig. The Inefficiency of Rock Drilling. L. Balliet. “ Min. Eng. Wld.,” June 12, p. 1071; 1 fig. Rock Drills in Mining. L. O. Kellogg. “ Eng. Mag.,” July, p. 535; 17 fig. Cost of Initial Mining Excavations. E. D. Gardner. “ Journ. Assoc. Eng. Soc.,” May, p. 210. VIII.—Explosives, Blasting. Liquid Air for Blasting in Mines (Flussige Luft als Sprengmittel im Bergbau). —. Wilster. “ Dingl. J.,” May 29, pp. 201-3. Shot-Firing Appliances and their Technical, Economic and Danger Factors (Die Schussziindarten mit ihren betriebstechnischen-, okonomischen- und Gefahren- momenten). —. Blum. “ Mont. Rdsch.,” June 1, p. 388-92. Explosives and their Future in European and Asiatic Russia (Sprengstoffe und deren Zunkunft im europa- ischen und asiatischen Russland). —. Kaufmann. “ Z. Schiess. Sprengst.,” June 1, pp. 121-22. The Nitro-glycerine-Guncotton System (Das System Nitroglyzerin-Schiessbaumwolle). Chiaraviglio and Corbino. “ Z. Schiess. Sprengst.,” July 1, pp. 156-58. (Condensation of nitro-glycerine vapours on guncotton in vacuo at uniform temperature.) Explosives in Coal Mines. “ Colliery Guard.,” July 23, p. 168. (Explosives Order of July 3, 1915.) X. —Surface Arrangement*. Ferro-Concrete Headgear and Heapstead at Bentley Colliery. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” July 23, p. 97; 4 fig. Yorkshire Main Colliery. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” July 2, p. 1; 7 fig. XI. —Winding and Haulage. Ropes and Chains (Die Seile und Ketten). Part II. of “ Die Maschinen der Berg- und Hiittenwerke.” F. Peter. 184 pp.; 102 fig. Published by W. Knapp, Halle; 1914. 9mk. New Automatic Traffic Devices at Bank and Pit Eye (Einige neue Einrichtungen zur Erzielung eines selbsttatigen Wagenverkehrs auf der Hangebank und am Fullort). —. Gerke. “ Berg.,” June 24, pp. 363-64; July 8, pp. 395-97; illus. The Skutzik Rotatable Air-Lock for Upcast Shafts with Multiple-Deck Cages and Auxiliary Lowering Brakes (Drehbare Wetterschleuse fiir Auszieh-Wetterschachte bei Verwendung von mehrstockigen Forderschalen und Hilfssenkbremsen nach der gesetzlich geschtitzen Ausfiihrung des Ingenieurs Karl Skutzik). —. Ryba. “ Mont. Rdsch.,” June 16, pp. 436-41; illus. Experiments to Determine the Most Suitable Type of Face Conveyor for Pit Use (Untersuchungen zur Ermittlung der giinstigsten Forderrinnen-konstruktion fiir den Grubenbetrieb). —. Liwehr. “ Forder- techn.,” June 15, pp. 85-94; illus. Wire Rope and its Application. B. W. Bennett. ” Coal Age,” July 17, p. 82; 7 fig. Successful Shovelling Machine. E. H. Core. “ Coal Age,” July 17, p. 86; 3 fig. The Winding Drums of Practice and of Theory. H. W. G. Halbaum. “ Colliery Guard.,” June 25, p. 1323; July 2, p. 16: 7 fig. Self-Propelled Low-Clearance Shovelling Machine. “ Engineering,” July 9, p. 35; 20 fig. A Shaft Haulage System with Spring Switches. “ Min. Eng. Wld.,” June 12, p. 1070; 1 fig. The Electric Mine Locomotive and its Motor Equip- ment. R. R. Dunlop. “ Coal Age,” June 26, p. 1097. XII. —Signalling. A New Winding Signalling Svstem. “ Colliery Guard.,” July 9, p. 67; 1 fig. XIII. —-Lighting. Arc Lamps and Half-watt Lamps (Bogenlampe und Halbwattlampe). —. Chevalier. “ E. T. Z.,” June 3, pp. 269-70; illus. Flame Safety Lamps and Electric Lamps for Use in Mines. J. Stevenson. “ Canad. Min. Inst. Bull.,” July, p. 524. Approved Safety Lamps. “ Colliery Guard.,” July 23, p. 169; 1 fig. (Order of June 15, 1915.) XIV.