July 30, 1915. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 207 Mitcptag .rlautA AND .S& 250-H.P. MAIN AND TAIL HAULAGE GEAR. M. B. WILD & CO. LTD., Birmingham. Telephone—208 East. Telegrams—“Hauling, Birmingham.” Manufacturers of Hauling, Winding, and Pumping Plants, also Capstans, and Patent Dirt Tip. JUST PUBLISHED. SHEET 22. x 35. WINDING ENGINE SIGNALS for use in Coal Mines under the SULLIVAN IRONCLADS “The Continuous Coal- and Cost-Cutters.” COAL MINES ACT, 1911 [Section 53.] --------------------------Co Hiery. SIGNALLING EXCEPT IN SINKING PITSJ WINDING. (92.) The following signals shall be used at all times in connection with winding in shafts:— (a) For winding persons:- (1) When a person is about to descend the banksman shall signal to the onsetter 3 Before the person enters the cage the onsetter shall signal to the banksman and to the winding engineman - - 3 When the person is in the cage and ready to descend the banksman shall signal to the winding engineman - 2 (2) When a person is about to ascend the onsetter shall signal to the banksman and to the winding engineman - 3 Before the person enters the cage the banksman shall signal to the onsetter 3 When the person is in the cage and ready to ascend the onsetter shall signal to the banksman and to the winding engineman - ----- 1 (6) For winding otherwise than with persons: To raise up ------- - 1 To stop when in motion ------- 1 To lower down ----------- 2 To raise steadily --------- 4. To lower steadily- ---------- 5 The above is a reduced facsimile of these signals and can be obtained in two styles, as under— In sheets for posting 4d. each. 1 carriage Mounted and Varnished 1/6 each. I extra- Please mark order C.G.—W.E., and say if sheets or mounted copies are required. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN COMPANY LIMITED, 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. “Ask the Man who has One.” WRITE FOR CATALOGUE 3063-K. SULLIVAN MACHINERY CO., SALISBURY HOUSE, LONDON, E.C. District Agents— NORTH OF ENGLAND—SWINBURNE & HARDIE, Milburn House, Newcastle-on-Tyne. SOUTH WALES—F. J. LYONS-DAVIS, 23, Victoria Avenue, Cardiff. MIDLANDS—ROBERT LAVERICK, 2, Claremont Gardens, Nottingham. SCOTLAND—ARCHIBALD BAIRD & SON LTD., Hamilton.