—V en tilation. Contribution to the Calculation and Construction of Ventilating Fans (Beitrag zur Berechnung und Aus- fiihrung von Zentrifugalventilatoren). —. Imelman. “ Dingl. J.,” May 29, pp. 203-8. The Influence Moisture in the Air has on Mine Ventila- tion. A. C. Whittome. “ Journ. S. Afric. Inst. Engin.,” June, p. 190. XV.—Mine Gases, Testing. The Mode of Action of Carbon Dioxide on the Blood Pressure. E. P. Cathcart and G. H. Clark. “Journ. Physiol.,” vol. 49, 5, p. 301; 4 fig. The Diffusion of Gases Through the Lungs of Man. M. Krogh. “ Journ. Physiol.,” vol. 49, 4, p. 271. XVI.—Coal Dust. Cereal Dust Explosions. D. J. Price. “ Coll. Engin.,” July, p. 671. (Abst. address delivered to Fraternity of Operative Millers of America.) XVII.—Explosions. Firedamp Explosion at a Brown Coal Mine (Schlag- wetterexplosion auf einer Braunkohlengrube). —. Riedel. “ Braunk.,” July 2, pp. 159-61; illus. What a Miner can do to Prevent Explosions of Gas and of Coal Dust. G. S. Rice. “Miners’ Circ. 21,” U.S. Bur. Mines, Washington, 1915. XVIII.—Mine Fires. Forestalling Underground Fires at the Lansford Col- lieries. J. McCrystle. “ Coal Age,” June 26, p. 1092; 3 fig. XX.—Drainage, Pumping, ete. Present-day Air Pumps for Condensing Plants, and their Efficiency (Die heutige Luftpumpen fiir Kondensa- tionsanlagen und ihre Wirtschaftlichkeit). —. Grune- wald. “ Z. Turb. Wes.,” June 20, pp. 193-96; June 30, pp. 208-11; illus. Notes on Hydraulic Pumping at Washington Pit. M. Ford. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” July 23, p. 99; 3 fig. The Worthington Roto-drum Pump. “ Colliery Guard.,” July 2, p. 19; 1 fig. Turbine Pumps at a South Yorkshire Colliery. “ Colliery Guard.,” July 23, p. 166; 4 fig. XXI. —Preparation. A Western Preparation Plant. R. G. Miller. “ Coal Age,” June 19, p. 1052; 2 fig. (Describes use of “ Marcus ” conveyors.) Coal Washing, Coking and By-Product Plant at Maltby Main Colliery. “ Gas Wld.” (suppl.), July 3, p. 14; 6 fig. Coal Preparation in Oklahoma. G. M. Brown. “ Coal Age,” June 26, p. 1090; 6 fig. An Eastern Preparation Plant. W. R. Owrand. “Coal Age,” June 26, p. 1095; 1 fig. XXII. —Briquettes. The Liability of Brown Coal Briquettes to Spontaneous Ignition (Zur Frage der Selbstentziindlichkeit der Braunkohlenbriketts). —. Mertens. “ Braunk.,” June 4, pp. 111-15; illus. XXIII.—Coke Ovens. Recovery and Utilisation of By-Products from Coal and Lignite (Gewinnung und Verwertung von Nebener- zeugnissen bei der Verwendung von Stein- und Braun- kohle). —. Scheuer. “Ann. Glaser.,” June 1, pp. 209-23; June 15, pp. 239-51; illus. Sulphites, Thiosulphates and Polythionates (Studien uber Sulfite, Thiosulfate und Poly thionate). —. Sander. “ Z. angew. Chem.,” June 15, pp. 273-77; illus. Measuring High Temperatures in Practice (Die Mess- ung hoher Temperaturen in der Praxis). —. Wilde. “ Feuerungstechn.,” July 1, pp. 233-36: illus. Coal Tar Products and the Possibility of Increasing their Manufacture in the United States. H. C. Porter. “ Techn. Paper 89,” U.S. Bur. Mines. (Contains chapter on coal tar products used in explo- sives by C. G. Storm.)